And obama spoke…..and the gates of Hell opened….obama to release 6,000 felons today...

Just a quick question, do you really think Rush Limbaugh should have been thrown in a cage to be ass-raped daily because he had a drug problem?

If he was dealing to teenage kids, hell yes. He wasn't.

That wasn't the question.

Then the answer is no, since the only one he was hurting was himself. Is that too difficult for you?

Fair enough. Limbaugh was shown mercy and allowed to get treatment. He's a non-violent drug offender. He doesn't belong in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists. Our Justice System has to evolve.

Using and dealing are treated differently by our Justice System. Most, if not all users are presently fined or sent for treatment. A dealer belongs in a cage with brutal murderers ans rapist as far as I am concerned. The many young lives he has ruined by getting them addicted is unforgivable.

That's not entirely true. Many of these dealers will plea down to a lesser charge of possession which depending on the narcotic, is only a year or so in prison. They are still dealers and likely to start selling once again after they are let out of prison.
When that could be proven, then you have a point. But to relay BS liberal talking points are not facts. No proof whatsoever that GW went anywhere near drugs.

Just a quick question, do you really think Rush Limbaugh should have been thrown in a cage to be ass-raped daily because he had a drug problem?

If he was dealing to teenage kids, hell yes. He wasn't.

That wasn't the question.

Then the answer is no, since the only one he was hurting was himself. Is that too difficult for you?

Fair enough. Limbaugh was shown mercy and allowed to get treatment. He's a non-violent drug offender. He doesn't belong in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists. Our Justice System has to evolve.

You keep repeating the same lies over and over again: "pot smokers don't belong in cages" "Limbaugh made a deal to get out of prison." So one more time:

Limbaugh made an agreement to get the authorities off of his back. They had no evidence to charge him with anything. There are no people in prison for simply smoking pot--NONE.
April 18, 2014, 11:04 AM
Two Denver deaths tied to recreational marijuana use

This week, two Denver deaths were linked to marijuana use, and while some details of the deaths have yet to emerge, they are the first ones on record to be associated with a once-illegal drug that Colorado voters legalized for recreational use, as of January 1, 2014.

One man jumped to his death after consuming a large amount of marijuana contained in a cookie, and in the other case, a man allegedly shot and killed his wife after eating marijuana candy.

Two Denver deaths tied to recreational marijuana use

Other factors were at play there. I don't recommend ingesting marijuana that way. But regardless, people do bad things all the time. And how often is alcohol involved?

Alcohol is involved quite a bit. But because we have alcohol doesn't justify adding more substances to our already troubled society.

Years ago I used to have a job teaching music. I had one female student who was coming along just fine. My expertise was lead guitar and finding females that could handle the challenge was rare.

After a while she dropped out. It didn't surprise me too much. Her interest in the instrument lagged and her accomplishments the same. She became bored I guess.

A few years later after I quit the music store, I got a phone call at home. It was my former student asking if she could start taking lessons from me again. When she came over, she confessed that her mother made her quit guitar lessons because for one, it was a waste of money if she wasn't going to learn anything, and two, her school grades were suffering as well. Her mother shipped her to rehab to get off of pot.

After she got rehab, her grades in school improved. In fact when she started lessons again, she just enrolled in college; something she could have never done if she was still smoking pot. She had aware parents to thank, but also included that many of her friends experienced the same problems but their parents were not as interested.

Oh, i'm not pushing marijuana on anyone. Just like alcohol, it's an adult decision. But to use your own analogy, we know folks like you are big gun 'enthusiasts.' So because guns are involved with many violent crimes, would you be ok with guns being banned?

What do you think the left would like to do with guns today?

Fortunately for us, we have a Constitutional protection to have our firearms. I don't see much in the Constitution in way of recreational narcotics.

See, that's why you guys can't claim to be for Small/Less Government. Most often you're fine with Government interfering in Citizens' lives. It's just a matter of convenience for you guys.

But when Big Brother does finally come for your guns, i'm pretty sure you'll quickly come around to my way of thinking. It'll probably be too late though.

Nobody is coming for our guns unless the public gets completely stupid and elects liberal leadership from this point on, and even then, it would still take them years to replace our Supreme Court justices with commies that would rule against the Constitution.
Just a quick question, do you really think Rush Limbaugh should have been thrown in a cage to be ass-raped daily because he had a drug problem?

