An interesting development in the "pardon" charade...

" Washington CNN Department special counsel Robert Mueller is teaming up with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to investigate Paul Manafort and his financial transactions, several people familiar with the matter told Politico. Since the US president is unable to pardon state crimes, the collaboration could also be seen as an effort to pressure Manafort to cooperate in the broader Russia investigation under Mueller, Politico reported. CNN has not independently confirmed the report. The move, which Politico reported on Wednesday night, is another indication that Mueller is ramping up pressure on Manafort, who served as the former chairman of President Donald Trump's campaign. Manafort has not been accused of any wrongdoing, but he is seen as a central figure in Mueller's investigation into Russia's 2016 election meddling."
Report: Mueller, New York AG to work together on Manafort - CNNPolitics

Paul Manafort was recently forced by the DOJ to register as a Foreign agent. He was working for the Russians during the 2012-2014 era and receiving 17 MILLION from them to advise on U.S./Ukraine policies.

"WASHINGTON -- President Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, has registered with the Justice Department as a foreign agent for political consulting work he did for a Ukrainian political party, acknowledging that he coached party members on how to interact with U.S. government officials. Manafort says in a Justice Department filing Tuesday that his firm, DMP International, received more than $17 million from the Party of Regions, the former pro-Russian ruling party in Ukraine, for consulting work from 2012 through 2014. Manafort is the second member of the Trump campaign to register as a foreign agent. In March, former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn registered with the Justice Department for work his consulting firm performed for a Turkish businessman that he said could have aided the Turkish government. Both registrations came after the work had been completed."
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent

Then this clause showed up in the Republican party platform in July 2016 at the RNC convention--or around the same time that Comey testified that U.S. Intelligence started the investigation into the Trump team. But Trump and team were being watched prior to that by the U.K and other foreign intelligence.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics

In July of this year, Paul Manafort's home was raided--and his computer and files were siezed.

Washington (CNN) FBI agents raided a home of President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort last month, a source familiar with the matter told CNN. The agents seized materials in Manafort's home as part of the ongoing Russia investigation led by Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the source said.
FBI raided Paul Manafort home as part of Russia probe - CNNPolitics

The special Grand Jury has also subpoened Paul Manforts former attorney.
Special counsel subpoenas Manafort's former attorney and spokesman - CNNPolitics

It makes sense because Trump has repeatedly stated he would pardon Michael Flynn and other who may be involved in this Russian investigation. So they have felt safe from any consequences. So it's going to be Paul Manafort that will be the squealer, because Trump cannot pardon him for State crimes. This is a very clever manuver by Robert Mueller.


You're own article points out it was a political party in the Ukraine he worked for. Do you need a map of Eastern Europe?
A Russian - backed political party.

What does it matter if they were pro-Russian? Half their country is Russian. It is still a Ukrainian party, you don't get to swap out Russia for Ukraine when it is convenient for you.

Dems are all pro-Marxist and pro-communist, should we stop calling them an American political party and just call them "Russians"?

You do realize that meddling by ANY foreign government is not allowed, not just Russia. Right?
" Washington CNN Department special counsel Robert Mueller is teaming up with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to investigate Paul Manafort and his financial transactions, several people familiar with the matter told Politico. Since the US president is unable to pardon state crimes, the collaboration could also be seen as an effort to pressure Manafort to cooperate in the broader Russia investigation under Mueller, Politico reported. CNN has not independently confirmed the report. The move, which Politico reported on Wednesday night, is another indication that Mueller is ramping up pressure on Manafort, who served as the former chairman of President Donald Trump's campaign. Manafort has not been accused of any wrongdoing, but he is seen as a central figure in Mueller's investigation into Russia's 2016 election meddling."
Report: Mueller, New York AG to work together on Manafort - CNNPolitics

Paul Manafort was recently forced by the DOJ to register as a Foreign agent. He was working for the Russians during the 2012-2014 era and receiving 17 MILLION from them to advise on U.S./Ukraine policies.

