Analysis Finds Trump Tax Cuts Didn’t Benefit Workers, Just Made Rich Companies Richer

See, the middle class did receive that lower tax rate, we are seeing more in our paychecks and we are spending more. The corporations are now hiring more at higher wages. which was the point of the exercise.
Yet the tax cuts for the lower classes are temporary, while the tax cuts for the upper classes are permanent. Hmmm I wonder why.

And bullshit on corporations hiring more because of the recent tax cuts. They’re putting more on their own pockets and throwing a few one-time peanuts to their employees
well sally you need to learn about the senate then and how many votes are required to make the taxes permanent. Again, making my case, the leftists don't want middle america to reap benefits. amazing.
then why do you want all their money so they don't have any to pay their employees? dude the only logical direction is bankruptcy or shutdown. so, yeah you do
Where did I say I want all of their money, dipshit?

And speaking of bankruptcy, Agent Orange loves it.
why should a corporation pay taxes, explain that first.

second, trump utilized the bankruptcy system because of what i already told you would happen with high corporate taxes. You again prove my point.
Why should corporations pay taxes, you ask? Are you serious?

Trump and Republican leadership have long touted their tax cuts as a massive boon to America’s working class, if not through direct tax reductions or refunds, then through the trickle-down effect of bonuses and wage increases from their employers who receive massive corporate cuts. “Tax reform is working,” Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan said in January, mentioning Apple’s decision to reward a bonus of $2,500 in stock grants to some Apple employees. “Workers are coming home and telling their families they got a bonus, or they got a raise or they got better benefits.”

But a new analysis of all Fortune 500 companies found only 4.3 percent of workers will receive a one-time bonus or wage increase tied to the business tax cuts, while businesses received nine times more in cuts than what they passed on to their workers, according to Americans for Tax Fairness, a political advocacy group devoted to tax reform. The analysis also found that companies spent 37 times as much on stock buybacks than they did on bonuses and increased wages for workers.

“There are too many disingenuous claims that the Trump and Republican tax cuts for corporations will trickle down to the middle class,” said Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness. “President Trump and Republicans gave huge tax cuts to big drug companies, big oil and other corporations, but corporations are giving back little—if anything—to working families,” said Clemente. “In fact, this [analysis shows] that 433 corporations out of the Fortune 500 have announced no plans to share their tax cuts with employees.”

The newest projections by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found that the Republican tax plan led to, in part, a 2018 deficit $242 billion higher than previously estimated.

Roughly 36 percent of Americans approve of the Republican tax cuts, according to a March Quinnipiac University Poll and a CNBC poll found that 52 percent of working adults said they had not seen a change to their paychecks since the cuts were passed.

In January, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said 90 percent of all working adults would see increases in their paychecks because of the cuts.

Hmmm, let’s go with your bullshit findings....I’m curious, is there something wrong with companies keeping more of what they generate?
dude, that fk wants them to go out of business and leave no middle class working.

Yep...that whack will also tell you that poor people create jobs.
When you give the lower classes tax cuts, that puts more money in their pockets. You know what the poor and middle class do when they have more money? They spend it on goods and services, which increases demand and yes, creates jobs. You know what the already-rich do when you give them tax cuts and put more money in their bank accounts? It stays there, because they’re already well-off and can get by on what they already have. It’s not rocket science. You’re just a dumb, wannabe who drinks the trickle down piss with glee.

Left wing economics loves consumer spending. You are correct that consumer spending increases demand, and therefore creates jobs. However, if the products demanded are manufactured overseas, then that is where the jobs are created.
but I can bet those bitching in this post about not having stocks, are actually those who don't have stock

Another 4th grade "retort"........No wonder trump honestly stated that he loves the poorly educated who voted for his sorry, fat ass.
In their world, if you don’t agree with them, you’re a “welfare queen”.

I’m a honest, hardworking American tax payer who has never been on welfare; but I support helping those in need over giving more money to already rich companies.