If he was dealing to teenage kids, hell yes. He wasn't.

That wasn't the question.

Then the answer is no, since the only one he was hurting was himself. Is that too difficult for you?

Fair enough. Limbaugh was shown mercy and allowed to get treatment. He's a non-violent drug offender. He doesn't belong in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists. Our Justice System has to evolve.

You keep repeating the same lies over and over again: "pot smokers don't belong in cages" "Limbaugh made a deal to get out of prison." So one more time:

Limbaugh made an agreement to get the authorities off of his back. They had no evidence to charge him with anything. There are no people in prison for simply smoking pot--NONE.

So you do think your boy Limbaugh should have been sent to ass-rape hell? Not following.
On its website The National Cancer Institute, part of the US department of health, said: "Laboratory and animal studies have shown that cannabinoids (the active ingredient in cannabis) may be able to kill cancer cells while protecting normal cells. There are several studies that do support the theory that cannabis is an effective treatment for some cancers. I think any treatment for cancer that has been shown to be effective or even partially effective should be available to doctors.

US government says cannabis kills cancer cells

The big word in this article is "May."

And perhaps you didn't read the article. Here is what it said at the end:

But researchers added: "At this time, there is not enough evidence to recommend that patients inhale or ingest cannabis as a treatment for cancer-related symptoms or side effects of cancer therapy."

In many US states where cannabis is already legal for medicinal use, cancer patients have long been using the drug to ease pain.

The Cancer Research charity reacted cautiously, saying there was no evidence of a similar effect in humans.

A spokesman said: "There isn't enough reliable evidence to prove that cannabinoids, whether natural or synthetic, can effectively treat cancer in patients, although research is ongoing around the world."

There are about 20 studies by well recognized medical research organizations that concluded that cannabis is effective at killing cancer cells. I'm not saying that there is any conclusive proof marijuana cures cancer but there is certainly a great deal of evidence that it can be effective. If a person can't tolerate other treatments, or marijuana is their last hope, it should be available to them. If they're dying of cancer and marijuana eases their journey I think it should be an option. However, this should be a decision between doctor and patient.
20 Medical Studies That Show Cannabis Can Be A Potential Cure For Cancer
Neuroprotection by Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, the Main Active Compound in Marijuana, against Ouabain-Induced In Vivo Excitotoxicity
British Journal of Cancer - Abstract of article: A pilot clinical study of [Delta]9-tetrahydrocannabinol in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme
Antitumor Effects of Cannabidiol, a Nonpsychoactive Cannabinoid, on Human Glioma Cell Lines
Pathways mediating the effects of cannabidiol on the reduction of breast cancer cell proliferation, invasion, and metastasis. - PubMed - NCBI
Cannabidiol inhibits lung cancer cell invasion and metastasis via intercellular adhesion molecule-1. - PubMed - NCBI

The problem with using a narcotic that's not proven to cure or help anything only opens the door for people that want to use it for recreational value. From what I understand, in Colorado, they are getting doctors to prescribe pot for the stupidest things.

Okay, so why would people want prescribed marijuana instead of the stuff at the pot store? Because medical marijuana is much cheaper since you don't have to pay tax on it.
There are no proven cures for cancer. The effectiveness of a drug depends on the stage you are in, your health, and the drugs probability of success. Cancer drugs have success rates as low as 5%.

In California, the dispensary price is about the same as the price on the street for the same quality. The big advantage to buying from a dispensary is the quality is more consistent and availability, not cost.

From what I understand, the pot today is not the pot in my day. I've heard figures as high as 8 times the THC level than we had years ago. Where is quality suffering?

My next door neighbor died two years ago this December. She had lung cancer, and the first thing her doctors told her was to quit pot and cigarettes. She smoked pot from morning until she went to bed. Even though she smoked both, the doctors told her that yes, you can get lung cancer from pot.
I agree that smoking marijuana or most anything else is not good for the lungs. Although, marijuana is usually smoked it can be taken in teas and biscuits. Like any treatment the medical use of marijuana should should be evaluated by the doctor and patient to determine weather the risks out weight the benefits to patient.
Other factors were at play there. I don't recommend ingesting marijuana that way. But regardless, people do bad things all the time. And how often is alcohol involved?

Alcohol is involved quite a bit. But because we have alcohol doesn't justify adding more substances to our already troubled society.

Years ago I used to have a job teaching music. I had one female student who was coming along just fine. My expertise was lead guitar and finding females that could handle the challenge was rare.

