An interesting point about the spread of COVID-19

It's well known that China is ground zero for the virus. But it seems to be running rampant in several areas that have close ties to China: Iran for instance, and Italy. Apparently China has been spending billions of dollars, investing in many projects there...

Half the World Worries About Italy Getting in Bed With China

But the most disturbing observation is how the virus seems to be more prevalent in certain US locations, more so than any other areas of the US: California, Washington, Oregon, and New York are shown to have more cases of the virus.

That says one thing to me: That China's influence must be strong in those states. Does that sound unreasonable, given the left-leaning political atmosphere of California, Washington, Oregon, and New York?


Ever stop to think that it's more prevalent on the West coast because that is the main place where people enter the country when coming in from China?

You mean that state where china is buying up real estate.

Nailed it!

"Unlike foreign buyers from other countries who spread their investments more evenly across the U.S., Chinese residential real-estate investment is highly concentrated on the Pacific Coast. Nearly 40% of Chinese buyers have purchased in California, home to a large Asian community...

...But California isn’t the only place where a fall in Chinese buyers would make a difference. Chinese nationals represent a significant share of the foreign buyers of residential real estate in the New York City metropolitan area..."

I wonder if those living in those Pacific coast and New York shitholes have thanked the Chinese for their death virus? Oh well, that's what you get when you're sleeping with the enemy.

The Chinese purchase more U.S. residential real estate than buyers from any other foreign country, but Trump’s trade war may change that

Don't forget about the Chinese sweat shop operators who ship in illegal alien workers, and of course the sex trade traffickers out of Asia. And, much of that real estate is used to cater to the large market in Asian women who travel here to have their babies; they're like B&B's, renting out their rooms to that market.

In any case, my theory is they were testing it in that prison in Wuhan and it got out from there, and they might have been testing it to see if it would help them in shutting down the Hong Kong protest movement for a long period.
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It's well known that China is ground zero for the virus. But it seems to be running rampant in several areas that have close ties to China: Iran for instance, and Italy. Apparently China has been spending billions of dollars, investing in many projects there...

Half the World Worries About Italy Getting in Bed With China

But the most disturbing observation is how the virus seems to be more prevalent in certain US locations, more so than any other areas of the US: California, Washington, Oregon, and New York are shown to have more cases of the virus.

That says one thing to me: That China's influence must be strong in those states. Does that sound unreasonable, given the left-leaning political atmosphere of California, Washington, Oregon, and New York?


Yeah I'm sure virus bacteria are sitting around in China at their strategy meeting going "Now which alea of Unitee States most reft-reaning? We go there!"


What I see on your map is darker circles under Seattle, San Francisco, Boston and New York --- ALL areas of high Asian populations.

You missed the point. A viral foreign attack on this country would most likely be facilitated through contact with the most sympathetic and politically-aligned segment of American society. That would be you.

A foreign enemy is not about to plop their viral agents down in the middle of flyover country, where it would do the least damage. They're going to shoot for high-population centers on the outskirts of the country, most of which are liberal political stongholds

That's where they can spread it fastest and would meet the least efforts to contain it, since the tards would be far more concerned not to offend foreigners than save American lives, cuz 'raycizim N Stuff!!!'.
I was a member of the NBC teams.

what does that stand for Biker?


Nuclear, Biological and Chemical. That is what they called it when I first deployed in '83. Then, later, they called it CBR warfare (Chemical, Biological and Radioactive). In being a member, you have to know what the various agents are, how they can be delivered, what the countermeasures are, and what you should do if you run across someone who has encountered an agent. You also have to know the differences between blood, choking, blister and nerve agents, because each one requires different treatment.

And, you also had the great joy of dressing up in HAZMAT suits (completely sealed, hot and uncomfortable), and going outside the ship while the water washdown system was running so that you could scrub down the ship.

Thx Biker...

