An impeachment Is An Accusation — Nothing More

An impeachment Is An Accusation — Nothing More
12/25/2019 ~ By William Dodd
The recent impeachment by the U.S. House of Representatives is an accusation that President Trump has committed high crimes — an accusation and nothing more. By law, President Trump is presumed to be innocent of the accusation until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of the alleged crimes in a court of law. One of the world's oldest principles of jurisprudence, the presumption of innocence was first codified into Roman law under the sixth-century emperor Justinian: "Proof lies on him who asserts [in this case, the House] — not on him who denies [the president]." The principle was based on Roman legal practices from the third century.
The presumption of innocence is a cardinal principle of the United States justice system. The Constitution's Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments all support the principle with express language to protect the accused. The Sixth includes the right of the accused to a "speedy trial." In Coffin v. United States, the 1895 Supreme Court ruled: The principle that there is a presumption of innocence in favor of the accused is the undoubted law [of the United States], axiomatic and elementary. This POI principle is further encoded in the legal systems of the United Nations under Article 11 of its Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well in the constitutions and/or legal codes of every major country, including socialist China and Russia. Thus, President Trump does not have to prove anything. The burden of proof that crimes have been committed lies solely and entirely on the accuser, the House of Representatives.

Impeachment is a charge. This latest impeachment is A charge that has not even been brought to court. A charge that has no trial date. As such, it is a meaningless and baseless accusation. Without merit.
According to Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists, there is no burden of proof specified in the constitution (preponderance of evidence vs. clear and convincing vs. beyond a reasonable doubt). There is no appeal or other review process in their partisan view.
What is reasonable to say is that traditional notions of due process, substantial justice and fair play should prevail. Of course some of those who are after Trump’s scalp would deny, and do deny, that even these basic norms of Anglo-American jurisprudence, developed over the 800 years since the Magna Carta, apply.
Until Pelosi struts over to the Senate in her extra high heels and her "lift and separate" bustier attempting to make mutton look like lamb alluring with the two Articles, there is no impeachment. If and when she does surrender the Articles, she is in Contempt of Congress, Contempt of the Constitution and surely Contempt of the PEOPLE..
Actually, an impeachment is equivalent to an indictment which is more than an accusation.
An impeachment Is An Accusation — Nothing More
12/25/2019 ~ By William Dodd
The recent impeachment by the U.S. House of Representatives is an accusation that President Trump has committed high crimes — an accusation and nothing more. By law, President Trump is presumed to be innocent of the accusation until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of the alleged crimes in a court of law. One of the world's oldest principles of jurisprudence, the presumption of innocence was first codified into Roman law under the sixth-century emperor Justinian: "Proof lies on him who asserts [in this case, the House] — not on him who denies [the president]." The principle was based on Roman legal practices from the third century.
The presumption of innocence is a cardinal principle of the United States justice system. The Constitution's Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments all support the principle with express language to protect the accused. The Sixth includes the right of the accused to a "speedy trial." In Coffin v. United States, the 1895 Supreme Court ruled: The principle that there is a presumption of innocence in favor of the accused is the undoubted law [of the United States], axiomatic and elementary. This POI principle is further encoded in the legal systems of the United Nations under Article 11 of its Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well in the constitutions and/or legal codes of every major country, including socialist China and Russia. Thus, President Trump does not have to prove anything. The burden of proof that crimes have been committed lies solely and entirely on the accuser, the House of Representatives.

Impeachment is a charge. This latest impeachment is A charge that has not even been brought to court. A charge that has no trial date. As such, it is a meaningless and baseless accusation. Without merit.
According to Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists, there is no burden of proof specified in the constitution (preponderance of evidence vs. clear and convincing vs. beyond a reasonable doubt). There is no appeal or other review process in their partisan view.
What is reasonable to say is that traditional notions of due process, substantial justice and fair play should prevail. Of course some of those who are after Trump’s scalp would deny, and do deny, that even these basic norms of Anglo-American jurisprudence, developed over the 800 years since the Magna Carta, apply.
Until Pelosi struts over to the Senate in her extra high heels and her "lift and separate" bustier attempting to make mutton look like lamb alluring with the two Articles, there is no impeachment. If and when she does surrender the Articles, she is in Contempt of Congress, Contempt of the Constitution and surely Contempt of the PEOPLE..
Actually, an impeachment is equivalent to an indictment which is more than an accusation.
Not until the court receives it... Its nothing but words on paper, without meaning, until then, just like an indictment that has not been seen and signed by the judge (court).
Trump should unleash every lawyer he can beg, borrow or steal on the Ds in congress with anything like sedition or looting the treasury on record.
Oh he will, the ones he has dirt on, and he'll keep right on unleashing lie after lie; he has no other option.

