And now, the TRUTH: Archer's actual testimony--Hunter may have sold sizzle, but no steak.

when did the bidens rip us off for 20 million??

andwheres your proof trump ripped us off at all,,
What you accuse Hunter and Joe of doing, Jared and Trump did. The Saudi's invested 2000 million dollars with Jared? Are you serious?

Then don't cry if some foreign company invested in Hunter's business. Especially when it's only $20 million dollars over the course of 20 years. It's peanuts.

What this tells me is they all do it. But all you care about is Hunter.

This reminds me of going after Hillary for doing what they all were doing. And then Trump and Biden mishandled classified documents? Hillary is PISSED!!! You fucking hypocrites.
What you accuse Hunter and Joe of doing, Jared and Trump did. The Saudi's invested 2000 million dollars with Jared? Are you serious?

Then don't cry if some foreign company invested in Hunter's business. Especially when it's only $20 million dollars over the course of 20 years. It's peanuts.

What this tells me is they all do it. But all you care about is Hunter.

This reminds me of going after Hillary for doing what they all were doing. And then Trump and Biden mishandled classified documents? Hillary is PISSED!!! You fucking hypocrites.
saudis invested with a private person and what hunter and joe did was use joes political office to get hunter deals with corrupted companies and countries to both enrich the biden family and buy up american tech companies that specialized in miltary tech,, and other political favors like firing a prosecutor investigating the company hunter worked for,,

the total depth of what the bidens did is not yet known,,
No, the allegations against Hunter and Joe are HIGHLY illegal. Trading US policy for cash is the definition of bribery.

Im skeptical that Trump would engage in that activity because he already has a ton of money, not to mention the fact that no one on either side has accused him of doing that. Furthermore the Trump we all know isnt going to risk his own neck just to line Jareds pockets. Trump doesnt give a fuck about Jared.

You are skeptical that trump would engage in illegal activity because he already has a ton of money? Boy, you just don't know rich people. It's not about the money. It's a game to them. It's fun. The risk, reward, etc. OMG I can't believe that's why you don't believe Trump is corrupt.

How the fuck do you think Trump made all his money? By shady/illegal and unethical business practices. OMG!!!

That's exactly what Trump did with Saudi Arabia. They traded us policy for cash. They approved of selling the Saudi's lots of weapons right after the prince was caught murdering that reporter. Trump made it okay to do business with that murderer when all the other politicians were talking about not doing business with him because he's a murderer. Trump did A LOT of business with him.

And 4 months after he left office the murderer invested $2 BILLION with Jared. As a thank you for normalizing relationships with him after he murdered that reporter.

This is why today people laugh when you say World Peace. That use to be a goal when I was a kid. Today, no one believes world peace is obtainable. Not even me.
saudis invested with a private person and what hunter and joe did was use joes political office to get hunter deals with corrupted companies and countries to both enrich the biden family and buy up american tech companies that specialized in miltary tech,, and other political favors like firing a prosecutor investigating the company hunter worked for,,

the total depth of what the bidens did is not yet known,,

Hunter is a private person too.

Joe didn't do anything. What did Trump do?

That firing a prosecutor investigating a company hunter worked for has already been debunked. Did you know that? So you are repeating lies. Nice.

As we have reported more than once last year, Biden traveled to Kyiv as vice president and warned Ukraine’s then-president, Petro Poroshenko, that the U.S. would withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees until Ukraine removed its prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, who was widely viewed as corrupt.

At the time, the international community and anti-corruption advocates in Ukraine were also calling for Shokin to be removed from office for his failure to aggressively prosecute corruption.

But Trump has repeatedly distorted the facts about Biden’s work in Ukraine to baselessly accuse his Democratic rival of seeking Shokin’s removal to help his son, Hunter, who at the time was a board member of a Ukraine gas company called Burisma. He left the board in 2019.
Hunter is a private person too.

Joe didn't do anything. What did Trump do?

That firing a prosecutor investigating a company hunter worked for has already been debunked. Did you know that? So you are repeating lies. Nice.

As we have reported more than once last year, Biden traveled to Kyiv as vice president and warned Ukraine’s then-president, Petro Poroshenko, that the U.S. would withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees until Ukraine removed its prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, who was widely viewed as corrupt.

At the time, the international community and anti-corruption advocates in Ukraine were also calling for Shokin to be removed from office for his failure to aggressively prosecute corruption.

