And now, the TRUTH: Archer's actual testimony--Hunter may have sold sizzle, but no steak.

You can always point out the ways they are not alike while ignoring all the ways the are alike.

Never said Trump is going to put jews in gas chambers. But he will use minorities and gays as political punching bags and his nazi followers will ratchet up the hate crimes against these minorities.


Is the goal to make good liberals not want to run for politics?

Or even good Republicans?

Trump did more to help the blacks in four years than Obama did in eight years in office. He did better in the minority communities in the 2020 election than in the 2016 election.

Trump did more to help the blacks in four years than Obama did in eight years in office. He did better in the minority communities in the 2020 election than in the 2016 election.

Trump will do more for blacks than he ever did as president when he's in prison tossing their salads.

Leo has swallowed the Trump coolaid. I wonder how much money they give him?

Leo Terrell is an attorney and former talk radio host based in Los Angeles, California. He has frequently appeared on Fox News programs, such as Hannity and The O'Reilly Factor. Previously a Democrat, in a July 2020 interview, he declared his support for President Donald Trump—the first time he declared support for a Republican Party presidential candidate.[1] Referring to his new self as "Leo 2.0", Terrell says that he is a happier person as a Republican.

He's probably rich. No different than Ben Carson and Kaitlyn Jenner. They don't care if the GOP is racist or homophobic.
Trump did more to help the blacks in four years than Obama did in eight years in office. He did better in the minority communities in the 2020 election than in the 2016 election.

Don't forget how many black people died because Trump was the president. He lied to us about the coming virus. Said it was no big deal. Don't wear masks. Come to his super spreader events. Don't get vaccinated.

Nationwide, Black people have died at 1.4 times the rate of white people.​

We’ve lost at least 73,462 Black lives to COVID-19 to date.

Chances are the ones who liked him are dead.

Here is the problem. The Democrats have cried wolf so many times that when the real wolf appears most won’t believe them. Do you understand this?

Trump did this.

Allegations that Trump sought help from Ukrainian authorities to favor him in the 2020 U.S. presidential election

That's why he was impeached for it. That's not crying wolf. What you mean is the Republican senate acquitted Trump. That's not crying wolf. Do you not know how Trump got away with all his crimes while in office?

Well he's not going to get away with all his crimes and be our president again. No fucking way. So we charge him with all his crimes. And so far 4 different indictments. None of it is crying wolf. The charges would be tossed out of court if the charges weren't real.

You need to wake up.
Trump did this.

Allegations that Trump sought help from Ukrainian authorities to favor him in the 2020 U.S. presidential election

That's why he was impeached for it. That's not crying wolf. What you mean is the Republican senate acquitted Trump. That's not crying wolf. Do you not know how Trump got away with all his crimes while in office?

Well he's not going to get away with all his crimes and be our president again. No fucking way. So we charge him with all his crimes. And so far 4 different indictments. None of it is crying wolf. The charges would be tossed out of court if the charges weren't real.

You need to wake up.
You didn’t answer my question. You don’t know the Boy who cried wolf story. So sad. So yes or no. Give me a one word answer please. Do you believe Joe Biden has been a good president thus far?
Trump did this.

Allegations that Trump sought help from Ukrainian authorities to favor him in the 2020 U.S. presidential election

That's why he was impeached for it. That's not crying wolf. What you mean is the Republican senate acquitted Trump. That's not crying wolf. Do you not know how Trump got away with all his crimes while in office?

Well he's not going to get away with all his crimes and be our president again. No fucking way. So we charge him with all his crimes. And so far 4 different indictments. None of it is crying wolf. The charges would be tossed out of court if the charges weren't real.

You need to wake up.
You also don’t understand how indictments work. 🙄

Want me to explain it to you so you don’t sound ignorant? Happy to
How do you know what I like?🤷‍♂️

Why isn’t 90% of the media covering the Biden scandal?
The Biden joke? I hear about it every day on ABC news.

It's a joke. Clearly political. Good luck catching Joe doing anything wrong. So far, all you have is a nothing burger. Meanwhile Trump has 4 indictments and how many charges?

This is just the latest Georgia case. Trump is CLEARLY a criminal and you're crying about Biden's son? Basically no different than Don Jr and Jared. Pathetic.

The Biden joke? I hear about it every day on ABC news.

It's a joke. Clearly political. Good luck catching Joe doing anything wrong. So far, all you have is a nothing burger. Meanwhile Trump has 4 indictments and how many charges?