Trump has all of the options, the Democrats just used their last one. At this point all they have is turn it over to senate or not.

This is whats going to happen. The Democrats will draw this out and keep Americans weary of the process. It will then get thrown out in Senate. Trump wins in 2020 and the Democrats keep pushing left. Look Im a registered Democrat but Im so far removed from that AOC and the muslim you keep letting drive the party. Democrats better wake up. I like my 1/2 ton truck, motor home, flying around the country, my healthcare. I paid for my kids education. I love America
Anyone ever see and american president so eagerly participate in his own prosecution?

This is only the third time that the House has ever voted to impeach a President. And as a historical note, of the three times this has happened, twice, now, it was for humiliating Hillary Clinton.

In this case, I have to imagine that knowing how weak the case against President Trump is, that he would be eager to get the process completed, and have his name cleared. I think everyone involved knows that there is nothing at all in the Articles of Impeachment that have been brought against him, that will come anywhere close to standing up in a fair trial.

I think President Trump is eager to have the process go forward, for exactly the same reason that Congresscriminal Pelosi does not want it to go forward—they both know, as does everyone else involved, what the outcome will be, that President Trump will be cleared, and the horrendous abuse of power in which the Democraps have engaged will be fully exposed for what it is. Some form of legal prosecution against Congresscriminal Pelosi and her accomplices may even be a possibility.
Trump should unleash every lawyer he can beg, borrow or steal on the Ds in congress with anything like sedition or looting the treasury on record.
Oh he will, the ones he has dirt on, and he'll keep right on unleashing lie after lie; he has no other option.

Trump has all of the options, the Democrats just used their last one. At this point all they have is turn it over to senate or not.

This is whats going to happen. The Democrats will draw this out and keep Americans weary of the process. It will then get thrown out in Senate. Trump wins in 2020 and the Democrats keep pushing left. Look Im a registered Democrat but Im so far removed from that AOC and the muslim you keep letting drive the party. Democrats better wake up. I like my 1/2 ton truck, motor home, flying around the country, my healthcare. I paid for my kids education. I love America
IF the vote were held today, you would lose in landslide and the House, Senate, and White House will all be Republican. The longer this drags on the bigger the loss. From the sound of it you will stay home if they dont get back to center, is this right? I'm betting that you are far from being alone in this action as many democrats are abandoning your party or will simply look in disgust and not vote.
This is whats going to happen. The Democrats will draw this out and keep Americans weary of the process. It will then get thrown out in Senate. Trump wins in 2020 and the Democrats keep pushing left. Look Im [sic] a registered Democrat but Im [sic] so far removed from that AOC and the muslim [sic] you keep letting drive the party. Democrats better wake up. I like my 1/2 ton truck, motor home, flying around the country, my healthcare. I paid for my kids education. I love America

You should seriously consider changing parties.

It ought to be clear and obvious to you that if the Democrats ever represented your kind, they no longer do, and have not for a very long time. They see you, at best, as a useful stooge, if not an outright enemy.
To me, the Dems are in quite a dilemma: Do they continue to draw this thing out, hoping for some new development they can use to bolster their impeachment articles or add new one(s)? But in so doing, are they endangering their House majority even more than it already is? As some Dems have stated, they could impeach Trump a 2nd time if subsequent information surfaces. Seems the more practical route to me, but the far Left won't like it if Pelosi forwards the Articles to the Senate in January, where it goes nowhere in fairly short order. But if they do that, then any effort to go through the courts to force Trump to allow his people to testify and give up certain documents might be weakened, cuz they already impeached him. so why do you need more information?

The Durham Report is going to come out sometime in 2020, maybe in the spring or summer and I think it will be very damaging to the Dems. And Guiliani says he has damaging information too, that could further hurt them. Not sure if other investigations are on-going, but it don't look very good for the Dems next year.
Pelosi Never proved her case as evidenced by the fact not on single violation of US Code Is listed in “Trumped Up” The Articles.

