An Opinion Piece on the Trump Verdict. No Mercy.


Diamond Member
Apr 5, 2010
Dems should enjoy this show victory while it lasts. Maybe this is the final straw on the camels back for Republicans to realize Dems will do anything to win, and we have to start playing by their rules.

No Mercy

My first reaction was not shock, surprise, or even rage. At least not the burning hot rage that makes me want to break things or hurt people. Instead, I feel a cold, calculated anger and determination to strike back first at the ballot box and pop the popcorn as prosecutors in Republican venues start lining up Democrats for revenge.

I want perp walks. I want LOOOOONNNNNNGGGGG trials. I want unfair rulings. I want banana republic trials.

I would not feel this way if I thought that Trump was guilty, although I still would have argued that prosecuting him was bad for the country, just as prosecuting Hillary for her obvious crimes of distributing classified documents all over the world through her bathroom server would have been a mistake in 2017. You do know that her server was almost certainly hacked, right? The Secretary of State's classified emails were in the hands of Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea almost as soon as she sent them. We will never know the extent of this because she DESTROYED THE EVIDENCE.

This isn't good for the country. It is banana republic stuff. Not just the Trump conviction but the inevitable retaliation, as well. But here we are. Democrats picked a fight, and a fight they will get. If they don't get one, then there is no Republican Party worth speaking of. I don't like it, but as my wife said after the verdict, I guess we live in a banana republic, so we better act like we do.

We didn't break the norms. They did. They need to pay a price, and it better be big. Really big. Not just to make them realize they shouldn't do this, but for straight revenge. Revenge is part of justice. Not all of justice, but if you don't satisfy the need for revenge then justice is not served. It is why we let victims speak at sentencing.

Democrats have violated every norm of politics that has been built up over 2 1/2 centuries--norms that were hard fought for, and that made our country work. We were the envy of the world. And the Democrats blew it.
Dems should enjoy this show victory while it lasts. Maybe this is the final straw on the camels back for Republicans to realize Dems will do anything to win, and we have to start playing by their rules.

No Mercy

An eye for an eye just makes the whole world blind.

However, there should be consequences for anyone who puts politics above national identity and for that which men died to defend.

I would be just as dismayed and critical of the accused were Biden. I would be angry if it were anyone not receiving fair treatment, even a person I had full disdain for if he committed a horrific crime.

We must rise above the fray and stand by principle.
An eye for an eye just makes the whole world blind.

However, there should be consequences for anyone who puts politics above national identity and for that which men died to defend.

I would be just as dismayed and critical of the accused were Biden. I would be angry if it were anyone not receiving fair treatment, even a person I had full disdain for if he committed a horrific crime.

We must rise above the fray and stand by principle.

They crossed the Rubicon first. It's either fight or die.
Dems should enjoy this show victory while it lasts. Maybe this is the final straw on the camels back for Republicans to realize Dems will do anything to win, and we have to start playing by their rules.

No Mercy

This was the weakest case against Trump

The others have substantial evidence and much more severe charges.

Trump has lost three trials in the last year. It is only going to get worse
what was your first clue? The intentional 08’ collapse? 108-112% votes for Obiden 1.0 in Black districts?, $34T debt?, Russian collusion hoax?, Global warming BS?, Virus launch spread shutdowns?, 2020 Election Fraud?, Menendez? Political persecutions? Need i go on?

The difference is this may wake people up who were holding on to dear hope that it hadn't gotten that bad.

The transparent nature of the trial and the rules of the trial is so obvious even a blind man could see it.
This was the weakest case against Trump

The others have substantial evidence and much more severe charges.

Trump has lost three trials in the last year. It is only going to get worse

Almost like they were pre-ordained to be successful for democrats.....

This one was way too obvious for even some former Hillary voters.
Dems should enjoy this show victory while it lasts. Maybe this is the final straw on the camels back for Republicans to realize Dems will do anything to win, and we have to start playing by their rules.

No Mercy
This was the weakest case against Trump

The others have substantial evidence and much more severe charges.

Trump has lost three trials in the last year. It is only going to get worse

This has nothing to do with Trump, it's a show of pure political authoritarianism and power, no one will go against them and not be destroyed. You're just the stupid sucker that supports them. 🤡

Yes, it's going to get a lot worse, for all of us, and you and yours will suffer as well.
Almost like they were pre-ordained to be successful for democrats.....

This one was way too obvious for even some former Hillary voters.

Trumps behavior made it necessary

You are correct that no other politician in either party would be subjected to these trials.

That is because they actually listen to their advisors, they do not look at themselves as above the law, they do not act like goons in the courtroom
I have a feeling you will need those in November.

I needed them when I realized Americans were stupid enough to actually have Trump vs Biden II.

But I have resigned myself to the fact that these two men are actually the best that America has to offer and started making plans to live abroad in my retirement.
Trumps behavior made it necessary

You are correct that no other politician in either party would be subjected to these trials.

That is because they actually listen to their advisors, they do not look at themselves as above the law, they do not act like goons in the courtroom

The Dems false belief that this would eliminate him as a threat made it nessasary.

This may be the biggest misjudgment since the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.
This has nothing to do with Trump, it's a show of pure political authoritarianism and power, no one will go against them and not be destroyed. You're just the stupid sucker that supports them. 🤡

Yes, it's going to get a lot worse, for all of us, and you and yours will suffer as well.

Ya know…

Trump actually did Fuk that Porn Star and pay her off with business funds.
Trump did intentionally hide Top Secret Documents
Trump did pressure election officials to overturn the voters
Trump did conduct a fake elector scam.

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