Ancient Egyptians had strong beliefs about the afterlife. What happened to their souls?


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
The Egyptians who lived long before the birth of Jesus Christ had very strong beliefs about their souls. They developed the well known practice of mummifying the bodies of the deceased to facilitate their journey to the afterlife. If you are a Christian, what do you believe happened to their souls?

Catholic dogma deals with this question by the invention of "limbo". An area adjacent to Hell that's not all that bad for virtuous pagans.
If the descendants of the pagans accept Jesus into their hearts, then they subsequently save the souls of their ancestors who did not know any better.
Catholic dogma deals with this question by the invention of "limbo". An area adjacent to Hell that's not all that bad for virtuous pagans.
Sigh. Limbo was not an invention nor a place. Actually, it was the Church that was in "Limbo" over the question. People wanted to know what happens to unbaptized babies. The Bible didn't address the issue--nor did Apostolic tradition. The Church didn't know one way or the other--it was in "limbo". As the years went by and language changed, people began to think of Limbo as a place where unbaptized babies were. From what I recall the Church straightened this out decades ago, probably around the time of Vatican II.
As for the Egyptians: The Bible teaches the body returns to the earth and the spirit returns to God.
Catholic dogma deals with this question by the invention of "limbo". An area adjacent to Hell that's not all that bad for virtuous pagans.
Sigh. Limbo was not an invention nor a place. Actually, it was the Church that was in "Limbo" over the question. People wanted to know what happens to unbaptized babies. The Bible didn't address the issue--nor did Apostolic tradition. The Church didn't know one way or the other--it was in "limbo". As the years went by and language changed, people began to think of Limbo as a place where unbaptized babies were. From what I recall the Church straightened this out decades ago, probably around the time of Vatican II.
Not a catholic. I just remembered the part from the divine comedy where Dante met all the great philosophers.
The Egyptians who lived long before the birth of Jesus Christ had very strong beliefs about their souls. They developed the well known practice of mummifying the bodies of the deceased to facilitate their journey to the afterlife. If you are a Christian, what do you believe happened to their souls?

The are asleep in the grave. Non believers will be resurrected after the thousand year reign of Christ ON THIS EARTH

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