But Trump has repeatedly distorted the facts about Biden’s work in Ukraine to baselessly accuse his Democratic rival of seeking Shokin’s removal to help his son, Hunter, who at the time was a board member of a Ukraine gas company called Burisma. He left the board in 2019.
not when hes working side by side with his dad who is supplying the access to the jobs and his political influence and support,,
Hunter is a private person too.

Joe didn't do anything. What did Trump do?

That firing a prosecutor investigating a company hunter worked for has already been debunked. Did you know that? So you are repeating lies. Nice.

As we have reported more than once last year, Biden traveled to Kyiv as vice president and warned Ukraine’s then-president, Petro Poroshenko, that the U.S. would withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees until Ukraine removed its prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, who was widely viewed as corrupt.

At the time, the international community and anti-corruption advocates in Ukraine were also calling for Shokin to be removed from office for his failure to aggressively prosecute corruption.

But Trump has repeatedly distorted the facts about Biden’s work in Ukraine to baselessly accuse his Democratic rival of seeking Shokin’s removal to help his son, Hunter, who at the time was a board member of a Ukraine gas company called Burisma. He left the board in 2019.

Only he was selling access to his dad, the veep, AKA "the big guy" and hoovering up cash from corruptocrats who were in turn being given TAXPAYER dollars by dear old dad.

And, interesting enough, it was only those countries that old Joe had responsibility for that were paying.

Funny that.
not when hes working side by side with his dad who is supplying the access to the jobs and his political influence and support,,
He didn't. And you can't prove it.

But we do know Jared worked side by side with his dad in law. And we know Jared was raised by a criminal. To think Jared is an honest person is laughable. Same with thinking Don is. It's just crazy. 30% of America is fucked in the head. Maybe 49%. Just not enough to win next year.

Biden/Harris 2024!!!
Only he was selling access to his dad, the veep, AKA "the big guy" and hoovering up cash from corruptocrats who were in turn being given TAXPAYER dollars by dear old dad.

And, interesting enough, it was only those countries that old Joe had responsibility for that were paying.

Funny that.
That's what Republicans are claiming without evidence. And you repeat it. Good job. Until you find evidence, this is less than what Trump and Jared did.

And besides. Trump has been indicted now how many times? 4?
He didn't. And you can't prove it.

But we do know Jared worked side by side with his dad in law. And we know Jared was raised by a criminal. To think Jared is an honest person is laughable. Same with thinking Don is. It's just crazy. 30% of America is fucked in the head. Maybe 49%. Just not enough to win next year.

Biden/Harris 2024!!!
its already been proven with eyewitness sworn testimony from not just one but two of hunters business partners along with financial and government documents,,
and several other people directly involved,,
its already been proven with eyewitness sworn testimony from not just one but two of hunters business partners along with financial and government documents,,
and several other people directly involved,,
You mean when he called his dad in front of them and talked about the weather?
its already been proven with eyewitness sworn testimony from not just one but two of hunters business partners along with financial and government documents,,
and several other people directly involved,,

WASHINGTON — Hunter Biden’s business associate, Devon Archer, testified before the House Oversight Committee that he has no knowledge that then-Vice President Joe Biden changed U.S. foreign policy to help his son and that he's not aware of any wrongdoing by the elder Biden, according to transcripts of his testimony released Thursday.

Archer also said that he did not disagree with the conclusion that Hunter Biden’s role on the board of Ukrainian energy firm Burisma had no effect on U.S. foreign policy. And Archer testified that he had no knowledge of any wrongdoing by Joe Biden as it related to his son’s business dealings.

“No, I’m not aware of any,” Archer said during his more than five-hour deposition.
its already been proven with eyewitness sworn testimony from not just one but two of hunters business partners along with financial and government documents,,
and several other people directly involved,,
Archer offered no tangible evidence that Joe Biden’s role in his son’s work was more than saying hello during their daily check-in calls.

“You know, Hunter spoke to his dad every day, right?” Archer said to committee members and staff on Monday. “And so in certain circumstances, when you’re in — you know, if his dad calls him at dinner and he picks up the phone, then there’s a conversation.”

He added, “And the, you know, the conversation is generally about the weather and, you know, what it’s like in Norway or Paris or wherever he may be.”

Archer testified that over the span of their decade-long business relationship, Hunter Biden put his father on the phone around 20 times while in the company of associates but “never once spoke about any business dealings.”

At one point, Archer was asked point blank: “Are you aware of any wrongdoing by Vice President Biden?”

He responded, “No, I’m not aware of any.”

Case closed. Do you have something else?
its already been proven with eyewitness sworn testimony from not just one but two of hunters business partners along with financial and government documents,,
and several other people directly involved,,

This is your key witness?

