An entire generation of college students have been taught to hate free speech....

You're stating the obvious. All social media sites are pushing limited speech. They're terrified of people speaking their mind and letting truth out.

And that is their prerogative as private companies.

Go to a Christian forum and they limit your me.

They all do it, even this site.

If you do not like what FB does, start your own FB. The internet is a big, wide open place.

Of course they do. I've never opened any accounts on any social media site ie twitter, fb, instagram etc so I don't worry about their anti free speech. Im not going to participate in their hatred for the first amendment.

A private company cannot hate what does not apply to them. That is just silly.

If they can't, they wouldn't remove.

Free speech is a function of the government, not private entities.

They cannot remove your free speech, all they can do is limit it on their this site does.

Free Speech is a “function of government”?

So if I form a club, say a Toastmasters chapter, and I announce “here we practice free speech” would you leap up and yell that is a government function?

You have to break this habit of seeing all your freedoms and morals as reliant on DC.
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Ok so what if Con-Ed said they would not provide electrical service to anyone with a Trump sign in their yard?
...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.

Actually they have been taught to hate YOUR free speech.

There are many examples of FREE SPEECH that YOU HATE that they have no problem with.

"gays can marry", "pot should be legal", "liberals are NOT terrorists" are examples of free speech that YOU would ban!
Of course they do. I've never opened any accounts on any social media site ie twitter, fb, instagram etc so I don't worry about their anti free speech. Im not going to participate in their hatred for the first amendment.

A private company cannot hate what does not apply to them. That is just silly.

If they can't, they wouldn't remove.

Free speech is a function of the government, not private entities.

They cannot remove your free speech, all they can do is limit it on their this site does.

Except that then they become a publisher, not a platform, and they become subject to slander, libel, and defamation laws, just like any other publisher. The laws haven't caught up to them yet, but give it time and they will.

Right now, there's a very good case to be made that they're either in breach of contract, or engaging in false advertisement.

Good thing they are not publishers then...anymore than this website is

This website isn’t. Google is. They curate their content now in a way explicitly forbidden by the CDA. They can do it but they don’t get the immunity a free speech platform does as specified in the law.
Now you can defend Google and Microsoft and Apple and Cloudflare and godaddy all you like. They are on your side.
But you can’t deny they oppose free speech.
Ok so what if Con-Ed said they would not provide electrical service to anyone with a Trump sign in their yard?
Wait....trumpanzees know about electricity?

Well some leftists are entertaining. Some make you think. Some make you laugh. But this isn’t one of those. This one confuses snark with wit. So another one to the rubber ignore room.
You're stating the obvious. All social media sites are pushing limited speech. They're terrified of people speaking their mind and letting truth out.

And that is their prerogative as private companies.

Go to a Christian forum and they limit your me.

They all do it, even this site.

If you do not like what FB does, start your own FB. The internet is a big, wide open place.

Of course they do. I've never opened any accounts on any social media site ie twitter, fb, instagram etc so I don't worry about their anti free speech. Im not going to participate in their hatred for the first amendment.

A private company cannot hate what does not apply to them. That is just silly.

If they can't, they wouldn't remove.

Free speech is a function of the government, not private entities.

They cannot remove your free speech, all they can do is limit it on their this site does.

And this is the problem. Not political as I keep saying. The problem is societal and cultural servility due to an unbending and uncompromising political creed spread by the powerful...not synonymous with government. Those who attack cultural norms in the name of defending against state control end up leaving you at the mercy of actors just as powerful but lacking accountability.
Free speech is a “government function”? Look up Red Guard.

“Citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of procession and of demonstration.” Article 35 Constitution of the PRC

They are evil. For one thing, they are monopolies, and that gives the DOJ a basis for anti-trust prosecution. Furthermore, Google behaves like a publisher that edits its content rather than just a common carrier. As such, it shouldn't be protected from lawsuits regarding its content.

They are not evil, if they were doing what they were doing for the conservative movement you would be on here daily kissing their ass.

Neither are monopolies, it is impossible to monopolize the internet.

I just heard, "I'm an asshole who supports evil for partisan reasons, so I assume that means everyone is!"

Was that what you meant to say?