"WASHINGTON -- President Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, has registered with the Justice Department as a foreign agent for political consulting work he did for a Ukrainian political party, acknowledging that he coached party members on how to interact with U.S. government officials. Manafort says in a Justice Department filing Tuesday that his firm, DMP International, received more than $17 million from the Party of Regions, the former pro-Russian ruling party in Ukraine, for consulting work from 2012 through 2014. Manafort is the second member of the Trump campaign to register as a foreign agent. In March, former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn registered with the Justice Department for work his consulting firm performed for a Turkish businessman that he said could have aided the Turkish government. Both registrations came after the work had been completed."
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent

Then this clause showed up in the Republican party platform in July 2016 at the RNC convention--or around the same time that Comey testified that U.S. Intelligence started the investigation into the Trump team. But Trump and team were being watched prior to that by the U.K and other foreign intelligence.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics

In July of this year, Paul Manafort's home was raided--and his computer and files were siezed.

Washington (CNN) FBI agents raided a home of President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort last month, a source familiar with the matter told CNN. The agents seized materials in Manafort's home as part of the ongoing Russia investigation led by Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the source said.
FBI raided Paul Manafort home as part of Russia probe - CNNPolitics

The special Grand Jury has also subpoened Paul Manforts former attorney.
Special counsel subpoenas Manafort's former attorney and spokesman - CNNPolitics

It makes sense because Trump has repeatedly stated he would pardon Michael Flynn and other who may be involved in this Russian investigation. So they have felt safe from any consequences. So it's going to be Paul Manafort that will be the squealer, because Trump cannot pardon him for State crimes. This is a very clever manuver by Robert Mueller.


You're own article points out it was a political party in the Ukraine he worked for. Do you need a map of Eastern Europe?
A Russian - backed political party.

What does it matter if they were pro-Russian? Half their country is Russian. It is still a Ukrainian party, you don't get to swap out Russia for Ukraine when it is convenient for you.

Dems are all pro-Marxist and pro-communist, should we stop calling them an American political party and just call them "Russians"?

You do realize that meddling by ANY foreign government is not allowed, not just Russia. Right?

Well Yeah, we probably wouldn't appreciate any foreign government interferring into any American election to help their preferred candidate, much less a foreign adversary--DUH! What we're talking about in this is we had a campaign in July 2016, who sat across the table from the Russian ambassador (who was at the RNC convention) and were writing foreign policy together, long before they were even close to winning the freaking election. Is there something that you don't get about that? And they continually denied contact with Russians during the campaign season. This news only came out AFTER Jeff Sessions got busted for lying under oath to congress--and only then did several Trump campaign aids admit that they had contact with the Russian ambassador at the RNC convention.

What the Trump campaign still has yet to realise is that they were being watched since 2015, and not by U.S. Intelligence sources--whom didn't jump into this until July of 2016.

first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't pull off a secret meeting at the Trump tower in June of 2016.

Which is why Shep Smith knew in February of 2017 that Trump aids were not only on the phone with the Russian ambassador but with Russian intelligence agents including the day that DNC databases were hacked into.

I know that the 32% of you Trump supporters that are still left are wholly invested into Donald Trump. You were probably working the phone banks, out there in the neighborhood with blow horns, wearing the Trump gear, whatever you were promoting Trump with all your efforts But this is where the rubber meets the road, this is the real NEWS and it's life out of the Sean Hannity & Rush Limbaugh shows.

Just remember who to blame when this comes down around your ears.


Donald Trump broke the conservative media

Caller to Limbaugh Show Exposes That Rush Knows He Blew It with Donald Trump

If you want other information on this Russian investigation go to this link--ignore the error message.
Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
So what you are saying anything they can do to get Trump is just fine. Perhaps you haven't heard, but I guarantee that all the people called have by now, their testimony at the grand jury can be I refuse to answer that question. The only way to compel testimony is through immunity. Now, thanks to you and Mueller, that is off the table since every state would have to grant immunity as well as the Feds.

Every underhanded trick you come up with sitting there fantasizing about Trump going just makes it more unlikely.

No, what he's saying is there is something called " the rule of law". Even the president is not above it.
Wrong. He's admitting that Mewler and his douche bag defenders don't give a damn about the rule of law. They want to take down anyone in the Trump administration they can, and they don't care if they have to wipe their ass on the Constitution to do it.

