An Ex Morman speaks about Robmoney

More carefully..what?

If you check these thread "more carefully"..when Romney started out..I pointed out his religion should be off limits.

But Romney, himself..couldn't resist.

So's on limits.

Romney has questioned our "secular" society.

Well..what the fuck does that mean?

That he wants a less secular society?


What's that Jake?

Oh yeah.

It's theocracy.

You swear at me, you little fuck face?

Religion is off limits. Wright is off limits: jump any fool it brings it up. Mormonism is off limits: and I will jump You the Fool for bringing it up.

He is questioning secular society as dictated by atheists, damn right he is. He wants less atheism in it: good for him,

Look up the definition. Libs are as bad as cons in thinking they can have their own facts and definitions, this carefully Jake.

Romney Brought Up Religion.

Got it?

That work for you?

Fuck face?
The first video is about "policy" and is legitimate.

The second video is about Rev. Wright's message. Do you agree with Rev. Wright's message?

Legitimate?'s not legitimate.

And what does my position on Rev. Wright have to do with Romney talking out of both sides of his mouth about Obama's religion?

Romney started this avenue of debate.

So..what's NOW to explore his beliefs.

To bad.

I initially have posted that as long as Romney left this stuff out..he was entitled to believe anything he wanted.

So long as it never enters policy making.

Obama's policy is dictating to the Catholics against their beliefs. Unconstitutional.

Government should not be funneling tax payer money to religious organizations..and religious organization should not be involved in "For Profit" business.

THAT'S Unconstitutional.
You seem to be running Romney's positions through a fun house to trying to magnify them into something threatening.

No I'm not.

Romney said Obama was violating religious freedoms. He also said that Obama wanted a "more secular" society..and the criticized Rev. Wright's "version" of his faith.

That's no fun house..that's what he said.

And how does that equal anything scary?

Obama wants to force self-insuring religious organizations to pay for things which are against their doctrine. Being protective of the rights of religious organizations does not equal Romney dictating his religious morals to you.

And it's light years from theocracy.


And it's not what you should be running on.

If theocracy is what you guys honest about it. Propose a Constitutional amendment that changes the first amendment to state that government can establish an religion.

This way..any religion that wants to have a for profit..without obeying paying taxes..or providing health insurance..or hiring people that they don't like because of sexual orientation, or religion, or ethnicity, or race..would be legal.

Run on it.

Be honest about it.
Legitimate?'s not legitimate.

And what does my position on Rev. Wright have to do with Romney talking out of both sides of his mouth about Obama's religion?

Romney started this avenue of debate.

So..what's NOW to explore his beliefs.

To bad.

I initially have posted that as long as Romney left this stuff out..he was entitled to believe anything he wanted.

So long as it never enters policy making.

Obama's policy is dictating to the Catholics against their beliefs. Unconstitutional.

Government should not be funneling tax payer money to religious organizations..and religious organization should not be involved in "For Profit" business.

THAT'S Unconstitutional.

Govt should not be telling people to fund birth control if it is against their religion. That's the policy Obama is promoting. You will not face the issue. You lose on that.
No I'm not.

Romney said Obama was violating religious freedoms. He also said that Obama wanted a "more secular" society..and the criticized Rev. Wright's "version" of his faith.

That's no fun house..that's what he said.

And how does that equal anything scary?

Obama wants to force self-insuring religious organizations to pay for things which are against their doctrine. Being protective of the rights of religious organizations does not equal Romney dictating his religious morals to you.

And it's light years from theocracy.


And it's not what you should be running on.

If theocracy is what you guys honest about it. Propose a Constitutional amendment that changes the first amendment to state that government can establish an religion.

This way..any religion that wants to have a for profit..without obeying paying taxes..or providing health insurance..or hiring people that they don't like because of sexual orientation, or religion, or ethnicity, or race..would be legal.

Run on it.

Be honest about it.

I respect your constitutional right to play with your strawmen.

Have fun.
Obama's policy is dictating to the Catholics against their beliefs. Unconstitutional.

Government should not be funneling tax payer money to religious organizations..and religious organization should not be involved in "For Profit" business.

THAT'S Unconstitutional.