This is just the latest Georgia case. Trump is CLEARLY a criminal and you're crying about Biden's son? Basically no different than Don Jr and Jared. Pathetic.

So there is a mountain of evidence against the Bidens. All lies?

You don’t know how indictments work. It’s OK.
So there is a mountain of evidence against the Bidens. All lies?

You don’t know how indictments work. It’s OK.

Did Hunter use his name? Sure. Did Joe do anything for him or his company? Nope.

Could the Biden's possibly have companies that take money from foreign countries like Jared took $2 billion from the Saudi's? I suppose so. If Jared got away with it in broad daylight what are you going to do if you find out Hunter does the same thing he did?

Here's the funny thing. Remember you guys said LOCK HER UP because Hillary used a private server or email to do official business? Trump was worse!!!

investigators found problems with how both Trump and Clinton handled classified material, and they both misled the public about their conduct. But there are several major differences that break in Clinton’s favor. Trump mishandled far more classified material. And prosecutors have presented evidence that he knowingly broke the law and obstructed the investigation, while the FBI concluded that Clinton didn’t act with criminal intent.
Did Hunter use his name? Sure. Did Joe do anything for him or his company? Nope.

Could the Biden's possibly have companies that take money from foreign countries like Jared took $2 billion from the Saudi's? I suppose so. If Jared got away with it in broad daylight what are you going to do if you find out Hunter does the same thing he did?

Here's the funny thing. Remember you guys said LOCK HER UP because Hillary used a private server or email to do official business? Trump was worse!!!

investigators found problems with how both Trump and Clinton handled classified material, and they both misled the public about their conduct. But there are several major differences that break in Clinton’s favor. Trump mishandled far more classified material. And prosecutors have presented evidence that he knowingly broke the law and obstructed the investigation, while the FBI concluded that Clinton didn’t act with criminal intent.
Jared didn’t take $2bn. It was an investment into a hedge fund. Jared went to Harvard and Stern. What were Hunter’s credentials for sitting on a board of Burisma? His last name. The money when to Hunter with 10% to the big guy. Influence peddling. Jared didn’t get the $2bn in his pocket. The investment was made with an expectation of a return and it was for a partnership between KSA and the US to invest in Israeli tech.

Why do you opine on matters you don’t understand? It makes you look stupid and uninformed. 🤷‍♂️
Jared didn’t take $2bn. It was an investment into a hedge fund. Jared went to Harvard and Stern. What were Hunter’s credentials for sitting on a board of Burisma? His last name. The money when to Hunter with 10% to the big guy. Influence peddling. Jared didn’t get the $2bn in his pocket. The investment was made with an expectation of a return and it was for a partnership between KSA and the US to invest in Israeli tech.

Why do you opine on matters you don’t understand? It makes you look stupid and uninformed. 🤷‍♂️
Yes yes go ahead and explait it away. It was a joke. The saudi's would have NEVER invested in Jared's company if Trump wasn't president. In fact the princes advisors went on record saying don't do it. So what did Trump do for the Sauidi prince that made him invest with Jared anyways?

Just like Hunter wouldn't have gotten on the BOD if his last name wasn't Biden.
Jared didn’t take $2bn. It was an investment into a hedge fund. Jared went to Harvard and Stern. What were Hunter’s credentials for sitting on a board of Burisma? His last name. The money when to Hunter with 10% to the big guy. Influence peddling. Jared didn’t get the $2bn in his pocket. The investment was made with an expectation of a return and it was for a partnership between KSA and the US to invest in Israeli tech.

Why do you opine on matters you don’t understand? It makes you look stupid and uninformed. 🤷‍♂️
When Trump was president he sold the Saudi's all the weapons and nuclear technology they wanted. More than we were selling them before. Probably not a good idea to give a dictator murderous regime nuclear technology. But Trump sold them anything they asked for.

That's why they gave Jared $2000 million dollars.

That and the classified documents Trump took and gave them.
Yes yes go ahead and explait it away. It was a joke. The saudi's would have NEVER invested in Jared's company if Trump wasn't president. In fact the princes advisors went on record saying don't do it. So what did Trump do for the Sauidi prince that made him invest with Jared anyways?

Just like Hunter wouldn't have gotten on the BOD if his last name wasn't Biden.
Trump was no longer president at the time of the investment? What are you talking about? Jared met them during the Abraham Accords. Have you seen Jared’s resume? It’s pretty impressive regardless of who he is married to.