After a while she dropped out. It didn't surprise me too much. Her interest in the instrument lagged and her accomplishments the same. She became bored I guess.

A few years later after I quit the music store, I got a phone call at home. It was my former student asking if she could start taking lessons from me again. When she came over, she confessed that her mother made her quit guitar lessons because for one, it was a waste of money if she wasn't going to learn anything, and two, her school grades were suffering as well. Her mother shipped her to rehab to get off of pot.

After she got rehab, her grades in school improved. In fact when she started lessons again, she just enrolled in college; something she could have never done if she was still smoking pot. She had aware parents to thank, but also included that many of her friends experienced the same problems but their parents were not as interested.

Oh, i'm not pushing marijuana on anyone. Just like alcohol, it's an adult decision. But to use your own analogy, we know folks like you are big gun 'enthusiasts.' So because guns are involved with many violent crimes, would you be ok with guns being banned?

What do you think the left would like to do with guns today?

Fortunately for us, we have a Constitutional protection to have our firearms. I don't see much in the Constitution in way of recreational narcotics.

See, that's why you guys can't claim to be for Small/Less Government. Most often you're fine with Government interfering in Citizens' lives. It's just a matter of convenience for you guys.

But when Big Brother does finally come for your guns, i'm pretty sure you'll quickly come around to my way of thinking. It'll probably be too late though.

Nobody is coming for our guns unless the public gets completely stupid and elects liberal leadership from this point on, and even then, it would still take them years to replace our Supreme Court justices with commies that would rule against the Constitution.

The U.S. Supreme Court will soon be ruled by a NWO Globalist majority. Think they're not coming after your guns? Think again.
Notice how all the potheads who make with the specious medical arguments cool at any mention of the development of purely medical extracts that remove any 'high' associated with it.
Notice how all the potheads who make with the specious medical arguments cool at any mention of the development of purely medical extracts that remove any 'high' associated with it.

What's wrong with getting high from marijuana? Millions of Americans thoroughly enjoy getting drunk and getting high off prescription drugs. Just ask your boy Rush Limbaugh. There's nothing especially wrong or 'Evil' about getting high off marijuana. It should be decriminalized.
If he was dealing to teenage kids, hell yes. He wasn't.

That wasn't the question.

Then the answer is no, since the only one he was hurting was himself. Is that too difficult for you?

Fair enough. Limbaugh was shown mercy and allowed to get treatment. He's a non-violent drug offender. He doesn't belong in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists. Our Justice System has to evolve.

You keep repeating the same lies over and over again: "pot smokers don't belong in cages" "Limbaugh made a deal to get out of prison." So one more time:

Limbaugh made an agreement to get the authorities off of his back. They had no evidence to charge him with anything. There are no people in prison for simply smoking pot--NONE.

So you do think your boy Limbaugh should have been sent to ass-rape hell? Not following.

No. We don't send people to prison because we don't like them, or perhaps because they were accused of something. We send people to prison after they were charged, found guilty by a judge or jury, and then sentenced by a judge. That's the way our justice system works.
That wasn't the question.

Then the answer is no, since the only one he was hurting was himself. Is that too difficult for you?

Fair enough. Limbaugh was shown mercy and allowed to get treatment. He's a non-violent drug offender. He doesn't belong in a cage with brutal murderers and rapists. Our Justice System has to evolve.

You keep repeating the same lies over and over again: "pot smokers don't belong in cages" "Limbaugh made a deal to get out of prison." So one more time:

Limbaugh made an agreement to get the authorities off of his back. They had no evidence to charge him with anything. There are no people in prison for simply smoking pot--NONE.

So you do think your boy Limbaugh should have been sent to ass-rape hell? Not following.

No. We don't send people to prison because we don't like them, or perhaps because they were accused of something. We send people to prison after they were charged, found guilty by a judge or jury, and then sentenced by a judge. That's the way our justice system works.

Not the question. Do you personally think he should have been sent up to ass-rape hell for having a drug problem?
Alcohol is involved quite a bit. But because we have alcohol doesn't justify adding more substances to our already troubled society.

Years ago I used to have a job teaching music. I had one female student who was coming along just fine. My expertise was lead guitar and finding females that could handle the challenge was rare.

After a while she dropped out. It didn't surprise me too much. Her interest in the instrument lagged and her accomplishments the same. She became bored I guess.