These bootlickers just continue licking even as their Dear Leader walks right over them
see that's where we differ, I am for the rich company providing a paying job helping those in need and feeling good about their life being productive, and earning a living. you wish to keep them dependent on you. aren't you sweet.
Those companies are not going to hire anyone unless there is an increased demand for their product or service. That only happens when working/ middle class people have more disposable income. Trickle down / supply-side economics has been discredited. Only fools and liars push it.
explain trickle down in your definition?
Dhaaaaaa Give aways to the wealthy that will ostensibly "trickle down" to others. You really didn't know that? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
and third world aliens are much smarter than all of white america.
They’re definitely more intelligent than you
it's what rabbits think I get it.
Well, we already know how smart you are. I’m sure if I explained to an immigrant the primary election process, they’d understand it; but you had it explained to you by multiple people multiple times, and you still don’t get it. You’re a god damn retard
no they don't nor do you. you don't understand the electoral college elects our presidents. you and your comrads believe it is the popular vote. hahahaahaha :21: can't make it up. you shot your own post down with your own words. :auiqs.jpg:
Where did I say the electoral college doesn’t elect presidents? You keep putting words in my mouth without backing them up. You’re a fucking lying piece of shit
well it's simple, you're a leftist and you believe presidential elections are popular vote contests. It's all over this fking message board.
then why do you want all their money so they don't have any to pay their employees? dude the only logical direction is bankruptcy or shutdown. so, yeah you do
Where did I say I want all of their money, dipshit?

And speaking of bankruptcy, Agent Orange loves it.
why should a corporation pay taxes, explain that first.

second, trump utilized the bankruptcy system because of what i already told you would happen with high corporate taxes. You again prove my point.
Why should corporations pay taxes, you ask? Are you serious?
I asked the question and you don't have an answer. ain't that grand.

Trump and Republican leadership have long touted their tax cuts as a massive boon to America’s working class, if not through direct tax reductions or refunds, then through the trickle-down effect of bonuses and wage increases from their employers who receive massive corporate cuts. “Tax reform is working,” Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan said in January, mentioning Apple’s decision to reward a bonus of $2,500 in stock grants to some Apple employees. “Workers are coming home and telling their families they got a bonus, or they got a raise or they got better benefits.”

But a new analysis of all Fortune 500 companies found only 4.3 percent of workers will receive a one-time bonus or wage increase tied to the business tax cuts, while businesses received nine times more in cuts than what they passed on to their workers, according to Americans for Tax Fairness, a political advocacy group devoted to tax reform. The analysis also found that companies spent 37 times as much on stock buybacks than they did on bonuses and increased wages for workers.

“There are too many disingenuous claims that the Trump and Republican tax cuts for corporations will trickle down to the middle class,” said Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness. “President Trump and Republicans gave huge tax cuts to big drug companies, big oil and other corporations, but corporations are giving back little—if anything—to working families,” said Clemente. “In fact, this [analysis shows] that 433 corporations out of the Fortune 500 have announced no plans to share their tax cuts with employees.”

The newest projections by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found that the Republican tax plan led to, in part, a 2018 deficit $242 billion higher than previously estimated.

Roughly 36 percent of Americans approve of the Republican tax cuts, according to a March Quinnipiac University Poll and a CNBC poll found that 52 percent of working adults said they had not seen a change to their paychecks since the cuts were passed.

In January, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said 90 percent of all working adults would see increases in their paychecks because of the cuts.

Hmmm, let’s go with your bullshit findings....I’m curious, is there something wrong with companies keeping more of what they generate?
dude, that fk wants them to go out of business and leave no middle class working.

Yep...that whack will also tell you that poor people create jobs.
When you give the lower classes tax cuts, that puts more money in their pockets. You know what the poor and middle class do when they have more money? They spend it on goods and services, which increases demand and yes, creates jobs. You know what the already-rich do when you give them tax cuts and put more money in their bank accounts? It stays there, because they’re already well-off and can get by on what they already have. It’s not rocket science. You’re just a dumb, wannabe who drinks the trickle down piss with glee.

