Ancient demonology

OK, simply educated then

These were stories created and told around fires long before writing, that evolved.
The Chinese language is the oldest, continuous written language in the World. It was first written over 4,500 years ago. The inventors of the written language drew pictures to express words or ideas. Simple pictures were combined to make more complex thoughts. Well known history and common everyday things were used to make a word so people could remember it. The first five books of the Bible focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters of the Bible records the history that all nations have in common. This history was recorded as symbols used in the oldest, continuous written language in the World and was recorded over 4,500 years ago.
I don't know where you are getting this crap from, but Chinese history only goes back to about 1000 BC by which time the Babylonians, Egyptians, and Greeks were already many more thousands of years old.

There is a theory that the Chinese originated from fleeing Hittites around 1400 BC when the Sea Peoples of the Aegean chased them out of Anatolia. Hittite and Chinese art are very similar.

Chinese writing is merely a form of cuneiform and Babylonian cuneiform looks much simpler and much older.
The proof is in the symbols.

The account of genesis was recorded in the symbols of the first written language 4500 years ago
You don't seem to understand the difference between proof, evidence, and rank supposition. You should google those words.

Ultimately you need training in logic and then ultimately in Philosophy.

You mind does not yet know how to sort out bullcrap from scholarship.
And you do not seem to believe in or accept Catholic thought.
Catholic thought is 2000 years of ignorant corrupt popes running wild with dogma that they dreamed up on their own -- like the Earth is the center of the Universe and everything revolves around it -- remember Galileo ??

"Immaculate Conception" is another classic example.
You do realize that the Bible correctly tells us about:

1. The migration of man from a common source
2. That the universe had a beginning
3. That steps were involved in the evolution of the universe
4. The correct order of the steps
5. That each person is uniquely numbered
6. That the stars in the sky are countless
7. That we can learn about God from what has been created
8. That He would use the Jews to spread His message to every nation
9. That man knows right from wrong and when he violates it rather than abandoning the concept he rationalizes that he didn't violate it

All things that have since been proven true through science or observation. Not bad for a book of fairy tales and simple explanations.
You do realize that revisionist Jewish scholarship does not and cannot trace Hebrew origins back further than the Persian captivity which was right after the Persians conquered the Babylonians. This is only back to about 450 BCE.

And even if you grant that there was such a person as Moses the Hebrew prince of Egypt, like Josephus says in 75 A.D., it was Moses in 1450 BCE who dreamed up all the crap in Genesis based on his own familiar myths from his Egyptian education at the hands of court scribes.

You can give your heart to the Bible but ultimately you need to be able to distinguish the fiction in it from the reality. There is a whole lot of fiction and bits and pieces of reality.
The account of Genesis is much much older than that and it wasn't dreamed up. The first 11 chapters records the history that all nations have in common.
If there is any validity to this account of 70 nations and 70 languages then it is a part of ancient Egyptian mythology and Moses simply conveyed it to the Hebrews and to us.

The primary flaw of Moses' narrative in Genesis is that he does not give an account of the birth of God(s). He just starts with Eloheem as a given and then JHVH appears in his Chapter #2.

The Greeks do a much better job of accounting for the origin of the Gods than Moses does. Only in Greek mythology matter already exists, and the Gods appear out of nowhere from it. Gyia The Earth is the mother goddess of all the other Gods in Greek mythology.

Moses leaves us dangling.
An example of this can be found in Luke 12 where Jesus said in his own words that he had come to bring division to a family or even in a deeper sense to a nation or to all peoples...

"And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; "

sun burns constantly. The only day and night comes from the rotation of the earth so those on one side face away from the sun.
Sun came first, no the planets.

Bible is a simple explanation for simple man, not factual. From the perception of man, who was not there in the beginning, it is a wild guess.

It took millions of years and a number of extinctions before man's ancestor first crawled.
Moses says the Earth was created first and the Sun and Moon were then put in the heavens above it.

Astrophysics tells us the Sun accreted first and then the planets including Earth accreted around it.

