An Interesting Graphic on What a Centrist is

What are principles of Centrism?

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Ok, ya got me.....not all statists believe in a benign planer....just an inevitable one given the population size. People are hierarchical in nature--some form of Govt. must exist.
Non sequitur...One doesn't necessarily beget the other.

You believe otherwise..OK---but I prefer political philosophies that don't need the dying of 80% of the people to work.
Total irrelevancy, with no evidence whatsoever to back it up.
I think it illustrates the Centrist fairly well, but there is only so much room on these types of charts, lol.

Do you have a Common Core translation?

I am a slow learner.
So-called "centrists" and "independents" still buy into the notion of central authority.
Yes, that is also known as 'civilization'.
Your "civilization" doesn't have such a hot track record...

View attachment 279725
Oh man..civilizations come and go...ours is not special..or different. You are on the boat with the rest of us..never forget that, eh?
I'm "on the boat" because central planner authoritarians will throw me in prison if I'm not....They rule by waving guns in faces.

If you think that's hyperbole, just quit paying your taxes and ignore the summonses to their kangaroo courts.
Ok, ya got me.....not all statists believe in a benign planer....just an inevitable one given the population size. People are hierarchical in nature--some form of Govt. must exist.
Non sequitur...One doesn't necessarily beget the other.

You believe otherwise..OK---but I prefer political philosophies that don't need the dying of 80% of the people to work.
Total irrelevancy, with no evidence whatsoever to back it up.
1) Nope--I believe that, in fact, they do. As a smart guy like you knows..I'm not alone in this belief.

2) Do you really think your form of madness would not result in the deaths of hundreds of millions? I must admit..every Libertarian that I've known believes that a population, 'correction', is on the way. Many of them spend a lot of time preparing for that inevitability.
So-called "centrists" and "independents" still buy into the notion of central authority.
Yes, that is also known as 'civilization'.
Your "civilization" doesn't have such a hot track record...

View attachment 279725
Oh man..civilizations come and go...ours is not special..or different. You are on the boat with the rest of us..never forget that, eh?
I'm "on the boat" because central planner authoritarians will throw me in prison if I'm not....They rule by waving guns in faces.

If you think that's hyperbole, just quit paying your taxes and ignore the summonses to their kangaroo courts.
I favor the rule of law. I like the idea that part of my roads are built with your tax dollar. LOL!
Ok, ya got me.....not all statists believe in a benign planer....just an inevitable one given the population size. People are hierarchical in nature--some form of Govt. must exist.
Non sequitur...One doesn't necessarily beget the other.

You believe otherwise..OK---but I prefer political philosophies that don't need the dying of 80% of the people to work.
Total irrelevancy, with no evidence whatsoever to back it up.
1) Nope--I believe that, in fact, they do. As a smart guy like you knows..I'm not alone in this belief.

2) Do you really think your form of madness would not result in the deaths of hundreds of millions? I must admit..every Libertarian that I've known believes that a population, 'correction', is on the way. Many of them spend a lot of time preparing for that inevitability.
1) Your belief is irrelevant.....The number of people who share the mistaken belief is equally so.

2) Your defining my position as "madness" presumes that the hundreds of millions of souls slaughtered in the name of your "civilization" is somehow superior...As the quote mentioned several posts ago goes; the "madness" of anarchy is sheer conjecture, while the horrors brought about by statism are a matter of historical record.
So-called "centrists" and "independents" still buy into the notion of central authority.
Yes, that is also known as 'civilization'.
Your "civilization" doesn't have such a hot track record...

View attachment 279725
Oh man..civilizations come and go...ours is not special..or different. You are on the boat with the rest of us..never forget that, eh?
I'm "on the boat" because central planner authoritarians will throw me in prison if I'm not....They rule by waving guns in faces.

If you think that's hyperbole, just quit paying your taxes and ignore the summonses to their kangaroo courts.
I favor the rule of law. I like the idea that part of my roads are built with your tax dollar. LOL!