Try coming back when you are not drunk. Then you will see how stupid your post is

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And that is their prerogative as private companies.

Go to a Christian forum and they limit your me.

They all do it, even this site.

If you do not like what FB does, start your own FB. The internet is a big, wide open place.

Of course they do. I've never opened any accounts on any social media site ie twitter, fb, instagram etc so I don't worry about their anti free speech. Im not going to participate in their hatred for the first amendment.

A private company cannot hate what does not apply to them. That is just silly.

If they can't, they wouldn't remove.

Free speech is a function of the government, not private entities.

They cannot remove your free speech, all they can do is limit it on their this site does.

And this is the problem. Not political as I keep saying. The problem is societal and cultural servility due to an unbending and uncompromising political creed spread by the powerful...not synonymous with government. Those who attack cultural norms in the name of defending against state control end up leaving you at the mercy of actors just as powerful but lacking accountability.
Free speech is a “government function”? Look up Red Guard.

“Citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of procession and of demonstration.” Article 35 Constitution of the PRC

View attachment 237755 View attachment 237756 View attachment 237757 View attachment 237758

You are a very confused individual. FB, Google and Twitter have no impact on your free speech, they cannot abridge it one iota.

They can limit what you say on their privately owned websites just like this site does.

Please learn who the 1st Amendment applies to and quit making such a fool out of yourself.

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Why do you say they have been taught to hate free speech?

A request by the College Republicans to bring a speaker to campus in the spring was denied by administration.

Ben Shapiro, political commentator and editor of The Daily Wire, was invited by the College Republicans and Young Americans for Freedom, an organization that funds conservative speakers for college campuses, to deliver a speech at GU. That request was denied.

Conservative commentator Ben Shapiro barred from talking on campus
...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.
Lol you people always assume the most ridiculous outcome when it comes to being liberal. SOME college students get butthurt over something they deem offensive. They are late teens or early 20s. In 5 years, they won’t be so butthurt because that’s part of maturing as an adult.
...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.
Lol you people always assume the most ridiculous outcome when it comes to being liberal. SOME college students get butthurt over something they deem offensive. They are late teens or early 20s. In 5 years, they won’t be so butthurt because that’s part of maturing as an adult.

And some are wound up by "adults" in this fashion. These dweebs really should review the Powell Memorandum, the corporate state already seriously reconfigured higher education in their favor.
Of course they do. I've never opened any accounts on any social media site ie twitter, fb, instagram etc so I don't worry about their anti free speech. Im not going to participate in their hatred for the first amendment.

A private company cannot hate what does not apply to them. That is just silly.

If they can't, they wouldn't remove.

Free speech is a function of the government, not private entities.

They cannot remove your free speech, all they can do is limit it on their this site does.

And this is the problem. Not political as I keep saying. The problem is societal and cultural servility due to an unbending and uncompromising political creed spread by the powerful...not synonymous with government. Those who attack cultural norms in the name of defending against state control end up leaving you at the mercy of actors just as powerful but lacking accountability.
Free speech is a “government function”? Look up Red Guard.

“Citizens of the People's Republic of China enjoy freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of procession and of demonstration.” Article 35 Constitution of the PRC

View attachment 237755 View attachment 237756 View attachment 237757 View attachment 237758

You are a very confused individual. FB, Google and Twitter have no impact on your free speech, they cannot abridge it one iota.

They can limit what you say on their privately owned websites just like this site does.

Please learn who the 1st Amendment applies to and quit making such a fool out of yourself.

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Let me type slowly.

I never mentioned the First Amendment.

I was speaking of free speech.
Let me type slowly.

I never mentioned the First Amendment.

I was speaking of free speech.

Once again, free speech pertains to the government and its citizens and what the government cannot do.

Outside of the relationship there is no right to free speech, every private entity has the right to limit what you say on their property, be it physical or virtual.
I love how you just ignore the entire post and go with "Good thing the world is the way I want it to be". Talking to you is so often like trying to reason with someone on drugs, do you know that?

This website actually is a platform. It has very general and basic rules, but within those rules, anyone can join and say whatever they want. USMB isn't going to censor or ban you just because they don't like your political viewpoint.

