And Just Like That, Tucker Carlson Has Returned Tonight!

He always did. You wouild know that if you ever spent 5 minutes listening to him. But I realize your day is packed with Morning Joe, The View, MSNBC, CNN.....
The left isn’t used to a party that criticizes itself, over on the lefty sites, everything is always high marks for their side. They rarely ever have anything bad to say about their leaders.
I hadn't realized it but he is right.

I can't remember the last debate where it was about things that actually matter to this country or discussion about real American issues. All they talk about are meaningless things, social this or agenda that.

I hope tucker can do more good and reach more people than before.
Of course Tucker is right. Take a random sample of what the Democrat controlled media is shoveling at you. Then ask yourself "Does this affect the quality of my life?" "Is this important to my country's standing in the world"? The answer will be "No" and "No".
Constitution loving American patriots.
The euphemism, “the Constitution is not perfect, but better than any other,” is no longer a satisfactory excuse for not recognizing its adverse effects on the state and national discussions, and trickle-down economics. The American three-part model was a decent start-up, but it is not good enough for the unfurled system of four thousand oligarchy appointments for the two-hundred-and-some security agencies, nor is the representation system adequate for the diversity of naive, addicted, and hysterical people that the society has evolved to.
Ticket Carlson fired and he posts a video on Twitter. This guy thinks the latter is the big news.
Gaslight yourself into being happy.

Don’t be so quick to count him out, just because you don’t have a big network behind you doesn’t mean you don’t have reach.

Look at Steven crowder, who has over 6 million YouTube subscribers. He has been getting people to move from YouTube to rumble, and as of right now, his rumble views are at about 1.5 million views per episode, plus another 200-300k views on YouTube, and that’s not including the views he’s getting on mug club.

Point is, crowder probably gets between 2 and 3 million views in total between YouTube, rumble, and mug club. Tucker Carlson, on the other hand, would average about 3.5 million views each night on fox.

Don’t think that private enterprise on an internet platform can’t have reach, because it most certainly can.

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