And Finally: "Hamas apologists are moral imbeciles, but they’re also a fringe"

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Location: Positively 4th Street
It's a headline. A headline that actually speaks truth: "Hamas apologists are moral imbeciles, but they’re also a fringe."

The rest of us are justified in judging, scorning and ridiculing anyone who makes excuses for Hamas. We should, however, make allowances for, say, those students who foolishly joined an organization that later issued an outrageous statement without their approval — provided those students then repudiate the group.

For most of us, it has taken no heavy intellectual effort to muster a morally healthy response to the monstrous attacks that Hamas carried out in Israel. We instinctively feel revulsion and want safety for the innocent and justice for the perpetrators and their accomplices.

In certain corners of the left, though, ideology has suppressed these normal sentiments. “It is not hyperbole to say that many left-wing supporters of Palestine celebrated Hamas’s atrocities,” laments Eric Levitz, himself a left-wing supporter of Palestine, in New York magazine. These are the people who describe slaughter as “resistance” or “decolonization.” They are the academics and campus organizations who put most or all of the blame on Israel, the activists who call for condemnations of “the occupier not the occupied,” the journalists who tell us to speak less about “the tactics” of Hamas and more about “the context” of Israeli policies.

Others have avoided such rancid commentary but also fallen short of what honesty demands. University administrations that are often quick to opine on some issues have been slow and equivocal in commenting about what President Biden has rightly called “the deadliest day for Jews since the Holocaust.” They might not have harshly anti-Israel views themselves, but they know that those views have a constituency inside the academy.
Why won't people all over the United States and the world do the same, especially democrat representatives in Congress?

Hamas has seen the backlash and now regret it, not for the immortality of it, but just the lack of political support.

Should the members of Congress who refuse to condemn the attack also be considered an imbecile and a fringe as well?

And why is the outcry from the DNC stronger to make them apologize or just leave?
Why won't people all over the United States and the world do the same, especially democrat representatives in Congress?

Hamas has seen the backlash and now regret it, not for the immortality of it, but just the lack of political support.

Should the members of Congress who refuse to condemn the attack also be considered an imbecile and a fringe as well?

And why is the outcry from the DNC stronger to make them apologize or just leave?

Stop trying to score cheap political points on the dead bodies of innocents.
Harvard students are imbeciles and fringe? Look, I and other warned you. It starts with leadership and politicians, if they lack moral clarity and conviction it wll trickle down. Then you have police agencies, corporations and CEOs, even those who claim they are pro-West, pro-Israel, pro-Faith don't realize how their own lack of character contributes to a shift in culture. Be a Mensch, it is very difficult but it is our path to heaven and a better, principled world today. Israel has to do what they have to do, it should have been done long ago quite frankly. An Irondome should be an exception as a failsafe, not a daily rule. Hamas wants to destroy another state, thus, they are soldiers in war and must be confronted accordingly.

"Hamas apologists are moral imbeciles, but they’re also a fringe"​

Prejudiced dogmatists are moral imbeciles , but Dante wears a long fringe and cannot see straight .
Supporting a group that beheads babies is sad…Cory Booker, the “squad” and the voters that cheer them out on shits
Senator Booker and accompanying staff were in Jerusalem when Hamas launched their attacks against Israel on Saturday, and sheltered in place for their safety. We are grateful that Senator Booker and our colleagues were able to safely depart Israel earlier today.”

go spread your vile hatred elsewhere.

As this thing goes on longer, you have less to hide behind. You've felt comfortable with your vile hatred for a time. Time is moving on and you're left out in the open again.
No one cares enough to look through your vapid posts.

Coward! :auiqs.jpg:

santos gobble 2.jpg

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