An Open Letter of Apology to the United States of America


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Dear America,

Hi there! My name is Brian Joyce. I'm a member of the media. Specifically, I'm a talk radio host. And as a member of the media, I owe you an apology.

In case you didn't notice -- and let's face it, the hope was that you wouldn't -- the long-awaited House Intelligence Report on Benghazi was released late Friday afternoon.

After two years of investigations, endless hours of hearings, and at least one concussion, the Republican-led Intelligence Committee has finally admitted what many of us knew all along: that the Obama administration did nothing wrong in Benghazi; that the White House, CIA and State Department did not deliberately mislead the American people on Benghazi; and that the Obama administration did everything it could to respond to Benghazi in a timely and appropriate manner.

Now, like many members of the media, I enjoy entertaining my audience with exciting topics and stimulating conversation. But unlike many members of the media, I will not resort to lies, myths and misinformation to do it. I will not accuse the President of doing things he never did, and I will not become so blinded with delusional, partisan hatred that I will say anything to get you to listen to my show.

And that's why I'd like to apologize to you, the people of the United States of America. It seems like I'm the exception to the norm.

For too long, too many of my colleagues have been spinning lies, myths and misinformation about Benghazi. We fixated on Benghazi. We obsessed with Benghazi. We wouldn't let Benghazi go. And it turns out we were wrong about almost everything concerning Benghazi.

We told you the President was covering up what happened in Benghazi. We told you the President didn't have a "shred of integrity" on Benghazi. We told you the President was providing "cover" for the terrorists who killed four Americans in Benghazi. We told you that the President could have helped the four Americans who were killed in Benghazi, but instead ordered the military to "stand down." Heck, we even told you the President's Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, faked a concussion just to avoid testifying on Benghazi!

And after two years of trying our best to convince you that all these things were true, it turns out that we, the media, were the ones who were lying.

According to the House Intelligence Committee's report, there were no intelligence failures leading up to the attack; no stand-down order was ever given; intelligence on who carried out the attacks, and why, was muddled at best; and the White House did not deliberately mislead the American people on anything. :cry:

So the media was wrong, and the White House was right. Still, many of us in the media won't admit it. Therefore, I'd like to apologize to you.

Why does the media do this, and why are we too proud to admit it? Who knows. Maybe it's because some of us just aren't that bright. Maybe it's because some of us are sohooked on drugs that we can no longer distinguish fact from fiction. And maybe it's because some of us are so downright crazy, and come from such awful upbringings, that we're a danger to ourselves.

Regardless of what it is, I'd like to apologize. And I'd like to be able to tell you we'll never do it again, but that's not true. We're already doing it again.

We're telling you the President's executive orders on immigration are illegal and unconstitutional. We're telling you his executive orders on immigration are "unprecedented." We're telling you the President's "thuggish, illegal" immigration moves are nothing more than a cynical effort to back Republicans into a political corner. We're telling you these things despite the fact that we all know the President's executive orders on immigration are legal; they are constitutional; and they're not unprecedented. In fact, there have been 40 executive orders on immigration issued since 1956, spanning every presidency from Eisenhower's to Obama's.

But why tell you that, when it's so much easier to peddle in lies, myths, and misinformation?

By the way, did we tell you that the President is deliberately letting Ebola into America as retribution for slavery? Because he is, you know!

So again, on behalf of the media, please accept my apology. Some of us aren't that bright, some of us are crazy, and some of us are downright delusional. Still, that's no excuse for dumping our issues on you. We owe you more, and we should probably make a better effort to report on facts, rather than run with assumptions and half-truths. We should probably make a better effort to understand policy, before we attempt to comment on it. And we should probably also admit, once and for all, that the President was born in America. But don't hold your breath.

Therefore, please America, accept my apology on behalf of the media. Hopefully, sometime soon, we'll start to get things right on a more consistent basis. Hopefully we'll start to report on facts, rather than myths. Hopefully we won't get so hung up trying to prove the President is lying to you that we ourselves end up getting caught in a lie. Hopefully we'll do all those things.