I suppose a real God could do it either way.

The problem with Moses is that he does not explain where the God(s) came from. He just assumes that as a given. This is bad Philosophy and even worse Religion.
Jesus fed more than 5,000. Only the men were counted. There were woman and children fed also. There could have easily been 10,000 to 15,000 people there. They were fed with the lunch of a child (whose number was not included in the count).

There is no demon that doesn't recognize Jesus, as the Christ. They know Him, His power and His authority. He is going to win this battle.

He was a teacher. He did not become god till a few hundred years after his supposed death on the cross. That was a "violent" debate of bishops and passed by narrow vote.
And you know this how?

3rd council ephasus 431- 4th council chalcedon 451
greek east vs latin west
nestorius side vs athanasius side

it's call history

The east bishops lost in the end. Years later, then Pope, Leo admitted he did not read greek.

The decision might have gone the other way if he, and others, had.
ummm... yeah... no. How do you know He wasn't fully God and fully man?

Millions during the time and decades later "believe" he did not, which is easy enough, and traveled and taught throughout the east, and married, and had two children. India has a tomb for him where he was placed after his death. Some muslims believe a glass sarcophagus with a mummified body, that for years rested below the dome, was the body of jesus. Even Rome issued letter of request for christians to be allowed to view the body. Not spirit, not risen, not killed on the cross but died of natural causes long afterwards. Not GOD

Even followers in the early years and some groups of christians didn't believe Jesus had been killed by the Romans.

Just because "you" believe something does not mean everyone does or should, nor that you are right.
That mummy could also be the Apostle Thomas.
An example of this can be found in Luke 12 where Jesus said in his own words that he had come to bring division to a family or even in a deeper sense to a nation or to all peoples...

"And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; "

sun burns constantly. The only day and night comes from the rotation of the earth so those on one side face away from the sun.
Sun came first, no the planets.

Bible is a simple explanation for simple man, not factual. From the perception of man, who was not there in the beginning, it is a wild guess.

It took millions of years and a number of extinctions before man's ancestor first crawled.

I agree for the most part. This is what is alluded to by the verse that says that before there was light, the earth was without form and void, and darkness covered the face of the deep - millions of years of prehistory when our ancestors were ignorant about much about life on earth and only had superstitions to explain the unknown.

I disagree that whoever wrote this story to teach their children about the realities of life were simple.

"let there be light" is not about the solar system even if the light of the sun or the stars were used as metaphors. The fact that metaphors were used and expected to be understood by children is evidence of complex thinking abilities and an understanding about the nature of the human mind that even the greatest fundamentalist believer out there in this day and age lacks completely.
This was Moses' story which he used to brainwash the Hebrews with after he led them out of Egypt. Not sure where he got it. Probably just dreamed it all up.
The fact that it was recorded as symbols over 4,500 years ago says otherwise. I thought you were a Catholic? Are you telling mt that you believe that the account of Genesis is made up?
An example of this can be found in Luke 12 where Jesus said in his own words that he had come to bring division to a family or even in a deeper sense to a nation or to all peoples...

"And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; "

sun burns constantly. The only day and night comes from the rotation of the earth so those on one side face away from the sun.
Sun came first, no the planets.

Bible is a simple explanation for simple man, not factual. From the perception of man, who was not there in the beginning, it is a wild guess.

It took millions of years and a number of extinctions before man's ancestor first crawled.

I agree for the most part. This is what is alluded to by the verse that says that before there was light, the earth was without form and void, and darkness covered the face of the deep - millions of years of prehistory when our ancestors were ignorant about much about life on earth and only had superstitions to explain the unknown.

I disagree that whoever wrote this story to teach their children about the realities of life were simple.

