And now, the TRUTH: Archer's actual testimony--Hunter may have sold sizzle, but no steak.

been doing labor for 50 yrs,,

doesnt have anything to do with what I said,,

maybe you can explain it a little be
Oh so you vote GOP because of God, Gays, Guns and racism. You're the exact opposite of Ben Carson or Kaitlyn Jenner.

And you don't appreciate what unions did for you. Even though you may not be in a union. You don't realize they brought your wages up too.

And laborers aren't the exception to this rule you stupid fuck. Since 1978 to now, union membership went from 35% of the workforce to 9%. In that time CEO pay went up 1322% and laborers pay only went up 18%.

Laborers make $20 hr. So you make $40K a year. I make more than twice that and I can't vote for GOP. What would they make me an extra $2000 a year? Is it worth it? Nope.
Oh so you vote GOP because of God, Gays, Guns and racism. You're the exact opposite of Ben Carson or Kaitlyn Jenner.

And you don't appreciate what unions did for you. Even though you may not be in a union. You don't realize they brought your wages up too.

And laborers aren't the exception to this rule you stupid fuck. Since 1978 to now, union membership went from 35% of the workforce to 9%. In that time CEO pay went up 1322% and laborers pay only went up 18%.

Laborers make $20 hr. So you make $40K a year. I make more than twice that and I can't vote for GOP. What would they make me an extra $2000 a year? Is it worth it? Nope.
that doesnt make any sense,, try again,,
been doing labor for 50 yrs,,

doesnt have anything to do with what I said,,

maybe you can explain it a little better??
I know guys who have huge pensions because they were in unions but they vote GOP. Why? Because they got theirs. I wish voting GOP meant they'd lose their pensions. But they don't care about the next generation. Now all they care about is their retirement savings. They moved from labor to investor class. Is that where you are at?
I know guys who have huge pensions because they were in unions but they vote GOP. Why? Because they got theirs. I wish voting GOP meant they'd lose their pensions. But they don't care about the next generation. Now all they care about is their retirement savings. They moved from labor to investor class. Is that where you are at?
try again,,
Charles Kushner is an American real estate developer and disbarred former attorney. He founded Kushner Companies in 1985.

In 2005, he was convicted of illegal campaign contributions, tax evasion, and witness tampering, and was sentenced to two years' imprisonment, which he served in the Federal Prison Camp, Montgomery. As a convicted felon, he was also disbarred in three states. He later received a federal pardon issued by his son's father-in-law Donald Trump on December 23, 2020. Kushner has donated significant amounts to Trump's campaigns.

Charles isn't Jared, now is he.
Why would a guy making $40K a year vote GOP if not for the social wedge issues?

I bet if I do a search either you are a super racist, homophobe, love your guns.
when did I say I voted GOP???

in 40yrs of voting I have never voted for either a dem or repube at the fed level,,

so explain to me again how its not you dems an your repube friends that chased jobs overseas??
I'm arguing with a guy who makes $40K a year. Never mind. You win. Yes, Republicans are better for your pay. LOL. They love paying employees more. LOL
I have never made that much money and never gave a dime to any politician,,

I do so love how you apply things to me I have never said or done,,
Charles isn't Jared, now is he.
Let me get this straight. If you saw all the times Trump was in court or found guilty of something like ripping off investors or not paying his contractors, would you do business with Trump? Of course not. Unless you thought his shady business tactics would benefit you. Then sure. But fact is, you wouldn't do business with Donald Trump because he isn't to be trusted.

Then if you looked at Jared's father's history and Jared's father in law's history of crimes, would you do business with Jared? Fuck no.

The Saudi prince's financial advisors said DON"T DO THE DEAL with Jared and the Prince did it anyways. Why? Because of what Trump and Jared gave him when they were in the White House.

AND, the top secret documents Trump gave him after he left the white house.
Let me get this straight. If you saw all the times Trump was in court or found guilty of something like ripping off investors or not paying his contractors, would you do business with Trump? Of course not. Unless you thought his shady business tactics would benefit you. Then sure. But fact is, you wouldn't do business with Donald Trump because he isn't to be trusted.

Then if you looked at Jared's father's history and Jared's father in law's history of crimes, would you do business with Jared? Fuck no.

The Saudi prince's financial advisors said DON"T DO THE DEAL with Jared and the Prince did it anyways. Why? Because of what Trump and Jared gave him when they were in the White House.

AND, the top secret documents Trump gave him after he left the white house.

The political witch hunt against Trump is a joke.

This is what we KNOW. Trump was investigated by 150 of the most anti Trump investigators the country has ever seen. They expended 40 million bucks over 4 years.....and they found NOTHING!

If there was ANYTHING they could have charged him for they would have.

Trump is the most investigated person in US History and those unethical fucks couldn't even invent a crime.

We KNOW this.

So your claims are nothing but shit.

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