Centrists, or moderates, like using simplistic linear graphs to make themselves seems like fair-minded non-extremist types and be able to separate themselves from the usual partisan jousting.

Left vs right, Democrat vs Republican... but if we're to use simplistic linear graphs for political division, what should be of most importance is Tyranny vs. Liberty, Slavery vs. Freedom.

In this context, what is the centrist/moderate view? Partial-tyranny, partial-slavery? In this context, centrist/moderate views are nothing virtuous at all. I'd rather be an extremist for liberty and freedom.
Maximilien Robespierre would have agreed with you.

The truth is that we trade a measure of 'freedom' for every act of cooperative venture. At best, we get fair value.

The greatest good for the greatest number obviates the libertarian argument, IMO.

And just to note, I would never advocate Anarchy. You cannot have freedom and liberty in society under Anarchy. Somebody's presumed rights would eventually trump somebody else's presumed rights. Therefore, I recognize the need for governments (of the people, by the people, for the people, deriving just powers from the consent of the governed, and all that), including specialized needs such as national security and justice and protecting civil rights. And in theory the smaller and localized the government, the better. As limited as possible, the better. Cooperatively, not collectivism, not forced and mandated as reasonably possible.
Ok, ya got me.....not all statists believe in a benign planer....just an inevitable one given the population size. People are hierarchical in nature--some form of Govt. must exist.
Non sequitur...One doesn't necessarily beget the other.

You believe otherwise..OK---but I prefer political philosophies that don't need the dying of 80% of the people to work.
Total irrelevancy, with no evidence whatsoever to back it up.
1) Nope--I believe that, in fact, they do. As a smart guy like you knows..I'm not alone in this belief.

2) Do you really think your form of madness would not result in the deaths of hundreds of millions? I must admit..every Libertarian that I've known believes that a population, 'correction', is on the way. Many of them spend a lot of time preparing for that inevitability.
1) Your belief is irrelevant.....The number of people who share the mistaken belief is equally so.

2) Your defining my position as "madness" presumes that the hundreds of millions of souls slaughtered in the name of your "civilization" is somehow superior...As the quote mentioned several posts ago goes; the "madness" of anarchy is sheer conjecture, while the horrors brought about by statism are a matter of historical record.
So...boiled down, you're saying that 1) history has no examples of anarchy, when, in fact, the hundreds of millions slaughtered were during these interregnums when anarchy was the default mode? Superior? What's that? History is....replete with examples of civil breakdown..stateless countries--not a lot of good stories....but a lot of stories.
Civilization is our attempt keep the wolf at bay...simple as that.

The relevance or lack of same, is a matter of perspective. Ultimately..we live in the system that we do...and absent some SHTF will never be more than a college conversation...LOL!
And just to note, I would never advocate Anarchy. You cannot have freedom and liberty in society under Anarchy. Somebody's presumed rights would eventually trump somebody else's presumed rights. Therefore, I recognize the need for governments (of the people, by the people, for the people, deriving just powers from the consent of the governed, and all that), including specialized needs such as national security and justice and protecting civil rights. And in theory the smaller and localized the government, the better. As limited as possible, the better. Cooperatively, not collectivism, not forced and mandated as reasonably possible.
Meh....I used to believe that, but the little criminals never ever stay in their box.....Murica didn't even make it past the first president before he began exceeding his authority, and used force to impose state monopolies.

At least bands of organized mobsters carry on no airs that they do what they do because they're building a "civilized society".....I'll take the relative honesty of the mob Don, over the faux piety of the political hack.
Centrists have the ability to embrace positive ideas from both liberalism as well as conservatism. They are also less likely to look at issues thru partisan lenses.
You expose nothing. Also, centrists called and want you to stay off their side. :icon_rolleyes:

Dude, you have an avatar that worships your Orange Jesus. Like so many worshippers of your Orange Messiah lol

LMAO the TDS is strong with this one.

You have an avatar that worships your Orange Jesus. I do not, and never will.

"I could shoot people on 5th Ave and wouldn't lose supporters" - Donald Trump.

That's you, Orange Jesus drone.

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