An impeachment Is An Accusation — Nothing More
12/25/2019 ~ By William Dodd
The recent impeachment by the U.S. House of Representatives is an accusation that President Trump has committed high crimes — an accusation and nothing more. By law, President Trump is presumed to be innocent of the accusation until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of the alleged crimes in a court of law. One of the world's oldest principles of jurisprudence, the presumption of innocence was first codified into Roman law under the sixth-century emperor Justinian: "Proof lies on him who asserts [in this case, the House] — not on him who denies [the president]." The principle was based on Roman legal practices from the third century.
The presumption of innocence is a cardinal principle of the United States justice system. The Constitution's Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments all support the principle with express language to protect the accused. The Sixth includes the right of the accused to a "speedy trial." In Coffin v. United States, the 1895 Supreme Court ruled: The principle that there is a presumption of innocence in favor of the accused is the undoubted law [of the United States], axiomatic and elementary. This POI principle is further encoded in the legal systems of the United Nations under Article 11 of its Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well in the constitutions and/or legal codes of every major country, including socialist China and Russia. Thus, President Trump does not have to prove anything. The burden of proof that crimes have been committed lies solely and entirely on the accuser, the House of Representatives.

Impeachment is a charge. This latest impeachment is A charge that has not even been brought to court. A charge that has no trial date. As such, it is a meaningless and baseless accusation. Without merit.
According to Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists, there is no burden of proof specified in the constitution (preponderance of evidence vs. clear and convincing vs. beyond a reasonable doubt). There is no appeal or other review process in their partisan view.
What is reasonable to say is that traditional notions of due process, substantial justice and fair play should prevail. Of course some of those who are after Trump’s scalp would deny, and do deny, that even these basic norms of Anglo-American jurisprudence, developed over the 800 years since the Magna Carta, apply.
Until Pelosi struts over to the Senate in her extra high heels and her "lift and separate" bustier attempting to make mutton look like lamb alluring with the two Articles, there is no impeachment. If and when she does surrender the Articles, she is in Contempt of Congress, Contempt of the Constitution and surely Contempt of the PEOPLE..
There are a lot of people who believe that if you can't get a bipartisan support for impeachment then the case for that action isn't good enough and instead you should go for a Censure vote and be done with it. But of course that would not satisfy the Far Left, who is running the Dem Party into the ground these days. We really need a 3rd party that is more moderate, which I think would attract voters and pols from both sides.
An impeachment Is An Accusation — Nothing More
12/25/2019 ~ By William Dodd
The recent impeachment by the U.S. House of Representatives is an accusation that President Trump has committed high crimes — an accusation and nothing more. By law, President Trump is presumed to be innocent of the accusation until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of the alleged crimes in a court of law. One of the world's oldest principles of jurisprudence, the presumption of innocence was first codified into Roman law under the sixth-century emperor Justinian: "Proof lies on him who asserts [in this case, the House] — not on him who denies [the president]." The principle was based on Roman legal practices from the third century.
The presumption of innocence is a cardinal principle of the United States justice system. The Constitution's Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments all support the principle with express language to protect the accused. The Sixth includes the right of the accused to a "speedy trial." In Coffin v. United States, the 1895 Supreme Court ruled: The principle that there is a presumption of innocence in favor of the accused is the undoubted law [of the United States], axiomatic and elementary. This POI principle is further encoded in the legal systems of the United Nations under Article 11 of its Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well in the constitutions and/or legal codes of every major country, including socialist China and Russia. Thus, President Trump does not have to prove anything. The burden of proof that crimes have been committed lies solely and entirely on the accuser, the House of Representatives.

Impeachment is a charge. This latest impeachment is A charge that has not even been brought to court. A charge that has no trial date. As such, it is a meaningless and baseless accusation. Without merit.
According to Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists, there is no burden of proof specified in the constitution (preponderance of evidence vs. clear and convincing vs. beyond a reasonable doubt). There is no appeal or other review process in their partisan view.
What is reasonable to say is that traditional notions of due process, substantial justice and fair play should prevail. Of course some of those who are after Trump’s scalp would deny, and do deny, that even these basic norms of Anglo-American jurisprudence, developed over the 800 years since the Magna Carta, apply.
Until Pelosi struts over to the Senate in her extra high heels and her "lift and separate" bustier attempting to make mutton look like lamb alluring with the two Articles, there is no impeachment. If and when she does surrender the Articles, she is in Contempt of Congress, Contempt of the Constitution and surely Contempt of the PEOPLE..
To Democrats, allegations against conservatives are hard evidence of criminality. You know ... guilty until proven innocent (and perhaps not even then).
Pelosi Never proved her case as evidenced by the fact not on single violation of US Code Is listed in “Trumped Up” The Articles.

The Impeachment hearing is like a Grand Jury hearing. It's not necessary to prove the accusation at that stage, only to establish that there's enough evidence to support going to trial with it, to give a reasonable chance that the accusation can be proven at the trial.

