And so it begins...

This board and the rest of the internet is loaded with evidence. Every time evidence is posted, the same ignorant dupes say its not true and now they're saying they want evidence.


I never said it's not true just that a few degrees isn't going to be the end of the world.

And of course the solution the elite Left wants to impose to address climate change is.....guess what? More government...more taxation....more regulation....more centralization of government....and on it goes.

It is such a transparent effort to grow government...and yet they still dupe millions with this ridiculous bull shit.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
This board and the rest of the internet is loaded with evidence. Every time evidence is posted, the same ignorant dupes say its not true and now they're saying they want evidence.


I never said it's not true just that a few degrees isn't going to be the end of the world.

And of course the solution the elite Left wants to impose to address climate change is.....guess what? More government...more taxation....more regulation....more centralization of government....and on it goes.

It is such a transparent effort to grow government...and yet they still dupe millions with this ridiculous bull shit.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

Fear works on the sheep
Legislation has to be passed for action to be taken. And don't get me started on legislation not getting passed. ;)

First of all, no, legislation doesn't have to be passed in order to get change to happen.

And second, your response begs the question. If there was less insult and more focus on approaching things in a way people could rally behind, there could be more legislation. But people -- even people who claim to want the government to take action in response to global warming -- block legislation for political purposes.

So my point stands -- how about less focus on people who deny climate change and more focus on things which would be good policy even for those who won't agree that man-made global warming is something to be alarmed about.

Do people want action or don't they? If they do, then acknowledge that much of what has been tried so far hasn't worked very well and make adjustments.

I applaud your efforts but you don't seem to understand the depth of denial present in denialists. If confronted w/ an alternative, they'll just move the goalposts.

So do you have any ideas which don't involve demonizing people who have a whole lot of money fight with? or people who vote most heavily in midterms?
You mean a few more degrees?

That won't be the end of the world either.

Would it be wrong to try and stop the change? You know, just in case and all.

We have already reduced emissions in this country and will continue to do so as technology improves and when we all come to our senses and embrace nuclear power.

So why don't you tell me how you are going to force China and the rest of the world to stop polluting and how taxing and regulating us and our businesses into oblivion will accomplish that?
First of all, no, legislation doesn't have to be passed in order to get change to happen.

And second, your response begs the question. If there was less insult and more focus on approaching things in a way people could rally behind, there could be more legislation. But people -- even people who claim to want the government to take action in response to global warming -- block legislation for political purposes.

So my point stands -- how about less focus on people who deny climate change and more focus on things which would be good policy even for those who won't agree that man-made global warming is something to be alarmed about.

Do people want action or don't they? If they do, then acknowledge that much of what has been tried so far hasn't worked very well and make adjustments.

I applaud your efforts but you don't seem to understand the depth of denial present in denialists. If confronted w/ an alternative, they'll just move the goalposts.

So do you have any ideas which don't involve demonizing people who have a whole lot of money fight with? or people who vote most heavily in midterms?

We're going to tag team you and all your little kitties, pretty. The climate deniers are the Republicans base. The only way to save the planet is to convince enough in the middle to come out and vote for common sense, and survival. Republicans take the Senate and anything even close to the Ryan budget gets passed and not only will things not get better, the EPA will be knee capped and the End of Times is indeed here. I honestly think a big enough group believe that to tip the scale in their favor.
That won't be the end of the world either.

Would it be wrong to try and stop the change? You know, just in case and all.

We have already reduced emissions in this country and will continue to do so as technology improves and when we all come to our senses and embrace nuclear power.

So why don't you tell me how you are going to force China and the rest of the world to stop polluting and how taxing and regulating us and our businesses into oblivion will accomplish that?

We absolutely have to pass legislation to address the problem. We don't have to wait until it is fully implemented but once we show we are serious and make the commitment some will join on board willingly and others will have to be coerced. Something like 69% of China's water is undrinkable. Pictures of major rivers are a layer of trash. China does not have a choice but to start the change. They can either sell us the technology or we can sell them the technology. Fighting climate change is a win for everyone but one specific group. Unfortunately that is a really, really powerful group.
No matter what evidence is presented, no matter what extreme weather does to the economy and agriculture, it will be denied. And the GOP Congress will prevent any real action. It will take extreme catastrophe within the US to get anything done.

An the backward states will be begging for money after the fact , not before, to mitigate the coming problems
No matter what evidence is presented, no matter what extreme weather does to the economy and agriculture, it will be denied. And the GOP Congress will prevent any real action. It will take extreme catastrophe within the US to get anything done.

An the backward states will be begging for money after the fact , not before, to mitigate the coming problems

Right after they pass the Ryan budget which will mean the rich, i.e. oil barons, will get out of paying for any of it. You might not like it but you must admit it is pretty impressive.
That won't be the end of the world either.

Would it be wrong to try and stop the change? You know, just in case and all.