Govt should not be telling people to fund birth control if it is against their religion. That's the policy Obama is promoting. You will not face the issue. You lose on that.

What part of the commerce clause, don't you get?

Government has some very broad powers..and for a reason.

And that's why..religious organizations should not be involved in commerce.
And how does that equal anything scary?

Obama wants to force self-insuring religious organizations to pay for things which are against their doctrine. Being protective of the rights of religious organizations does not equal Romney dictating his religious morals to you.

And it's light years from theocracy.


And it's not what you should be running on.

If theocracy is what you guys honest about it. Propose a Constitutional amendment that changes the first amendment to state that government can establish an religion.

This way..any religion that wants to have a for profit..without obeying paying taxes..or providing health insurance..or hiring people that they don't like because of sexual orientation, or religion, or ethnicity, or race..would be legal.

Run on it.

Be honest about it.

I respect your constitutional right to play with your strawmen.

Have fun.

Except it's not a strawman.

You guys brought this up.

And framed it around "Religious Liberty".'s a fight I fully welcome.

I really hope it bubbles up more.

Cause I for one..and sick and tired of Religious repression.
More carefully..what?

If you check these thread "more carefully"..when Romney started out..I pointed out his religion should be off limits.

But Romney, himself..couldn't resist.

So's on limits.

Romney has questioned our "secular" society.

Well..what the fuck does that mean?

That he wants a less secular society?


What's that Jake?

Oh yeah.

It's theocracy.

You swear at me, you little fuck face?

Religion is off limits. Wright is off limits: jump any fool it brings it up. Mormonism is off limits: and I will jump You the Fool for bringing it up.

He is questioning secular society as dictated by atheists, damn right he is. He wants less atheism in it: good for him,

Look up the definition. Libs are as bad as cons in thinking they can have their own facts and definitions, this carefully Jake. Romney Brought Up Religion. Got it?
That work for you? Fuck face?

You swear, Sallow, you get it in return. Simple, huh? Romney brought it up? So what? Act mature and take the high road. I doubt he will do it again.

Have you looked up "theocracy", Sallow?
More carefully..what?

If you check these thread "more carefully"..when Romney started out..I pointed out his religion should be off limits.

But Romney, himself..couldn't resist.

So's on limits.

Romney has questioned our "secular" society.

Well..what the fuck does that mean?

That he wants a less secular society?


What's that Jake?

Oh yeah.

It's theocracy.

You swear at me, you little fuck face?

Religion is off limits. Wright is off limits: jump any fool it brings it up. Mormonism is off limits: and I will jump You the Fool for bringing it up.

He is questioning secular society as dictated by atheists, damn right he is. He wants less atheism in it: good for him,

Look up the definition. Libs are as bad as cons in thinking they can have their own facts and definitions,

Pretty good show. Love the melt down.:lol: And Jake has his own definitions
More carefully..what?

If you check these thread "more carefully"..when Romney started out..I pointed out his religion should be off limits.

But Romney, himself..couldn't resist.

So's on limits.

Romney has questioned our "secular" society.

Well..what the fuck does that mean?

That he wants a less secular society?


What's that Jake?

Oh yeah.

It's theocracy.

You swear at me, you little fuck face?

Religion is off limits. Wright is off limits: jump any fool it brings it up. Mormonism is off limits: and I will jump You the Fool for bringing it up.

He is questioning secular society as dictated by atheists, damn right he is. He wants less atheism in it: good for him,

Look up the definition. Libs are as bad as cons in thinking they can have their own facts and definitions,

Pretty good show. Love the melt down.:lol: And Jake has his own definitions

No, you are not melting down here, bigrebnc, though you have had your moments. Sallow, though, is having hissy fits! :lol:
But that's not what Romney is saying. What Romney is saying is that religious doctrine should trump legislation.

Which is pretty scary..


It worries me a little that you find the first amendment so frightening.

The first amendment clearly states you can freely practice your religion..and government can't create legislation establishing religion.

I personally think that government funding religious initiatives are un-constitutional. And that religious organizations that are "for profit" and hire opposed to volunteers..are subject to the laws of the land..including taxation.

I also feel that your religious freedom my personal liberty. You do not have the right to dictate your religious morals to me.

