An entire generation of college students have been taught to hate free speech....

Socialism is entirely about monopolies. The states decides the winners and losers in every endeavor.

The only monopoly in socialism is the state, they control everything.

It should be pointed out that it is the right what is wanting the government to get involved, they are wanting the government to punish companies for their success.

Another silly libertarian idea. States aren’t socialism. Socialism is the belief that wealth should be redistributed.
Monopolies arent socialism either.

Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

In true socialism there is no wealth to be redistributed.

But you were correct, Monopolies aren't socialism. So you got your post half right.

Ah the “true socialism “. Just hasn’t been tried right?

It has been tried but it always fails due to human nature.

Humans are greedy and lazy by nature. This is why socialism cannot ever work.

Some places have a mix of socialism and capitalism that is working (Norway comes to mind and China come to mind). I do not wish our country to become either of those

So government *isnt* socialism now?
Our problems aren’t political. As can be seen by the above.

I disagree. The country is being divided along political lines, everything becomes political because that is the easiest way to keep us divided. And a divided populous is much easier to control.
The only monopoly in socialism is the state, they control everything.

It should be pointed out that it is the right what is wanting the government to get involved, they are wanting the government to punish companies for their success.

Another silly libertarian idea. States aren’t socialism. Socialism is the belief that wealth should be redistributed.
Monopolies arent socialism either.

Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

In true socialism there is no wealth to be redistributed.

But you were correct, Monopolies aren't socialism. So you got your post half right.

Ah the “true socialism “. Just hasn’t been tried right?

It has been tried but it always fails due to human nature.

Humans are greedy and lazy by nature. This is why socialism cannot ever work.

Some places have a mix of socialism and capitalism that is working (Norway comes to mind and China come to mind). I do not wish our country to become either of those

So government *isnt* socialism now?

One more time for you...

Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
Another silly libertarian idea. States aren’t socialism. Socialism is the belief that wealth should be redistributed.
Monopolies arent socialism either.

Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

In true socialism there is no wealth to be redistributed.

But you were correct, Monopolies aren't socialism. So you got your post half right.

Ah the “true socialism “. Just hasn’t been tried right?

It has been tried but it always fails due to human nature.

Humans are greedy and lazy by nature. This is why socialism cannot ever work.

Some places have a mix of socialism and capitalism that is working (Norway comes to mind and China come to mind). I do not wish our country to become either of those

So government *isnt* socialism now?

One more time for you...

Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Im not interested in your pedantry. Government isn’t socialism. It’s that simple.
Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

In true socialism there is no wealth to be redistributed.

But you were correct, Monopolies aren't socialism. So you got your post half right.

Ah the “true socialism “. Just hasn’t been tried right?

It has been tried but it always fails due to human nature.

Humans are greedy and lazy by nature. This is why socialism cannot ever work.

Some places have a mix of socialism and capitalism that is working (Norway comes to mind and China come to mind). I do not wish our country to become either of those

So government *isnt* socialism now?

One more time for you...

Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Im not interested in your pedantry. Government isn’t socialism. It’s that simple.

When people make up their own definitions for words, it makes communication impossible.
Ah the “true socialism “. Just hasn’t been tried right?

It has been tried but it always fails due to human nature.

Humans are greedy and lazy by nature. This is why socialism cannot ever work.

Some places have a mix of socialism and capitalism that is working (Norway comes to mind and China come to mind). I do not wish our country to become either of those

So government *isnt* socialism now?

One more time for you...

Socialism: a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.

Im not interested in your pedantry. Government isn’t socialism. It’s that simple.

When people make up their own definitions for words, it makes communication impossible.

Pedantry makes communications impossible. All liberals embrace it.
We could try again.

Google shouldn’t push liberalism and influence elections.

Now cry that I am punishing Google.
The only monopoly in socialism is the state, they control everything.

You confuse ownership and control. Socialism most often employs private companies. The infamous Armand Hammer made billions as the heart of Stalin's economy. Hammer had exclusive monopolies over a host of industries in the USSR, particularly coal.

Here in the Peoples Republic of California, our rulers have granted Southern California Edison a monopoly on electricity.

It should be pointed out that it is the right what is wanting the government to get involved, they are wanting the government to punish companies for their success.

Antitrust laws were initially crafted under a Republican, "Teddy the Trust Buster."

The late great Murray Rothbard explained in "Man, Economy, and the State" how monopolies can only exist by the will of the state. Before I go on, I must explain the concept of a natural monopoly. If a man has the only well in 100 miles then he has a natural monopoly on the water supply. The monopoly is the result of unique resources, not restraint of trade. Natural monopolies are extremely rare and not the subject of this discourse.

Rothbard explained that the state as the exclusive entity with the right to engage in violence is by extension the only means for monopolies to exist.

Jose owns a fruit stand. Pepe opens one next to him charging 10% less for the same fruit. After a week, men with guns come and make Pepe disappear and burn down his fruit stand. It's possible that Jose hired these men, but if he did he did so with the knowledge and support of the state. Otherwise Jose is going to prison.If Jose is not prosecuted, then whether the men with guns were police employed by the state, or just thugs, the act was done with the permission of the state to enforce the monopoly for Jose. Without the violence of the state, Pepe can hire men of his own to protect him and competition will exist. The ONLY way to restrain trade is through violence or the threat of violence. ONLY the state has the right to engage in violence.
Who is they and did he break any rules on the privately owned platform?

Now the Socialists love them some monopolies. Who knew?

Socialism is entirely about monopolies. The states decides the winners and losers in every endeavor.

The only monopoly in socialism is the state, they control everything.

It should be pointed out that it is the right what is wanting the government to get involved, they are wanting the government to punish companies for their success.