The Navy indeed spawned what became hazmat, hazmed as well as much of what the public fire and ems providers are taught today

It's well known that China is ground zero for the virus. But it seems to be running rampant in several areas that have close ties to China: Iran for instance, and Italy. Apparently China has been spending billions of dollars, investing in many projects there...

Half the World Worries About Italy Getting in Bed With China

But the most disturbing observation is how the virus seems to be more prevalent in certain US locations, more so than any other areas of the US: California, Washington, Oregon, and New York are shown to have more cases of the virus.

That says one thing to me: That China's influence must be strong in those states. Does that sound unreasonable, given the left-leaning political atmosphere of California, Washington, Oregon, and New York?

Says the guy who house is full of chinese products and a car built with chinese parts. And has chinese neighbors.

Well, he's Alex Jones. The downside of being an insane liar, is that people stop listening to you, even when you're right. Even when you're telling the truth.
It's well known that China is ground zero for the virus. But it seems to be running rampant in several areas that have close ties to China: Iran for instance, and Italy. Apparently China has been spending billions of dollars, investing in many projects there...

Half the World Worries About Italy Getting in Bed With China

But the most disturbing observation is how the virus seems to be more prevalent in certain US locations, more so than any other areas of the US: California, Washington, Oregon, and New York are shown to have more cases of the virus.

That says one thing to me: That China's influence must be strong in those states. Does that sound unreasonable, given the left-leaning political atmosphere of California, Washington, Oregon, and New York?

The spread is definitely bizarre, more so globally


and you just don't get where those little conspiracy camps are oh they want you to beg for Gov. help lol.

I was a member of the NBC teams.

what does that stand for Biker?


Nuclear, Biological and Chemical. That is what they called it when I first deployed in '83. Then, later, they called it CBR warfare (Chemical, Biological and Radioactive). In being a member, you have to know what the various agents are, how they can be delivered, what the countermeasures are, and what you should do if you run across someone who has encountered an agent. You also have to know the differences between blood, choking, blister and nerve agents, because each one requires different treatment.

And, you also had the great joy of dressing up in HAZMAT suits (completely sealed, hot and uncomfortable), and going outside the ship while the water washdown system was running so that you could scrub down the ship.

Thx Biker...

The Navy indeed spawned what became hazmat, hazmed as well as much of what the public fire and ems providers are taught today


While I do appreciate you giving the credit to the Navy for spawning hazmat, I can tell you that it wasn't the Navy that started it. They started researching ways to defend and protect when mustard gas was first used in WWI. And, it was the Army that pioneered it.

The Navy just greatly improved it.
It's well known that China is ground zero for the virus. But it seems to be running rampant in several areas that have close ties to China: Iran for instance, and Italy. Apparently China has been spending billions of dollars, investing in many projects there...

Half the World Worries About Italy Getting in Bed With China

But the most disturbing observation is how the virus seems to be more prevalent in certain US locations, more so than any other areas of the US: California, Washington, Oregon, and New York are shown to have more cases of the virus.

That says one thing to me: That China's influence must be strong in those states. Does that sound unreasonable, given the left-leaning political atmosphere of California, Washington, Oregon, and New York?


Ever stop to think that it's more prevalent on the West coast because that is the main place where people enter the country when coming in from China?

You mean that state where china is buying up real estate.


Here's a few to pick from.....

Chinese investors have spent $300 billion on US property, study finds

Between 2010 and 2015 Chinese buyers bought $93 billion in residential real estate, nearly $208 billion of mortgage-backed securities, and roughly $17 billion of commercial real estate, including office towers and hotels, according to the report by the Rosen Consulting Group and the Asia Society.

Chinese Now The Largest Group Of Foreign Investors In U.S. Commercial Real Estate

China's Record Spending in U.S. Real Estate - CityLab

The Chinese Are Acquiring Large Chunks Of Land In Communities All Over America

even in Canada.....
The Chinese Government Just Seized Billions Worth of Canadian Real Estate | Better Dwelling

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