And yet you believe it's okay to dictate you're morals to others. Interesting.
You swear at me, you little fuck face?

Religion is off limits. Wright is off limits: jump any fool it brings it up. Mormonism is off limits: and I will jump You the Fool for bringing it up.

He is questioning secular society as dictated by atheists, damn right he is. He wants less atheism in it: good for him,

Look up the definition. Libs are as bad as cons in thinking they can have their own facts and definitions, this carefully Jake. Romney Brought Up Religion. Got it?
That work for you? Fuck face?

You swear, Sallow, you get it in return. Simple, huh? Romney brought it up? So what? Act mature and take the high road. I doubt he will do it again.

Have you looked up "theocracy", Sallow?

What do you mean, act mature.

Romney made this an issue.

Did all by himself. Several times. Not just once.

It's not some kind of's a plank in the Republican Party's platform.

They bring this up time and time again.

And Democrats..the gutless wonders they are..keep backing down.

It's not a high road..because it gets worse every election cycle.

Look at what's going on in the states for pete's sake. Republicans put up legislation to insert a vaginal probe into women seeking abortions in an unnecessary medical procedure. They've put up legislation declaring, not only that fetuses are people..but they are people 2 weeks before they even become a zycote.

This comes along with the "Religious Liberty" debate.

And at the heels of some of the ex-candidates declaring that communities and states have the right to refuse building religious places of worship..for religions they don't like.

It's not trivial.

It worries me a little that you find the first amendment so frightening.

The first amendment clearly states you can freely practice your religion..and government can't create legislation establishing religion.

I personally think that government funding religious initiatives are un-constitutional. And that religious organizations that are "for profit" and hire opposed to volunteers..are subject to the laws of the land..including taxation.

I also feel that your religious freedom my personal liberty. You do not have the right to dictate your religious morals to me.

And yet you believe it's okay to dictate you're morals to others. Interesting.

No..and that's the point.

I don't believe in legislating morality.

That's personal.
prove it.

There are many secrets in the morman religion

Prove that the statement "a single woman cannot enter heaven" is false?


In the LDS faith, practically everyone goes to heaven. Even murderers go to heaven. The marital status of a woman does not keep her out of heaven.

The only people who don't go to heaven are those who deny the Holy Ghost after receiving a perfect knowledge of Jesus Christ. Not many people in the history of mankind meet that criterion. It's a very high threshold of knowledge.

Well, that's kind of lame, then.

Actually, you LDS (you are LDS, aren't you Amelia?) beleive in different levels of Heaven, and only good Mormons get into the highest one, the Celestial Heaven.
prove it.

There are many secrets in the morman religion

Prove that the statement "a single woman cannot enter heaven" is false?


In the LDS faith, practically everyone goes to heaven. Even murderers go to heaven. The marital status of a woman does not keep her out of heaven.

The only people who don't go to heaven are those who deny the Holy Ghost after receiving a perfect knowledge of Jesus Christ. Not many people in the history of mankind meet that criterion. It's a very high threshold of knowledge.

Well, that's kind of lame, then.

Actually, you LDS (you are LDS, aren't you Amelia?) beleive in different levels of Heaven, and only good Mormons get into the highest one, the Celestial Heaven.

But the imperfect folks like you and me still can get into the third kingdom. Of course, we get to share it with Stalin and Hitler and bigrenbc and kohsergirl. :lol:
prove it.

There are many secrets in the morman religion

Prove that the statement "a single woman cannot enter heaven" is false?


In the LDS faith, practically everyone goes to heaven. Even murderers go to heaven. The marital status of a woman does not keep her out of heaven.

The only people who don't go to heaven are those who deny the Holy Ghost after receiving a perfect knowledge of Jesus Christ. Not many people in the history of mankind meet that criterion. It's a very high threshold of knowledge.

Well, that's kind of lame, then.

Actually, you LDS (you are LDS, aren't you Amelia?) beleive in different levels of Heaven, and only good Mormons get into the highest one, the Celestial Heaven.

Didn't say it wasn't lame.

Just said that strollingbones' statement was false.

I usually stay out of the religious arguments. But that was an easy point to rebut.

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