A few years later after I quit the music store, I got a phone call at home. It was my former student asking if she could start taking lessons from me again. When she came over, she confessed that her mother made her quit guitar lessons because for one, it was a waste of money if she wasn't going to learn anything, and two, her school grades were suffering as well. Her mother shipped her to rehab to get off of pot.

After she got rehab, her grades in school improved. In fact when she started lessons again, she just enrolled in college; something she could have never done if she was still smoking pot. She had aware parents to thank, but also included that many of her friends experienced the same problems but their parents were not as interested.

Oh, i'm not pushing marijuana on anyone. Just like alcohol, it's an adult decision. But to use your own analogy, we know folks like you are big gun 'enthusiasts.' So because guns are involved with many violent crimes, would you be ok with guns being banned?

What do you think the left would like to do with guns today?

Fortunately for us, we have a Constitutional protection to have our firearms. I don't see much in the Constitution in way of recreational narcotics.

See, that's why you guys can't claim to be for Small/Less Government. Most often you're fine with Government interfering in Citizens' lives. It's just a matter of convenience for you guys.

But when Big Brother does finally come for your guns, i'm pretty sure you'll quickly come around to my way of thinking. It'll probably be too late though.

Nobody is coming for our guns unless the public gets completely stupid and elects liberal leadership from this point on, and even then, it would still take them years to replace our Supreme Court justices with commies that would rule against the Constitution.

The U.S. Supreme Court will soon be ruled by a NWO Globalist majority. Think they're not coming after your guns? Think again.

When they come for my guns, do you suppose they will fly a black helicopter to my home to take them?
The big word in this article is "May."

And perhaps you didn't read the article. Here is what it said at the end:

But researchers added: "At this time, there is not enough evidence to recommend that patients inhale or ingest cannabis as a treatment for cancer-related symptoms or side effects of cancer therapy."

In many US states where cannabis is already legal for medicinal use, cancer patients have long been using the drug to ease pain.

The Cancer Research charity reacted cautiously, saying there was no evidence of a similar effect in humans.

A spokesman said: "There isn't enough reliable evidence to prove that cannabinoids, whether natural or synthetic, can effectively treat cancer in patients, although research is ongoing around the world."

There are about 20 studies by well recognized medical research organizations that concluded that cannabis is effective at killing cancer cells. I'm not saying that there is any conclusive proof marijuana cures cancer but there is certainly a great deal of evidence that it can be effective. If a person can't tolerate other treatments, or marijuana is their last hope, it should be available to them. If they're dying of cancer and marijuana eases their journey I think it should be an option. However, this should be a decision between doctor and patient.
20 Medical Studies That Show Cannabis Can Be A Potential Cure For Cancer
Neuroprotection by Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, the Main Active Compound in Marijuana, against Ouabain-Induced In Vivo Excitotoxicity
British Journal of Cancer - Abstract of article: A pilot clinical study of [Delta]9-tetrahydrocannabinol in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme
Antitumor Effects of Cannabidiol, a Nonpsychoactive Cannabinoid, on Human Glioma Cell Lines
Pathways mediating the effects of cannabidiol on the reduction of breast cancer cell proliferation, invasion, and metastasis. - PubMed - NCBI
Cannabidiol inhibits lung cancer cell invasion and metastasis via intercellular adhesion molecule-1. - PubMed - NCBI

The problem with using a narcotic that's not proven to cure or help anything only opens the door for people that want to use it for recreational value. From what I understand, in Colorado, they are getting doctors to prescribe pot for the stupidest things.

Okay, so why would people want prescribed marijuana instead of the stuff at the pot store? Because medical marijuana is much cheaper since you don't have to pay tax on it.
There are no proven cures for cancer. The effectiveness of a drug depends on the stage you are in, your health, and the drugs probability of success. Cancer drugs have success rates as low as 5%.

In California, the dispensary price is about the same as the price on the street for the same quality. The big advantage to buying from a dispensary is the quality is more consistent and availability, not cost.

From what I understand, the pot today is not the pot in my day. I've heard figures as high as 8 times the THC level than we had years ago. Where is quality suffering?

My next door neighbor died two years ago this December. She had lung cancer, and the first thing her doctors told her was to quit pot and cigarettes. She smoked pot from morning until she went to bed. Even though she smoked both, the doctors told her that yes, you can get lung cancer from pot.
I agree that smoking marijuana or most anything else is not good for the lungs. Although, marijuana is usually smoked it can be taken in teas and biscuits. Like any treatment the medical use of marijuana should should be evaluated by the doctor and patient to determine weather the risks out weight the benefits to patient.

