An Ounce of Prevention is Worth a Pound of Cure


Platinum Member
Mar 3, 2018
The Beautiful Pacific Northwest
I am beyond disgusted by the slaughter that is going on in Ukraine, but I am equally disgusted with all the excuse making as to why "nothing" can be done to mitigate the loss of Ukrainian life.

I understand that Ukraine is not a member of the United Nations.

If the rules do not allow exceptions to be made to attempt to put a stop to the massive loss of life that is currently occurring then perhaps the rules need to be changed.

What's the point of being the most powerful nation in the world if when pedal hits the metal the best you can do is try to hurt the feelings of people who are billionaires by seizing their yachts while the people of Ukraine pay for all that Putin lacks, with their lives, while the whole rest of the world looks on decrying how horrible things are but not a soul apparently having the ability to actually step up and do something EFFECTIVE at reducing the loss of life.

Please tell me it's not just that "they're not our people".
I am beyond disgusted by the slaughter that is going on in Ukraine, but I am equally disgusted with all the excuse making as to why "nothing" can be done to mitigate the loss of Ukrainian life.

I understand that Ukraine is not a member of the United Nations.

If the rules do not allow exceptions to be made to attempt to put a stop to the massive loss of life that is currently occurring then perhaps the rules need to be changed.

What's the point of being the most powerful nation in the world if when pedal hits the metal the best you can do is try to hurt the feelings of people who are billionaires by seizing their yachts while the people of Ukraine pay for all that Putin lacks, with their lives, while the whole rest of the world looks on decrying how horrible things are but not a soul apparently having the ability to actually step up and do something EFFECTIVE at reducing the loss of life.

Please tell me it's not just that "they're not our people".

(If you watch that first video from Netflix, be sure to hit that (CC Closed Caption subtitles option,) the later one is probably more informative.
I am beyond disgusted by the slaughter that is going on in Ukraine, but I am equally disgusted with all the excuse making as to why "nothing" can be done to mitigate the loss of Ukrainian life.

I understand that Ukraine is not a member of the United Nations.

If the rules do not allow exceptions to be made to attempt to put a stop to the massive loss of life that is currently occurring then perhaps the rules need to be changed.

What's the point of being the most powerful nation in the world if when pedal hits the metal the best you can do is try to hurt the feelings of people who are billionaires by seizing their yachts while the people of Ukraine pay for all that Putin lacks, with their lives, while the whole rest of the world looks on decrying how horrible things are but not a soul apparently having the ability to actually step up and do something EFFECTIVE at reducing the loss of life.

Please tell me it's not just that "they're not our people".

How many members of your family are you willing to send to die for a country that doesn't particularly like the US on even its good days?
The slaughter is truly disgusting, I agree.

It was also quite preventable, and people need to be able to discuss WHY it happened without idiotic accusations flying about like they do.
I understand that Ukraine is not a member of the United Nations.
I think your understanding is in error.

If the rules do not allow exceptions to be made to attempt to put a stop to the massive loss of life that is currently occurring then perhaps the rules need to be changed.
It's not the rules.

It's the desire to not trigger a nuclear war that will send us back to the stone age, if humanity survives it at all.

Activities in the United Nations​

". . .From 2017 to 2019, Ukraine served its fourth term as a non-permanent member in the United Nations Security Council in the Eastern European Group having previously served its terms in 1947–48, 1984–85 and 2000–01.

Following the annexation of Crimea to Russia in 2014, UN member states voted to retain recognition of Crimea as part of Ukraine. . ."
Did you mean Ukraine isn't a member of NATO?
I am beyond disgusted by the slaughter that is going on in Ukraine, but I am equally disgusted with all the excuse making as to why "nothing" can be done to mitigate the loss of Ukrainian life.

I understand that Ukraine is not a member of the United Nations.

If the rules do not allow exceptions to be made to attempt to put a stop to the massive loss of life that is currently occurring then perhaps the rules need to be changed.

What's the point of being the most powerful nation in the world if when pedal hits the metal the best you can do is try to hurt the feelings of people who are billionaires by seizing their yachts while the people of Ukraine pay for all that Putin lacks, with their lives, while the whole rest of the world looks on decrying how horrible things are but not a soul apparently having the ability to actually step up and do something EFFECTIVE at reducing the loss of life.

Please tell me it's not just that "they're not our people".

It is horrific. And I don't think the problem is not that they're just "not our people" but that any intervention sets off a cascade of countermeasures that costs immeasurably MORE human lives.

Like if someone has a gigantic tumor that is causing awful pain and killing the patient---yet the treatment required to destroy the tumor will also--kill the patient. Then it's a tenuous balancing act.

This is how I see Ukraine right now. Tragically.
From what I hear, plenty of people are and have been helping all they can. Go there and see what you can do if you feel you must. But war is hell. It's criminal to wage. It's criminal to violently engage in, no matter the excuse. Diplomacy is the only sane response and is always what ends the immediate problem. Biden could try harder to bribe Putin to knock it off. Is that what you had in mind?

Dhoruba Bin Wahad and Ajamu Baraka: On the US, Russia & Ukraine Conundrum​

Black Power Media

"Dhoruba Bin Wahad and Ajamu Baraka joins Kalonji Changa for a Special Edition #RiotStarterTV to address the US/Russia/Ukraine conflict.

Dhoruba Bin Wahad is a Veteran Black Panther and Black Liberation Army (BLA) member.
Ajamu Baraka is the national organizer of the Black Alliance for Peace and was the 2016 candidate for vice president on the Green Party ticket."

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