Analysis: The GOP's Toxic Squabble Demonstrates the Challenges for A Party Still Controlled By trump

Well shit. You are always wrong on shit. Oh well was worth a dang try. Maybe we can get lawyers and have a dang contested divorse

You're not making much sense.

Exactly what is it that you want, without metaphors and riddles? What would it look like?
You're not making much sense.

Exactly what is it that you want, without metaphors and riddles? What would it look like?
A return of power as prescribed by the Constitution with enumerated powers of the Federal gov't.
States will have all the internal power.

In that way we are divorced via the Constitution.

If you had ever read the Constitution or the Federalist papers you might already know that. It's not supposed to used for Cat litter bro.
I want to say we deserve better choices, but we get what we deserve. We allow this system to continue. Either we choose to change the system or we don’t.
Let me guess, you want a system that produces a liberal government like in Europe.
They're getting what they want: Americans hating each other, divisions increasing everywhere, fantasy becoming reality, the government falling apart.

They just needed one guy to show up to release all the rage, frustration, bigotry and abject paranoia that had been building for decades.

Who knew it would be a flamboyant, hypersensitive, fast talking New York city billionaire.

The bigots are the ones that think it is wrong for Working Class Whites to be allowed to have their interests represented in national policy.

It is not paranoia that I think that is the status quo. YOur hysterical reaction to us winning, once, is proof of our view.

And yes, we are angry about the shit you people have been pulling and getting angrier as you keep pulling more and more shit.

Keep calling everyone who disagrees with you, names. That will help calm shit down.
Analysis: The GOP's Toxic Squabble Demonstrates the Challenges for A Party Still Controlled By trump

There have been many news articles and opinion pieces explaining the GOP’s “problems” of being under the cheeto-in-chief’s thumb a full year after he lost to Biden by a landslide. What the authors of these columns seem to ignore is the increasing support of centrists for the trumpublicans.

The “moderate” Democrats have spent the months since Biden’s inauguration intentionally sinking their chances to hold onto their meager congressional majority.

Led by Manchin and Sinema, the “moderate” Democrats have been doing Moscow Mitch’s dirty work for him. What little the Democrats have achieved proves the “moderates” disregard their constituents’ best interests in favor of their own and those of their major political contributors.

As the next twelve months unfold, there will be little need for trumpublicans to campaign. The “moderate” Democrats will continue their own screwing of the folks back home, all the while knowing there are 74 million trump fanatics and tens-of-millions of wishy-washy centrists ready to elect every Boebert, MTG, Gaetz, Cawthorn, and Gosar style trumpublican sycophant the GOP offers up November 8, 2022.

There is no question what the trumpublicans have planned for the nation when they become the congressional majority after the 2022 Mid-terms.

In this next election a lot of democRats are going to have a rude awaking.

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