Again why do you opine on matters you don’t understand? 🤷‍♂️
Don't forget how many black people died because Trump was the president. He lied to us about the coming virus. Said it was no big deal. Don't wear masks. Come to his super spreader events. Don't get vaccinated.

Nationwide, Black people have died at 1.4 times the rate of white people.​

We’ve lost at least 73,462 Black lives to COVID-19 to date.

Chances are the ones who liked him are dead.

Trump also put the development of the vaccine on warp speed and got it develop much faster than normal. That saved manny lives Including black lives.

You seem to be insinuating Trump said the virus wasn’t all that dangerous so blacks would listen to him, catch the virus and die. You Trump Derangement Syndrome is overwhelming your logic circuits.

By the way, masks don’t work.

Trump did this.

Allegations that Trump sought help from Ukrainian authorities to favor him in the 2020 U.S. presidential election

That's why he was impeached for it. That's not crying wolf. What you mean is the Republican senate acquitted Trump. That's not crying wolf. Do you not know how Trump got away with all his crimes while in office?

Well he's not going to get away with all his crimes and be our president again. No fucking way. So we charge him with all his crimes. And so far 4 different indictments. None of it is crying wolf. The charges would be tossed out of court if the charges weren't real.

You need to wake up.
A few years from now you will look at the final result of all your trials and realize that once again the Democratic Party tried to get Trump and failed once again.
Trump was no longer president at the time of the investment? What are you talking about? Jared met them during the Abraham Accords. Have you seen Jared’s resume? It’s pretty impressive regardless of who he is married to.

Again why do you opine on matters you don’t understand? 🤷‍♂️
Hunter has the credentials to sit on a board too. I'm sure daddy's name helped but you can bet Trump helped Jared get 2000 million dollars.

Don't you see? The Biden's are petty compared to the Trump's. Biden got 20 million over the course of 20 years. Jared got 2000 million dollars 4 months after Trump left office.

Why do you opine?

And lets say for shits and giggles he's innocent of this stuff. What about the other charges against him? All witch hunts?

Remember you and Trump wanted to lock Hillary up for mishandling top secret classified documents. Then Trump did it to the extreme. That means Trump knew what he was doing was wrong. At the time Hillary was just doing what every other politician was doing. Trump called her out because he was never a politician before. So he could claim he would never do such a thing. Then he did such a thing, x 10. LOL.

Lock him up, lock him up. Not my words, yours.

It's simply overwhelming the amount of criminal activity this man has done in his life and you guys are still like, huh?
A few years from now you will look at the final result of all your trials and realize that once again the Democratic Party tried to get Trump and failed once again.
I doubt it. Not this time. If he has to be convicted of these crimes before he is ineligible to run next year, all 4 trials are set to happen before the election. And if Trump gets off, let the voters decide. Trump will lose again. And they won't have to ask him to leave the white house this time.

Put it this way. You better have a plan B Who's your morning after pill candidate?

You know who is funny? Lindsay Graham. Warning us of why we should't charge Trump or impeach Trump. But didn't he lead the charge on impeaching Clinton?

Only Lindsay, baba. This aint about no bj. These are high crimes.

If Democrats were going to pay you back for what you did to Bill, we would have held hearings and impeached Bush for lying us into Iraq.
Hunter has the credentials to sit on a board too. I'm sure daddy's name helped but you can bet Trump helped Jared get 2000 million dollars.

Don't you see? The Biden's are petty compared to the Trump's. Biden got 20 million over the course of 20 years. Jared got 2000 million dollars 4 months after Trump left office.

Why do you opine?

And lets say for shits and giggles he's innocent of this stuff. What about the other charges against him? All witch hunts?

Remember you and Trump wanted to lock Hillary up for mishandling top secret classified documents. Then Trump did it to the extreme. That means Trump knew what he was doing was wrong. At the time Hillary was just doing what every other politician was doing. Trump called her out because he was never a politician before. So he could claim he would never do such a thing. Then he did such a thing, x 10. LOL.

Lock him up, lock him up. Not my words, yours.

It's simply overwhelming the amount of criminal activity this man has done in his life and you guys are still like, huh?
You said he got the investment cause Trump was president. That is a false statement. What credentials did Hunter have to serve on a board of a Ukrainian gas company other than his name and influence? 🤷‍♂️

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