An honest Republican?

That doesn't make him honest, it just makes him a political wind sock with an (R) by his name...Which he has a reputation for being.

Dewey Bartlett the pseudo-Republican nominee for Tulsa Mayor - Tulsa freethought |
Remember all the Con governors who protested the stimulus, but not only took the money, but in the case of Jindal passed out the checks with his own name on them.

Since conservatives are paying for it, I see no reason why they shouldn't take the money. It is OUR money you're giving out. Fucking idiot.

Conservatives aren't the only ones paying taxes you dumbass, people of all political persuasions are tax payers.
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That doesn't make him honest, it just makes him a political wind sock with an (R) by his name...Which he has a reputation for being.

Dewey Bartlett the pseudo-Republican nominee for Tulsa Mayor - Tulsa freethought |

Do you mean to say he's a RINO?

Calling somebody RINO is ad hominem and has nothing to do with facts. The mayor claims the stimulus worked, what evidence do have that proves it didn't?

You call democrats who do not go the party way blue dogs, we call republicans RINOS do you have a point?
Do you mean to say he's a RINO?

Calling somebody RINO is ad hominem and has nothing to do with facts. The mayor claims the stimulus worked, what evidence do have that proves it didn't?

You call democrats who do not go the party way blue dogs, we call republicans RINOS do you have a point?

Blue dogs are moderate Democrats, now what evidence do have that the mayor was lying about the stimulus working?
Yep it's al;l those filthy Repubs running Greece, Portugal, France, Germany, Ireland, Iceland.....oh wait, I made a mistake!!!! Those are all SOCIALIST countries tanking! OOOPPPS!

Germany enjoyed its fastest economic expansion in two decades last year as booming exports spurred hiring and consumer spending.

German Economy Expands at Fastest Pace in Two Decades Amid Export Demand - Bloomberg


You might want to look a little deeper to figure out what the Germans are doing there deanie. Their currency was devalued by 20% and they doubled the governemnts debt to 3.5% of GDP. The economic "boom" is a fiction...

"The policy that Germany has gotten most right is the one that has kept its unemployment rate (currently 7.0 percent) at or below pre-recession levels despite a steeper decline in output (4.6 percent) for 2009 than the U.S. experienced. This is the policy of subsidizing employers to keep workers on the job at reduced hours, instead of laying them off. This has saved hundreds of thousands of jobs in Germany, and could save millions in the United States, if only we had some political leadership with the courage to take these modest but obvious steps.

Ironically, however, the reforms that Spain is being pressured to adopt are in the opposite direction – the European authorities want Spain to make it easier for employers to get rid of workers.

Another flaw in the argument: Germany’s record second quarter growth – 2.2 percent over the previous quarter, or 9 percent at an annual rate – was driven mostly by exports, which grew 8.2 percent over the previous quarter, or 37 percent annualized. As the South Centre has noted, for 2002-2007, exports accounted for 143 percent of Germany’s growth – meaning that the German economy would have actually contracted over these years if not for export growth."

Wrong Lessons Drawn From Germany’s Recovery Real-World Economics Review Blog

ooops right back at ya!
Just look at East Germany, it still hasn't recovered from the cold war yet and they are giving billions away to failing economies, makes perfect sense. :doubt:
Calling somebody RINO is ad hominem and has nothing to do with facts. The mayor claims the stimulus worked, what evidence do have that proves it didn't?

You call democrats who do not go the party way blue dogs, we call republicans RINOS do you have a point?

Blue dogs are moderate Democrats, now what evidence do have that the mayor was lying about the stimulus working?

You still call democrats who do ot vote the party way blue dogs

Evience? How about a failed economy? Is that evidence enough for you?
You call democrats who do not go the party way blue dogs, we call republicans RINOS do you have a point?

Blue dogs are moderate Democrats, now what evidence do have that the mayor was lying about the stimulus working?

You still call democrats who do ot vote the party way blue dogs

Evience? How about a failed economy? Is that evidence enough for you?

You have no evidence that the mayor was lying.
Remember all the Con governors who protested the stimulus, but not only took the money, but in the case of Jindal passed out the checks with his own name on them.

Since conservatives are paying for it, I see no reason why they shouldn't take the money. It is OUR money you're giving out. Fucking idiot.

Conservatives aren't the only ones paying taxes you dumbass, people of all political persuasions are tax payers.

I didn't say we were, dumbass. I said conservatives are paying for it. If they're paying for it, they are entitled to take it. Dumbass.
Since conservatives are paying for it, I see no reason why they shouldn't take the money. It is OUR money you're giving out. Fucking idiot.

Conservatives aren't the only ones paying taxes you dumbass, people of all political persuasions are tax payers.

I didn't say we were, dumbass. I said conservatives are paying for it. If they're paying for it, they are entitled to take it. Dumbass.

Dumbass, everybody is paying for it so everyone is entitled to it, why are conservatives trying to stop it? Dumbass.
It worked? 2 years later and unemployment is still nowhere near under 8%? Wow Imagine if it didn't work!

The stock market is up and corporate profits are doing very well. No jobs being created?

Why are conservatives pretending they care about the latter? The whole idea of successful capitalism is to generate the most profits possible with the least amount of labor.

This is your Utopia. Why are you bitching?
Blue dogs are moderate Democrats, now what evidence do have that the mayor was lying about the stimulus working?

You still call democrats who do ot vote the party way blue dogs

Evience? How about a failed economy? Is that evidence enough for you?

You have no evidence that the mayor was lying.