I used to keep some links years ago, but they also found that smoking cigarettes has some medicinal benefits as well. Not a good reason to start smoking though.

I believe a lot of this medical marijuana is nothing but a front anyway. Sure, there may be a few that it helps, but I think for the most part, it's just a foot in the door to smoke pot legally. Plus I'm sure there are a lot of other drugs that do the same thing as pot when it comes to treating pain or discomfort.
Oh, i'm not pushing marijuana on anyone. Just like alcohol, it's an adult decision. But to use your own analogy, we know folks like you are big gun 'enthusiasts.' So because guns are involved with many violent crimes, would you be ok with guns being banned?

What do you think the left would like to do with guns today?

Fortunately for us, we have a Constitutional protection to have our firearms. I don't see much in the Constitution in way of recreational narcotics.

See, that's why you guys can't claim to be for Small/Less Government. Most often you're fine with Government interfering in Citizens' lives. It's just a matter of convenience for you guys.

But when Big Brother does finally come for your guns, i'm pretty sure you'll quickly come around to my way of thinking. It'll probably be too late though.

Nobody is coming for our guns unless the public gets completely stupid and elects liberal leadership from this point on, and even then, it would still take them years to replace our Supreme Court justices with commies that would rule against the Constitution.

The U.S. Supreme Court will soon be ruled by a NWO Globalist majority. Think they're not coming after your guns? Think again.

When they come for my guns, do you suppose they will fly a black helicopter to my home to take them?

Ya laugh now, but we'll see how ya feel later. You supposed 'Small/Less Government' Republicans better get your shit together. It being only a matter of convenience for you, is gonna come back to bite ya.

Many feel guns are 'Evil.' And they will be coming for them at some point. If you're relying on the Supreme Court to help ya out, you're sadly delusional. The NWO Globalists are about to seize control of it. And they do want your guns.
There are about 20 studies by well recognized medical research organizations that concluded that cannabis is effective at killing cancer cells. I'm not saying that there is any conclusive proof marijuana cures cancer but there is certainly a great deal of evidence that it can be effective. If a person can't tolerate other treatments, or marijuana is their last hope, it should be available to them. If they're dying of cancer and marijuana eases their journey I think it should be an option. However, this should be a decision between doctor and patient.
20 Medical Studies That Show Cannabis Can Be A Potential Cure For Cancer
Neuroprotection by Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol, the Main Active Compound in Marijuana, against Ouabain-Induced In Vivo Excitotoxicity
British Journal of Cancer - Abstract of article: A pilot clinical study of [Delta]9-tetrahydrocannabinol in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme
Antitumor Effects of Cannabidiol, a Nonpsychoactive Cannabinoid, on Human Glioma Cell Lines
Pathways mediating the effects of cannabidiol on the reduction of breast cancer cell proliferation, invasion, and metastasis. - PubMed - NCBI
Cannabidiol inhibits lung cancer cell invasion and metastasis via intercellular adhesion molecule-1. - PubMed - NCBI

The problem with using a narcotic that's not proven to cure or help anything only opens the door for people that want to use it for recreational value. From what I understand, in Colorado, they are getting doctors to prescribe pot for the stupidest things.

Okay, so why would people want prescribed marijuana instead of the stuff at the pot store? Because medical marijuana is much cheaper since you don't have to pay tax on it.
There are no proven cures for cancer. The effectiveness of a drug depends on the stage you are in, your health, and the drugs probability of success. Cancer drugs have success rates as low as 5%.

In California, the dispensary price is about the same as the price on the street for the same quality. The big advantage to buying from a dispensary is the quality is more consistent and availability, not cost.

From what I understand, the pot today is not the pot in my day. I've heard figures as high as 8 times the THC level than we had years ago. Where is quality suffering?

My next door neighbor died two years ago this December. She had lung cancer, and the first thing her doctors told her was to quit pot and cigarettes. She smoked pot from morning until she went to bed. Even though she smoked both, the doctors told her that yes, you can get lung cancer from pot.
I agree that smoking marijuana or most anything else is not good for the lungs. Although, marijuana is usually smoked it can be taken in teas and biscuits. Like any treatment the medical use of marijuana should should be evaluated by the doctor and patient to determine weather the risks out weight the benefits to patient.

