An entire generation of college students have been taught to hate free speech....

And that is their prerogative as private companies.

Go to a Christian forum and they limit your me.

They all do it, even this site.

If you do not like what FB does, start your own FB. The internet is a big, wide open place.

Of course they do. I've never opened any accounts on any social media site ie twitter, fb, instagram etc so I don't worry about their anti free speech. Im not going to participate in their hatred for the first amendment.

A private company cannot hate what does not apply to them. That is just silly.

If they can't, they wouldn't remove.

Free speech is a function of the government, not private entities.

They cannot remove your free speech, all they can do is limit it on their this site does.

Except that then they become a publisher, not a platform, and they become subject to slander, libel, and defamation laws, just like any other publisher. The laws haven't caught up to them yet, but give it time and they will.

Right now, there's a very good case to be made that they're either in breach of contract, or engaging in false advertisement.

Good thing they are not publishers then...anymore than this website is
Of course they do. I've never opened any accounts on any social media site ie twitter, fb, instagram etc so I don't worry about their anti free speech. Im not going to participate in their hatred for the first amendment.

A private company cannot hate what does not apply to them. That is just silly.

If they can't, they wouldn't remove.

Free speech is a function of the government, not private entities.

They cannot remove your free speech, all they can do is limit it on their this site does.

Except that then they become a publisher, not a platform, and they become subject to slander, libel, and defamation laws, just like any other publisher. The laws haven't caught up to them yet, but give it time and they will.

Right now, there's a very good case to be made that they're either in breach of contract, or engaging in false advertisement.
I can't believe the Trump admin hasn't filed an anti-trust action against them yet. I suppose that's the doing of that spineless AG sessions.

Kind of fun to watch the statist get mad at their god for not punishing success in a quicker fashion
Ok kids, schools in session.
kids obama song - Bing video

The left does it in the schools, the right does it in church...

Attending church is optional, attending school not so much.

There are lots of options. Home school, religious schools, private schools..

We don't have the option of not paying to have our children brainwashed in government indoctrination centers.

True. Even those of us who refuse to give them our children to brainwash in government indoctrination centers still have to pay for it.
Because they need safe spaces from it, so their precious feelings don't get offended
You guys say you need a safe space from Mexicans. Are your precious feelings getting offended?

That's already written law, sweetheart. Mexicans are called "foreigners". They're not called "citizens". They should be called notgonnalivehere
So you agree you need a safe place then?

It's so embarrassing that I have to walk you THROUGH YOUR OWN INANE ARGUMENT....

Yes, we all need safe spaces from INTRUDERS. Or do you leave the doors to your home slung wide open?

We should not need safe spaces from WORDS and IDEAS. Because in that case we are talking about FEELINGS.

Clear enough for you? Do you need pictures? Diagrams? What?
Wrong. Everyone needs safe places from words and ideas. Some words and ideas are so idiotic and stupid you need to have time just to get them out of your head.

Most people call that "home". Society has no obligation to make others shut up because you don't like what they say.
They are evil. For one thing, they are monopolies, and that gives the DOJ a basis for anti-trust prosecution. Furthermore, Google behaves like a publisher that edits its content rather than just a common carrier. As such, it shouldn't be protected from lawsuits regarding its content.

They are not evil, if they were doing what they were doing for the conservative movement you would be on here daily kissing their ass.

Neither are monopolies, it is impossible to monopolize the internet.

I just heard, "I'm an asshole who supports evil for partisan reasons, so I assume that means everyone is!"

Was that what you meant to say?
...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.

Fake news
...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.
Actually an entire generation of college kids have been turned into debt peons, that's how we'll be globally competitive going forward.

I wouldn't worry about it. The people ranging from 15-22 years old now are learning from their idiot older siblings, and not taking that route.

This is true, not only in the area of college debt but also internet use.

And finances in general. Word is that they're much more conservative on financial outlook than any generation in quite a while. On a lot of issues, actually.
Give AssLips some slack; Blacks need illegals so they can think they’re superior to some group.
Says the clown still trying to push the idea that "illegals are going to take jobs from Black people" bogey man. Its still not working on me clown. :rolleyes:

I always enjoy the contortionism required for racists, white supremacists, and backwater inbred peckerwoods to feign concern for black folk.

I always enjoy the contortionism required for ignorant leftists to turn everything they hear into a validation of their narrow-minded, laughable worldview.

Sort of like you just did with this post?

No. I'm very sorry that your substandard English education has failed you yet again.