But, having read the Articles of Impeachment myself, it is apparent to me that they failed to even achieve that. There is no way that either of the charges made in that document would stand up in a court trial, and there is no way that they would stand up in a Senate trial either. Congresscriminal Pelosi knows this, as do her accomplices who voted for these articles; and that is why she is so reluctant to let it go to trial.
Trump should unleash every lawyer he can beg, borrow or steal on the Ds in congress with anything like sedition or looting the treasury on record.
Oh he will, the ones he has dirt on, and he'll keep right on unleashing lie after lie; he has no other option.

Trump has all of the options, the Democrats just used their last one. At this point all they have is turn it over to senate or not.

This is whats going to happen. The Democrats will draw this out and keep Americans weary of the process. It will then get thrown out in Senate. Trump wins in 2020 and the Democrats keep pushing left. Look Im a registered Democrat but Im so far removed from that AOC and the muslim you keep letting drive the party. Democrats better wake up. I like my 1/2 ton truck, motor home, flying around the country, my healthcare. I paid for my kids education. I love America
IF the vote were held today, you would lose in landslide and the House, Senate, and White House will all be Republican. The longer this drags on the bigger the loss. From the sound of it you will stay home if they dont get back to center, is this right? I'm betting that you are far from being alone in this action as many democrats are abandoning your party or will simply look in disgust and not vote.

Shit no, Im voting Trump. Unless the democrats come back to reality I will never vote for one again
Pelosi Never proved her case as evidenced by the fact not on single violation of US Code Is listed in “Trumped Up” The Articles.

The Impeachment hearing is like a Grand Jury hearing. It's not necessary to prove the accusation at that stage, only to establish that there's enough evidence to support going to trial with it, to give a reasonable chance that the accusation can be proven at the trial.

But, having read the Articles of Impeachment myself, it is apparent to me that they failed to even achieve that. There is no way that either of the charges made in that document would stand up in a court trial, and there is no way that they would stand up in a Senate trial either. Congresscriminal Pelosi knows this, as do her accomplices who voted for these articles; and that is why she is so reluctant to let it go to trial.
Without a violation of US Title Code, the Impeachment Articles, by democrats, are dead on arrival in the Senate. Chief Justice Roberts will ask for summary dismissal.. That will be the ultimate seal of death for democrats, to have the judiciary tell the senate that the Articles of Impeachment do not meet even basic Constitutional criteria to bring action.

Its going to be a very interesting new year...
This is whats going to happen. The Democrats will draw this out and keep Americans weary of the process. It will then get thrown out in Senate. Trump wins in 2020 and the Democrats keep pushing left. Look Im [sic] a registered Democrat but Im [sic] so far removed from that AOC and the muslim [sic] you keep letting drive the party. Democrats better wake up. I like my 1/2 ton truck, motor home, flying around the country, my healthcare. I paid for my kids education. I love America

You should seriously consider changing parties.

It ought to be clear and obvious to you that if the Democrats ever represented your kind, they no longer do, and have not for a very long time. They see you, at best, as a useful stooge, if not an outright enemy.

I will never voge for another one
An impeachment Is An Accusation — Nothing More
12/25/2019 ~ By William Dodd
The recent impeachment by the U.S. House of Representatives is an accusation that President Trump has committed high crimes — an accusation and nothing more. By law, President Trump is presumed to be innocent of the accusation until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of the alleged crimes in a court of law. One of the world's oldest principles of jurisprudence, the presumption of innocence was first codified into Roman law under the sixth-century emperor Justinian: "Proof lies on him who asserts [in this case, the House] — not on him who denies [the president]." The principle was based on Roman legal practices from the third century.
The presumption of innocence is a cardinal principle of the United States justice system. The Constitution's Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments all support the principle with express language to protect the accused. The Sixth includes the right of the accused to a "speedy trial." In Coffin v. United States, the 1895 Supreme Court ruled: The principle that there is a presumption of innocence in favor of the accused is the undoubted law [of the United States], axiomatic and elementary. This POI principle is further encoded in the legal systems of the United Nations under Article 11 of its Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well in the constitutions and/or legal codes of every major country, including socialist China and Russia. Thus, President Trump does not have to prove anything. The burden of proof that crimes have been committed lies solely and entirely on the accuser, the House of Representatives.

