Analysts Debate Long-Term Effect of Belgium Attack - Global Agenda - News - Arutz She


Gold Member
Feb 17, 2012
There is a danger from some of the militant muslims. The other muslims must speak up against the corrupted interpretation of the quran. They must take responsibility for allowing those people of verbally and physically threatening the country they are in or terrorizing others around the world.

Analysts Debate Long-Term Effect of Belgium Attack


Has Europe under-estimated the security threat posed by battle-hardened homegrown Islamic militants returning from Syria?

After the chance arrest in France of the suspected perpetrator of last week's deadly shooting at a Jewish Museum in Brussels, concern mounted Monday that the region is ill-equipped to cope with the threat posed by homegrown Islamic militants returning from Syria's battlefields.

Mehdi Nemmouche, a Frenchman who spent more than a year fighting in Syria, was detained on Friday in Marseille following a random customs check on the coach on which he had been traveling, which had started its journey in the Netherlands.

Nemmouche, 29, was carrying a Kalashnikov automatic rifle and a handgun, the same type of weapons used in the museum attack, and a camera which contained a 40-second film in which he appears to claim responsibility for a professionally-executed shooting which left three people dead and another man in a critical condition.

Police sources said Nemmouche had refused to say anything to his interrogators. His lawyer told AFP that, "in principle" he would not oppose request for him to be handed over to the Belgian authorities.

Investigators are trying to establish if he acted entirely alone and if he was planning other attacks, as French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve said was highly likely.

"He was extremely dangerous," Cazeneuve said. "It was probable that he would have struck again."

Questions meanwhile have begun to be raised about how an individual who had been known to the French security services was able to avoid surveillance following his return to Europe...................

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