Trump and his minions are the ones wiping their asses on the Constitution. Daily. No blind trusts, selling their tacky goods from the White House, getting gifts worth millions from foreign governments, failing to divest their holdings.

None of that is occurring. Nothing in the Constitution requires the President to put his holdings into a blind trust or divest himself from his holdings.

However, when Obama made his own immigration laws, that was a clear violation of the Constitution.

You're just another lying left-wing cockroach.

The Emollients Clause specifically precludes Trump from profiting from foreign governments, so yes, he is in violation. He's also hiring family in violation of the Nepotism Act, using Harvey to promote his new merchandise in every press appearance related to the hurricane, and skimming money from the Secret service by "vacationing" at one of his golf resorts nearly every weekend since his inauguration.

You idiot Trumpanzees will overlook his lies, and his blatant profiting from the Presidency, and continue to call for Clinton to be prosecuted.

Wrong, cockroach. The emoluments clause does not prevent the president from making a profit on a business he owns. That's a deliberate attempt to misinterpret it. There is also no such thing as the "Nepotism Act." Nepotism in government is perfectly legal. Many Senators and Congressman have family members working for them. There is also no crime called "skimming." The president is not obligated to pay the expenses of the Secret Service, and if he provided them with golf carts and hotel rooms for free, then that's what he would be doing.

You're obviously just making this shit up. You don't know the slightest thing about it. You're dumber than a cockroach. Hence the name.
Foreseeing that some right wingers will contend that Manafort (or Flynn, or Kushner, etc.) haven't done anything wrong in New York, residency is a factor....Regarding crooked Manafort......

.The probe by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, one of the most outspoken critics of the president, is in a preliminary stage, according to a person familiar with the matter who asked not to be named because the investigation isn’t public. Manafort, who ran Trump’s campaign from April to August last year, has owned property in the Hamptons and Trump Tower in Manhattan.

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. is also in the early stages of an investigation into Manafort’s transactions, a person familiar with that probe said. Representatives for Schneiderman and Vance declined to comment.

The inquiries by the two Democrats could pose added legal peril for Manafort if investigators find evidence of a crime. Unlike a probe by the US Justice Department and FBI, the president and Attorney General Jeff Sessions have no authority over New York state investigators scrutinizing whether Manafort broke state laws. Schneiderman is responsible for enforcing New York’s securities laws under the Martin Act, which gives him broad powers to pursue white-collar crime.

New York officials said to be probing former Trump aide Paul Manafort’s real-estate deals - The Boston Globe
What's the probable cause for issuing any warrants?

Meetings with Russian lawyers in money laundering cases. Failure to disclose moneys paid by foreign governments, lying about meeting with agents of foreign governments. Stuff like that.

What "money laundering?" What money paid by foreign governments? What meetings with agents of foreign governments? Even if he did that, it wouldn't be against the law.

Obviously, you're just making this stuff up. There are no crimes to justify a warrant.
Manafort has spent much of his career representing some controversial clients, ranging from the Marcos regime in the Philippines to the pro-Russian government of Viktor Yanukovych, who was accused of rampant corruption during the time he ran Ukraine.

But it's the Ukrainian work from 2012-2014 that has caused so many problems for him, because at the same time he became part of the Trump presidential campaign, the Russians were also trying to meddle in the US election, according to the US intelligence agencies. That's why it's a big deal to finally decide to register as a foreign agent. Particularly because he was acting on behalf of a pro-Russian regime in Ukraine.
Manafort was not part of the Trump campaign in 2012-2014, numskull. Trump didn't announce his candidacy until late in 2015.

The only reason it became a big deal is all this bogus hysteria about Russia.
This wasn't a "witch hunt". Arpaio actually did these things. He's not innocent.

....and the PROOF of his guilt, is that the county had to pay OVER $70 million for his law breaking that actually caused deaths and rapes.

That proved nothing other than the fact the Obama was out to get Arpaio, cockroach.

You're funny........Dumber than a box of rocks....but nonetheless ....funny.......LOL
Trump destroys the federal witch hunt against Arpaio so the left conspire to launch a state witch hunt to get around the presidents power to pardon victims of left witch hunts, interesting.

