And now, the TRUTH: Archer's actual testimony--Hunter may have sold sizzle, but no steak.

You said he got the investment cause Trump was president. That is a false statement. What credentials did Hunter have to serve on a board of a Ukrainian gas company other than his name and influence? 🤷‍♂️
I am a little tired of hearing Hunter Biden was in no way qualified to sit on the board of Burisma. You do not need to be an expert in mining or energy to sit on an energy company’s board. His specialty was image. He was specifically hired by Burisma to address their corporate governance and best practices — corporate speak for help us clean up.

He is a Georgetown and Yale Law graduate and was appointed to the Amtrak board by President George W. Bush.

Now, am I naive enough to think they did not take the fact that he was Biden’s son into account? Let’s say they did. How many times has a corporation, institution or school added a qualified person like this to the mix to gain credibility for a clean-up effort?

Instead Republicans are using it to muddy up the waters of Trump’s clearly impeachable actions.
I am a little tired of hearing Hunter Biden was in no way qualified to sit on the board of Burisma. You do not need to be an expert in mining or energy to sit on an energy company’s board. His specialty was image. He was specifically hired by Burisma to address their corporate governance and best practices — corporate speak for help us clean up.

He is a Georgetown and Yale Law graduate and was appointed to the Amtrak board by President George W. Bush.

Now, am I naive enough to think they did not take the fact that he was Biden’s son into account? Let’s say they did. How many times has a corporation, institution or school added a qualified person like this to the mix to gain credibility for a clean-up effort?

Instead Republicans are using it to muddy up the waters of Trump’s clearly impeachable actions.
He got a degree in History from Georgetown. He himself admitted for all intents and purposes that he was not qualified and yeah to answer your first question. BOD members should at the very least speak the local dialect. If his last name isn’t Biden he doesn’t get the gig.

You have gone from a moderate to a Biden apologist. What happened?
I am a little tired of hearing Hunter Biden was in no way qualified to sit on the board of Burisma. You do not need to be an expert in mining or energy to sit on an energy company’s board. His specialty was image. He was specifically hired by Burisma to address their corporate governance and best practices — corporate speak for help us clean up.

He is a Georgetown and Yale Law graduate and was appointed to the Amtrak board by President George W. Bush.

Now, am I naive enough to think they did not take the fact that he was Biden’s son into account? Let’s say they did. How many times has a corporation, institution or school added a qualified person like this to the mix to gain credibility for a clean-up effort?

Instead Republicans are using it to muddy up the waters of Trump’s clearly impeachable actions.
And. Jared didn’t get $2bn it was an investment. How many more times do I need to explain this to you?🤷‍♂️
He got a degree in History from Georgetown. He himself admitted for all intents and purposes that he was not qualified and yeah to answer your first question. BOD members should at the very least speak the local dialect. If his last name isn’t Biden he doesn’t get the gig.

You have gone from a moderate to a Biden apologist. What happened?

Nope. You are digging in. Trying to compare this to all of Trump's crimes. This is a pathetic petty distraction. If Hunter wasn't qualified, why this then?

Named by President George W. Bush to the board of Amtrak

So yes he was qualified to sit on that BOD. He had already sat on Amtrak's bod.

So what else you got?

I'll tell you one thing. No fucking way the Saudi's would have EVER given JEW BOY Jared $2 billion dollars. They don't even recognize Israel. But you believe they invested with Jared for legit reasons? What a joke. Now this you can compare to what you are saying about Hunter. I see what you mean. True. Hunter would have not sat on any boards if not for daddy. True. But Jared doesn't get $2 BILLION from the Saudi's if not for daddy in law.

Come on. Be honest. You know this is true.

And I just posted all the shit Trump did for the Saudi's when he was president. He totally hooked them up. He didn't do all that for free. He had the power to do it and after he left office they owed him big time. Is that legal? Probably not. But prove it. Sort of like Hunter's 20 LLC's. Or Trump's 500 corporations.
I doubt it. Not this time. If he has to be convicted of these crimes before he is ineligible to run next year, all 4 trials are set to happen before the election. And if Trump gets off, let the voters decide. Trump will lose again. And they won't have to ask him to leave the white house this time.

