And so it begins...

If you knew that the administration was leading a conspiracy to murder millions of Americans would you care?

Killing veterans, killing the unborn, killing the poor, killing the elderly, killing because too many people cause Climate Change?

I actually heard NPR speaking of Eugenics like it was nothing.

Who was that German guy that was always talking about that?

Can't remember his name........
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I stated a couple of times show me the proof and I'll climb on the bus. No proof, I don't get in. So far three months passed and nothing. not one shred of anything. And it is because they have none, zero, nadda. Yet they're going to fix it? What it is their fixing they have no idea. Right guys?

Haven't the seen the lab experiments demonstrating the relationship between changes in the atmospheric trace element CO2 and temperature here either and I've been asking FOR YEARS!

Oh one more thing, when you buy Thermal-pane windows why is it they use Argon and not CO2? If they wanted to trap all that heat, they should use CO2, right? I mean why Argon?
I never thought of that. very interesting.

No mystery. CO2 is better at heat storage than Argon. And what you want is insulation, not heat transfer. Argon is also pretty dead in terms of reacting with other elements and compounds, whereas CO2 is pretty active in creating acid and carbonates, etc.
You mean laws have to be passed to force people to behave the way the Global Warming cult wants.

And Amelia gets her answer. You can thank me with liver and tuna. ;)

So is the answer is that you prefer to say "can't be done" because some people don't see things they way you do ... blowing off people like me who are willing to look for common ground?

You're reinforcing my belief that a lot of people don't want change to happen nearly as much as they want a talking point to hold against political opposition.

I sincerely wish that people would step back from the partisanship and look for common ground in the name of things like air quality and energy independence.

I don't want people to lose jobs or food costs to skyrocket or the government to sink a lot of money into speculative activities. But I am very willing to consider making some changes which seem like they would please people who are concerned about global warming.

You can't make public policy based on senseless scaring of folks with dubious science. So if you want action on "things like air quality and energy independence" your FIRST STEP in a brokering such a deal would be to admit that these goals have NOTHING TO DO with CO2 or Global Warming theory.. No honest broker is gonna be able to broker on DISHONESTY and fear..
Did the Company that designed the ObamaCare website develop the Climate Change Models?
And Amelia gets her answer. You can thank me with liver and tuna. ;)

So is the answer is that you prefer to say "can't be done" because some people don't see things they way you do ... blowing off people like me who are willing to look for common ground?

You're reinforcing my belief that a lot of people don't want change to happen nearly as much as they want a talking point to hold against political opposition.

I sincerely wish that people would step back from the partisanship and look for common ground in the name of things like air quality and energy independence.

I don't want people to lose jobs or food costs to skyrocket or the government to sink a lot of money into speculative activities. But I am very willing to consider making some changes which seem like they would please people who are concerned about global warming.

You can't make public policy based on senseless scaring of folks with dubious science. So if you want action on "things like air quality and energy independence" your FIRST STEP in a brokering such a deal would be to admit that these goals have NOTHING TO DO with CO2 or Global Warming theory.. No honest broker is gonna be able to broker on DISHONESTY and fear..

My approach would not require people on either side to cede ground on their opinions about climate change. Air quality and energy independence are important on their own.
Would it be wrong to try and stop the change? You know, just in case and all.

We have already reduced emissions in this country and will continue to do so as technology improves and when we all come to our senses and embrace nuclear power.

So why don't you tell me how you are going to force China and the rest of the world to stop polluting and how taxing and regulating us and our businesses into oblivion will accomplish that?

can we dispose of the spent nuclear fuel in your back yard :eusa_whistle: :doubt:

It's not spent commercial nuclear rods that are the country's LARGEST radioactive problem. The disaster is at GOVERNMENT facilities like Hanford and Savannah River. Where your heroes are dragging their asses cleaning up their OWN MESS. They OWE US a nuclear repository for that purpose alone. It takes 0.7 ounces of nuclear fuel per year to power a home. That's tiny compared to the battery waste from your ill-conceived battery wagons that are being pushed. In fact -- it's about ONE AA battery.. SURELY -- that's a problem we can handle..
deniers and, more importantly- polluters, are going into panic mode

That's not happening Bullwinkle.. Not when the GW crowd is scurrying to explain the failure of their models and finding late in the game MAJOR climate elements like ocean storage and 100 year delays in thermal equilibrium.. The panic is on YOUR side..
So is the answer is that you prefer to say "can't be done" because some people don't see things they way you do ... blowing off people like me who are willing to look for common ground?

