And Just Where Did Right Wing Whites Get This Belieef?

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He had as much right as you do to spout your foolishness. I may be wrong but I believe naturalized citizens have been stripped of their citizenship and expelled before.
I don't spout foolishness. Learn to face the truth. Trump was wrong to say that. She is an elected official and had the right to criticize the executive branch since they are equal in power. You weren't saying that when white congress members were questioning Obamas citizenship. But that's what you are.
That they can complain about the government ad nauseam even if their complaint is imaginary, but people of color need to shut up and just be glad to be here when we mention real and documented government abuses? We didn't run away from European shitholes because we couldn't make it to come here. And don't start that racist crap about Africans selling us because we know that the slave trade did not happen the way you were told at stormfront. So where do you right wingers get off telling us to leave when we are using our first amendment rights?
Your OP may be incoherent (it is) but that doesn’t stop you from yet again focusing on white people it’s like an obsession.

By the way, I don’t even peruse storefront, but I do know that black Africans sold other black Africans to Europeans. It is the truth. A truth you may not lie. But the truth doesn’t care about your feelings.

Beyond that I share one thing you said as my own opinion, too. I would never ask you to leave our land just because should whine and complain so much. I am happy to rebuff your silkier claims and reject much of the racist underpinnings of your views on almost every thread you start. But I agree that it is ignorant to suggest that you should leave America just because with find it to be racist. I agree that the answer is to root out racism.

But because this is a “protected” Zone 1 forum, the actual debate about HOW to root-out racism in America probably can’t be conducted here. I’ll say this much though. The cure to racism isn’t ever going to be found IN racism.
That is a quantifiable truth. You may not like it, but it's true. I poke at you because I detest you and people like you who pretend to be victims all the time. You blame everyone for being what you are, a hate-filled racist. Based upon your own statements, I've lived a far tougher life than you and made my share of bad decisions. However I don't blame anyone for my failures. If you really have achieved what you claim, you have been more successful than me, but are desperately unhappy despite that. I'm proud of fighting my way from desperate poverty as a kid to a comfortable lower-middle class existence. I'm as happy and satisfied as you are UNhappy and DISsatified with your life.
I detest racists. That's why I post what I do. There is no victimhood here boy. This is a direct confrontation with you racists by using documented truth. And you can't handle the truth. You can drop the dumb race pimp rhetoric. I'm speaking facts, not bullshit. The only failure is in your ability to face reality and admit to the truths you get shown by the blacks who actually take the time to show you where your thinking fails. You got this completely wrong. I am happy showing you stuff you can't dispute. All you can do is post these dumb ass personal attacks because you know that what I have shown you is true.
dont tell im2 and thomas fro that the party they vote for hates blacks, is racist and does nothing for them; oh and kills them.
That they can complain about the government ad nauseam even if their complaint is imaginary, but people of color need to shut up and just be glad to be here when we mention real and documented government abuses? We didn't run away from European shitholes because we couldn't make it to come here. And don't start that racist crap about Africans selling us because we know that the slave trade did not happen the way you were told at stormfront. So where do you right wingers get off telling us to leave when we are using our first amendment rights?

And don't start that racist crap about Africans selling us because we know that the slave trade did not happen the way you were told at stormfront.
Come on now IM2, you are clearly a Black historian. Surely you know about the African slave trade that flourished for hundreds of years under the control of Arabs (Muslims) and their complicit African partners who facilitated the captures and sales of tribal Africans. If you somehow missed that very important part of history I can guide you to some good reading material.
There is no such thing. But here again we see another example of the mentality. Right wing whites are in here complaining about affirmative action when they have the majority of the jobs and are the most admitted into colleges. But that's not considered whining. However, ANY opposition to white racism that is real and here comes the name calling.
still the majority of the pop dumbass. Most blacks are on welfare and didnt finish high school. As a whole they are the laziest, most ignorant race bar none.
Stop whining. As long as I see the racist crap posted by whites that you participate in doing, I am going to put a mirror up for the racists to look at themselves. You apparently don't like your reflection.
The mirror has always been my friend...:heehee:
Would it be "racist" of me if I said..."I don't give half a fuck, what "color" you are..."

You either bring value, that benefits me, and mine, or you are expendable...
Oh that's funny, because that is why so many white racists are terrified of the "Great Replacement" - retribution and being deemed "expendable".

Didn't the COVID pandemic show you all just how expendable some are? So much for you and yours.
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All conservatives oppose affirmative action because it's institutional racism, Tom.
LOL, that's hilarious.

