Analysis of US Voters By Party Affiliation

I warned Dems that minorities would abandon them the first chance they get. This narrative Dems and the asshole liberal news media spins about Republicans being racist is beginning to fall apart under Trump. That spells doom for Democrats.
The BS Lib media also likes to label Republicans as antisemites. Trump has a son in law who is an Orthodox Jew, so that slur does not work with him, either. Trump even made 2 speeches specifically denouncing antisemitism. I used to be a Democrat. One day I got tired of Dem lies and propaganda. I am now an Independent. I did not vote for DJTrump in 2016 because I was concerned about all those lawsuits he is involved in. However, now that I have seen him operate for 3 1/2 years, I like what I see and will support him.

My beautiful sweet late uncle was orthodox Jew. Dude was a hippy, LSD, meditation, Vietnam, March on Washington, Princeton University, made good in portfolios. Very smart right, seen it all........Conservative Republican period. Democrats don't offer anything to like. They used to in cases, but those days are gone.

Once upon a time if you were a Jew you were a Democrat, period. Because of so-called human right issues. I can't speak for that time, but it's clearly not these fucks, nor their former parties of slavery.

Jews are coming around slowly. I suspect Jewish people are somewhere in the middle effective and emotional. Lose some of that emotion to see clearly you know the Demonicrats offer nothing more than dumb, corruption and complete control of EVERYTHING.

I suspect many of Trump's lawsuits are the result of contractors producing less than desirable. That said, I wouldn't put it past Trump to retain his $ for less than ethical reasons. Hard to say, it's none of our business unless it proves something, Dems produce nothing.

It's safe to say Trump is clean, after-all, PROGS are on his ass 24-7, and can only come up with completely or intellectually dishonest narrations serving their masters. Like you say, Trump gets shit done and proven. He's also protecting his country from the snakes below his desk known as Democrats.

There are lots of Jews in my family. Why did Jews stick with the Democrats for so long? My guess is tradition, which is very prominent in Jewish culture. Jewish kids don't like to oppose their parents on anything. They may disobey others, but NOT Mommy and Daddy. That is changing, however, and a few of my cousins now vote GOP.

As of September 2020, the Democrats and Republicans are just about equal. Independents occupy 40%.

The GOP is no longer the minority party.
Registered democrat ,vote independent. All online political test I've taken always puts me right in the middle .
I am registered as an Independent. A test of ideology usually puts ,me right of center by quite a bit. I accept some gun control as necessary and I will accept abortion to save the mother's life. I accept as wise Medicare and Social Security but want severe restrictions on welfare payments. I want welfare recipients to do work for the state. I believe people should be able to follow the dictates of their religion in their business and work environments. Regulations on business should be kept to an absolute minimum and confined to those measures necessary for the health and safety of employees. We must always keep in mind that business creates jobs and that should always be our first priority above everything else. I want extremely severe restrictions on immigration so that American citizens always get first crack at any jobs available.
I suspect there might be a few more people who consider themselves Repubs but are somewhat afraid to admit it, plus a few other people who say they are Dems but aren't really supportive of the Far Left agenda and are also somewhat afraid to says so. Lots of intimidation these days, IMHO. A lot of people don't like Trump but a lot of people don't like Pelosi and AOC either. So, which way will it go? LOL, damned if I know.

First of all, I am an old style Republican. I am not ashamed to say it. In fact, I am Proud to say I am a "Good Republican". I am not a Party of the Rumper who I don't recognize as anything close to a "Good Republican". I am NOT a Democrat and never have been. I am left with filing as an indy because the "GOP" has been hijacked just like the original Tea Party was by the same group of people. And I am can see the long term affect will be exactly the same. When the Locust moves on, it will leave a field completely void of life.

I firmly believe in the 1956 Eisenhower Republican Vision that brought us more civil rights and technological advancements than any other time in history. In fact, we are still living from those dreams. And I also remember the Real Deal from Truman that helped to trigger the Eisenhower time. One Democrat and one Republican. Both working for the betterment of ALL Americans. Both so called, Parties, have become criminal.

As of September 2020, the Democrats and Republicans are just about equal. Independents occupy 40%.

The GOP is no longer the minority party.
It amazes me how anyone can call their self a democrat. First you have to believe the total bull shit that the parties changed positions. Democrats might have changed tactics but as Crusty Joe keeps putting his foot in his mouth anyone paying attention sees his racism. 'If you don't vote for me you're not Black' Democrats, no longer allowed to burn crosses and lynch Blacks found another way to keep Blacks in fear now put them in inter cities slums with a few traitors to their race feeding them lies saying everyone but the democrats are at fault for them being in the stitchuation they are in. What they need to ask is after 8 years of a Black president did anything change. 60 years ago when LBJ got his Great Society was passed LBJ said 200 years. I'm beginning to believe it.

I guess some people need government to tell them not only when to wipe but how many ply to use when doing the wiping. When it brakes throw and gets on their finger they still trust government because it still is to their benefit than trusting their own judgement. In other words they are that damn stupid.
You have to be a:

Special Bonus:
Pedophile if you live in Hollywood!

As of September 2020, the Democrats and Republicans are just about equal. Independents occupy 40%.

The GOP is no longer the minority party.
CNN: : : : : Trump Down 16
WSJ/NBC Trump Down 14
Rasmussen Trump Down 12
FOX: : : : : : : Trump Down 10
Real Clear Politics: Trump Down 9.7

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