Put it this way. You better have a plan B Who's your morning after pill candidate?

You know who is funny? Lindsay Graham. Warning us of why we should't charge Trump or impeach Trump. But didn't he lead the charge on impeaching Clinton?

Only Lindsay, baba. This aint about no bj. These are high crimes.

If Democrats were going to pay you back for what you did to Bill, we would have held hearings and impeached Bush for lying us into Iraq.
Many of the experts I have been listening to today say getting such a complicated trail so fast is likely impossible.

My backup candidate is my Governor … DeSantis. He can’t fire up a crowd like Trump but neither can any democrat I’ve seen so far. DeSantis may speak more like your typical politician but he does get a lot done and he has the guts to stand up for Floridians. Florida was one of the best places to be when COVID was at its peak.

Perhaps the dems should have impeached Bush for lying to us about Iraq. That’s one reason I was opposed to Jeb Bush becoming President. The Bush dynasty has ties far too close to the military industrial complex and the Deep State. Let’s not forget Bush the Elder was the head of the CIA at one time.
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Nope. You are digging in. Trying to compare this to all of Trump's crimes. This is a pathetic petty distraction. If Hunter wasn't qualified, why this then?

Named by President George W. Bush to the board of Amtrak

So yes he was qualified to sit on that BOD. He had already sat on Amtrak's bod.

So what else you got?

I'll tell you one thing. No fucking way the Saudi's would have EVER given JEW BOY Jared $2 billion dollars. They don't even recognize Israel. But you believe they invested with Jared for legit reasons? What a joke. Now this you can compare to what you are saying about Hunter. I see what you mean. True. Hunter would have not sat on any boards if not for daddy. True. But Jared doesn't get $2 BILLION from the Saudi's if not for daddy in law.

Come on. Be honest. You know this is true.

And I just posted all the shit Trump did for the Saudi's when he was president. He totally hooked them up. He didn't do all that for free. He had the power to do it and after he left office they owed him big time. Is that legal? Probably not. But prove it. Sort of like Hunter's 20 LLC's. Or Trump's 500 corporations.
You went down the Jewish path. You didn’t answer my questions. You continue to be a waste of time to speak with.

With all due respect we are done here. The world is better when people like you aren’t in it.

Have a nice life.
Many of the experts I have been listening to today say getting such a complicated trail so fast is likely impossible.

My backup candidate is my Governor … DeSantis. He can’t fire up a crowd like Trump but neither can any democrat I’ve seen so far. DeSantis may speak more like your typical politician but he does get a lot done and he has the guts to stand up for Floridians. Florida was one of the best places to be when COVID was at its peak.

Perhaps the dems should have impeached Bush for lying to us about Iraq. That’s one reason I was opposed to Jeb Bush becoming President. The Bush dynasty has ties far too close to the military industrial complex and the Deep State. Let’s not forget Bush the Elder was the head of the CIA at one time.
Yes Florida is where strippers in MI went when they couldn't work here.

And I hear home owners insurance is unaffordable in Florida

And when you add everything up, Floridians cost of living is just about the same as everywhere else. Maybe you don't pay state taxes but the home owners insurance more than makes up for that. Maybe Shaq benefits from no state tax but you don't.

And last week you guys bragged that Florida's schools are the best? Based on what? I hear there is a shortage of teachers in Florida because Ron won't pay teachers dick.

The teacher shortage made headlines during the pandemic and continues to be a persistent problem in many parts of the country. Florida has more than 5,000 unfilled teaching positions. The state ranks 48th in pay, with teachers there making an average of $51,000 a year, according to the National Education Association.
You went down the Jewish path. You didn’t answer my questions. You continue to be a waste of time to speak with.

With all due respect we are done here. The world is better when people like you aren’t in it.

Have a nice life.
If I could push a button and all people like you would just disappear, I'd push it. With all due respect.
Trump will do more for blacks than he ever did as president when he's in prison tossing their salads.