It should be pointed out that the left and right scream to govt to fix stuff.

Yes, that is very true. The biggest difference is the left is proud of doing so and the folks on the right like to pretend they do not do it.

Without protection from the government, Google will fall to market forces, it is inevitable. Farcebook is already falling.
They banned Franklin Grahman for 24 hours. Called it hate speech!
Who is they and did he break any rules on the privately owned platform?

Now the Socialists love them some monopolies. Who knew?

Socialism is entirely about monopolies. The states decides the winners and losers in every endeavor.

The only monopoly in socialism is the state, they control everything.

It should be pointed out that it is the right what is wanting the government to get involved, they are wanting the government to punish companies for their success.

Another silly libertarian idea. States aren’t socialism. Socialism is the belief that wealth should be redistributed.
Monopolies arent socialism either.

When I speak of "state," I mean the ruling body, the government. In the USSR the state controlled all commerce, even the black markets.
They banned Franklin Grahman for 24 hours. Called it hate speech!

That's a damn shame!

BTW, there are no "Hate Speech" laws in America. We nipped that in the bud years ago,

this is why our citizens are freer than those in Canada and Europe.
It has been tried but it always fails due to human nature.

Humans are greedy and lazy by nature. This is why socialism cannot ever work.

Some places have a mix of socialism and capitalism that is working (Norway comes to mind and China come to mind). I do not wish our country to become either of those

You Marxists always try to paint human nature as a fault. Humans evolved without claws or sharp teeth. We survived as a species through wits and cunning. We evolved to ensure our own survival by gathering resources that allowed us to survive harsh winters, what you Communist demean as "greed." We survived by developing a risk versus reward calculus. We either gain a return on the investment of time and effort, or we end as a species.

The ultimate motive of the left is a hatred of life itself.
It has been tried but it always fails due to human nature.

Humans are greedy and lazy by nature. This is why socialism cannot ever work.

Some places have a mix of socialism and capitalism that is working (Norway comes to mind and China come to mind). I do not wish our country to become either of those

You Marxists always try to paint human nature as a fault. Humans evolved without claws or sharp teeth. We survived as a species through wits and cunning. We evolved to ensure our own survival by gathering resources that allowed us to survive harsh winters, what you Communist demean as "greed." We survived by developing a risk versus reward calculus. We either gain a return on the investment of time and effort, or we end as a species.

The ultimate motive of the left is a hatred of life itself.

Yes indeed ! It’s hatred for God’s creation. Thus their obsession with pushing strrile perversions from abortion to homosexuality and everything inbetween. .
It has been tried but it always fails due to human nature.

Humans are greedy and lazy by nature. This is why socialism cannot ever work.

Some places have a mix of socialism and capitalism that is working (Norway comes to mind and China come to mind). I do not wish our country to become either of those

You Marxists always try to paint human nature as a fault. Humans evolved without claws or sharp teeth. We survived as a species through wits and cunning. We evolved to ensure our own survival by gathering resources that allowed us to survive harsh winters, what you Communist demean as "greed." We survived by developing a risk versus reward calculus. We either gain a return on the investment of time and effort, or we end as a species.

The ultimate motive of the left is a hatred of life itself.

Yes indeed ! It’s hatred for God’s creation. Thus their obsession with pushing strrile perversions from abortion to homosexuality and everything inbetween. .

You clearly have never read the Bible and seen God's view of humankind.
I disagree. The country is being divided along political lines, everything becomes political because that is the easiest way to keep us divided. And a divided populous is much easier to control.

So would you suggest a single party then, like California has?

I would suggest many parties, vice the current system. The current system is like a clothing company only making their stuff in small and large and telling you to pick the one that "fits the best".

Next I would suggest not looking at every single thing in our lives through the prism of politics.

But you people will never go for either suggestion.
...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.
Lol you people always assume the most ridiculous outcome when it comes to being liberal. SOME college students get butthurt over something they deem offensive. They are late teens or early 20s. In 5 years, they won’t be so butthurt because that’s part of maturing as an adult.

What has changed is this. In generations past, people that age were told to suck it up and act like adults. Now they're finding affirmation and encouragement to continue acting like children.
...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.
Lol you people always assume the most ridiculous outcome when it comes to being liberal. SOME college students get butthurt over something they deem offensive. They are late teens or early 20s. In 5 years, they won’t be so butthurt because that’s part of maturing as an adult.

What has changed is this. In generations past, people that age were told to suck it up and act like adults. Now they're finding affirmation and encouragement to continue acting like children.

Indeed. I wish they would stop being Offendapotamii.

Here’s an Idea for 2019: Stop Whining, Offendapotamus

I wrote earlier about my wish for 2019 – to reconnect with what’s important in my life – but then I started perusing the news and social media today, and I have figured out my wish for society writ large: how about for 2019, everyone stops being a whining bitch? How about that? Stop thinking that your personal likes and dislikes, your sensitivities, and anything that chafes your lavender-scented labia places any obligation on others to act in contravention of their own needs or desires, merely because you pitch a shrieking fit.

How about we stop having tantrums every time things don’t go our way?

How about we quit violating others’ rights in favor of our raging hormones and emotions?

For example, maybe filthy, yapping, perpetually offended snot wads should respect others’ political choices instead of shitting their hipster panties and refusing to even remain in the same space with a Trump supporter, let alone do the job they were hired to do by taking care of said customer?

Here's an Idea for 2019: Stop Whining, Offendapotamus - Victory Girls Blog
Stupid crazy Marxist college professors teaching confused college kids raised playing video games and doing selfies on the I-phone. What could possibly go wrong?
...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.

Marxist indoctrination has been going on for decades now. Is anyone really surprised?

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