Left wing economics loves consumer spending. You are correct that consumer spending increases demand, and therefore creates jobs. However, if the products demanded are manufactured overseas, then that is where the jobs are created.
shhh he wants the corporations to fold. he isn't a believer in the american working class.
Another 4th grade "retort"........No wonder trump honestly stated that he loves the poorly educated who voted for his sorry, fat ass.
In their world, if you don’t agree with them, you’re a “welfare queen”.

I’m a honest, hardworking American tax payer who has never been on welfare; but I support helping those in need over giving more money to already rich companies.

These bootlickers just continue licking even as their Dear Leader walks right over them
see that's where we differ, I am for the rich company providing a paying job helping those in need and feeling good about their life being productive, and earning a living. you wish to keep them dependent on you. aren't you sweet.
Those companies are not going to hire anyone unless there is an increased demand for their product or service. That only happens when working/ middle class people have more disposable income. Trickle down / supply-side economics has been discredited. Only fools and liars push it.
explain trickle down in your definition?
Dhaaaaaa Give aways to the wealthy that will ostensibly "trickle down" to others. You really didn't know that? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
give away what?
Another 4th grade "retort"........No wonder trump honestly stated that he loves the poorly educated who voted for his sorry, fat ass.
In their world, if you don’t agree with them, you’re a “welfare queen”.

I’m a honest, hardworking American tax payer who has never been on welfare; but I support helping those in need over giving more money to already rich companies.

These bootlickers just continue licking even as their Dear Leader walks right over them
see that's where we differ, I am for the rich company providing a paying job helping those in need and feeling good about their life being productive, and earning a living. you wish to keep them dependent on you. aren't you sweet.
Those companies are not going to hire anyone unless there is an increased demand for their product or service. That only happens when working/ middle class people have more disposable income. Trickle down / supply-side economics has been discredited. Only fools and liars push it.
explain trickle down in your definition?
Dhaaaaaa Give aways to the wealthy that will ostensibly "trickle down" to others. You really didn't know that? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
Just love how you think having people KEEP more of their money is a give away... A give away is when a government takes from the earners and Dhaaa Gives it away to those people who sit on the liberal lazy asses bitching how fucked up their lives are.
In their world, if you don’t agree with them, you’re a “welfare queen”.

I’m a honest, hardworking American tax payer who has never been on welfare; but I support helping those in need over giving more money to already rich companies.

These bootlickers just continue licking even as their Dear Leader walks right over them
see that's where we differ, I am for the rich company providing a paying job helping those in need and feeling good about their life being productive, and earning a living. you wish to keep them dependent on you. aren't you sweet.
Those companies are not going to hire anyone unless there is an increased demand for their product or service. That only happens when working/ middle class people have more disposable income. Trickle down / supply-side economics has been discredited. Only fools and liars push it.
explain trickle down in your definition?
Dhaaaaaa Give aways to the wealthy that will ostensibly "trickle down" to others. You really didn't know that? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
give away what?

Thank for admitting that you are clueless
see that's where we differ, I am for the rich company providing a paying job helping those in need and feeling good about their life being productive, and earning a living. you wish to keep them dependent on you. aren't you sweet.
Those companies are not going to hire anyone unless there is an increased demand for their product or service. That only happens when working/ middle class people have more disposable income. Trickle down / supply-side economics has been discredited. Only fools and liars push it.
explain trickle down in your definition?
Dhaaaaaa Give aways to the wealthy that will ostensibly "trickle down" to others. You really didn't know that? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
give away what?

Thank for admitting that you are clueless
no,no, I am on that particular statement. Who gives away to the wealthy? I'm sorry, but really, I have no fking idea. I see you don't either cause you didn't want to answer the question. you deflected to me being clueless about it, which I am. please it's obvious you know more than me on the topic so I'm looking to learn. teach me.
Those companies are not going to hire anyone unless there is an increased demand for their product or service. That only happens when working/ middle class people have more disposable income. Trickle down / supply-side economics has been discredited. Only fools and liars push it.
explain trickle down in your definition?
Dhaaaaaa Give aways to the wealthy that will ostensibly "trickle down" to others. You really didn't know that? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
give away what?