On one hand you all swear up and down institutional racism doesn't exist, that the text of the EO that created affirmative action directs employers to hire "unqualified blacks over more qualified whites" (when the text mentions no specific race at all) and NOW you're going to claim that whites are being subjected to "institutional racism" because of affirmative action? LOL

You all are fucking pathetic.
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I don't spout foolishness. Learn to face the truth. Trump was wrong to say that. She is an elected official and had the right to criticize the executive branch since they are equal in power. You weren't saying that when white congress members were questioning Obamas citizenship. But that's what you are.
I don’t object to Omar questioning the president. I object to her racist and sexist statements and her illegal activities like immigration fraud and campaign finance violations.
That they can complain about the government ad nauseam even if their complaint is imaginary, but people of color need to shut up and just be glad to be here when we mention real and documented government abuses? We didn't run away from European shitholes because we couldn't make it to come here. And don't start that racist crap about Africans selling us because we know that the slave trade did not happen the way you were told at stormfront. So where do you right wingers get off telling us to leave when we are using our first amendment rights?
That is all blacks do is complain about government. You didn't run away from European countries because your ******* sold your black ass.
That is a quantifiable truth. You may not like it, but it's true. I poke at you because I detest you and people like you who pretend to be victims all the time. You blame everyone for being what you are, a hate-filled racist. Based upon your own statements, I've lived a far tougher life than you and made my share of bad decisions. However I don't blame anyone for my failures. If you really have achieved what you claim, you have been more successful than me, but are desperately unhappy despite that. I'm proud of fighting my way from desperate poverty as a kid to a comfortable lower-middle class existence. I'm as happy and satisfied as you are UNhappy and DISsatified with your life.
You're not very astute if you think black people keep rubbing your noses in your own shit because anyone is unhappy or unsatisfied with our personal lives.

Someone on this board just mentioned if a person doesn't benefit them or theirs they're expendable. That's 100% selfishness but you all have always been able to concern yourselves with only your own problems and no one else's. We have never had that luxury and it must just be a part of our DNA to live in the knowledge that none of us have achieved the things we have without those who went before us, breaking down barriers and opening doors.

Time is a luxury item and the fact that we spend any of it here shouldn't been seen as time wasted. We're here working on the problem.
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The hell they don't and with as much broad brushing as I have seen about blacks, let's please stop the double standards. How many times have I heard get a job, get and education? And how many whites here have declared that all blacks problems are caused only by blacks bad decisions, or that the white liberal elites are controlling blacks. You don't say jack squat about those things. You NEVER get on whites for broad brushing blacks. Too much of that goes on here.
That’s ironic. All we hear is how everything bad that affects blacks people is due to racism by whites. As far as getting a job, that goes for anyone unhappy with their financial status.
I don't spout foolishness. Learn to face the truth. Trump was wrong to say that. She is an elected official and had the right to criticize the executive branch since they are equal in power. You weren't saying that when white congress members were questioning Obamas citizenship. But that's what you are.
Trump is an asshole
dont tell im2 and thomas fro that the party they vote for hates blacks, is racist and does nothing for them; oh and kills them.
I don't vote republican.
Oh that's funny, because that is why so many white racists are terrified of the "Great Replacement" - retribution and being deemed "expendable".

Didn't the COVID pandemic show you all just how expendable some are? So much for you and yours.
Scared to death! Terrified!

All the whites that even gave the "Great Replacement" one thought this lovely Memorial Day weekend, would you please sign below:
That is all blacks do is complain about government. You didn't run away from European countries because your ******* sold your black ass.
Like I said son, don't talk that blacks sold other blacks shit because things did not happen as you have been told at stormfront. Secondly, you gotta have a willing buyer to make a sale. Time for whites like you to cut the dodging and face the truth. Take responsibility for those decisions son, because all your ancestors had to do was say we're not buying. But they didn't do that now did they. Africans didn't hold a gun to their heads to make them buy people. But the record shows that whites in many cases held guns on Africans making them sell. So just like you can't blame the dope man for getting addicted to drugs, the Africans sold each other lines is just weak bs by sorry people who don't know anything about taking responsibility. It's always somebody else fault with you masters of projection. I couldn't get the job because they hire that black AA person. How about that black person was just better qualified instead of the "woe is me I'm white."

All whites like you do is complain about the government because the government doesn't give them what they think they are entitled to.
Scared to death! Terrified!

All the whites that even gave the "Great Replacement" one thought this lovely Memorial Day weekend, would you please sign below:
You did. Now just stop lying.
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