An entire generation of college students have been taught to hate free speech....

Ok so what if Con-Ed said they would not provide electrical service to anyone with a Trump sign in their yard?

It would be a violation of their corporate charter, or whatever equivalent NY uses. Utility companies are required to provide service to everyone as a condition of being able to operate.
...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.

Actually they have been taught to hate YOUR free speech.

There are many examples of FREE SPEECH that YOU HATE that they have no problem with.

"gays can marry", "pot should be legal", "liberals are NOT terrorists" are examples of free speech that YOU would ban!

Really? What proof do you have that Blackrook would ban any of those things? Simply the fact that YOU are a big enough asshole to ban speech you don't like, so you're projecting your assholery onto everyone else?
They are evil. For one thing, they are monopolies, and that gives the DOJ a basis for anti-trust prosecution. Furthermore, Google behaves like a publisher that edits its content rather than just a common carrier. As such, it shouldn't be protected from lawsuits regarding its content.

They are not evil, if they were doing what they were doing for the conservative movement you would be on here daily kissing their ass.

Neither are monopolies, it is impossible to monopolize the internet.

I just heard, "I'm an asshole who supports evil for partisan reasons, so I assume that means everyone is!"

Was that what you meant to say?

Try coming back when you are not drunk. Then you will see how stupid your post is

Sent from my iPhone using

I just heard, "I can't refute you, so I'll just pretend I didn't hear anything." You're communicating volumes of things lately. I'm just not sure you intended what actually came across.

So far, you've told us very clearly that you're an asshole, you assume your assholery is representative of everyone else, and you're too chickenshit and dishonest to acknowledge it. By all means, do continue.
...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.

They have been programmed to hate constitutional rights...both the 1st and the 2nd...they have been programmed to hate America’s right to sovereignty....This generation of twisted fuck-ups is really gonna hurt.
...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.

They have been programmed to hate constitutional rights...both the 1st and the 2nd...they have been programmed to hate America’s right to sovereignty....This generation of twisted fuck-ups is really gonna hurt.
It's a sad thing when you have someone who doesn't understand the Constitution and the Bill of Rights wants to go on about others not understanding the Constitution and the Bill of Rights....

Ok, it's not's ironically funny....:71:
I love how you just ignore the entire post and go with "Good thing the world is the way I want it to be". Talking to you is so often like trying to reason with someone on drugs, do you know that?

This website actually is a platform. It has very general and basic rules, but within those rules, anyone can join and say whatever they want. USMB isn't going to censor or ban you just because they don't like your political viewpoint.

FB, Twitter, and Google are rapidly exiting that definition and leaving it far, far behind. When you decide exactly what can be said and who can say it, you're a publisher, and you become responsible for the speech that you have allowed, because you allowed it very specifically.

Every platform decide what can be said and who can say it, the big three are no different. My entire family is hard core conservatives, they are Trump followers and yet they have never had an issue with FB, they post pro-Trump, conservative, right wing shit every single day and have never once had a post removed by FB.

This might carry some weight if A) I believed you extended this "freedom to run your business as you choose" concept to anything other than sticking it to conservative viewpoints, and B) it weren't for the fact that so many of our lesser laws weren't aimed precisely at the fact that other people are limited in their ability to infringe on the rights of others.

Bottom line remains that companies certainly do have the right to operate their businesses as they choose, but they DON'T have the right to operate them as one thing while labeling them another and enjoying the benefits thereof.

If FB, Twitter, and Google don't want to operate like open platforms, they certainly don't have to. However, they don't get to continue calling themselves open platforms and being treated as though they are.
Why do you say they have been taught to hate free speech?
BECAUSE THEY CAN'T CALL PEOPLE F(CKING H(MO Q99RI9 BAIT THAT NEED TO DIE on facebook! We are run by a Jewish conspiracy dedicated to a rule of FACISSM. Why is this so hard for snowblakes to unnerdstand!!!!! (joke)
They banned Franklin Grahman for 24 hours. Called it hate speech!
Who is they and did he break any rules on the privately owned platform?

Now the Socialists love them some monopolies. Who knew?

Socialism is entirely about monopolies. The states decides the winners and losers in every endeavor.

The only monopoly in socialism is the state, they control everything.

It should be pointed out that it is the right what is wanting the government to get involved, they are wanting the government to punish companies for their success.

No, that's just you trying to conflate two different thing to justify doing something you know is shitty, but that you want so badly that you don't really care. It's not their success that the right cares about - because we're not you leftists - it's their censorship.
They banned Franklin Grahman for 24 hours. Called it hate speech!
Who is they and did he break any rules on the privately owned platform?

Now the Socialists love them some monopolies. Who knew?

Socialism is entirely about monopolies. The states decides the winners and losers in every endeavor.

The only monopoly in socialism is the state, they control everything.

It should be pointed out that it is the right what is wanting the government to get involved, they are wanting the government to punish companies for their success.

It should be pointed out that the left and right scream to govt to fix stuff.

It should be pointed out that the right usually only does it when it's actually the government's business. Not always, but usually.
Who is they and did he break any rules on the privately owned platform?

Now the Socialists love them some monopolies. Who knew?

Socialism is entirely about monopolies. The states decides the winners and losers in every endeavor.

The only monopoly in socialism is the state, they control everything.

It should be pointed out that it is the right what is wanting the government to get involved, they are wanting the government to punish companies for their success.

It should be pointed out that the left and right scream to govt to fix stuff.

Yes, that is very true. The biggest difference is the left is proud of doing so and the folks on the right like to pretend they do not do it.