FB, Twitter, and Google are rapidly exiting that definition and leaving it far, far behind. When you decide exactly what can be said and who can say it, you're a publisher, and you become responsible for the speech that you have allowed, because you allowed it very specifically.

Every platform decide what can be said and who can say it, the big three are no different. My entire family is hard core conservatives, they are Trump followers and yet they have never had an issue with FB, they post pro-Trump, conservative, right wing shit every single day and have never once had a post removed by FB.
...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.
You can't really call Republicans "students". Because the majority believe college is bad for America. And because of that, many don't go.

And they listen to the rhetoric of racists like Trump and other Republicans and don't have anything to compare it to or anyone discuss it with.


Shouting "fire" in a crowded theater is NOT "free speech".

Saying that Obama was born in Kenya is not free speech. It's slander. Why protect slander?

Saying that Trump refused to pay workers, some of whom even went bankrupt because he tricked them out of their work is not slander because he actually did that.

Posting the truth is free speech. Lying is lying. If someone is going to lie, they have the right to prove they are telling the truth. And if they aren't telling the truth. then who wants to listen to lies hiding behind the curtain of "free speech"?

You dont understand the first amendment and you're lecturing people on it?
I love how you just ignore the entire post and go with "Good thing the world is the way I want it to be". Talking to you is so often like trying to reason with someone on drugs, do you know that?

This website actually is a platform. It has very general and basic rules, but within those rules, anyone can join and say whatever they want. USMB isn't going to censor or ban you just because they don't like your political viewpoint.

FB, Twitter, and Google are rapidly exiting that definition and leaving it far, far behind. When you decide exactly what can be said and who can say it, you're a publisher, and you become responsible for the speech that you have allowed, because you allowed it very specifically.

Every platform decide what can be said and who can say it, the big three are no different. My entire family is hard core conservatives, they are Trump followers and yet they have never had an issue with FB, they post pro-Trump, conservative, right wing shit every single day and have never once had a post removed by FB.

Thats anecdotal. Thousands have had their posts removed because of their politics.
I love how you just ignore the entire post and go with "Good thing the world is the way I want it to be". Talking to you is so often like trying to reason with someone on drugs, do you know that?

This website actually is a platform. It has very general and basic rules, but within those rules, anyone can join and say whatever they want. USMB isn't going to censor or ban you just because they don't like your political viewpoint.

FB, Twitter, and Google are rapidly exiting that definition and leaving it far, far behind. When you decide exactly what can be said and who can say it, you're a publisher, and you become responsible for the speech that you have allowed, because you allowed it very specifically.

Every platform decide what can be said and who can say it, the big three are no different. My entire family is hard core conservatives, they are Trump followers and yet they have never had an issue with FB, they post pro-Trump, conservative, right wing shit every single day and have never once had a post removed by FB.

Thats anecdotal. Thousands have had their posts removed because of their politics.

and millions more have not. Those thousands violated the terms of service.
Let me type slowly.

I never mentioned the First Amendment.

I was speaking of free speech.

Once again, free speech pertains to the government and its citizens and what the government cannot do.

Outside of the relationship there is no right to free speech, every private entity has the right to limit what you say on their property, be it physical or virtual.

No it doesn’t. Free speech is something the government is forbidden to interfere with. But it’s not a gift of the government.
I love how you just ignore the entire post and go with "Good thing the world is the way I want it to be". Talking to you is so often like trying to reason with someone on drugs, do you know that?

This website actually is a platform. It has very general and basic rules, but within those rules, anyone can join and say whatever they want. USMB isn't going to censor or ban you just because they don't like your political viewpoint.

FB, Twitter, and Google are rapidly exiting that definition and leaving it far, far behind. When you decide exactly what can be said and who can say it, you're a publisher, and you become responsible for the speech that you have allowed, because you allowed it very specifically.

Every platform decide what can be said and who can say it, the big three are no different. My entire family is hard core conservatives, they are Trump followers and yet they have never had an issue with FB, they post pro-Trump, conservative, right wing shit every single day and have never once had a post removed by FB.

Thats anecdotal. Thousands have had their posts removed because of their politics.

and millions more have not. Those thousands violated the terms of service.

There is no term that says criticizing leftwingers isn't allowed.

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