Thank for admitting that you are clueless
no,no, I am on that particular statement. Who gives away to the wealthy? I'm sorry, but really, I have no fking idea. I see you don't either cause you didn't want to answer the question. you deflected to me being clueless about it, which I am. please it's obvious you know more than me on the topic so I'm looking to learn. teach me.
Bovine Excrement. I'm not playing your dumb ass game
explain trickle down in your definition?
Dhaaaaaa Give aways to the wealthy that will ostensibly "trickle down" to others. You really didn't know that? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
give away what?

Thank for admitting that you are clueless
no,no, I am on that particular statement. Who gives away to the wealthy? I'm sorry, but really, I have no fking idea. I see you don't either cause you didn't want to answer the question. you deflected to me being clueless about it, which I am. please it's obvious you know more than me on the topic so I'm looking to learn. teach me.
Bovine Excrement. I'm not playing your dumb ass game
well then it's obvious you just made up that statement and can't back it up. how leftist of you. So you don't know what a give away is and by whom? got it. so your post is false. thanks.
In their world, if you don’t agree with them, you’re a “welfare queen”.

I’m a honest, hardworking American tax payer who has never been on welfare; but I support helping those in need over giving more money to already rich companies.

These bootlickers just continue licking even as their Dear Leader walks right over them
see that's where we differ, I am for the rich company providing a paying job helping those in need and feeling good about their life being productive, and earning a living. you wish to keep them dependent on you. aren't you sweet.
Those companies are not going to hire anyone unless there is an increased demand for their product or service. That only happens when working/ middle class people have more disposable income. Trickle down / supply-side economics has been discredited. Only fools and liars push it.
explain trickle down in your definition?
Dhaaaaaa Give aways to the wealthy that will ostensibly "trickle down" to others. You really didn't know that? :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
Just love how you think having people KEEP more of their money is a give away... A give away is when a government takes from the earners and Dhaaa Gives it away to those people who sit on the liberal lazy asses bitching how fucked up their lives are.
dude, he has no fking idea what he meant with that statement. I asked him to define it for me and he can't. so he made it up. so he is just saying that he doesn't like corporations, buildings!
Last edited:
Or we can benefit all;

Your faulty math doesn't benefit all.
Most of your "ideas" are unconstitutional.
Another person who has delusions of being a constitutional scholar .

I agree, onepercenter knows less amore bout the Constitution than you do......
And a turnip knows more than you do about the constitution

Maybe you could show your knowledge by explaining which of onepercenter's "ideas"
are unconstitutional?
That is even more bizarre than most of your posts. I'm not the one saying that they are unconstitutional, Sparky.

Well, if you think they are constitutional, you're dumber than your turnip.

Trump and Republican leadership have long touted their tax cuts as a massive boon to America’s working class, if not through direct tax reductions or refunds, then through the trickle-down effect of bonuses and wage increases from their employers who receive massive corporate cuts. “Tax reform is working,” Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan said in January, mentioning Apple’s decision to reward a bonus of $2,500 in stock grants to some Apple employees. “Workers are coming home and telling their families they got a bonus, or they got a raise or they got better benefits.”

But a new analysis of all Fortune 500 companies found only 4.3 percent of workers will receive a one-time bonus or wage increase tied to the business tax cuts, while businesses received nine times more in cuts than what they passed on to their workers, according to Americans for Tax Fairness, a political advocacy group devoted to tax reform. The analysis also found that companies spent 37 times as much on stock buybacks than they did on bonuses and increased wages for workers.

“There are too many disingenuous claims that the Trump and Republican tax cuts for corporations will trickle down to the middle class,” said Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness. “President Trump and Republicans gave huge tax cuts to big drug companies, big oil and other corporations, but corporations are giving back little—if anything—to working families,” said Clemente. “In fact, this [analysis shows] that 433 corporations out of the Fortune 500 have announced no plans to share their tax cuts with employees.”

