And Just Where Did Right Wing Whites Get This Belieef?

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Would it be "racist" of me if I said..."I don't give half a fuck, what "color" you are..."

You either bring value, that benefits me, and mine, or you are expendable...
Since you have posted stuff that looks like it came straight from Tom Metzger, try not lying.
It is no broad brush. Notice the thread title:

And Just Where Did Right Wing Whites Get This Belief?​

All whites are not right wing and in this forum I have been told to leave many time by right wing whites.
Not all whites that are right wing think that way. Yet, there you are putting them into a category.
shit again.jpg
Essentially that no one is paying attention to him. He just gets more and more outrageous because he's not taken seriously.
You guys are doing the expected but here is an example from today:

Blacks in America, thanks to the opportunities here, live better than blacks anywhere else in the world. Truthfully, they are lucky to have been born here, just as I was.
I can confirm that it's not a broad brush. Even Trump told the squad to go back to their shithole countries for criticizing American, yet like 80% of republicans have avictim mentality over our country's election process, but they see it as legitimate. Hypocrisy is the Conservatives' most pervasive principle.
Yeah, it still is a broad brush, I could care less what you confirm, Tom, it's your opinion and nothing more.
Here we see an example of the increasing surliness of black victimology wrought by Obama.
There is no such thing. But here again we see another example of the mentality. Right wing whites are in here complaining about affirmative action when they have the majority of the jobs and are the most admitted into colleges. But that's not considered whining. However, ANY opposition to white racism that is real and here comes the name calling.
He didn't tell the squad, he told the Somalian Immigrant, Ilhan Omar to go back. Unfortunately we screwed up and granted her citizenship so we're stuck with her.
It didn't matter. She was an American citizen. Trump had no right to say that.
That is far left tells you that you should be glad that they can think for you and treat blacks like they are infants.

But as we have already established you are happy slave of the rich white elites.
More like pets. And PP is putting many of them down.
Yeah, it still is a broad brush, I could care less what you confirm, Tom, it's your opinion and nothing more.
And that's your opinion. I specified one group of whites. That is not a broad brush.
There is no such thing. But here again we see another example of the mentality. Right wing whites are in here complaining about affirmative action when they have the majority of the jobs and are the most admitted into colleges. But that's not considered whining. However, ANY opposition to white racism that is real and here comes the name calling.
All conservatives oppose affirmative action because it's institutional racism, Tom.
Not all whites that are right wing think that way. Yet, there you are putting them into a category.
The hell they don't and with as much broad brushing as I have seen about blacks, let's please stop the double standards. How many times have I heard get a job, get and education? And how many whites here have declared that all blacks problems are caused only by blacks bad decisions, or that the white liberal elites are controlling blacks. You don't say jack squat about those things. You NEVER get on whites for broad brushing blacks. Too much of that goes on here.
All conservatives oppose affirmative action because it's institutional racism, Tom.
Actually it isn't. Whites still get the majority of jobs and admissions. Go study the policy jethro because you've been race pimped by fox news.
You guys are doing the expected but here is an example from today:
That is a quantifiable truth. You may not like it, but it's true. I poke at you because I detest you and people like you who pretend to be victims all the time. You blame everyone for being what you are, a hate-filled racist. Based upon your own statements, I've lived a far tougher life than you and made my share of bad decisions. However I don't blame anyone for my failures. If you really have achieved what you claim, you have been more successful than me, but are desperately unhappy despite that. I'm proud of fighting my way from desperate poverty as a kid to a comfortable lower-middle class existence. I'm as happy and satisfied as you are UNhappy and DISsatified with your life.
It didn't matter. She was an American citizen. Trump had no right to say that.
He had as much right as you do to spout your foolishness. I may be wrong but I believe naturalized citizens have been stripped of their citizenship and expelled before.
It's Sunday, so I'll bet it's about white people...
Stop whining. As long as I see the racist crap posted by whites that you participate in doing, I am going to put a mirror up for the racists to look at themselves. You apparently don't like your reflection.
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