An impeachment Is An Accusation — Nothing More

Actually, an impeachment is equivalent to an indictment which is more than an accusation.

No, it's not.

And, as a teacher, you should be ashamed spreading false information regarding the Constitution.
Anyone ever see and american president so eagerly participate in his own prosecution?
Clinton did.... And he participated in the House as he was given the Due Process rights you denied Trump.
No one's denied Don anything hon, and Don won't go near testifying, he can't keep his lies straight.

Yeah, keep on with pretending that everything the Dems have done is aboveboard and perfectly okay. See how that works for you.
12/25/2019 ~ By William Dodd
The recent impeachment by the U.S. House of Representatives is an accusation that President Trump has committed high crimes — an accusation and nothing more. By law, President Trump is presumed to be innocent of the accusation until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of the alleged crimes in a court of law.

Uh no, stop right there. The POTUS' impeachment does not go to a court of law; it goes to the Senate. Big difference.

Indictments go to a court of law, not impeachments.


The Senate will convene as a court of impeachment

That's what I just said.

The Senate is NOT a "court of law". It does not try criminal cases. Courts do that. That's why the word "as" is there.

And courts, if it really needs to be pointed out, are painstakingly impartial. That's the difference. The fact remains, a POTUS impeachment does not go to a court, ergo the OP is built on an easily-demonstrated false premise. Also shows an astounding lack of research by the writer.
Anyone ever see and american president so eagerly participate in his own prosecution?
Clinton did.... And he participated in the House as he was given the Due Process rights you denied Trump.

Look it up, Trump and the WH declined to participate in the congressional hearings that he was invited to attend.

You can read it in the link below.
Schiff ran the impeachment inquiry in the Intelligence Committee like a kangaroo court.
The Republicans had no participation, and the democrats broke many House rules.

Then after the sham inquiry and the articles were sent to the Judiciary Committee Nadler invited trump to attend the lynching.

Read this article:

Democrats seize advantages in proposed impeachment rules
Picture how it's going to feel that first day in our country when the sun comes up... and Donald Trump is no longer the President of the United States. Doesn't it feel good just to live in that moment a little bit?
Democrats need help.. they have gone insane! Trump should run in democrat insanity
Democrats need help.. they have gone insane! Trump should run in democrat insanity

I think he'll do better to run on his accomplishments, and to show what he has truly done and what he is still trying to do, for the American people; rather than on attacking his opponents. With his personality and temperament, I don't think he'd be able to quite get away with a Reaganesque “Morning in America” campaign, but I think he does have a solid basis on which to run a campaign with a mostly positive tone.
Picture how it's going to feel that first day in our country when the sun comes up... and Donald Trump is no longer the President of the United States. Doesn't it feel good just to live in that moment a little bit?

21 January 2025 is still a long way off. There's a lot that can happen between now and then.

you mean at the start of President Sanders' 2nd term?
The thread title is correct. Trump has not been impeached, he has been accused but the prosecution is dropping the case by failing to pursue a trial. Dummie dems state “well then...he’s been arrested” which is not true either, he was charged but incredibly it now seems dems never wanted to score a touchdown and win but rather just smear, scream, stamp their feet and shriek at the sky.
An impeachment Is An Accusation — Nothing More
12/25/2019 ~ By William Dodd
The recent impeachment by the U.S. House of Representatives is an accusation that President Trump has committed high crimes — an accusation and nothing more. By law, President Trump is presumed to be innocent of the accusation until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of the alleged crimes in a court of law. One of the world's oldest principles of jurisprudence, the presumption of innocence was first codified into Roman law under the sixth-century emperor Justinian: "Proof lies on him who asserts [in this case, the House] — not on him who denies [the president]." The principle was based on Roman legal practices from the third century.
The presumption of innocence is a cardinal principle of the United States justice system. The Constitution's Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments all support the principle with express language to protect the accused. The Sixth includes the right of the accused to a "speedy trial." In Coffin v. United States, the 1895 Supreme Court ruled: The principle that there is a presumption of innocence in favor of the accused is the undoubted law [of the United States], axiomatic and elementary. This POI principle is further encoded in the legal systems of the United Nations under Article 11 of its Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well in the constitutions and/or legal codes of every major country, including socialist China and Russia. Thus, President Trump does not have to prove anything. The burden of proof that crimes have been committed lies solely and entirely on the accuser, the House of Representatives.