We must pas the stimulus bill or unemployment number will go up to 8 percent. but down 8 percent would have been good compared to 10 percent would you agree? It did not work as planed their are no crated jobs in the private sector and the government is having to cut back so the stinulus was a lie and anyone who says it worked is liar doesn't matter what letter they wear on their jersey
You still call democrats who do ot vote the party way blue dogs

Evience? How about a failed economy? Is that evidence enough for you?

You have no evidence that the mayor was lying.

We must pas the stimulus bill or unemployment number will go up to 8 percent. but down 8 percent would have been good compared to 10 percent would you agree? It did not work as planed their are no crated jobs in the private sector and the government is having to cut back so the stinulus was a lie and anyone who says it worked is liar doesn't matter what letter they wear on their jersey

When are you going to answer the damn question and quit dancing around? The mayor said the stimulus is working for his city, prove him a liar.
You have no evidence that the mayor was lying.

We must pas the stimulus bill or unemployment number will go up to 8 percent. but down 8 percent would have been good compared to 10 percent would you agree? It did not work as planed their are no crated jobs in the private sector and the government is having to cut back so the stinulus was a lie and anyone who says it worked is liar doesn't matter what letter they wear on their jersey

When are you going to answer the damn question and quit dancing around? The mayor said the stimulus is working for his city, prove him a liar.
Since he cannot go back in time, undo the welfare"stimulus" spending, then he cannot say for certain.

If he's not lying, he's completely ignorant of basic logic....Which is pretty much par for the course for politicians in general.
We must pas the stimulus bill or unemployment number will go up to 8 percent. but down 8 percent would have been good compared to 10 percent would you agree? It did not work as planed their are no crated jobs in the private sector and the government is having to cut back so the stinulus was a lie and anyone who says it worked is liar doesn't matter what letter they wear on their jersey

When are you going to answer the damn question and quit dancing around? The mayor said the stimulus is working for his city, prove him a liar.
Since he cannot go back in time, undo the welfare"stimulus" spending, then he cannot say for certain.

If he's not lying, he's completely ignorant of basic logic....Which is pretty much par for the course for politicians in general.

Your dumbass can't support neither of your claims you stupid focking hack. Your dumbass is dismissed also for the fact that you support Republicans lying so if he is lying whats the focking problem? Dumbass.
You still call democrats who do ot vote the party way blue dogs

Evience? How about a failed economy? Is that evidence enough for you?

You have no evidence that the mayor was lying.

We must pas the stimulus bill or unemployment number will go up to 8 percent. but down 8 percent would have been good compared to 10 percent would you agree? It did not work as planed their are no crated jobs in the private sector and the government is having to cut back so the stinulus was a lie and anyone who says it worked is liar doesn't matter what letter they wear on their jersey

It doesn't matter what some person estimated.
You have no evidence that the mayor was lying.

We must pas the stimulus bill or unemployment number will go up to 8 percent. but down 8 percent would have been good compared to 10 percent would you agree? It did not work as planed their are no crated jobs in the private sector and the government is having to cut back so the stinulus was a lie and anyone who says it worked is liar doesn't matter what letter they wear on their jersey

It doesn't matter what some person estimated.

It does if your going to base economic decisions on it. If your going to create a larger deficit from it. If your going to basically ignore the employment issue. How much greener are we from all these green jobs?
Fannie Mae collapsed during a democrat majority in congress. The chair of the banking committee confessed that he had "ideological blinders on" while Fannie was going under. Translated that means democrats wanted an economic collapse to be the mother of all October surprises. Barney Frank admitted it. Frank Raines is one of Obama's financial advisors. He is alleged to have cooked the books to show a profit which was tied to his bonus money and walked away with 90 Million dollars for three years work. The former democrat majority ignored the mess in Fannie while they waited for the statute of limitations to expire and the blamed Bush. Obama squandered two years with a substantial majority in congress and spent money like a community activist with a stolen ATM card. Democrats had no intention of fixing the economy. All they wanted was a blank check to pay the poverty pimps and the union thugs to guarantee them another term in office.
2004 George W. Bush's Republican Convention Acceptance Speech
(This speech was delivered at the 2004 Republican National Convention on September 2, 2004 when George W. Bush officially accepted the Republican nomination to run for President.)

..... Another priority for a new term is to build an ownership society, because ownership brings security, and dignity, and independence. Thanks to our policies, homeownership in America is at an all-time high. Tonight we set a new goal: seven million more affordable homes in the next 10 years so more American families will be able to open the door and say welcome to my home .....

2004 George W. Bush's Republican Convention Acceptance Speech - Wikisource
Perhaps "whitehall" should "can" the rhetoric and go back to familiarize himself with George W. Bush's 2004 Republican Convention Acceptance Speech in which he promised "to build an ownership society ..... seven million more affordable homes in the next 10 years so more American families will be able to open the door and say welcome to my home ....."

Just what agencies does "whitehall" think Bush was relying on to "build an ownership society" and provide the mortgages required to finance these "seven million more affordable homes?"

If the Bush Administration and the Republicans didn't know what was going on concerning "subprime mortgages" and the activities of Fannie May, its because they didn't want to know!

New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae

Published: September 11, 2003

. .WASHINGTON, Sept. 10— The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.

Under the plan, disclosed at a Congressional hearing today, a new agency would be created within the Treasury Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored companies that are the two largest players in the mortgage lending industry.

The new agency would have the authority, which now rests with Congress, to set one of the two capital-reserve requirements for the companies. It would exercise authority over any new lines of business. And it would determine whether the two are adequately managing the risks of their ballooning portfolios.

The plan is an acknowledgment by the administration that oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- which together have issued more than $1.5 trillion in outstanding debt -- is broken. A report by outside investigators in July concluded that Freddie Mac manipulated its accounting to mislead investors, and critics have said Fannie Mae does not adequately hedge against rising interest rates.

New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae -

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