"let there be light" is not about the solar system even if the light of the sun or the stars were used as metaphors. The fact that metaphors were used and expected to be understood by children is evidence of complex thinking abilities and an understanding about the nature of the human mind that even the greatest fundamentalist believer out there in this day and age lacks completely.
This was Moses' story which he used to brainwash the Hebrews with after he led them out of Egypt. Not sure where he got it. Probably just dreamed it all up.
The fact that it was recorded as symbols over 4,500 years ago says otherwise. I thought you were a Catholic? Are you telling mt that you believe that the account of Genesis is made up?
There is no question that Moses or someone like him centuries later made up the Genesis/Bereshet story.

All you yourself are doing is regurgitating Catholic preschool stories.

You are going to need Catholic deprogramming at some point in your life.

Give it 40 or so more years.
The Chinese language is the oldest, continuous written language in the World. It was first written over 4,500 years ago. The inventors of the written language drew pictures to express words or ideas. Simple pictures were combined to make more complex thoughts. Well known history and common everyday things were used to make a word so people could remember it. The first five books of the Bible focus on the beginning of the nation of Israel; but the first 11 chapters of the Bible records the history that all nations have in common. This history was recorded as symbols used in the oldest, continuous written language in the World and was recorded over 4,500 years ago.
I don't know where you are getting this crap from, but Chinese history only goes back to about 1000 BC by which time the Babylonians, Egyptians, and Greeks were already many more thousands of years old.

There is a theory that the Chinese originated from fleeing Hittites around 1400 BC when the Sea Peoples of the Aegean chased them out of Anatolia. Hittite and Chinese art are very similar.

Chinese writing is merely a form of cuneiform and Babylonian cuneiform looks much simpler and much older.
The proof is in the symbols.

The account of genesis was recorded in the symbols of the first written language 4500 years ago
You don't seem to understand the difference between proof, evidence, and rank supposition. You should google those words.

Ultimately you need training in logic and then ultimately in Philosophy.

You mind does not yet know how to sort out bullcrap from scholarship.
And you do not seem to believe in or accept Catholic thought.
Catholic thought is 2000 years of ignorant corrupt popes running wild with dogma that they dreamed up on their own -- like the Earth is the center of the Universe and everything revolves around it -- remember Galileo ??

"Immaculate Conception" is another classic example.
I guess you aren't a Catholic after all. If I believed as you did, I would't be a Catholic at all.
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I don't know where you are getting this crap from, but Chinese history only goes back to about 1000 BC by which time the Babylonians, Egyptians, and Greeks were already many more thousands of years old.

There is a theory that the Chinese originated from fleeing Hittites around 1400 BC when the Sea Peoples of the Aegean chased them out of Anatolia. Hittite and Chinese art are very similar.

Chinese writing is merely a form of cuneiform and Babylonian cuneiform looks much simpler and much older.
The proof is in the symbols.

The account of genesis was recorded in the symbols of the first written language 4500 years ago
You don't seem to understand the difference between proof, evidence, and rank supposition. You should google those words.

Ultimately you need training in logic and then ultimately in Philosophy.

You mind does not yet know how to sort out bullcrap from scholarship.
And you do not seem to believe in or accept Catholic thought.
Catholic thought is 2000 years of ignorant corrupt popes running wild with dogma that they dreamed up on their own -- like the Earth is the center of the Universe and everything revolves around it -- remember Galileo ??

"Immaculate Conception" is another classic example.
I guess you aren't a Catholic after all.
You and koshergrl keep hurling that ad hom around.

Ergo you are neither one scholars either, just two brainwashed children.
You don't seem to understand the difference between proof, evidence, and rank supposition. You should google those words.

Ultimately you need training in logic and then ultimately in Philosophy.

You mind does not yet know how to sort out bullcrap from scholarship.
And you do not seem to believe in or accept Catholic thought.
Catholic thought is 2000 years of ignorant corrupt popes running wild with dogma that they dreamed up on their own -- like the Earth is the center of the Universe and everything revolves around it -- remember Galileo ??

"Immaculate Conception" is another classic example.
I guess you aren't a Catholic after all.
You and koshergrl keep hurling that ad hom around.

Ergo you are neither one scholars either, just two brainwashed children.
Not ad hominem. Reality. You and Penelope are two peas in a pod.
You don't seem to understand the difference between proof, evidence, and rank supposition. You should google those words.