A "witch hunt" is going after someone who is in reality innocent: 25 years of Clinton investigations which turned up nothing but a blow job springs to mind.

People died because of their treatment at the hands of Arpaio, or became seriously ill. Innocent people were locked up because of his racial profiling. Rapists and child molesters were allowed to go free because of Arpaio. Taxpayers paid $142 million in damages because of his crimes and negligence.

This wasn't a "witch hunt". Arpaio actually did these things. He's not innocent.

You just did to Arpaio what you accused others of doing to the Clintons, holy hypocrisy.

Not even close.

Arpaio was ordered, multiple times, to stop his illegal activities. The County settled $142 million dollars in lawsuits against his police department. To suggest that Arpaio is the victim of a witch hunt defies both truth and logic.

Conservatives will defend one of their own to the death, and then scream "But Hillary" who hasn't been charged, sued, or convicted.
Conservatives will defend one of their own to the death, and then scream "But Hillary" who hasn't been charged, sued, or convicted.

There is a special "bond" among racists like Trump and Arpaio...

Its NOT just decent conservatism, its a renaissance for all wanna-be racists among that ilk.
Trump destroys the federal witch hunt against Arpaio so the left conspire to launch a state witch hunt to get around the presidents power to pardon victims of left witch hunts, interesting.

A "witch hunt" is going after someone who is in reality innocent: 25 years of Clinton investigations which turned up nothing but a blow job springs to mind.

People died because of their treatment at the hands of Arpaio, or became seriously ill. Innocent people were locked up because of his racial profiling. Rapists and child molesters were allowed to go free because of Arpaio. Taxpayers paid $142 million in damages because of his crimes and negligence.

This wasn't a "witch hunt". Arpaio actually did these things. He's not innocent.

You just did to Arpaio what you accused others of doing to the Clintons, holy hypocrisy.

Not even close.

Arpaio was ordered, multiple times, to stop his illegal activities. The County settled $142 million dollars in lawsuits against his police department. To suggest that Arpaio is the victim of a witch hunt defies both truth and logic.

Conservatives will defend one of their own to the death, and then scream "But Hillary" who hasn't been charged, sued, or convicted.

Lib please, Obama protected illegals, gave them sanctuary then one of the illegal filth shot and killed a man's daughter in San Francisco right in front of him. Why isn't Obama in prison? He swore and oath then broke his oath. Thousands of American citizens have been killed by illegals and your side defends them, FACT!
No, what he's saying is there is something called " the rule of law". Even the president is not above it.
Wrong. He's admitting that Mewler and his douche bag defenders don't give a damn about the rule of law. They want to take down anyone in the Trump administration they can, and they don't care if they have to wipe their ass on the Constitution to do it.

Trump and his minions are the ones wiping their asses on the Constitution. Daily. No blind trusts, selling their tacky goods from the White House, getting gifts worth millions from foreign governments, failing to divest their holdings.

None of that is occurring. Nothing in the Constitution requires the President to put his holdings into a blind trust or divest himself from his holdings.

However, when Obama made his own immigration laws, that was a clear violation of the Constitution.

You're just another lying left-wing cockroach.

The Emollients Clause specifically precludes Trump from profiting from foreign governments, so yes, he is in violation. He's also hiring family in violation of the Nepotism Act, using Harvey to promote his new merchandise in every press appearance related to the hurricane, and skimming money from the Secret service by "vacationing" at one of his golf resorts nearly every weekend since his inauguration.

You idiot Trumpanzees will overlook his lies, and his blatant profiting from the Presidency, and continue to call for Clinton to be prosecuted.

Wrong, cockroach. The emoluments clause does not prevent the president from making a profit on a business he owns. That's a deliberate attempt to misinterpret it. There is also no such thing as the "Nepotism Act." Nepotism in government is perfectly legal. Many Senators and Congressman have family members working for them. There is also no crime called "skimming." The president is not obligated to pay the expenses of the Secret Service, and if he provided them with golf carts and hotel rooms for free, then that's what he would be doing.

You're obviously just making this shit up. You don't know the slightest thing about it. You're dumber than a cockroach. Hence the name.