Overall, the transcript portrays the president’s son as capitalizing on his father’s name, but not necessarily promising or delivering any influence that would rise to a questionable level or approach wrongdoing.

Still, Republicans have long seen Archer, who served with Hunter Biden on the board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, as a key witness in their search to directly connect the president to his son’s various international business transactions.

And you guys think this gives you the go ahead to impeach Biden?? LOLLLLOLOLOLLLOL

“once again” that Republicans cannot produce any evidence of wrongdoing by President Biden.

He called the effort a “desperate effort to distract from Donald Trump’s third indictment and the overwhelming evidence of his persistent efforts to undermine American democracy.”
This is your key witness?

Overall, the transcript portrays the president’s son as capitalizing on his father’s name, but not necessarily promising or delivering any influence that would rise to a questionable level or approach wrongdoing.

Still, Republicans have long seen Archer, who served with Hunter Biden on the board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, as a key witness in their search to directly connect the president to his son’s various international business transactions.

And you guys think this gives you the go ahead to impeach Biden?? LOLLLLOLOLOLLLOL

“once again” that Republicans cannot produce any evidence of wrongdoing by President Biden.

He called the effort a “desperate effort to distract from Donald Trump’s third indictment and the overwhelming evidence of his persistent efforts to undermine American democracy.”
so you got nothing,,
Archer offered no tangible evidence that Joe Biden’s role in his son’s work was more than saying hello during their daily check-in calls.

“You know, Hunter spoke to his dad every day, right?” Archer said to committee members and staff on Monday. “And so in certain circumstances, when you’re in — you know, if his dad calls him at dinner and he picks up the phone, then there’s a conversation.”

He added, “And the, you know, the conversation is generally about the weather and, you know, what it’s like in Norway or Paris or wherever he may be.”

Archer testified that over the span of their decade-long business relationship, Hunter Biden put his father on the phone around 20 times while in the company of associates but “never once spoke about any business dealings.”

At one point, Archer was asked point blank: “Are you aware of any wrongdoing by Vice President Biden?”

He responded, “No, I’m not aware of any.”

Case closed. Do you have something else?
cherry picking while dismissing so much other stuff that proves guilt isnt helping you,,
This is your key witness?

Overall, the transcript portrays the president’s son as capitalizing on his father’s name, but not necessarily promising or delivering any influence that would rise to a questionable level or approach wrongdoing.

Still, Republicans have long seen Archer, who served with Hunter Biden on the board of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma, as a key witness in their search to directly connect the president to his son’s various international business transactions.

And you guys think this gives you the go ahead to impeach Biden?? LOLLLLOLOLOLLLOL

“once again” that Republicans cannot produce any evidence of wrongdoing by President Biden.

He called the effort a “desperate effort to distract from Donald Trump’s third indictment and the overwhelming evidence of his persistent efforts to undermine American democracy.”
Hunter was selling the inference of Joe being helpful

An inference isn’t a fact. Hunter, Biden was selling sonething and people were buying it.

In the early 90s after the fall of Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact, western business people were flooding into eastern Europe and FSU countries. It was like a gold rush. But Eastern European countries companies were impossible to do business with because they didn’t understand Western business practises. All dealings in their countries involved bribery and corruption. Laws and regulations meant nothing.

Newly democratic nations have a huge learning curve in adapting to Western business practises and governments that aren’t perpetually on the take.

We bought a container of wine from Romania, arranging testing, labels and bottling, only to have them sell the wine to some else AFTER the contract was signed. They didn’t understand they couldn’t do that.

The right wing media keeps telling you that Hunter, Biden had no business and nothing to sell, but a western lawyer, Yale law degree, who grew up with his father in the highest political offices in the country, with government connections and experience, who understood corporate governance. You have to be willfully, blind not to see how helpful someone like HB could be if you wanted to go business with the west.

Burisma did not want Shokin fired. He’d been “handled” - read “bribed”. He wasn’t coming after them.

When the stories on Hunter Biden were first being reported, it was said that he had lots of business experience, but he had no business experience in the oil and gas sector, which was true. But Directors don’t have anything to do with the running of the company. Directors oversee the work of the officers on behalf of the shareholders, to ensure they’re acting in the best interests of the Shateholders.

But overtime that story has morphed into HB has no marketable skills whatsoever other than his last name. So he must be selling influence. And that’s just a flat out lie but it’s one that serves their narrative.

They’ve been investigating this man for five years and they have two late filings on his tax returns and nothing more. If his last name wasn’t Biden, he wouldn’t be facing any charges whatsoever.

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