And obama spoke…..and the gates of Hell opened….obama to release 6,000 felons today...

On that we can agree. But as far as I know, there is no known scientific studies that conclude pot has any medicinal effects. There are plenty of testimonies from patients, but no consensus as you have doctors on both sides of the aisle.

That is because (wait for it) it is not legal to do those studies.
On that we can agree. But as far as I know, there is no known scientific studies that conclude pot has any medicinal effects. There are plenty of testimonies from patients, but no consensus as you have doctors on both sides of the aisle.

That is because (wait for it) it is not legal to do those studies.

It's not legal to do those studies? Who is stopping them? Where do you get your information from anyway? Do you just make it up as you go along?
On that we can agree. But as far as I know, there is no known scientific studies that conclude pot has any medicinal effects. There are plenty of testimonies from patients, but no consensus as you have doctors on both sides of the aisle.
On its website The National Cancer Institute, part of the US department of health, said: "Laboratory and animal studies have shown that cannabinoids (the active ingredient in cannabis) may be able to kill cancer cells while protecting normal cells. There are several studies that do support the theory that cannabis is an effective treatment for some cancers. I think any treatment for cancer that has been shown to be effective or even partially effective should be available to doctors.

US government says cannabis kills cancer cells

The big word in this article is "May."

And perhaps you didn't read the article. Here is what it said at the end:

But researchers added: "At this time, there is not enough evidence to recommend that patients inhale or ingest cannabis as a treatment for cancer-related symptoms or side effects of cancer therapy."

In many US states where cannabis is already legal for medicinal use, cancer patients have long been using the drug to ease pain.

The Cancer Research charity reacted cautiously, saying there was no evidence of a similar effect in humans.

A spokesman said: "There isn't enough reliable evidence to prove that cannabinoids, whether natural or synthetic, can effectively treat cancer in patients, although research is ongoing around the world."

There are about 20 studies by well recognized medical research organizations that concluded that cannabis is effective at killing cancer cells. I'm not saying that there is any conclusive proof marijuana cures cancer but there is certainly a great deal of evidence that it can be effective. If a person can't tolerate other treatments, or marijuana is their last hope, it should be available to them. If they're dying of cancer and marijuana eases their journey I think it should be an option. However, this should be a decision between doctor and patient.
20 Medical Studies That Show Cannabis Can Be A Potential Cure For Cancer
Neuroprotection by Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, the Main Active Compound in Marijuana, against Ouabain-Induced In Vivo Excitotoxicity
British Journal of Cancer - Abstract of article: A pilot clinical study of [Delta]9-tetrahydrocannabinol in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme
Antitumor Effects of Cannabidiol, a Nonpsychoactive Cannabinoid, on Human Glioma Cell Lines
Pathways mediating the effects of cannabidiol on the reduction of breast cancer cell proliferation, invasion, and metastasis. - PubMed - NCBI
Cannabidiol inhibits lung cancer cell invasion and metastasis via intercellular adhesion molecule-1. - PubMed - NCBI

The problem with using a narcotic that's not proven to cure or help anything only opens the door for people that want to use it for recreational value. From what I understand, in Colorado, they are getting doctors to prescribe pot for the stupidest things.

Okay, so why would people want prescribed marijuana instead of the stuff at the pot store? Because medical marijuana is much cheaper since you don't have to pay tax on it.
There are no proven cures for cancer. The effectiveness of a drug depends on the stage you are in, your health, and the drugs probability of success. Cancer drugs have success rates as low as 5%.

In California, the dispensary price is about the same as the price on the street for the same quality. The big advantage to buying from a dispensary is the quality is more consistent and availability, not cost.

From what I understand, the pot today is not the pot in my day. I've heard figures as high as 8 times the THC level than we had years ago. Where is quality suffering?

My next door neighbor died two years ago this December. She had lung cancer, and the first thing her doctors told her was to quit pot and cigarettes. She smoked pot from morning until she went to bed. Even though she smoked both, the doctors told her that yes, you can get lung cancer from pot.
Probably most of the founding fathers used snuff. It was very common at that time, as well as alcohol.