We have already reduced emissions in this country and will continue to do so as technology improves and when we all come to our senses and embrace nuclear power.

So why don't you tell me how you are going to force China and the rest of the world to stop polluting and how taxing and regulating us and our businesses into oblivion will accomplish that?

can we dispose of the spent nuclear fuel in your back yard :eusa_whistle: :doubt:
since you CAN'T stop it, why worry about it? you and nobody else is in control of the 3rd world. they are NOT going to stop using coal, wood, paving over dirt, cutting forests, etc.
White House Report Says Climate Change Has Moved 'Into the Present' - NBC News

Finally, an Admin that will stand up to the Polluters so that our great nation's grandchildren might have, at least, a 1/2 way inhabitable planet. :cool:

The secret solution is people.

Get rid of them and the problem goes away.

This is the goal....reducing what the left calls "Excess Populations".

So essentially, they intend on offing a few billion human beings.

I'm looking for Democrat volunteers. :D
Would it be wrong to try and stop the change? You know, just in case and all.

We have already reduced emissions in this country and will continue to do so as technology improves and when we all come to our senses and embrace nuclear power.

So why don't you tell me how you are going to force China and the rest of the world to stop polluting and how taxing and regulating us and our businesses into oblivion will accomplish that?

can we dispose of the spent nuclear fuel in your back yard :eusa_whistle: :doubt:

I've heard that argument but that was about ten years ago. This thing is not waiting for us to make up our minds.
44 rightly used his bully pulpit :cool:

Obama to Al Roker: Climate change is a problem affecting Americans 'right now' - News -
"We've been sounding this urgency for the last 5 years," the president told Roker, when asked why it had taken so long for the White House to stress the need to address climate change. "You've seen some resistance from Congress. Part of the reason for putting forward this assessment — which involved hundreds of people, experts, businesses, not for profits, and local communities sharing their experience — is we want to emphasize to the public, this is not some distant problem of the future."
White House Report Says Climate Change Has Moved 'Into the Present' - NBC News

Finally, an Admin that will stand up to the Polluters so that our great nation's grandchildren might have, at least, a 1/2 way inhabitable planet. :cool:

The secret solution is people.

Get rid of them and the problem goes away.

This is the goal....reducing what the left calls "Excess Populations".

So essentially, they intend on offing a few billion human beings.

I'm looking for Democrat volunteers. :D

Would explain the Ryan budget.
White House Report Says Climate Change Has Moved 'Into the Present' - NBC News

Finally, an Admin that will stand up to the Polluters so that our great nation's grandchildren might have, at least, a 1/2 way inhabitable planet. :cool:

The secret solution is people.

Get rid of them and the problem goes away.

This is the goal....reducing what the left calls "Excess Populations".

So essentially, they intend on offing a few billion human beings.

I'm looking for Democrat volunteers. :D

Would explain the Ryan budget.

Or the Arab Spring, The Syrian Civil War, and Bill Gates pushing vaccines world wide.
The secret solution is people.

Get rid of them and the problem goes away.

This is the goal....reducing what the left calls "Excess Populations".

So essentially, they intend on offing a few billion human beings.

I'm looking for Democrat volunteers. :D

Would explain the Ryan budget.

Or the Arab Spring, The Syrian Civil War, and Bill Gates pushing vaccines world wide.

Must admit, you've got a point there.
This board and the rest of the internet is loaded with evidence. Every time evidence is posted, the same ignorant dupes say its not true and now they're saying they want evidence.

So, do you even know what the word evidence means? Providng models and theory are not evidence, what is evidence is showing validation of the theory. Your theory, if consistent with the rest is that an increase of CO2 causes warmer temperatures. That could be tested in a lab. Do you have results of those types of tests? That is where your evidence would be. See merely showing a graph and making a statement and using the statement as evidence isn't so.

Experiment results proving the theory is what I'd need to see.

That was done in 1859 by John Tyndall.

The Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect

In the 19th century, scientists realized that gases in the atmosphere cause a "greenhouse effect" which affects the planet's temperature. These scientists were interested chiefly in the possibility that a lower level of carbon dioxide gas might explain the ice ages of the distant past. At the turn of the century, Svante Arrhenius calculated that emissions from human industry might someday bring a global warming. Other scientists dismissed his idea as faulty. In 1938, G.S. Callendar argued that the level of carbon dioxide was climbing and raising global temperature, but most scientists found his arguments implausible. It was almost by chance that a few researchers in the 1950s discovered that global warming truly was possible. In the early 1960s, C.D. Keeling measured the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere: it was rising fast. Researchers began to take an interest, struggling to understand how the level of carbon dioxide had changed in the past, and how the level was influenced by chemical and biological forces. They found that the gas plays a crucial role in climate change, so that the rising level could gravely affect our future. (This essay covers only developments relating directly to carbon dioxide, with a separate essay for Other Greenhouse Gases. Theories are discussed in the essay on Simple Models of Climate.)

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