The biggest difference remains that the right knows it's a bad thing, and LIMITS the occasions they do it, while the left is proud of it because they're too damned dumb to know how destructive they are.
Why do you say they have been taught to hate free speech?
BECAUSE THEY CAN'T CALL PEOPLE F(CKING H(MO Q99RI9 BAIT THAT NEED TO DIE on facebook! We are run by a Jewish conspiracy dedicated to a rule of FACISSM. Why is this so hard for snowblakes to unnerdstand!!!!! (joke)
Who says they cant call people...whatever it is you said on FB and how does that teach them to hate free speech? I thought it taught them that if they want to do something they have to either follow the rules or start their own media platform? :rolleyes:
This might carry some weight if A) I believed you extended this "freedom to run your business as you choose" concept to anything other than sticking it to conservative viewpoints, and B) it weren't for the fact that so many of our lesser laws weren't aimed precisely at the fact that other people are limited in their ability to infringe on the rights of others..

you could not be more wrong about me, do some searching of my positions on this forum.

I have multiple times said that every private entity should have the freedom to run their business as they choose. This includes hiring and who they serve. It is my view that any and all anti-discrimination laws applied to anyone other than the government are unconstitutional and violate the equal protection clause. If you do not want to serve blacks or whites or women or men or gays or straights or Dems or Repubs or what-the-hell-ever you want. The government should never force anyone to serve anyone.

I am also against smoking bans, it is not the place of the government to tell people what they can allow in their establishments.

Oh, and seat belt laws and helmet laws and any and all tax deductions...but that is for another thread.

So, quit projecting your statist views on to me and keep your sticky government fingers out of my internet. If you do not like FB or Google or Twitter, do not use them...start your own alternative...just quit whining and begging for the government to swoop in and save you.
Now the Socialists love them some monopolies. Who knew?

Socialism is entirely about monopolies. The states decides the winners and losers in every endeavor.

The only monopoly in socialism is the state, they control everything.

It should be pointed out that it is the right what is wanting the government to get involved, they are wanting the government to punish companies for their success.

It should be pointed out that the left and right scream to govt to fix stuff.

Yes, that is very true. The biggest difference is the left is proud of doing so and the folks on the right like to pretend they do not do it.

The biggest difference remains that the right knows it's a bad thing, and LIMITS the occasions they do it, while the left is proud of it because they're too damned dumb to know how destructive they are.

Both sides limit it to things they want the government to interfere in, other than that there is no difference. you are just as bad as those you rail against.
...and now these people have been put in charge of censoring search engines and social platforms such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.

When these kids are old enough to be judges, the First Amendment will be murdered.
You mean hate hate speech. I hope they visit the ne amendment too, 5ime to end the massacres.
No, that's just you trying to conflate two different thing to justify doing something you know is shitty, but that you want so badly that you don't really care. It's not their success that the right cares about - because we're not you leftists - it's their censorship.

you would not give a fuck about their censorship if they only had 1000 users. So, yes it is their success that you are trying to punish them for.
They banned Franklin Grahman for 24 hours. Called it hate speech!
Who is they and did he break any rules on the privately owned platform?

Now the Socialists love them some monopolies. Who knew?

Socialism is entirely about monopolies. The states decides the winners and losers in every endeavor.

The only monopoly in socialism is the state, they control everything.

It should be pointed out that it is the right what is wanting the government to get involved, they are wanting the government to punish companies for their success.

No, that's just you trying to conflate two different thing to justify doing something you know is shitty, but that you want so badly that you don't really care. It's not their success that the right cares about - because we're not you leftists - it's their censorship.
Why do you care about their "censorship". They have rules you better follow or start your own media platform. Its really that simple. Youre just mad because its an extremely popular media platform.
Free speech is the truth and they don’t want truth but rather “fairness”. They wish to punish good behavior from contributors and reward bad behavior from deadbeats in order to feel good and balance things out for “fairness”
Free speech is the truth and they don’t want truth but rather “fairness”. They wish to punish good behavior from contributors and reward bad behavior from deadbeats in order to feel good and balance things out for “fairness”
Free speech is not the truth. Its primarily someones opinion. No wonder you retards are confused. :rolleyes:
Why do you say they have been taught to hate free speech?
BECAUSE THEY CAN'T CALL PEOPLE F(CKING H(MO Q99RI9 BAIT THAT NEED TO DIE on facebook! We are run by a Jewish conspiracy dedicated to a rule of FACISSM. Why is this so hard for snowblakes to unnerdstand!!!!! (joke)
Who says they cant call people...whatever it is you said on FB and how does that teach them to hate free speech? I thought it taught them that if they want to do something they have to either follow the rules or start their own media platform? :rolleyes:

Look, that would require some personal accountability/responsibility; just stop with that, you know it’s silly.
Who is they and did he break any rules on the privately owned platform?

Now the Socialists love them some monopolies. Who knew?

Socialism is entirely about monopolies. The states decides the winners and losers in every endeavor.

The only monopoly in socialism is the state, they control everything.

It should be pointed out that it is the right what is wanting the government to get involved, they are wanting the government to punish companies for their success.

No, that's just you trying to conflate two different thing to justify doing something you know is shitty, but that you want so badly that you don't really care. It's not their success that the right cares about - because we're not you leftists - it's their censorship.
Why do you care about their "censorship". They have rules you better follow or start your own media platform. Its really that simple. Youre just mad because its an extremely popular media platform.

Sounds to me like someone's safe space was breached.

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