Impeachment is a charge. This latest impeachment is A charge that has not even been brought to court. A charge that has no trial date. As such, it is a meaningless and baseless accusation. Without merit.
According to Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists, there is no burden of proof specified in the constitution (preponderance of evidence vs. clear and convincing vs. beyond a reasonable doubt). There is no appeal or other review process in their partisan view.
What is reasonable to say is that traditional notions of due process, substantial justice and fair play should prevail. Of course some of those who are after Trump’s scalp would deny, and do deny, that even these basic norms of Anglo-American jurisprudence, developed over the 800 years since the Magna Carta, apply.
Until Pelosi struts over to the Senate in her extra high heels and her "lift and separate" bustier attempting to make mutton look like lamb alluring with the two Articles, there is no impeachment. If and when she does surrender the Articles, she is in Contempt of Congress, Contempt of the Constitution and surely Contempt of the PEOPLE..

In this case, a false accusation.

Just like with Kavanaugh. Imagine if these people had power, welcome to banana republic and instant civil war.
Trump should unleash every lawyer he can beg, borrow or steal on the Ds in congress with anything like sedition or looting the treasury on record.
Sounds like Trump.

He has you trained well, minion - you never thought to include ‘hire” or “pay”.
You know what happened. In 2016 after Obama set it up, Progs were going in for the kill. The next step into taking over the nation with their political agendas running with little opposition. A decade of state and local elections that turned areas more Repub and a more heavily Repub Congress still did not deter Progs and lies from both parties. But Progs got ahead of themselves. Before the election with vile behavior, treating other voters with venom and acidic comments. Even name calling by politicians. Prog journalists and entertainers never letting up with demeaning comments in talk shows, movies ,TV comedy shows and the so called journalists. The journalists who will never be trusted again by at least half the population. And they don't care. Justice would be executions. The lead Presidential candidate for the Progs believed in her coronation for the whole campaign. Then she showed her true colors the night of the election. The real Hillary showed up. Whatever you say of Trump he is in front of you with his ways. Hillary screwed over her own voters at the campaign headquarters that night. She was blitzed on drugs and alcohol. A Prog rubber stamp as President with maybe even wars. All her flaws to be gussied over as the perfect person for the job. But we know better. She let her real side show up to often over the years. If you gripe at Trump being President maybe it is the not so good people we have in our leadership that caused him to be put into office. No matter. You still have seen us move left in ways. You still have not learned your lessons as your egos are still screwing up Prog Presidential aspirations. Watching those fascist senators grill Kavanaugh was a national embarrassment. Repubs have had enough of this. And they are slowly learning to give it back. Trump is you. He gives it back quicker.
Trump should unleash every lawyer he can beg, borrow or steal on the Ds in congress with anything like sedition or looting the treasury on record.

And that would have what to do with the merits of the accusation?

Since the accusations have NO merits this would be a frivolous case.

And that would be an answer to the post quoted in what way?

You are an illiterate retard. You asked about the merits of the accusation dumbass. Your accusations have no merits so you deserve nothing in response. You get dumber by the day.
Pelosi Never proved her case as evidenced by the fact not on single violation of US Code Is listed in “Trumped Up” The Articles.

The Impeachment hearing is like a Grand Jury hearing. It's not necessary to prove the accusation at that stage, only to establish that there's enough evidence to support going to trial with it, to give a reasonable chance that the accusation can be proven at the trial.

But, having read the Articles of Impeachment myself, it is apparent to me that they failed to even achieve that. There is no way that either of the charges made in that document would stand up in a court trial, and there is no way that they would stand up in a Senate trial either. Congress criminal Pelosi knows this, as do her accomplices who voted for these articles; and that is why she is so reluctant to let it go to trial.

You are misinterpreting the "Impeachment hearing" term you invented. There is an "Impeachment Inquiry" either by a House committee or by a special counsel to make the case for impeachment. If the House Judiciary committee votes any articles of impeachment out of the committee, the entire House votes for impeachment based on their articles. The House articles need to be real, serious, and proven, not just "enough evidence for a trial" that "makes the senate prove their half-assed case".

Then the articles go to the senate for the trial, and the senate votes on impeachment and removal with a 2/3 vote. The senate has a very high non-partisan bar to for removal. It would need to be bi-partisan to get 67 senators to vote for removal, i.e. serious "crimes", not just a partisan coup plot.
12/25/2019 ~ By William Dodd
The recent impeachment by the U.S. House of Representatives is an accusation that President Trump has committed high crimes — an accusation and nothing more. By law, President Trump is presumed to be innocent of the accusation until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of the alleged crimes in a court of law.

Uh no, stop right there. The POTUS' impeachment does not go to a court of law; it goes to the Senate. Big difference.

Indictments go to a court of law, not impeachments.


The Senate will convene as a court of impeachment

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