Ultimately you need training in logic and then ultimately in Philosophy.

You mind does not yet know how to sort out bullcrap from scholarship.
And you do not seem to believe in or accept Catholic thought.
Catholic thought is 2000 years of ignorant corrupt popes running wild with dogma that they dreamed up on their own -- like the Earth is the center of the Universe and everything revolves around it -- remember Galileo ??

"Immaculate Conception" is another classic example.
I guess you aren't a Catholic after all.
You and koshergrl keep hurling that ad hom around.

Ergo you are neither one scholars either, just two brainwashed children.
Not ad hominem. Reality. You and Penelope are two peas in a pod.
You are just sidetracking and corrupting the thread now.
"And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; "

sun burns constantly. The only day and night comes from the rotation of the earth so those on one side face away from the sun.
Sun came first, no the planets.

Bible is a simple explanation for simple man, not factual. From the perception of man, who was not there in the beginning, it is a wild guess.

It took millions of years and a number of extinctions before man's ancestor first crawled.

I agree for the most part. This is what is alluded to by the verse that says that before there was light, the earth was without form and void, and darkness covered the face of the deep - millions of years of prehistory when our ancestors were ignorant about much about life on earth and only had superstitions to explain the unknown.

I disagree that whoever wrote this story to teach their children about the realities of life were simple.

"let there be light" is not about the solar system even if the light of the sun or the stars were used as metaphors. The fact that metaphors were used and expected to be understood by children is evidence of complex thinking abilities and an understanding about the nature of the human mind that even the greatest fundamentalist believer out there in this day and age lacks completely.
This was Moses' story which he used to brainwash the Hebrews with after he led them out of Egypt. Not sure where he got it. Probably just dreamed it all up.
The fact that it was recorded as symbols over 4,500 years ago says otherwise. I thought you were a Catholic? Are you telling mt that you believe that the account of Genesis is made up?
There is no question that Moses or someone like him centuries later made up the Genesis/Bereshet story.

All you yourself are doing is regurgitating Catholic preschool stories.

You are going to need Catholic deprogramming at some point in your life.

Give it 40 or so more years.
No thanks. I believe I will accept my faith. You can pretend that Genesis and everything else is a made up fairy tale while you eat your cracker all the while condescending to your fellow members of Christ. I'll continue to believe in the mystery of faith and the presence of Jesus Christ at every mass.

I thought militant atheists were the worst kind. I learned something new today.
"And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; "

sun burns constantly. The only day and night comes from the rotation of the earth so those on one side face away from the sun.
Sun came first, no the planets.

Bible is a simple explanation for simple man, not factual. From the perception of man, who was not there in the beginning, it is a wild guess.

It took millions of years and a number of extinctions before man's ancestor first crawled.

I agree for the most part. This is what is alluded to by the verse that says that before there was light, the earth was without form and void, and darkness covered the face of the deep - millions of years of prehistory when our ancestors were ignorant about much about life on earth and only had superstitions to explain the unknown.

I disagree that whoever wrote this story to teach their children about the realities of life were simple.

"let there be light" is not about the solar system even if the light of the sun or the stars were used as metaphors. The fact that metaphors were used and expected to be understood by children is evidence of complex thinking abilities and an understanding about the nature of the human mind that even the greatest fundamentalist believer out there in this day and age lacks completely.
This was Moses' story which he used to brainwash the Hebrews with after he led them out of Egypt. Not sure where he got it. Probably just dreamed it all up.
The fact that it was recorded as symbols over 4,500 years ago says otherwise. I thought you were a Catholic? Are you telling mt that you believe that the account of Genesis is made up?
There is no question that Moses or someone like him centuries later made up the Genesis/Bereshet story.

All you yourself are doing is regurgitating Catholic preschool stories.

You are going to need Catholic deprogramming at some point in your life.