I used to keep some links years ago, but they also found that smoking cigarettes has some medicinal benefits as well. Not a good reason to start smoking though.

I believe a lot of this medical marijuana is nothing but a front anyway. Sure, there may be a few that it helps, but I think for the most part, it's just a foot in the door to smoke pot legally. Plus I'm sure there are a lot of other drugs that do the same thing as pot when it comes to treating pain or discomfort.

Sounds like you just made a point for decriminalization. Marijuana is not the 'Evil' many have made it out to be. No one should be fined or serve a day in jail for using it. In my humble opinion, it's actually a miracle plant given to us by God. But like anything, you do have free will to abuse it or not.
if you voted for bush 2 you voted for a drug user reformed or not is irrelevant.
a little reality for you in your voting life you've most likely voted for someone who has used or uses drugs or alcohol

When that could be proven, then you have a point. But to relay BS liberal talking points are not facts. No proof whatsoever that GW went anywhere near drugs.
Nothing to prove it's a statement of fact .
As to Bush's drug use, it's a nontroversy
Just like Obama's.

So when people make something up out of thin air, it's a statement of fact? Then like I said, that makes Bill Clinton a rapist.
Every thing I said is factual, the problem here is your denial of fact and rash limpschlong

It's factual? Great, then I'll wait right here for the facts which I'm sure you have. But remember, facts are not what you believe, facts are providing absolute proof of something. In this case, prove that GW used coke. Give me some pictures, some drug bust by the police, a testimony from a rehab......something.

As the old saying goes: you are entitled to your own beliefs, but not your own facts.
In 1994, when asked about drug use in his campaign for governor of Texas, Bush replied, "What I did as a kid? I don't think it's relevant.

during the presidential primaries, 11 out of 12 candidates in both parties denied ever using cocaine. George W. Bush was the sole candidate who refused to answer the question. He quipped, "When I was young and irresponsible, I was young and irresponsible.

The Bush Cocaine Chronicles: Complicity and Cover-up

George W. Bush Arrested for Cocaine Possession | Empire News
George W. Bush Arrested for Cocaine Possession
Posted on July 24, 2014 by JP

One of the most notorious Presidents in history of The United States of America is back in the spotlight, but not because of his politics. George W. Bush was arrested in a Dallas suburb late Tuesday evening after a routine traffic stop uncovered over an ounce of cocaine in his glove compartment.

Dallas police say they pulled over Bush after he made a right turn without signaling. Officers report they were surprised when seeing it was the ex-president, but felt something was off about his behavior. They say Bush seemed under the influence of a narcotic, and the officers on-scene asked to search the car. Curiously, Bush consented, and police found the narcotics.

“We pulled over the truck and were about to write a simple traffic ticket and things escalated fast,said officer Charles Cane, a veteran officer with the Dallas Police Department. “At first my partner and I were stunned with who was in the truck ,and [Bush] began to crack jokes and asked if we wanted to take a picture with him. I noticed he was sniffling quite a bit and the glaze on his eyes screamed that the was under the influence.”

Cane said that once the officers uncovered the cocaine, Bush tried to bribe them to keep from getting arrested. When that failed, he turned to threats and rambling, reportedly saying that he would ‘get the FBI to kick their a–‘ and that ‘Presidents can break any laws they want.’

“I broke so many laws when I was in office, and I didn’t see you coming to try to arrest me then!” Bush shouted at police officers. “I’ve been doing coke for decades
I used to blow lines out of a Skull & Bones in New Haven tittie bars when you were making nice in your diapers, kid. You just want your name in the papers next to mine.”

“It was a tough arrest to make, but I didn’t become a police officer to make easy decisions. He begged me over and over to let it slide, then he offered me money, then he called me an ass—-, but that is the way the law goes. We don’t offer special treatment to anyone in Dallas. I don’t care who you are.”

Representatives for Bush have yet to comment, but bail was set at $5,000 and posted immediately. Bush spent less than 6 hours in a holding cell before being released.
When that could be proven, then you have a point. But to relay BS liberal talking points are not facts. No proof whatsoever that GW went anywhere near drugs.
Nothing to prove it's a statement of fact .
As to Bush's drug use, it's a nontroversy
Just like Obama's.

