An Overly Politically Correct America

NOt really. Ownership is based on community tolerence.

End the special tax subsidies they get, charge them for the police and emergency services they use, you'll be AMAZED how fast they see the light of racial sensitivity.
Nice try. No. It isn't.
I will give an example. You are offended by large expensive homes. They are unaffected by your whining.

Until angry mobs get sick of the people who live in them and burn them to the ground.

And you will lead the charge? Or would you be the pussy in charge and let others do your dirty work for you?
Because this will not happen you are officially talking out of your ass.
Angry mobs...LOL...Of what? Limp wristed OWS lightweights?
BTW, tyour whining still has no effect. And will forever. You lose. You get nothing. Good day sir.
Mob rule versus property rights and you're cool with mob rule?

Fuck that.

I think when the wealthy take more than their fair share, they bring on whatever follows.

Hense- France in 1787, Russia in 1917, Cuba in 1959, Iran in 1979.

You can only beat a dog so many times before it turns on you.
Nice try. No. It isn't.
I will give an example. You are offended by large expensive homes. They are unaffected by your whining.

Until angry mobs get sick of the people who live in them and burn them to the ground.

And you will lead the charge? Or would you be the pussy in charge and let others do your dirty work for you?
Because this will not happen you are officially talking out of your ass.
Angry mobs...LOL...Of what? Limp wristed OWS lightweights?
BTW, tyour whining still has no effect. And will forever. You lose. You get nothing. Good day sir.

Boy, that got you upset, didn't it?

"Oh, my Gosh, things might fall apart some day and my nice comfortable life might be overturned!!!"

Guy, I've lived through a time when riots were common, when the underclass just got sick of it and rioted.

I really don't have any desire to see it again.

But you dumb-fuck Teabaggers are making it happen.
Try harder closed captioning isn't for blind people its for the deaf.

As long as you mistake Indians for bleeding heart liberals I can see how you come to that conclusion. If I called a dog a frog I'd be telling you how much I hate frog poop in my yard and make just as much sense as you are making.

No one should feel obligated to do anything cry baby. I already said that, you quoted it, denied I said it, then when I showed it to ignore it again! You are trying really hard to be the victim here. Try harder.

and since they CANNOT READ IT, it is "offensive" to Blind people, gah, you really are not that bright...

Answer the question, do you think Washington's owner should chage the team's name?

So the things blind people cannot see is offensive, is that it? :lol: So you're advocating for the world to end since they cannot see any of it or you wont take it that far?

He should change it, but he wont, cost too much

Still not getting it, are ya.
Mob rule versus property rights and you're cool with mob rule?

Fuck that.

I think when the wealthy take more than their fair share, they bring on whatever follows.

Hense- France in 1787, Russia in 1917, Cuba in 1959, Iran in 1979.

You can only beat a dog so many times before it turns on you.
Tell me oh Great One, what are the wealthy "taking"?
You mistakenly compare present day US conditions to those in pre-revolutionary France?
90% of the FRench lived in abject poverty and were either enslaved or working in indentured servitude. Anything the common folk owned was so heavily taxed, it was defacto owned by the government( see where we are going here) which was controlled by the elite ruling class.
What you mistakenly believe is that most wealthy people are conservative in their political leanings. The fact is most wealthy people vote democrat and contribute to liberal causes.
Liberalism seeks to control people via the threat of government sanction. Michael Bloomberg is a typical super wealthy limousine liberal. He KNOWS what's best for New Yorkers. Bloomberg has rammed though laws that 20 years ago would have New Yorkers marching on Gracie Mansion with pitchforks. Meanwhile, do you think that SOB obeys his own laws? Of course not. He is part of the Westchester and Fairfield County liberal elite ruling class.
Liberalism is all about control. It is control power wielded by the wealthy in order to insure the wealthy can do as they please while the great unwashed masses live under the rules created by the elites.
You think you have this all figured out money = GOP...WRONG!....In any event, that is immaterial. Your dream is not one. It is a failed concept as seen in the old USSR and socialist France.
It will not become part of life here in the US.
Ok, I'm done with you...
Until angry mobs get sick of the people who live in them and burn them to the ground.

And you will lead the charge? Or would you be the pussy in charge and let others do your dirty work for you?
Because this will not happen you are officially talking out of your ass.
Angry mobs...LOL...Of what? Limp wristed OWS lightweights?
BTW, tyour whining still has no effect. And will forever. You lose. You get nothing. Good day sir.

Boy, that got you upset, didn't it?

"Oh, my Gosh, things might fall apart some day and my nice comfortable life might be overturned!!!"

Guy, I've lived through a time when riots were common, when the underclass just got sick of it and rioted.

I really don't have any desire to see it again.

But you dumb-fuck Teabaggers are making it happen.

No..It made me realize that you are even more ridiculous and radical in your rantings than first thought.
Do you refer to the race riots in the 60's?....
Totally different issue.
Stop i.
This is what I refer to when I say "ridiculous"...
Dude, just go be angry on someone else's dime.

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