No, what he's saying is there is something called " the rule of law". Even the president is not above it.
Wrong. He's admitting that Mewler and his douche bag defenders don't give a damn about the rule of law. They want to take down anyone in the Trump administration they can, and they don't care if they have to wipe their ass on the Constitution to do it.

Trump and his minions are the ones wiping their asses on the Constitution. Daily. No blind trusts, selling their tacky goods from the White House, getting gifts worth millions from foreign governments, failing to divest their holdings.

None of that is occurring. Nothing in the Constitution requires the President to put his holdings into a blind trust or divest himself from his holdings.

However, when Obama made his own immigration laws, that was a clear violation of the Constitution.

You're just another lying left-wing cockroach.

The Emollients Clause specifically precludes Trump from profiting from foreign governments, so yes, he is in violation. He's also hiring family in violation of the Nepotism Act, using Harvey to promote his new merchandise in every press appearance related to the hurricane, and skimming money from the Secret service by "vacationing" at one of his golf resorts nearly every weekend since his inauguration.

You idiot Trumpanzees will overlook his lies, and his blatant profiting from the Presidency, and continue to call for Clinton to be prosecuted.

Wrong, cockroach. The emoluments clause does not prevent the president from making a profit on a business he owns. That's a deliberate attempt to misinterpret it. There is also no such thing as the "Nepotism Act." Nepotism in government is perfectly legal. Many Senators and Congressman have family members working for them. There is also no crime called "skimming." The president is not obligated to pay the expenses of the Secret Service, and if he provided them with golf carts and hotel rooms for free, then that's what he would be doing.

You're obviously just making this shit up. You don't know the slightest thing about it. You're dumber than a cockroach. Hence the name.

You really are too stupid to be one person.

The Emollients Clause prevents the President from making money from foreign governments. Foreign governments around the world are lining up to book events at Trump properties to curry favour with DJT. This is especially true at the Trump Hotel in Washington which is now the favourite hotel for foreign dignitaries visiting the White House.

The Nepotism Act was passed in the 1960's because of the outcry over JFK appointing Bobby as his AG.

Jared Kushner And The Anti-Nepotism Statute That Might Keep Him From The White House

Try googling these things before making a total ass of yourself.
Trump destroys the federal witch hunt against Arpaio so the left conspire to launch a state witch hunt to get around the presidents power to pardon victims of left witch hunts, interesting.

A "witch hunt" is going after someone who is in reality innocent: 25 years of Clinton investigations which turned up nothing but a blow job springs to mind.

People died because of their treatment at the hands of Arpaio, or became seriously ill. Innocent people were locked up because of his racial profiling. Rapists and child molesters were allowed to go free because of Arpaio. Taxpayers paid $142 million in damages because of his crimes and negligence.

This wasn't a "witch hunt". Arpaio actually did these things. He's not innocent.

You just did to Arpaio what you accused others of doing to the Clintons, holy hypocrisy.

Not even close.

Arpaio was ordered, multiple times, to stop his illegal activities. The County settled $142 million dollars in lawsuits against his police department. To suggest that Arpaio is the victim of a witch hunt defies both truth and logic.

Conservatives will defend one of their own to the death, and then scream "But Hillary" who hasn't been charged, sued, or convicted.

Lib please, Obama protected illegals, gave them sanctuary then one of the illegal filth shot and killed a man's daughter in San Francisco right in front of him. Why isn't Obama in prison? He swore and oath then broke his oath. Thousands of American citizens have been killed by illegals and your side defends them, FACT!

A white supremacist went into a church and shot and killed 8 black people and your side pretends that never happened.

Racist and hate crimes are up 500% since the inauguration and your side calls them "false flags".

Law enforcement calls the threat of right wing terrorism the greatest danger facing the US today, and your side denied there even is such a thing as right wing terrorism.

Violent crime committed by illegal immigrants is vastly LOWER than right wing hate crimes but focus on Radical Muslim terrorism.

Both domestic terrorism and violent domestic crime was LOWER under Obama than it is under your current racist President. But you ignore all of that.
Trump destroys the federal witch hunt against Arpaio so the left conspire to launch a state witch hunt to get around the presidents power to pardon victims of left witch hunts, interesting.