Washington and Jefferson used pot...this is not in dispute, both did so openly. Jefferson mentioned it several times (one of his favorite ways to relax was to sit on his veranda, "smoking hemp and looking as far as the eye can see." Washington lamented (in a letter) that he was away from home and wasn't able to separate the male & female plants...the only reason to do so was if he smoked it.
From what I understand, the pot today is not the pot in my day. I've heard figures as high as 8 times the THC level than we had years ago. Where is quality suffering?

My next door neighbor died two years ago this December. She had lung cancer, and the first thing her doctors told her was to quit pot and cigarettes. She smoked pot from morning until she went to bed. Even though she smoked both, the doctors told her that yes, you can get lung cancer from pot.

If you think REALLY HARD, you might realize why your post is REALLY STUPID. Note that there are MANY ways to use pot that do not involve smoking it. (From eating it in cookies to a water pipe.)
From what I understand, the pot today is not the pot in my day. I've heard figures as high as 8 times the THC level than we had years ago. Where is quality suffering?

My next door neighbor died two years ago this December. She had lung cancer, and the first thing her doctors told her was to quit pot and cigarettes. She smoked pot from morning until she went to bed. Even though she smoked both, the doctors told her that yes, you can get lung cancer from pot.

If you think REALLY HARD, you might realize why your post is REALLY STUPID. Note that there are MANY ways to use pot that do not involve smoking it. (From eating it in cookies to a water pipe.)

You use the word "stupid" to criticize my post and then reply that a water pipe does not involve smoking it?

I think you need to put down your water pipe before replying.
Safety of my family comes first fuck compassion! Just because you are enamored of the drug culture doesn't mean you get to endanger me and mine!
Any of those junkies your love come into my house they leave with a toe tag! drug addicted assholes are violent when they don't get thier fix

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

You REALLY need to switch to decaf.
A real man who protects his family is alien to you huh ?

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Right. We have no successful cancer fighting drugs in this country except marijuana.

Here's hoping you get cancer and find out!
Boy you must be a real junkie wishing cancer on someone because he spoke the truth about your precious poison

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
In my case, it is more about lowering the cost of government; or, to get the right to stop whining about taxes.
Right. We have no successful cancer fighting drugs in this country except marijuana.

Here's hoping you get cancer and find out!
Boy you must be a real junkie wishing cancer on someone because he spoke the truth about your precious poison

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
In my case, it is more about lowering the cost of government; or, to get the right to stop whining about taxes.
So now government cant make laws for the safety of the citizens? I forget in your mind junkies on every corner looking for easy prey to mug for Thier next fix is safety. Well you are mentally bent and I will protect my family.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
Right. We have no successful cancer fighting drugs in this country except marijuana.

Here's hoping you get cancer and find out!
Boy you must be a real junkie wishing cancer on someone because he spoke the truth about your precious poison

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
In my case, it is more about lowering the cost of government; or, to get the right to stop whining about taxes.
So now government cant make laws for the safety of the citizens? I forget in your mind junkies on every corner looking for easy prey to mug for Thier next fix is safety. Well you are mentally bent and I will protect my family.

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
They can; and even call it health and safety code.

Your straw man misses you and your red herring is getting away. Have anything more than appeal to emotion or are you really that ignorant of the social dilemmas involved?

Why do you believe lowering a cost of health care will do what you suggest?
Right. We have no successful cancer fighting drugs in this country except marijuana.

Here's hoping you get cancer and find out!
Boy you must be a real junkie wishing cancer on someone because he spoke the truth about your precious poison

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Never used pot (or any other illegal drugs) in my life. Would you like to jam your OTHER foot in your mouth now?
Yeah, i'll never understand all the anger & fear over Marijuana. Marijuana is far from being 'Evil.' It's actually the opposite. It's a miracle plant. Now alcohol, that's another story. You could call it 'Evil.' Alcohol is far more deadly than Marijuana could ever be.

That may be true, but I've lost friends in the past over pot. They became delusional and began to hallucinate things causing them to separate themselves from their family and friends. My last experience with pot was a guy that was carried out in an ambulance cot because he was allergic and had a hard time breathing.

No drug is 100% safe. It works differently on different people. Some good--some bad.

Sorry, no one dies from Marijuana. It's been proven. Now alcohol, that's a whole other story.

April 18, 2014, 11:04 AM
Two Denver deaths tied to recreational marijuana use

This week, two Denver deaths were linked to marijuana use, and while some details of the deaths have yet to emerge, they are the first ones on record to be associated with a once-illegal drug that Colorado voters legalized for recreational use, as of January 1, 2014.