In the meantime, did you hear about how President Obama canned Chuck Hagel because he's hell bent on weakening our once mighty American military? It's true, you know!

Just ask the media.
I'm sorry but I've never heard of the guy before. So now he's the spokesman for media? Really?
Baby boomers. It all comes down to baby boomers hating Generation X.
Oh really??
this says it all..
Brian Joyce is a featured blogger on Huffington Post, where he writes regular columns on pop culture, media, politics and many other topics that he covers on his show. Brian Joyce A NEW BRAND of Talk Radio M-F 1-4pm 102.3 WGOW Chattanooga

Of course he is part of the MSM!

you mean he isn't an Obama-deranged sociopath?

In 2012, Brian was named one of the Top 5 “Rising Stars” in talk radio by the Talk Show Boot Camp in New Orleans, an annual industry event featuring Glen Beck, Ben Ferguson, and many other syndicated television and radio hosts. He is a frequent contributor on the HLN Network and WRCB, Chattanooga’s NBC affiliate, and he was recently selected to host his own Sunday morning show on Chattanooga’s Fox affiliate, Fox 61.[/aquote]

Brian Joyce A NEW BRAND of Talk Radio M-F 1-4pm 102.3 WGOW Chattanooga

he also works for fox. :cuckoo:
Why do I have the sneaking suspicion the 'ole Brian was never in favor of an investigation into Benghazi in the first place?
so these moderate muslims after a night of eating and going to see a movie, decide to go to their cars, git ther guns and attack an embassy like a pro strike force that planned it all along.


and the OK bombing was workplace violence
It does not matter the Benghazi hysteria was manufactured bullshit. It does not matter. Those who drank the piss that was poured for them by their hack media sources will line up for refills.

The mistake is thinking all this noise is some kind of pursuit of the truth. It isn't. This is partisan hackery at its worst. It is a war, and the truth is always the first casualty.

Rubes only drink piss that has the right flavor. Their piss may once in a while have a molecule of truth in it, but that is not the key ingredient. Never has been, never will be.

In fact, they often have violent reactions to the truth due to it spoiling the taste of their brand of piss. If the truth has ruined their piss, they will toss it out without hesitation and go back for a fresh cup of piss and a new plate of warm manufactured bullshit.
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He's a talk radio personality in about as small a market as you can get...yet I'm somehow at fault for questioning who this guy is who's now "apologizing" on behalf of the main stream media? Come on...
This is a report by the House Intelligence Committee on whether there were any INTELLIGENCE FAILURES that could have prevented the Benghazi attack and death of Ambassador Stevens and three other Americans. It is NOT a report on the public deception carried out by White House staff in furtherance of the President's reelection campaign, which it merely labeled as "inaccurate."
so these moderate muslims after a night of eating and going to see a movie, decide to go to their cars, git ther guns and attack an embassy like a pro strike force that planned it all along.


and the OK bombing was workplace violence

And the restaurant was running a special that night, Two Thumbs...get the lamb skewers for two and receive a complimentary mortar!
Why do I have the sneaking suspicion the 'ole Brian was never in favor of an investigation into Benghazi in the first place?

maybe because there's been 14 investigations TO DATE, and he's not some idiot who wants another one ..
Why do I have the sneaking suspicion the 'ole Brian was never in favor of an investigation into Benghazi in the first place?

And what does that have to do with finding nada when it comes to Benghazi?

Answer: Nothing but you keep trying to remain relevent tho lol
Why do I have the sneaking suspicion the 'ole Brian was never in favor of an investigation into Benghazi in the first place?

why does it matter. your do-nothing wingers found nothing.

or did you miss that, too?

Ah, the report found that our intelligence community did their did little to change the facts that the Obama White House dropped the ball on security before the attacks and did it's best to cover that up after the attacks by misleading Congress and the American public.
I'm sorry but I've never heard of the guy before. So now he's the spokesman for media? Really?

your lack of knowledge is meaningless.

see link provided.
WOW! The depth of your perception is obvious! Do you ever think before you type something like"your lack of knowledge is meaningless"!
If it was so "meaningless" why did you comment?

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