The newest projections by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found that the Republican tax plan led to, in part, a 2018 deficit $242 billion higher than previously estimated.

Roughly 36 percent of Americans approve of the Republican tax cuts, according to a March Quinnipiac University Poll and a CNBC poll found that 52 percent of working adults said they had not seen a change to their paychecks since the cuts were passed.

In January, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said 90 percent of all working adults would see increases in their paychecks because of the cuts.

Hmmm, let’s go with your bullshit findings....I’m curious, is there something wrong with companies keeping more of what they generate?
dude, that fk wants them to go out of business and leave no middle class working.

Yep...that whack will also tell you that poor people create jobs.
When you give the lower classes tax cuts, that puts more money in their pockets. You know what the poor and middle class do when they have more money? They spend it on goods and services, which increases demand and yes, creates jobs. You know what the already-rich do when you give them tax cuts and put more money in their bank accounts? It stays there, because they’re already well-off and can get by on what they already have. It’s not rocket science. You’re just a dumb, wannabe who drinks the trickle down piss with glee.

When you give the lower classes tax cuts, that puts more money in their pockets.

They already have low or negative tax rates.

You know what the already-rich do when you give them tax cuts and put more money in their bank accounts? It stays there, because they’re already well-off and can get by on what they already have.

Really? What's the savings rate of the "already rich"?
See, the middle class did receive that lower tax rate, we are seeing more in our paychecks and we are spending more. The corporations are now hiring more at higher wages. which was the point of the exercise.
Yet the tax cuts for the lower classes are temporary, while the tax cuts for the upper classes are permanent. Hmmm I wonder why.

And bullshit on corporations hiring more because of the recent tax cuts. They’re putting more on their own pockets and throwing a few one-time peanuts to their employees

Yet the tax cuts for the lower classes are temporary, while the tax cuts for the upper classes are permanent. Hmmm I wonder why.

Because Democrats suck.

Trump and Republican leadership have long touted their tax cuts as a massive boon to America’s working class, if not through direct tax reductions or refunds, then through the trickle-down effect of bonuses and wage increases from their employers who receive massive corporate cuts. “Tax reform is working,” Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan said in January, mentioning Apple’s decision to reward a bonus of $2,500 in stock grants to some Apple employees. “Workers are coming home and telling their families they got a bonus, or they got a raise or they got better benefits.”

But a new analysis of all Fortune 500 companies found only 4.3 percent of workers will receive a one-time bonus or wage increase tied to the business tax cuts, while businesses received nine times more in cuts than what they passed on to their workers, according to Americans for Tax Fairness, a political advocacy group devoted to tax reform. The analysis also found that companies spent 37 times as much on stock buybacks than they did on bonuses and increased wages for workers.

“There are too many disingenuous claims that the Trump and Republican tax cuts for corporations will trickle down to the middle class,” said Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness. “President Trump and Republicans gave huge tax cuts to big drug companies, big oil and other corporations, but corporations are giving back little—if anything—to working families,” said Clemente. “In fact, this [analysis shows] that 433 corporations out of the Fortune 500 have announced no plans to share their tax cuts with employees.”

The newest projections by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found that the Republican tax plan led to, in part, a 2018 deficit $242 billion higher than previously estimated.

Roughly 36 percent of Americans approve of the Republican tax cuts, according to a March Quinnipiac University Poll and a CNBC poll found that 52 percent of working adults said they had not seen a change to their paychecks since the cuts were passed.

In January, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said 90 percent of all working adults would see increases in their paychecks because of the cuts.

Hmmm, let’s go with your bullshit findings....I’m curious, is there something wrong with companies keeping more of what they generate?
dude, that fk wants them to go out of business and leave no middle class working.

Yep...that whack will also tell you that poor people create jobs.
When you give the lower classes tax cuts, that puts more money in their pockets. You know what the poor and middle class do when they have more money? They spend it on goods and services, which increases demand and yes, creates jobs. You know what the already-rich do when you give them tax cuts and put more money in their bank accounts? It stays there, because they’re already well-off and can get by on what they already have. It’s not rocket science. You’re just a dumb, wannabe who drinks the trickle down piss with glee.