One man jumped to his death after consuming a large amount of marijuana contained in a cookie, and in the other case, a man allegedly shot and killed his wife after eating marijuana candy.

Two Denver deaths tied to recreational marijuana use

Other factors were at play there. I don't recommend ingesting marijuana that way. But regardless, people do bad things all the time. And how often is alcohol involved?

Alcohol is involved quite a bit. But because we have alcohol doesn't justify adding more substances to our already troubled society.

Years ago I used to have a job teaching music. I had one female student who was coming along just fine. My expertise was lead guitar and finding females that could handle the challenge was rare.

After a while she dropped out. It didn't surprise me too much. Her interest in the instrument lagged and her accomplishments the same. She became bored I guess.

A few years later after I quit the music store, I got a phone call at home. It was my former student asking if she could start taking lessons from me again. When she came over, she confessed that her mother made her quit guitar lessons because for one, it was a waste of money if she wasn't going to learn anything, and two, her school grades were suffering as well. Her mother shipped her to rehab to get off of pot.

After she got rehab, her grades in school improved. In fact when she started lessons again, she just enrolled in college; something she could have never done if she was still smoking pot. She had aware parents to thank, but also included that many of her friends experienced the same problems but their parents were not as interested.

Oh, i'm not pushing marijuana on anyone. Just like alcohol, it's an adult decision. But to use your own analogy, we know folks like you are big gun 'enthusiasts.' So because guns are involved with many violent crimes, would you be ok with guns being banned?
That may be true, but I've lost friends in the past over pot. They became delusional and began to hallucinate things causing them to separate themselves from their family and friends. My last experience with pot was a guy that was carried out in an ambulance cot because he was allergic and had a hard time breathing.

No drug is 100% safe. It works differently on different people. Some good--some bad.

Sorry, no one dies from Marijuana. It's been proven. Now alcohol, that's a whole other story.

April 18, 2014, 11:04 AM
Two Denver deaths tied to recreational marijuana use

This week, two Denver deaths were linked to marijuana use, and while some details of the deaths have yet to emerge, they are the first ones on record to be associated with a once-illegal drug that Colorado voters legalized for recreational use, as of January 1, 2014.

One man jumped to his death after consuming a large amount of marijuana contained in a cookie, and in the other case, a man allegedly shot and killed his wife after eating marijuana candy.

Two Denver deaths tied to recreational marijuana use

Other factors were at play there. I don't recommend ingesting marijuana that way. But regardless, people do bad things all the time. And how often is alcohol involved?

Alcohol is involved quite a bit. But because we have alcohol doesn't justify adding more substances to our already troubled society.

Years ago I used to have a job teaching music. I had one female student who was coming along just fine. My expertise was lead guitar and finding females that could handle the challenge was rare.

After a while she dropped out. It didn't surprise me too much. Her interest in the instrument lagged and her accomplishments the same. She became bored I guess.

A few years later after I quit the music store, I got a phone call at home. It was my former student asking if she could start taking lessons from me again. When she came over, she confessed that her mother made her quit guitar lessons because for one, it was a waste of money if she wasn't going to learn anything, and two, her school grades were suffering as well. Her mother shipped her to rehab to get off of pot.

After she got rehab, her grades in school improved. In fact when she started lessons again, she just enrolled in college; something she could have never done if she was still smoking pot. She had aware parents to thank, but also included that many of her friends experienced the same problems but their parents were not as interested.

Oh, i'm not pushing marijuana on anyone. Just like alcohol, it's an adult decision. But to use your own analogy, we know folks like you are big gun 'enthusiasts.' So because guns are involved with many violent crimes, would you be ok with guns being banned?

What do you think the left would like to do with guns today?

Fortunately for us, we have a Constitutional protection to have our firearms. I don't see much in the Constitution in way of recreational narcotics.
This is where the 'Small/Less Government' Republicans really get tested. The more they spin, the more they begin sounding like average Big Government Authoritarians.

So what is small government, a government with no laws whatsoever?

It's where the rubber meets the road for you guys. Are you really for a smaller Government and less interference in Citizens' lives? In my observations, i don't see that with most Republicans. Small/Less Government seems to only be about convenience for them.

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