AND So, It Begins.... WINTER 2022-23

I find it very funny that i post up well-established science for the log of CO2 and the AGW zealots ignore it like the plague... They go right around it and ignore it.
It didn't "Fail," NASA 2020 Sensitivity of 2.6-3.9 is AFTER your Cherry Picked Graphs-from-Nowhere and NASA incorporated all the newest data.
YOU (.3) Monstrously FAILED again.
You're a Conspiracist FRAUD/lowlife net scraper who must have seen all the real numbers.

Billy Bob Misspelled "Psychic" or 'Psychotic" as "Physicist".
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NO.. That is the failed modeling number, not the empirically observed number

Wow, you are wrong again! They were able to use Mt Pinatubo data directly.

"The observational value of the ratio signifying volcanic sensitivity is hereby estimated to correspond to an equilibrium climate sensitivity, i.e. equilibrium temperature increase due to a doubling of the CO2 concentration, between 1.7 and 4.1 K. Several sources of uncertainty reside in the method applied, and it is pointed out that additional model output, related to ocean heat storage and radiative forcing, could refine the analysis, as could reduced uncertainty in the observational record, of temperature as well as forcing."

It must be hard being so ignorant of the science. You should take a science class.

I find it very funny that i post up well-established science for the log of CO2 and the AGW zealots ignore it like the plague... They go right around it and ignore it.

No one debates the log function in CO2 climate sensitivity. I guess you are pleased you even know what a log is!
No one debates the log function in CO2 climate sensitivity. I guess you are pleased you even know what a log is!
he's not referring to this log.

I was fortunate enough to be a chem tech on an ocean cruise in the North Atlantic. We were measuring a point in the North Atlantic where currents dipped down carrying water from the surface where it absorbed various trace gases and then transported them down to the bottom of the North Atlantic. This is called the North Atlantic Deep Water. We measured the tracer gas to see when the water was last at the surface.

So, yeah, ocean currents move water up and down. Quite effectively.

Want to see it?


You're talking about the acoustic channel. Yes that is real. No, it doesn't mean water can't move up and down in the water column in the ocean.

Well, I've actually been out there, and measuring that data. I've had that water from the bottom of the Atlantic on my hands as I sampled it from a Rosette with NIskin bottles. So I think I'll trust my experience over someone who doesn't even have a science degree.
This is the same thing Crick claimed years ago.. Are you his sock puppet?

You're using a very deceptive graphing. But even being deceptive it disproves your hypothesis. The Deep-Water Cold Returns are only at surface in the polar regions. The thermoclines are many not just one or two. So, spare me your BS. Your cherry-picking data and ignoring other data which disproves your hypothesis. You're going to make me drag out the physics books to disprove your bull shit. But that might be entertaining.

There are major and minor thermoclines. But you knew that, or you should have.

This is the same thing Crick claimed years ago.. Are you his sock puppet?

No. And I doubt very highly anyone else had my personal experience. Just making up shit now?
You're using a very deceptive graphing. But even being deceptive it disproves your hypothesis. The Deep-Water Cold Returns are only at surface in the polar regions. The thermoclines are many not just one or two. So, spare me your BS. Your cherry-picking data and ignoring other data which disproves your hypothesis. You're going to make me drag out the physics books to disprove your bull shit. But that might be entertaining.

There are major and minor thermoclines. But you knew that, or you should have.

You don't understand anything about oceanography. LEARN IT.
This is the same thing Crick claimed years ago.. Are you his sock puppet?

You're using a very deceptive graphing. But even being deceptive it disproves your hypothesis. The Deep-Water Cold Returns are only at surface in the polar regions. The thermoclines are many not just one or two. So, spare me your BS. Your cherry-picking data and ignoring other data which disproves your hypothesis. You're going to make me drag out the physics books to disprove your bull shit. But that might be entertaining.

There are major and minor thermoclines. But you knew that, or you should have.

Hey SCIENCE BOY: Why don't you use a real science reference instead of the ENcyclopedia. This ain't 3rd grade science fair, dipshit.
No one debates the log function in CO2 climate sensitivity. I guess you are pleased you even know what a log is!
The log function is well established. The Cause/Effect relationship IS NOT. That is what is at issue here. Showing that our warming doesn't even meet base line log values shows that there is no enhancement. But you all ignore that... So your fantasy warming is nonexistant.
The log function is well established. The Cause/Effect relationship IS NOT. That is what is at issue here. Showing that our warming doesn't even meet base line log values shows that there is no enhancement. But you all ignore that... So your fantasy warming is nonexistant.

No, I don't ignore it. You are simply out of your depth.
It didn't "Fail," NASA 2020 Sensitivity of 2.6-3.9 is AFTER your Cherry Picked Graphs-from-Nowhere and NASA incorporated all the newest data.
You're a Conspiracist FRAUD/lowlife net scraper.

Billy Bob Misspelled "Psychic" or 'Psychotic" as "Physicist".

Wow, you are wrong again! They were able to use Mt Pinatubo data directly.

"The observational value of the ratio signifying volcanic sensitivity is hereby estimated to correspond to an equilibrium climate sensitivity, i.e. equilibrium temperature increase due to a doubling of the CO2 concentration, between 1.7 and 4.1 K. Several sources of uncertainty reside in the method applied, and it is pointed out that additional model output, related to ocean heat storage and radiative forcing, could refine the analysis, as could reduced uncertainty in the observational record, of temperature as well as forcing."

It must be hard being so ignorant of the science. You should take a science class.
Both of you live in fantasy world. Both of the models you are touting show failure inside ten years when verified empirically. Come on... are you people this invested in the lie?

cmip5-73-models-vs-obs-20n-20s-mt-5-yr-means11 Dr Roy Spencer.png

Again empirical evidence shows your modeling failed.

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