An Interesting Graphic on What a Centrist is

What are principles of Centrism?

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Centrists have the ability to embrace positive ideas from both liberalism as well as conservatism. They are also less likely to look at issues thru partisan lenses.
What positive ideas does liberalism have?
It's a stupid graph.
Simply because it takes the worst of each one, and applies it to all.
Take "tries to spread ideas by using violence against others" - applied to liberals. maybe .2% tops of the left engage in any kind of violence trying to promote an idea.
At the same time "puts workers in life threatening conditions to make marginal profits"... maybe .0002% of conservatives engage in that.

It's dumb. And just more divisive garbage.
Nope. All liberals endorse using violence to enforce their ideals. Do you believe Social Security is voluntary?
Centrists, or moderates, like using simplistic linear graphs to make themselves seems like fair-minded non-extremist types and be able to separate themselves from the usual partisan jousting.

Left vs right, Democrat vs Republican... but if we're to use simplistic linear graphs for political division, what should be of most importance is Tyranny vs. Liberty, Slavery vs. Freedom.

In this context, what is the centrist/moderate view? Partial-tyranny, partial-slavery? In this context, centrist/moderate views are nothing virtuous at all. I'd rather be an extremist for liberty and freedom.
The centrist position on eating poison is that a moderate amount of it is good for you.
You expose nothing. Also, centrists called and want you to stay off their side. :icon_rolleyes:

Dude, you have an avatar that worships your Orange Jesus. Like so many worshippers of your Orange Messiah lol

LMAO the TDS is strong with this one.

You have an avatar that worships your Orange Jesus. I do not, and never will.

"I could shoot people on 5th Ave and wouldn't lose supporters" - Donald Trump.

That's you, Orange Jesus drone.
You worship Bernie and Fauxahontas.
Very few of the liberals here qualify as centrists, as centrist is defined by this chart. Liberals are willing to silence any speech that they deem "hateful." They don't see the value in capitalism. Etc., etc., etc. The chart is pretty good.
Voted for the first choice, since none of the others are exact fits. The chart is rather dumb, since it shows left wingers as being opposed to bigotry and for people done whatever they want to, which is nonsense. Ideologues are just lazy simpletons who need slogans to parrot, and will never be able to find workable solutions to anything.
Centrists are useless twits.
Yes indeed..useless to the people who manipulate the masses. Immune to partisan rhetoric. Useless to the rabble-rousers.

Meh, name the last centrist president. :auiqs.jpg:
Ronald Reagan as viewed by what he did, Dwight D Eisenhower based on rhetoric

Yes, pretty much. for all the noise over Saint Ronald Of Reagan, he got bitched slapped and put back on the porch by Voelcker, and spent the rest of his Presidency hanging out with fashion designers and other media hypsters, making a few shallow speeches now and then. He stood by while the financial sector generated bubbles and began its campaign to destroy and suck the life out the real economy. But hey, some gamblers and con artists made a lot of money in junk bonds and pump and dump scams, so the right wingers wet themselves in his memory; nobody on the right respects honest hard work, no matter what noises they make to the contrary; they love parasitism and giant speculative windfalls, any thing that keeps them from having to get real jobs and working for what 'The Markets' think their actual labor is worth.
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At some level, they have to know what they are.

They think you're naive for not seeing the plain evil of the other side. You can't even get them to entertain the idea of finding ways to cooperate with each other. They won't put any energy into the thought at all. They just want to lay waste to each other.
We cooperate all the time, dumbass. Every time you go to the grocery store, you're cooperating with the grocer and all his employees. How many people cooperate to build a house? A car? Your laptop computer?

Compulsion is not cooperation. Government is not cooperation. It's shear naked force.
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Ok, ya got me.....not all statists believe in a benign planer....just an inevitable one given the population size. People are hierarchical in nature--some form of Govt. must exist.
Non sequitur...One doesn't necessarily beget the other.

You believe otherwise..OK---but I prefer political philosophies that don't need the dying of 80% of the people to work.
Total irrelevancy, with no evidence whatsoever to back it up.
1) Nope--I believe that, in fact, they do. As a smart guy like you knows..I'm not alone in this belief.

2) Do you really think your form of madness would not result in the deaths of hundreds of millions? I must admit..every Libertarian that I've known believes that a population, 'correction', is on the way. Many of them spend a lot of time preparing for that inevitability.
That isn't because the world is suddenly going to adopt freedom.
A centrist is a good-spirited person who sees all angles and sides, which come after her with a carving knife. She's often expected to be the medium between competitive interests, and no bribe is large enough to make her get off the fence. And it really pisses off the barracudas. :eusa_whistle:
Really? Holy shit, thanks for heads up slugger!


There are no bigger cult worshippers in America than those who bow down to the cult of Trump lol

Just look at the memes they post in their avatars and sigs. That's all you need to know.
My goodness gracious. Our dear Mr. Toro's failure to recall Bill Clinton-worship by the abortion-demanding feminazis is shocking, I tell you! Simply shocking! :laughing0301:
Very few of the liberals here qualify as centrists, as centrist is defined by this chart. Liberals are willing to silence any speech that they deem "hateful."

Yeah, that is why I don't call them liberals any more, though they claim the title.

They are woketards, i.e. Virtue-signaling pseudo-Marxist ignoramuses.
Nope...Stupid stereotypes are on the dopes invoking them.
Lol, I have read with my own two little eyes libertarins defending exactly these things.

These are not stereotypes, they are typicalities.
Quote some.
What, you want me to crawl through a bunch of threads looking for anyone that posted such a thing only to read you asserting that they are not 'true' Libertarians?

I think I'll pass.
But read through this thread below if you want.
Epi Pen at $650 not $75 like in Europe!

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