Give it 40 or so more years.
I don't believe any of it was made up. I believe they (i.e. not necessarily moses) were shown visions and allowed to put it in their own words. A strong case can be made that they knew things they should not have known. But you keep leading your double life.
The most ancient concept of a demon (daemon in Greek) comes from the Assyrians of the 25th Century BCE.

This demon was a bringer of storms and drought.

The demon was corporeal and comprised of the torso of a man, the head of a doglike lion, talons of an eagle, two pairs of wings, and a scorpion's tail.

The notion of demons as living intelligences that bring evil to mankind is therefore ancient and predates Old Testament (Tenakh) references by 1,000 years.

This notion then entered religion by way of the stories told by the Biblical authors.

In the Greek New Testament, Jesus Himself confronts this master demon in the wilderness and was tempted by him to give up His own mission and succumb to wealth and worldly power.

Pazuzu - Wikipedia
Getting back to your precious thread... not all demons are ancient.
An example of this can be found in Luke 12 where Jesus said in his own words that he had come to bring division to a family or even in a deeper sense to a nation or to all peoples...

"And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; "

sun burns constantly. The only day and night comes from the rotation of the earth so those on one side face away from the sun.
Sun came first, no the planets.

Bible is a simple explanation for simple man, not factual. From the perception of man, who was not there in the beginning, it is a wild guess.

It took millions of years and a number of extinctions before man's ancestor first crawled.
Moses says the Earth was created first and the Sun and Moon were then put in the heavens above it.

Astrophysics tells us the Sun accreted first and then the planets including Earth accreted around it.

I suppose a real God could do it either way.

The problem with Moses is that he does not explain where the God(s) came from. He just assumes that as a given. This is bad Philosophy and even worse Religion.

It's bad science not to believe in Him.
The problem with evolution is that even a single celled amoeba has an embedded complex digital code. So the question isn't where life came from, but where information came from.

If you want to know where God came from, you'll have to ask Him when you get there. He didn't say. Only that He is the beginning and the end.
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sun burns constantly. The only day and night comes from the rotation of the earth so those on one side face away from the sun.
Sun came first, no the planets.

Bible is a simple explanation for simple man, not factual. From the perception of man, who was not there in the beginning, it is a wild guess.

It took millions of years and a number of extinctions before man's ancestor first crawled.

I agree for the most part. This is what is alluded to by the verse that says that before there was light, the earth was without form and void, and darkness covered the face of the deep - millions of years of prehistory when our ancestors were ignorant about much about life on earth and only had superstitions to explain the unknown.

I disagree that whoever wrote this story to teach their children about the realities of life were simple.

"let there be light" is not about the solar system even if the light of the sun or the stars were used as metaphors. The fact that metaphors were used and expected to be understood by children is evidence of complex thinking abilities and an understanding about the nature of the human mind that even the greatest fundamentalist believer out there in this day and age lacks completely.
This was Moses' story which he used to brainwash the Hebrews with after he led them out of Egypt. Not sure where he got it. Probably just dreamed it all up.
The fact that it was recorded as symbols over 4,500 years ago says otherwise. I thought you were a Catholic? Are you telling mt that you believe that the account of Genesis is made up?
There is no question that Moses or someone like him centuries later made up the Genesis/Bereshet story.

All you yourself are doing is regurgitating Catholic preschool stories.

You are going to need Catholic deprogramming at some point in your life.

Give it 40 or so more years.
I don't believe any of it was made up. I believe they (i.e. not necessarily moses) were shown visions and allowed to put it in their own words. A strong case can be made that they knew things they should not have known. But you keep leading your double life.

Moses couldn't write like God. God told him what to write. There are codes embedded in the book that man can't replicate, let alone originate.
And, there are metaphors in the Bible. But, the Bible isn't a metaphor. Take it literally. That way you don't have to lean on your own understanding for the meaning. Literally, the Bible has stood the test of archaeological time. For instance, destroying Sodom and Gomorrah isn't a metaphor, God toasted them. One could only argue that it was a metaphor until we uncovered an eye witness's account.

