An Opinion Piece on the Trump Verdict. No Mercy.

There were some for sure, but we used to think they were above the law.

Now that has been shown to be the case.

This is a good thing for America

So you think from this day forward all other presidents will have old charges drudged up from years prior and they will be convicted in court?

New York is basically an outlier. They are telling the world "our district is not American".

That should be the grounds of appeal, "the district of New York does not have any enforcement power in America because it is a foreign entity":.

I don't even think this would have flown in California as they have enough old school libertarian hippies who would not agree with this.
I love it. Can't wait to watch this cycle of devolution play out as you frail whites lose your shit more and more. :lmao:

So you think from this day forward all other presidents will have old charges drudged up from years prior and they will be convicted in court?

New York is basically an outlier. They are telling the world "our district is not American".

That should be the grounds of appeal, "the district of New York does not have any enforcement power in America because it is a foreign entity":.

I don't even think this would have flown in California as they have enough old school libertarian hippies who would not agree with this.

I think from this day forward candidates will be more careful in how they conduct their campaigns and will not ignore campaign laws as openly and blatantly as Trump did
Um, the feds didn't even file any CIVIL charges with regards to this issue, and it was a federal election.

Each state has their own laws regarding elections.

You seem to forget that the presidential election is technically 50 separate elections.
Dems should enjoy this show victory while it lasts. Maybe this is the final straw on the camels back for Republicans to realize Dems will do anything to win, and we have to start playing by their rules.
Maybe this is the final straw for Repubs to realize their chosen candidate is an immoral, convicted criminal.
Insane to see misdemeanors from 2016-17 be taken by a radical left prosecutor, elevated to felonies for no reason, put in a radically left area to get anti-trump jurors, multiple hoops used by a radical judge, and the prosecution use two people as star witnesses who refuted their own testimony, yet still get a guilty verdict.

This was political, and political only.

The GOP should dig into Bidens past, get a prosecutor to trump up charges, abuse the law, and make sure it happens in a heavily red area, and do the same thing, even though it’s wrong

These people just basically declared a soft civil war. They’ll jail you if you’re a threat, and twist/manipulate their power to do it. There was no precedent for any of this.

If things heat up, the left can blame themselves. They just poured gasoline everywhere
The GOP by complaining about a thing they would do in a heartbeat does not help their cause.
Trumps behavior made it necessary

You are correct that no other politician in either party would be subjected to these trials.

That is because they actually listen to their advisors, they do not look at themselves as above the law, they do not act like goons in the courtroom
This is a pivotal moment in our history. When the people no longer trust the government, its system, its institutions, the government inevitably falls. I mean take it to its lowest level. The police force of a small town. When the public of even a small town no longer trust the police force, the place falls to shit. We have seen this, literally hundreds, if not thousands of times, in our own rather short history.

And while the foundation of the erosion of trust might not have been of Trump's doing, his continued narcissism and petulance as came as close to destroying that trust completely.

The Stormy Daniels case was pretty cut and dry. The speed of the verdict indicative of just how meticulous the prosecution was in presenting their case. Trump was given every opportunity that our system represents. He had counsel, that he hired.

I mean I just don't get it. Trump, a leader? A businessman? No, Trump is a bull in a china shop. There is not a business in the world that would hire Trump into the executive suite. Hell, he is too much of a liability to carry? The corporate lawyer would be flippin shit.

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