So when people make something up out of thin air, it's a statement of fact? Then like I said, that makes Bill Clinton a rapist.
Every thing I said is factual, the problem here is your denial of fact and rash limpschlong

It's factual? Great, then I'll wait right here for the facts which I'm sure you have. But remember, facts are not what you believe, facts are providing absolute proof of something. In this case, prove that GW used coke. Give me some pictures, some drug bust by the police, a testimony from a rehab......something.

As the old saying goes: you are entitled to your own beliefs, but not your own facts.
In 1994, when asked about drug use in his campaign for governor of Texas, Bush replied, "What I did as a kid? I don't think it's relevant.

during the presidential primaries, 11 out of 12 candidates in both parties denied ever using cocaine. George W. Bush was the sole candidate who refused to answer the question. He quipped, "When I was young and irresponsible, I was young and irresponsible.

The Bush Cocaine Chronicles: Complicity and Cover-up

George W. Bush Arrested for Cocaine Possession | Empire News
George W. Bush Arrested for Cocaine Possession
Posted on July 24, 2014 by JP

One of the most notorious Presidents in history of The United States of America is back in the spotlight, but not because of his politics. George W. Bush was arrested in a Dallas suburb late Tuesday evening after a routine traffic stop uncovered over an ounce of cocaine in his glove compartment.

Dallas police say they pulled over Bush after he made a right turn without signaling. Officers report they were surprised when seeing it was the ex-president, but felt something was off about his behavior. They say Bush seemed under the influence of a narcotic, and the officers on-scene asked to search the car. Curiously, Bush consented, and police found the narcotics.

“We pulled over the truck and were about to write a simple traffic ticket and things escalated fast,said officer Charles Cane, a veteran officer with the Dallas Police Department. “At first my partner and I were stunned with who was in the truck ,and [Bush] began to crack jokes and asked if we wanted to take a picture with him. I noticed he was sniffling quite a bit and the glaze on his eyes screamed that the was under the influence.”

Cane said that once the officers uncovered the cocaine, Bush tried to bribe them to keep from getting arrested. When that failed, he turned to threats and rambling, reportedly saying that he would ‘get the FBI to kick their a–‘ and that ‘Presidents can break any laws they want.’

“I broke so many laws when I was in office, and I didn’t see you coming to try to arrest me then!” Bush shouted at police officers. “I’ve been doing coke for decades
I used to blow lines out of a Skull & Bones in New Haven tittie bars when you were making nice in your diapers, kid. You just want your name in the papers next to mine.”

“It was a tough arrest to make, but I didn’t become a police officer to make easy decisions. He begged me over and over to let it slide, then he offered me money, then he called me an ass—-, but that is the way the law goes. We don’t offer special treatment to anyone in Dallas. I don’t care who you are.”

Representatives for Bush have yet to comment, but bail was set at $5,000 and posted immediately. Bush spent less than 6 hours in a holding cell before being released.

Royals don't get thrown in cages with brutal murderers and rapists. They don't go to ass-rape hell. That's only reserved for the 'little people' who have drug problems.
Not enough. We need to release all non-violent drug offenders from our prisons. They don't belong in cages with brutal murderers and rapists. It's time for our justice system to evolve.

Most of those non violent prisoners are not drug offenders in the sense of being addicts. They are dealers that can return to selling addictive drugs to the kids in JR and SR high schools.
We are either going to have to build more federal prisons or reduce the number of drug offenders in prison which are now 53% of the federal prison population and growing. A study by the CBO shows federal prisons are now 35% over maximum occupancy and will rise to 45% in less than 10 years.

The prisons have responded to overcrowding by placing non-violent offenders with shorter sentence in half houses. In fact, 80% of those being released are not in prison. They are living in your communities in halfway houses.
Not enough. We need to release all non-violent drug offenders from our prisons. They don't belong in cages with brutal murderers and rapists. It's time for our justice system to evolve.

Most of those non violent prisoners are not drug offenders in the sense of being addicts. They are dealers that can return to selling addictive drugs to the kids in JR and SR high schools.
We are either going to have to build more federal prisons or reduce the number of drug offenders in prison which are now 53% of the federal prison population and growing. A study by the CBO shows federal prisons are now 35% over maximum occupancy and will rise to 45% in less than 10 years.

The prisons have responded to overcrowding by placing non-violent offenders with shorter sentence in half houses. In fact, 80% of those being released are not in prison. They are living in your communities in halfway houses.
we're doooooooomed!

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