I'm also very sorry that you feel threatened by me criticizing your new girlfriend.
...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.

You fail to comprehend exactly what rights the First Amendment protects. There is no right of "free speech" and there never has been. The right protected by the First Amendment is the right to openly criticize the government without fear of persecution or prosecution by the government. What the First Amendment does NOT DO, is to give YOU the right to say anything you want to anyone at any time. There is no such thing as "free speech" in regards to anything other than your ability to criticize the government.

". . . or abridging the freedom of speech".

No right to free speech, huh? Funny that they used those exact words, then.

Thank you for highlighting that the government, and the government only, is prohibited from abridging the freedom of speech. It has nothing to do with private companies.

Yes, freedom of speech legally is about freedom from persecution by the government. However, since a certain side of the political aisle which shall remain nameless has determined that the government must be involved in and micromanaging every aspect of our lives, that's not as clear-cut a dividing line as it used to be, and FB and Google and Twitter aren't nearly as far on the right side of the law as they think they are.
Of course they do. I've never opened any accounts on any social media site ie twitter, fb, instagram etc so I don't worry about their anti free speech. Im not going to participate in their hatred for the first amendment.

A private company cannot hate what does not apply to them. That is just silly.

If they can't, they wouldn't remove.

Free speech is a function of the government, not private entities.

They cannot remove your free speech, all they can do is limit it on their this site does.

Except that then they become a publisher, not a platform, and they become subject to slander, libel, and defamation laws, just like any other publisher. The laws haven't caught up to them yet, but give it time and they will.

Right now, there's a very good case to be made that they're either in breach of contract, or engaging in false advertisement.
I can't believe the Trump admin hasn't filed an anti-trust action against them yet. I suppose that's the doing of that spineless AG sessions.

Since I don't really approve of anti-trust law, I can't cheer for it to be used.

I am, however, very much waiting for the avalanche of lawsuits that are in their future based on their dichotomous and contradictory identity.
Of course they do. I've never opened any accounts on any social media site ie twitter, fb, instagram etc so I don't worry about their anti free speech. Im not going to participate in their hatred for the first amendment.

A private company cannot hate what does not apply to them. That is just silly.

If they can't, they wouldn't remove.

Free speech is a function of the government, not private entities.

They cannot remove your free speech, all they can do is limit it on their this site does.

Except that then they become a publisher, not a platform, and they become subject to slander, libel, and defamation laws, just like any other publisher. The laws haven't caught up to them yet, but give it time and they will.

Right now, there's a very good case to be made that they're either in breach of contract, or engaging in false advertisement.

Good thing they are not publishers then...anymore than this website is

I love how you just ignore the entire post and go with "Good thing the world is the way I want it to be". Talking to you is so often like trying to reason with someone on drugs, do you know that?

This website actually is a platform. It has very general and basic rules, but within those rules, anyone can join and say whatever they want. USMB isn't going to censor or ban you just because they don't like your political viewpoint.

FB, Twitter, and Google are rapidly exiting that definition and leaving it far, far behind. When you decide exactly what can be said and who can say it, you're a publisher, and you become responsible for the speech that you have allowed, because you allowed it very specifically.
...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.
Ain't life a bitch for people who do not understand how free speech works?

Again for the billionth time, a private enterprise doesn't have to practice free speech nor is it required to allow their employees or users of their products to practice free speech. It is the govt. who must accommodate free speech for citizens and visitors in public.. I thought you said you were an attorney?
A private company cannot hate what does not apply to them. That is just silly.

If they can't, they wouldn't remove.

Free speech is a function of the government, not private entities.

They cannot remove your free speech, all they can do is limit it on their this site does.

Except that then they become a publisher, not a platform, and they become subject to slander, libel, and defamation laws, just like any other publisher. The laws haven't caught up to them yet, but give it time and they will.

Right now, there's a very good case to be made that they're either in breach of contract, or engaging in false advertisement.
I can't believe the Trump admin hasn't filed an anti-trust action against them yet. I suppose that's the doing of that spineless AG sessions.

Kind of fun to watch the statist get mad at their god for not punishing success in a quicker fashion

Kind of pathetic to watch leftists defend big corporations when they happen to be goose-stepping in the same leftist parade.
A private company cannot hate what does not apply to them. That is just silly.

If they can't, they wouldn't remove.

Free speech is a function of the government, not private entities.

They cannot remove your free speech, all they can do is limit it on their this site does.