A "witch hunt" is going after someone who is in reality innocent: 25 years of Clinton investigations which turned up nothing but a blow job springs to mind.

People died because of their treatment at the hands of Arpaio, or became seriously ill. Innocent people were locked up because of his racial profiling. Rapists and child molesters were allowed to go free because of Arpaio. Taxpayers paid $142 million in damages because of his crimes and negligence.

This wasn't a "witch hunt". Arpaio actually did these things. He's not innocent.

You just did to Arpaio what you accused others of doing to the Clintons, holy hypocrisy.

Not even close.

Arpaio was ordered, multiple times, to stop his illegal activities. The County settled $142 million dollars in lawsuits against his police department. To suggest that Arpaio is the victim of a witch hunt defies both truth and logic.

Conservatives will defend one of their own to the death, and then scream "But Hillary" who hasn't been charged, sued, or convicted.

Lib please, Obama protected illegals, gave them sanctuary then one of the illegal filth shot and killed a man's daughter in San Francisco right in front of him. Why isn't Obama in prison? He swore and oath then broke his oath. Thousands of American citizens have been killed by illegals and your side defends them, FACT!

A white supremacist went into a church and shot and killed 8 black people and your side pretends that never happened.

Racist and hate crimes are up 500% since the inauguration and your side calls them "false flags".

Law enforcement calls the threat of right wing terrorism the greatest danger facing the US today, and your side denied there even is such a thing as right wing terrorism.

Violent crime committed by illegal immigrants is vastly LOWER than right wing hate crimes but focus on Radical Muslim terrorism.

Both domestic terrorism and violent domestic crime was LOWER under Obama than it is under your current racist President. But you ignore all of that.

Wow your post is :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:. As for your stupid talking point, there should be no illegal on American crime because illegals shouldn't be in our country in the first place, plus your wrong, or you are intentionally lying its one of the two.
" Washington CNN Department special counsel Robert Mueller is teaming up with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to investigate Paul Manafort and his financial transactions, several people familiar with the matter told Politico. Since the US president is unable to pardon state crimes, the collaboration could also be seen as an effort to pressure Manafort to cooperate in the broader Russia investigation under Mueller, Politico reported. CNN has not independently confirmed the report. The move, which Politico reported on Wednesday night, is another indication that Mueller is ramping up pressure on Manafort, who served as the former chairman of President Donald Trump's campaign. Manafort has not been accused of any wrongdoing, but he is seen as a central figure in Mueller's investigation into Russia's 2016 election meddling."
Report: Mueller, New York AG to work together on Manafort - CNNPolitics

Paul Manafort was recently forced by the DOJ to register as a Foreign agent. He was working for the Russians during the 2012-2014 era and receiving 17 MILLION from them to advise on U.S./Ukraine policies.

"WASHINGTON -- President Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, has registered with the Justice Department as a foreign agent for political consulting work he did for a Ukrainian political party, acknowledging that he coached party members on how to interact with U.S. government officials. Manafort says in a Justice Department filing Tuesday that his firm, DMP International, received more than $17 million from the Party of Regions, the former pro-Russian ruling party in Ukraine, for consulting work from 2012 through 2014. Manafort is the second member of the Trump campaign to register as a foreign agent. In March, former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn registered with the Justice Department for work his consulting firm performed for a Turkish businessman that he said could have aided the Turkish government. Both registrations came after the work had been completed."
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent

Then this clause showed up in the Republican party platform in July 2016 at the RNC convention--or around the same time that Comey testified that U.S. Intelligence started the investigation into the Trump team. But Trump and team were being watched prior to that by the U.K and other foreign intelligence.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics

In July of this year, Paul Manafort's home was raided--and his computer and files were siezed.

Washington (CNN) FBI agents raided a home of President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort last month, a source familiar with the matter told CNN. The agents seized materials in Manafort's home as part of the ongoing Russia investigation led by Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the source said.
FBI raided Paul Manafort home as part of Russia probe - CNNPolitics

The special Grand Jury has also subpoened Paul Manforts former attorney.
Special counsel subpoenas Manafort's former attorney and spokesman - CNNPolitics

It makes sense because Trump has repeatedly stated he would pardon Michael Flynn and other who may be involved in this Russian investigation. So they have felt safe from any consequences. So it's going to be Paul Manafort that will be the squealer, because Trump cannot pardon him for State crimes. This is a very clever manuver by Robert Mueller.