Leo has swallowed the Trump coolaid. I wonder how much money they give him?

Leo Terrell is an attorney and former talk radio host based in Los Angeles, California. He has frequently appeared on Fox News programs, such as Hannity and The O'Reilly Factor. Previously a Democrat, in a July 2020 interview, he declared his support for President Donald Trump—the first time he declared support for a Republican Party presidential candidate.[1] Referring to his new self as "Leo 2.0", Terrell says that he is a happier person as a Republican.

He's probably rich. No different than Ben Carson and Kaitlyn Jenner. They don't care if the GOP is racist or homophobic.
The GOP isn't racist or homophobic. That's democrat propaganda.
The GOP isn't racist or homophobic. That's democrat propaganda.
Ok from now on we won't believe our lying ears.

If they aren't racist, they must be dumb as fuck to be accidentally using those racist and homophobic dog whistles.

How do I know you are lying? Because you can tell Republicans are very careful to not overtly say anything racist. Now it's all covert and subtle. They no longer wear the hoods.

You guys don't deny that you are white racists. What you say now is that our policies are reverse discrimination. AA is racist towards whites.

BLM and CRT are teaching racism. You guys, who owned slaves, wish we would white wash our history and past. And even though you victimize blacks, don't teach them that they are victims in this country. I get it. You want them to just have to deal with it.
Ok from now on we won't believe our lying ears.

If they aren't racist, they must be dumb as fuck to be accidentally using those racist and homophobic dog whistles.

How do I know you are lying? Because you can tell Republicans are very careful to not overtly say anything racist. Now it's all covert and subtle. They no longer wear the hoods.

You guys don't deny that you are white racists. What you say now is that our policies are reverse discrimination. AA is racist towards whites.

BLM and CRT are teaching racism. You guys, who owned slaves, wish we would white wash our history and past. And even though you victimize blacks, don't teach them that they are victims in this country. I get it. You want them to just have to deal with it.
Democrats wore the hoods. You really are stupid.
Yes Florida is where strippers in MI went when they couldn't work here.

And I hear home owners insurance is unaffordable in Florida

And when you add everything up, Floridians cost of living is just about the same as everywhere else. Maybe you don't pay state taxes but the home owners insurance more than makes up for that. Maybe Shaq benefits from no state tax but you don't.

And last week you guys bragged that Florida's schools are the best? Based on what? I hear there is a shortage of teachers in Florida because Ron won't pay teachers dick.

The teacher shortage made headlines during the pandemic and continues to be a persistent problem in many parts of the country. Florida has more than 5,000 unfilled teaching positions. The state ranks 48th in pay, with teachers there making an average of $51,000 a year, according to the National Education Association.
You asked what we based the #1 rating of Florida schools on.

Ok from now on we won't believe our lying ears.

If they aren't racist, they must be dumb as fuck to be accidentally using those racist and homophobic dog whistles.

How do I know you are lying? Because you can tell Republicans are very careful to not overtly say anything racist. Now it's all covert and subtle. They no longer wear the hoods.

You guys don't deny that you are white racists. What you say now is that our policies are reverse discrimination. AA is racist towards whites.

BLM and CRT are teaching racism. You guys, who owned slaves, wish we would white wash our history and past. And even though you victimize blacks, don't teach them that they are victims in this country. I get it. You want them to just have to deal with it.
You say, “You guys, who owned slaves…”

My ancestors were Irish and Pa Dutch. They settled in the northern states (New York and Pennsylvania) of our nation and some may have fought in the Civil War to free slaves. They were not wealthy and as far as I know never owned slaves.

Most white people I know are not raciest. If they were Obama would have never been elected the first time let alone the second time. You can bet all the racists voted against Obama.
I do hope we meet one day.
Ha! No you wouldn't jew boy. I'm a bad mofo. I know, everyone on the internet says it, but I was an all state wrestler who went off to college and practiced with an olympic gold metalist. Do you think I would have a problem manhandling your old ass after training with this guy?


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