When you give the lower classes tax cuts, that puts more money in their pockets.

They already have low or negative tax rates.

You know what the already-rich do when you give them tax cuts and put more money in their bank accounts? It stays there, because they’re already well-off and can get by on what they already have.

Really? What's the savings rate of the "already rich"?
Don't you know the rich got rich with 1% return on investments. yep that's the ticket!!!

Trump and Republican leadership have long touted their tax cuts as a massive boon to America’s working class, if not through direct tax reductions or refunds, then through the trickle-down effect of bonuses and wage increases from their employers who receive massive corporate cuts. “Tax reform is working,” Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan said in January, mentioning Apple’s decision to reward a bonus of $2,500 in stock grants to some Apple employees. “Workers are coming home and telling their families they got a bonus, or they got a raise or they got better benefits.”

But a new analysis of all Fortune 500 companies found only 4.3 percent of workers will receive a one-time bonus or wage increase tied to the business tax cuts, while businesses received nine times more in cuts than what they passed on to their workers, according to Americans for Tax Fairness, a political advocacy group devoted to tax reform. The analysis also found that companies spent 37 times as much on stock buybacks than they did on bonuses and increased wages for workers.

“There are too many disingenuous claims that the Trump and Republican tax cuts for corporations will trickle down to the middle class,” said Frank Clemente, executive director of Americans for Tax Fairness. “President Trump and Republicans gave huge tax cuts to big drug companies, big oil and other corporations, but corporations are giving back little—if anything—to working families,” said Clemente. “In fact, this [analysis shows] that 433 corporations out of the Fortune 500 have announced no plans to share their tax cuts with employees.”

The newest projections by the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found that the Republican tax plan led to, in part, a 2018 deficit $242 billion higher than previously estimated.

Roughly 36 percent of Americans approve of the Republican tax cuts, according to a March Quinnipiac University Poll and a CNBC poll found that 52 percent of working adults said they had not seen a change to their paychecks since the cuts were passed.

In January, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said 90 percent of all working adults would see increases in their paychecks because of the cuts.

Hmmm, let’s go with your bullshit findings....I’m curious, is there something wrong with companies keeping more of what they generate?
dude, that fk wants them to go out of business and leave no middle class working.

Yep...that whack will also tell you that poor people create jobs.
When you give the lower classes tax cuts, that puts more money in their pockets. You know what the poor and middle class do when they have more money? They spend it on goods and services, which increases demand and yes, creates jobs. You know what the already-rich do when you give them tax cuts and put more money in their bank accounts? It stays there, because they’re already well-off and can get by on what they already have. It’s not rocket science. You’re just a dumb, wannabe who drinks the trickle down piss with glee.

You don’t give two shits about the middle only champion filthy fuckin bottom feeders like human cockroaches already have a 0% or negative effective tax rate...You takers are always looking to be spoon fed more free’d just buy a bigger sack of weed, drink more booze and smoke more lowlifes don’t do shit for economics...Haha...funny that you think you do though.
So, the workers who got a bonus, that didn't help that at all? I wonder how many of the workers have stock in the company that they work for? I bet at least 66%. Bwaaaahhhhaaahhhhaaaaa. You must be a welfare queen or queer....

Most people don't own stock.
Most welfare queens don't own stock. 401k's, mutual funds have stocks. Even Pensions have stocks.. Are you really that stupid? Don't answer, I already know...

On average, public employee pension funds have 60 percent of their assets invested in the stock market, including roughly 15 percent in foreign stock markets. Union pension funds have a slightly smaller share of their assets in the stock market, 57 percent.

Stock Market Investing: Good Enough for Public Employee ...
While 401ks hold stocks, they tend to be held in mutual funds with managers who don't get the call until after the stock collapses. Hedge fund managers get the call before, and save the billionaire's money.
If you're not personally a muti-millionaire, you're fighting for George Soros and Bill Gates' enrichment, not your own.

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