You're own article points out it was a political party in the Ukraine he worked for. Do you need a map of Eastern Europe?
A Russian - backed political party.

What does it matter if they were pro-Russian? Half their country is Russian. It is still a Ukrainian party, you don't get to swap out Russia for Ukraine when it is convenient for you.

Dems are all pro-Marxist and pro-communist, should we stop calling them an American political party and just call them "Russians"?

You do realize that meddling by ANY foreign government is not allowed, not just Russia. Right?

How is the Ukraine "meddling"?
" Washington CNN Department special counsel Robert Mueller is teaming up with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to investigate Paul Manafort and his financial transactions, several people familiar with the matter told Politico. Since the US president is unable to pardon state crimes, the collaboration could also be seen as an effort to pressure Manafort to cooperate in the broader Russia investigation under Mueller, Politico reported. CNN has not independently confirmed the report. The move, which Politico reported on Wednesday night, is another indication that Mueller is ramping up pressure on Manafort, who served as the former chairman of President Donald Trump's campaign. Manafort has not been accused of any wrongdoing, but he is seen as a central figure in Mueller's investigation into Russia's 2016 election meddling."
Report: Mueller, New York AG to work together on Manafort - CNNPolitics

Paul Manafort was recently forced by the DOJ to register as a Foreign agent. He was working for the Russians during the 2012-2014 era and receiving 17 MILLION from them to advise on U.S./Ukraine policies.

"WASHINGTON -- President Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, has registered with the Justice Department as a foreign agent for political consulting work he did for a Ukrainian political party, acknowledging that he coached party members on how to interact with U.S. government officials. Manafort says in a Justice Department filing Tuesday that his firm, DMP International, received more than $17 million from the Party of Regions, the former pro-Russian ruling party in Ukraine, for consulting work from 2012 through 2014. Manafort is the second member of the Trump campaign to register as a foreign agent. In March, former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn registered with the Justice Department for work his consulting firm performed for a Turkish businessman that he said could have aided the Turkish government. Both registrations came after the work had been completed."
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent

Then this clause showed up in the Republican party platform in July 2016 at the RNC convention--or around the same time that Comey testified that U.S. Intelligence started the investigation into the Trump team. But Trump and team were being watched prior to that by the U.K and other foreign intelligence.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics

In July of this year, Paul Manafort's home was raided--and his computer and files were siezed.

Washington (CNN) FBI agents raided a home of President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort last month, a source familiar with the matter told CNN. The agents seized materials in Manafort's home as part of the ongoing Russia investigation led by Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the source said.
FBI raided Paul Manafort home as part of Russia probe - CNNPolitics

The special Grand Jury has also subpoened Paul Manforts former attorney.
Special counsel subpoenas Manafort's former attorney and spokesman - CNNPolitics

It makes sense because Trump has repeatedly stated he would pardon Michael Flynn and other who may be involved in this Russian investigation. So they have felt safe from any consequences. So it's going to be Paul Manafort that will be the squealer, because Trump cannot pardon him for State crimes. This is a very clever manuver by Robert Mueller.


You're own article points out it was a political party in the Ukraine he worked for. Do you need a map of Eastern Europe?

Manafort and Jr didnt meet with the Ukraine and lie abut it, it was Russia... need a map ?
it was, how you figures? wow ring around the nothing burger rosie.
Mueller's tactic could put the trump kids in jeopardy.
Fuck yes. Every single one of them, including Corey, Carter Page, and maybe even KellyAnne Conway, who - remember - was his campaign manager after Manafort.
I was referring to financial crimes committed by the kids in the state of New York. Mueller could be passing on evidence and data he has found, even if it is totally unrelated to Russia.
Most of this collusion and fraud concerning the Russian banks occurred at Trump Tower, squarely in NY AG's jurisdiction.

Basically every deal the Trump family has made is NY-based.