Impeachment is a charge. This latest impeachment is A charge that has not even been brought to court. A charge that has no trial date. As such, it is a meaningless and baseless accusation. Without merit.
According to Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists, there is no burden of proof specified in the constitution (preponderance of evidence vs. clear and convincing vs. beyond a reasonable doubt). There is no appeal or other review process in their partisan view.
What is reasonable to say is that traditional notions of due process, substantial justice and fair play should prevail. Of course some of those who are after Trump’s scalp would deny, and do deny, that even these basic norms of Anglo-American jurisprudence, developed over the 800 years since the Magna Carta, apply.
Until Pelosi struts over to the Senate in her extra high heels and her "lift and separate" bustier attempting to make mutton look like lamb alluring with the two Articles, there is no impeachment. If and when she does surrender the Articles, she is in Contempt of Congress, Contempt of the Constitution and surely Contempt of the PEOPLE..
Yes,in the same way a formal charge of first degree murder is "just an accusation".
An impeachment Is An Accusation — Nothing More
12/25/2019 ~ By William Dodd
The recent impeachment by the U.S. House of Representatives is an accusation that President Trump has committed high crimes — an accusation and nothing more. By law, President Trump is presumed to be innocent of the accusation until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of the alleged crimes in a court of law. One of the world's oldest principles of jurisprudence, the presumption of innocence was first codified into Roman law under the sixth-century emperor Justinian: "Proof lies on him who asserts [in this case, the House] — not on him who denies [the president]." The principle was based on Roman legal practices from the third century.
The presumption of innocence is a cardinal principle of the United States justice system. The Constitution's Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Eighth, and Fourteenth Amendments all support the principle with express language to protect the accused. The Sixth includes the right of the accused to a "speedy trial." In Coffin v. United States, the 1895 Supreme Court ruled: The principle that there is a presumption of innocence in favor of the accused is the undoubted law [of the United States], axiomatic and elementary. This POI principle is further encoded in the legal systems of the United Nations under Article 11 of its Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well in the constitutions and/or legal codes of every major country, including socialist China and Russia. Thus, President Trump does not have to prove anything. The burden of proof that crimes have been committed lies solely and entirely on the accuser, the House of Representatives.

Impeachment is a charge. This latest impeachment is A charge that has not even been brought to court. A charge that has no trial date. As such, it is a meaningless and baseless accusation. Without merit.
According to Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists, there is no burden of proof specified in the constitution (preponderance of evidence vs. clear and convincing vs. beyond a reasonable doubt). There is no appeal or other review process in their partisan view.
What is reasonable to say is that traditional notions of due process, substantial justice and fair play should prevail. Of course some of those who are after Trump’s scalp would deny, and do deny, that even these basic norms of Anglo-American jurisprudence, developed over the 800 years since the Magna Carta, apply.
Until Pelosi struts over to the Senate in her extra high heels and her "lift and separate" bustier attempting to make mutton look like lamb alluring with the two Articles, there is no impeachment. If and when she does surrender the Articles, she is in Contempt of Congress, Contempt of the Constitution and surely Contempt of the PEOPLE..
Yes,in the same way a formal charge of first degree murder is "just an accusation".
A charge is not an indicator nor determinant of guilt. You commies wish it was that way but in America it is not.
In the Democrats world you are guilty until proven innocent. If proven innocent they go right on claiming you are guilty, or fabricate some new charge.

In a Leftist's World:
  1. All of humanity is guilty of Climate Change and must be punished with carbon credits.
  2. All of America is guilty of imposing colonialism upon the rest of humanity and needs restrained.
  3. All Whites are guilty of oppression.
  4. All Christians are guilty of primitive superstition.
  5. All Conservatives are guilty of 17th century backward pilgrim thinking.
  6. All Republicans are guilty of corporate sellout and individual exploitation.
Trump is but the figurehead of their fears. I'm sure they'd love to burn him at the stake.
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you mean at the start of President Sanders' 2nd term?

you mean at the start of President Sanders' 2nd term?

View attachment 296773
when folks were saying we're gonna march for our freedoms, racist folks laughed at them, and said YOU CANT DO THAT!, and MLK said YES WE CAN!

when folks laughed at Obama, he said YES WE CAN!








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