Not only was Genesis not a metaphor, but from it, taken literally, in the 12 century a noted scientist and astronomer concluded that there were not 3 dimensions, but 10. 4 seen, 6 unseen.
Fast track to the end of the 20th century and lo and behold, science finally thinks that there are 10 dimensions. 4 seen, 6 unseen. The literal Bible proceeds science at every turn.

Christ didn't use metaphors or euphemisms to refute Satan in the wilderness and hope he interpreted it correctly. He used scripture to defeat Satan. Word for word, literal scripture. When He said, "Man does not live by bread alone." He was referring to bread.
40 scribes, at different times, in different locations, but all under the inspiration of God's Holy Spirit, wrote 66 books over a span of 1500 years that were miraculously cohesive, and able to be inter-fused, and is impossible for us to do. Then embed a numeric code through out it all, so we'd have no doubt about who the author was.
The only thing man had to do with that book is hold the pen.
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You do realize that the Bible correctly tells us about:

1. The migration of man from a common source
2. That the universe had a beginning
3. That steps were involved in the evolution of the universe
4. The correct order of the steps
5. That each person is uniquely numbered
6. That the stars in the sky are countless
7. That we can learn about God from what has been created
8. That He would use the Jews to spread His message to every nation
9. That man knows right from wrong and when he violates it rather than abandoning the concept he rationalizes that he didn't violate it

All things that have since been proven true through science or observation. Not bad for a book of fairy tales and simple explanations.
You do realize that revisionist Jewish scholarship does not and cannot trace Hebrew origins back further than the Persian captivity which was right after the Persians conquered the Babylonians. This is only back to about 450 BCE.

And even if you grant that there was such a person as Moses the Hebrew prince of Egypt, like Josephus says in 75 A.D., it was Moses in 1450 BCE who dreamed up all the crap in Genesis based on his own familiar myths from his Egyptian education at the hands of court scribes.

You can give your heart to the Bible but ultimately you need to be able to distinguish the fiction in it from the reality. There is a whole lot of fiction and bits and pieces of reality.
The account of Genesis is much much older than that and it wasn't dreamed up. The first 11 chapters records the history that all nations have in common.
If there is any validity to this account of 70 nations and 70 languages then it is a part of ancient Egyptian mythology and Moses simply conveyed it to the Hebrews and to us.

The primary flaw of Moses' narrative in Genesis is that he does not give an account of the birth of God(s). He just starts with Eloheem as a given and then JHVH appears in his Chapter #2.

The Greeks do a much better job of accounting for the origin of the Gods than Moses does. Only in Greek mythology matter already exists, and the Gods appear out of nowhere from it. Gyia The Earth is the mother goddess of all the other Gods in Greek mythology.

Moses leaves us dangling.

Moses history predates, goes back to Sargon. Most of the stories go back to sumerian myths 3500 bc
He was a teacher. He did not become god till a few hundred years after his supposed death on the cross. That was a "violent" debate of bishops and passed by narrow vote.
And you know this how?

3rd council ephasus 431- 4th council chalcedon 451
greek east vs latin west
nestorius side vs athanasius side

it's call history

The east bishops lost in the end. Years later, then Pope, Leo admitted he did not read greek.

The decision might have gone the other way if he, and others, had.
ummm... yeah... no. How do you know He wasn't fully God and fully man?

Millions during the time and decades later "believe" he did not, which is easy enough, and traveled and taught throughout the east, and married, and had two children. India has a tomb for him where he was placed after his death. Some muslims believe a glass sarcophagus with a mummified body, that for years rested below the dome, was the body of jesus. Even Rome issued letter of request for christians to be allowed to view the body. Not spirit, not risen, not killed on the cross but died of natural causes long afterwards. Not GOD

Even followers in the early years and some groups of christians didn't believe Jesus had been killed by the Romans.

Just because "you" believe something does not mean everyone does or should, nor that you are right.
That mummy could also be the Apostle Thomas.

I know what is documented, but I was not there in the 1300-1500s

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