You're reinforcing my belief that a lot of people don't want change to happen nearly as much as they want a talking point to hold against political opposition.

I sincerely wish that people would step back from the partisanship and look for common ground in the name of things like air quality and energy independence.

I don't want people to lose jobs or food costs to skyrocket or the government to sink a lot of money into speculative activities. But I am very willing to consider making some changes which seem like they would please people who are concerned about global warming.

You can't make public policy based on senseless scaring of folks with dubious science. So if you want action on "things like air quality and energy independence" your FIRST STEP in a brokering such a deal would be to admit that these goals have NOTHING TO DO with CO2 or Global Warming theory.. No honest broker is gonna be able to broker on DISHONESTY and fear..

My approach would not require people on either side to cede ground on their opinions about climate change. Air quality and energy independence are important on their own.

But they have ZERO, NADA, ZILCH to do with CO2 or Global Warming. Be honest -- and there would be support for enviro issues..
You can't make public policy based on senseless scaring of folks with dubious science. So if you want action on "things like air quality and energy independence" your FIRST STEP in a brokering such a deal would be to admit that these goals have NOTHING TO DO with CO2 or Global Warming theory.. No honest broker is gonna be able to broker on DISHONESTY and fear..

My approach would not require people on either side to cede ground on their opinions about climate change. Air quality and energy independence are important on their own.

But they have ZERO, NADA, ZILCH to do with CO2 or Global Warming. Be honest -- and there would be support for enviro issues..

Do you need someone to renounce their beliefs before you'll support any environmental or energy policy which would coincide with what you'd generally consider good policy?
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I heard Ohio is seriously addicted to coal. They need to do some research on diversifying. I'm sick of their coal-fired power plant emissions wafting down the Shenandoah valley and wreaking havoc on the old growth forest there. :mad: Thats MY NECK OF THE WOODS- LITERALLY, and I don't want heavy metals wafting through the air.
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I heard Ohio is seriously addicted to coal. They need to do some research on diversifying. I'm sick of their coal-fired power plant emissions wafting down the Shenandoah valley and wreaking havoc on the old growth forest there. :mad: Thats MY NECK OF THE WOODS- LITERALLY, and I don't want heavy metals wafting through the air.

Not hurting as badly as the states that are converting everything to Nat Gas. We are gonna be in a world of hurt if supplies are disrupted in the wintertime.. People will die. We already had shortages in the middle of the last Polar Vortex. Your Class Warrior in Chief is gonna kill thousands of people with his "Death to Coal" march.. There's no diversification ANYWHERE right now -- til we start adding back nuclear capacity..
I heard Ohio is seriously addicted to coal. They need to do some research on diversifying. I'm sick of their coal-fired power plant emissions wafting down the Shenandoah valley and wreaking havoc on the old growth forest there. :mad: Thats MY NECK OF THE WOODS- LITERALLY, and I don't want heavy metals wafting through the air.

Or maybe Obama needs to invest our tax dollars into upgrading coal generated power plants, instead of wasting them on failed "renewable" endeavors.

Hydrocarbons are our surest and quickest path to a "cleaner" environment while boosting the nation's employment and GDP. It's already been proven.

You obviously have no concept of the workings of industry, the importance of capital outlay, the effectiveness of competition, the nature of tax codes, or conceptualization of reality.
Anyone ever been to Palmerton, Pa? Thats what happens when heavy metals are unleashed on the environment.

This is what the adjoining mountain looks like on the AT that passes by it. I hiked it:


That is a good illustration of what "fouling our nest" means IRL.

Repubs woulld repeal what little regulations our Democratic statesmen have been able to enact over these past few decades.

bb in a few hours denialist bitchez :cool:
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