An important correction I feel compelled to make in one of my Posts


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024
I said that the 14 year old who committed mass murder should get the death penalty. I also said I am Catholic (and NOT a Vatican II sect Catholic, but a real one).

I just want to make clear that I am not speaking for TRUE Catholicism when I say this kid should get the death penalty. I know that the Catholic Church officially (again, NOT speaking 4 the Vatican sect, which is not Catholic) teaches that capital punishment is acceptable for murder so as to protect society, but I don't know if there is a difference made for those under a certain age.

I just think that since the crime has the same result regardless of age (people were murdered), the punishment should be the same for all regardless of age. But if I find out the TRUE Catholic Church teaches something other than what I myself believe, I will change my view. They always have a good explanation 4 why they believe [whatever] and it could be I'm just not thinking this thing through, as Church leaders normally do b4 writing any official ex cathedra document for all to believe.

Maybe he should get the death penalty, yet it doesn't get carried out until he is 21? But a message needs to be sent to society that you do not murder people. We are sick of all the violence..
Scripture, the Law, supports the death penalty for youth. However, the NT church is not in the business of law enforcement as was Israel under the Mosaic law. Criminal offenses became the jurisdiction of the "magistrates", the secular/civil authorities. In fact, it seems that the most the church could do to members who broke the law was to put them out of the church.
Scripture, the Law, supports the death penalty for youth. However, the NT church is not in the business of law enforcement as was Israel under the Mosaic law. Criminal offenses became the jurisdiction of the "magistrates", the secular/civil authorities. In fact, it seems that the most the church could do to members who broke the law was to put them out of the church.
well, there is some truth to this, but I don't speak on things I do not know about and while I do know the Mosaic Laws, I am not sure which Church/church you are referring to or what time period.
well, there is some truth to this, but I don't speak on things I do not know about and while I do know the Mosaic Laws, I am not sure which Church/church you are referring to or what time period.
Paul put out the adulterer from the church at Corinth. No one was stoned (nor the woman caught in adultery).
I said that the 14 year old who committed mass murder should get the death penalty. I also said I am Catholic (and NOT a Vatican II sect Catholic, but a real one).

I just want to make clear that I am not speaking for TRUE Catholicism when I say this kid should get the death penalty. I know that the Catholic Church officially (again, NOT speaking 4 the Vatican sect, which is not Catholic) teaches that capital punishment is acceptable for murder so as to protect society, but I don't know if there is a difference made for those under a certain age.

I just think that since the crime has the same result regardless of age (people were murdered), the punishment should be the same for all regardless of age. But if I find out the TRUE Catholic Church teaches something other than what I myself believe, I will change my view. They always have a good explanation 4 why they believe [whatever] and it could be I'm just not thinking this thing through, as Church leaders normally do b4 writing any official ex cathedra document for all to believe.

Maybe he should get the death penalty, yet it doesn't get carried out until he is 21? But a message needs to be sent to society that you do not murder people. We are sick of all the violence..
get over it. 14 year olds have been fighting and dying for our faith since ancient times. his crime is as "adult" as you can get short of "adultery.'

but still "no" to the death penalty. keep them under study and observation. something engenders this behavior. . maybe it can be controlled?

do you think the father in this case is blameless? don't fathers teach their sons about gun safety anymore?

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