"And then bigfoot smashed the hard drives and left on a UFO"


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May 13, 2012
Democrats lie about everything.

Mebbe it was a blue Genie?...

Mysterious blue object appears in NASA live stream, feed cut off abruptly. Another UFO cover up?
Tuesday 4th October, 2016 - In yet another case of alleged cover up, UFO enthusiasts and space watchers are riled up after NASA abruptly cut off a live stream from the International Space Station immediately after a strange blue orb was spotted in the feed.
UFO experts were quick in pointing out that an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) had made an appearance in the feed, with many, like renowned ufologist Streetcap1 uploading a video capturing the very moment that the mysterious object wandering above the planet, streaked into the video. On viewing the video, a deep blue light, that looks like an orb, is seen to be moving above Earth’s atmosphere. Streetcap1 also said, “NASA cut the camera feed so quickly even though this was very distant, but I still managed to get a couple of frames to enlarge.” The video was picked up by conspiracy theorists who then deconstructed it frame by frame, with many arguing that it could be a solar flare/lens flare.


Streetcap1 denied the allegation made by those who viewed the video critically and said that the “Unidentified Object is brighter on the left side due to the light from the Sun, so not lens flare.” Creator of the blog, UFO Sightings Daily and prominent UFO researcher Scott Waring said, “This blue-glowing UFO was seen near the space station yesterday by Streetcap1 of YouTube. It appears far away, but it is not. It is actually very close to the space station, but higher up so it appears distant." The video was then posted and confirmed to be authentic by several UFO hunters across the globe. According to the theorists, this is not the first time NASA has tried to cover up a UFO sighting.

In April this year, NASA was accused of covering up an alien sighting by cutting a live stream short, much to the fury of those who seek the truth about extraterrestrials or existence of life beyond Earth. The live stream showed a horseshoe-shaped UFO approaching the screen. Then in June, in another similar incident, a footage of a UFO that looked like a fireball was cut short. The very same month, NASA announced that it would stop live streaming videos on its website that caused an uproar and enraged conspiracy theorists. That too was met with anger as they alleged that it was NASA’s way of keeping everyone in the dark.

Mysterious blue object appears in NASA live stream feed cut off abruptly Another UFO cover up

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Shocking evidence of life on Mars found in NASA footage, same day as UFO found hovering Earth’s atmosphere
Sunday 2nd October, 2016 - In what could be the first definitive evidence of alien life on Mars, creator of the UFO Sightings Daily blog and prominent UFO researcher Scott Waring has noticed bizarre objects from a photo captured by a NASA Curiosity rover.
According to Waring, the alleged artefacts could be evidence that humans are descended from an ancient civilisation on Mars. This comes after another UFO enthusiast claimed she had discovered an ancient alien ring on the planet. An alien glove too was found on Mars increasing suspicions of presence of alien life. Over they years, many UFO researchers, alien enthusiasts and people struck by the curiosity bug have noted evidence of extraterrestrial life on Mars - however the most shocking one was presented in this recent finding.

The NASA image shows a hand which might be a sculpted hand or an actual petrified hand that has an extended smaller finger on it. It could also be assumed that it could be a hand glove or a beam weapon. Waring said, “Here you can see a hand, either a sculpted hand or an actual petrified hand that has an extended smaller finger on it.” He further added that “the petrified hand” could be proof of sinister alien weaponry.


Recently, the Paranormal Crucible, a YouTube channel uploaded a video that showed an ancient gold ring found on Mars. The images and video of the ring shows remarkable details however, the source of the images was not clarified. The video said, “Amazing artefact found on Mars that in my opinion is solid evidence that past life did exist on the red planet. This is a ring or perhaps a small bracelet, it even has a tinge of gold that is still visible in the raw image.”

Space scientists aren’t going to ignore the probability of alien life on Mars as the subject has been a very important research topic for a long time. NASA has sent many missions to Mars to collect evidence of the existence of alien life. Though some missions failed, they did not lose hope. Meanwhile, in yet another strange occurrence, even as scientists and alien hunters pondered about life on Mars - could the aliens be wondering about the same thing? As a new footage from NASA shows an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO) in the Earth's atmosphere. The video titled "New NASA uncut footage shows clear UFO" and showcases a close encounter with out-of-this-world objects.

Shocking evidence of life on Mars found in NASA footage same day as UFO found hovering Earths atmosphere
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Comey gave hilly aids green light to destroy evidence......see ...no evidence......stench is overwhelming

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