Except that then they become a publisher, not a platform, and they become subject to slander, libel, and defamation laws, just like any other publisher. The laws haven't caught up to them yet, but give it time and they will.

Right now, there's a very good case to be made that they're either in breach of contract, or engaging in false advertisement.

Good thing they are not publishers then...anymore than this website is

I love how you just ignore the entire post and go with "Good thing the world is the way I want it to be". Talking to you is so often like trying to reason with someone on drugs, do you know that?

This website actually is a platform. It has very general and basic rules, but within those rules, anyone can join and say whatever they want. USMB isn't going to censor or ban you just because they don't like your political viewpoint.

FB, Twitter, and Google are rapidly exiting that definition and leaving it far, far behind. When you decide exactly what can be said and who can say it, you're a publisher, and you become responsible for the speech that you have allowed, because you allowed it very specifically.
USMB will ban you for the content of free speech, yes, they do that. I know personally...
If they can't, they wouldn't remove.

Free speech is a function of the government, not private entities.

They cannot remove your free speech, all they can do is limit it on their this site does.

Except that then they become a publisher, not a platform, and they become subject to slander, libel, and defamation laws, just like any other publisher. The laws haven't caught up to them yet, but give it time and they will.

Right now, there's a very good case to be made that they're either in breach of contract, or engaging in false advertisement.

Good thing they are not publishers then...anymore than this website is

I love how you just ignore the entire post and go with "Good thing the world is the way I want it to be". Talking to you is so often like trying to reason with someone on drugs, do you know that?

This website actually is a platform. It has very general and basic rules, but within those rules, anyone can join and say whatever they want. USMB isn't going to censor or ban you just because they don't like your political viewpoint.

FB, Twitter, and Google are rapidly exiting that definition and leaving it far, far behind. When you decide exactly what can be said and who can say it, you're a publisher, and you become responsible for the speech that you have allowed, because you allowed it very specifically.
USMB will ban you for the content of free speech, yes, they do that. I know personally...

Knowing you, I'm going to bet you were banned for something different from what you think you were.
Free speech is a function of the government, not private entities.

They cannot remove your free speech, all they can do is limit it on their this site does.

Except that then they become a publisher, not a platform, and they become subject to slander, libel, and defamation laws, just like any other publisher. The laws haven't caught up to them yet, but give it time and they will.

Right now, there's a very good case to be made that they're either in breach of contract, or engaging in false advertisement.

Good thing they are not publishers then...anymore than this website is

I love how you just ignore the entire post and go with "Good thing the world is the way I want it to be". Talking to you is so often like trying to reason with someone on drugs, do you know that?

This website actually is a platform. It has very general and basic rules, but within those rules, anyone can join and say whatever they want. USMB isn't going to censor or ban you just because they don't like your political viewpoint.

FB, Twitter, and Google are rapidly exiting that definition and leaving it far, far behind. When you decide exactly what can be said and who can say it, you're a publisher, and you become responsible for the speech that you have allowed, because you allowed it very specifically.
USMB will ban you for the content of free speech, yes, they do that. I know personally...

Knowing you, I'm going to bet you were banned for something different from what you think you were.
Knowing you I know you don't know a damn thing.
Except that then they become a publisher, not a platform, and they become subject to slander, libel, and defamation laws, just like any other publisher. The laws haven't caught up to them yet, but give it time and they will.

Right now, there's a very good case to be made that they're either in breach of contract, or engaging in false advertisement.

Good thing they are not publishers then...anymore than this website is

I love how you just ignore the entire post and go with "Good thing the world is the way I want it to be". Talking to you is so often like trying to reason with someone on drugs, do you know that?

This website actually is a platform. It has very general and basic rules, but within those rules, anyone can join and say whatever they want. USMB isn't going to censor or ban you just because they don't like your political viewpoint.

FB, Twitter, and Google are rapidly exiting that definition and leaving it far, far behind. When you decide exactly what can be said and who can say it, you're a publisher, and you become responsible for the speech that you have allowed, because you allowed it very specifically.
USMB will ban you for the content of free speech, yes, they do that. I know personally...

Knowing you, I'm going to bet you were banned for something different from what you think you were.
Knowing you I know you don't know a damn thing.

Yeah, I can tell that your incisive, profound political wisdom was a clear threat to . . . No, I can't even complete that sarcasm with a straight face.
They banned Franklin Grahman for 24 hours. Called it hate speech!

But this is still we speak. Nice to be a celebrity.


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