And they made an ATM withdrawal from a Citibank, which is located next to Deutsche Bank, if you'll remember, DB loaned Jared $600MM in Putins, which is why so many people flipped their vote from Hillary, er, or something
got that vote changing machine you could repost here? LOL dude these fks are too funny.
" Washington CNN Department special counsel Robert Mueller is teaming up with New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to investigate Paul Manafort and his financial transactions, several people familiar with the matter told Politico. Since the US president is unable to pardon state crimes, the collaboration could also be seen as an effort to pressure Manafort to cooperate in the broader Russia investigation under Mueller, Politico reported. CNN has not independently confirmed the report. The move, which Politico reported on Wednesday night, is another indication that Mueller is ramping up pressure on Manafort, who served as the former chairman of President Donald Trump's campaign. Manafort has not been accused of any wrongdoing, but he is seen as a central figure in Mueller's investigation into Russia's 2016 election meddling."
Report: Mueller, New York AG to work together on Manafort - CNNPolitics

Paul Manafort was recently forced by the DOJ to register as a Foreign agent. He was working for the Russians during the 2012-2014 era and receiving 17 MILLION from them to advise on U.S./Ukraine policies.

"WASHINGTON -- President Trump's former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, has registered with the Justice Department as a foreign agent for political consulting work he did for a Ukrainian political party, acknowledging that he coached party members on how to interact with U.S. government officials. Manafort says in a Justice Department filing Tuesday that his firm, DMP International, received more than $17 million from the Party of Regions, the former pro-Russian ruling party in Ukraine, for consulting work from 2012 through 2014. Manafort is the second member of the Trump campaign to register as a foreign agent. In March, former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn registered with the Justice Department for work his consulting firm performed for a Turkish businessman that he said could have aided the Turkish government. Both registrations came after the work had been completed."
Paul Manafort retroactively registers with Justice Dept. as foreign agent

Then this clause showed up in the Republican party platform in July 2016 at the RNC convention--or around the same time that Comey testified that U.S. Intelligence started the investigation into the Trump team. But Trump and team were being watched prior to that by the U.K and other foreign intelligence.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia
Comey: FBI launched Trump-Russia probe in July

Gordon had advocated for language in the GOP platform that the Ukrainians not be armed in their battle against pro-Russian separatists, an effort was ultimately successful. But Gordon says he was simply advocating what Trump himself had expressed -- that he did not wish to see major war break out over the situation in Ukraine.
More Trump advisers disclose meeting with Russia's ambassador - CNNPolitics

In July of this year, Paul Manafort's home was raided--and his computer and files were siezed.

Washington (CNN) FBI agents raided a home of President Donald Trump's former campaign chairman Paul Manafort last month, a source familiar with the matter told CNN. The agents seized materials in Manafort's home as part of the ongoing Russia investigation led by Justice Department Special Counsel Robert Mueller, the source said.
FBI raided Paul Manafort home as part of Russia probe - CNNPolitics

The special Grand Jury has also subpoened Paul Manforts former attorney.
Special counsel subpoenas Manafort's former attorney and spokesman - CNNPolitics

It makes sense because Trump has repeatedly stated he would pardon Michael Flynn and other who may be involved in this Russian investigation. So they have felt safe from any consequences. So it's going to be Paul Manafort that will be the squealer, because Trump cannot pardon him for State crimes. This is a very clever manuver by Robert Mueller.


You're own article points out it was a political party in the Ukraine he worked for. Do you need a map of Eastern Europe?
A Russian - backed political party.

What does it matter if they were pro-Russian? Half their country is Russian. It is still a Ukrainian party, you don't get to swap out Russia for Ukraine when it is convenient for you.

Dems are all pro-Marxist and pro-communist, should we stop calling them an American political party and just call them "Russians"?

You do realize that meddling by ANY foreign government is not allowed, not just Russia. Right?
like what obummer did with Isreal? like that? precedence is set and as always you got nothing burgers. enjoy. we'll laugh at you.
Bill Clinton pardoned the most notorious corporate criminal up to that time while he was on the FBI's 10 most wanted list. Lots of people complained about Marc Rich's pardon but nobody ever thought it was possible or wise to "stop the President's pardon power" that is until lefties turned into arsonists and vandals (and murderers?) after they were disappointed about the last presidential election.

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