And there Obama does it again> XXXX the retirees of the military

That's moronic. Why the fuck would a retired military person, who joined and stayed in based on some not even great benefits at the time, have to keep renegotiating those same benefits 20 years after retirement when the veteran lived up to everything in his side of the contract? That's the same thing as saying that a person who retired from a corporation would have to just deal with it if they later wanted to take his 401k money away 20 years after he retired. It's BS.

Veterans are not entitled to free healthcare for life.

veterans fill out paperwork to determine their co-pay based on their income, assests etc.
The idiots on this thread seem to not have a clue to the facts, only dementia with geriatric profanity disease.

You dumb ass, that only applies to vets seeking health care through the VA that have no service connected disability. That's a completely different subject from retirees.
And with Standard you can use any doctor you want. On Prime you have to use the network doctors.

My wife is an Oncology RN, she was diagnosed with renal cancer and had to have her kidney removed. The doctor she wanted to use, one she had worked with and had cared for his post-op patients, wasn't on the Tricare Prime network. She switched from Prime to Standard and had the surgery. We paid a total of $750 for a kidney removal and a 6 day hospital stay.

Have you heard of Operation Hero medical services?

I go to the VA in fayetteville Ark. I see a neurologists and he stated I had to have a cervical disk implant, since there are not enough neurologists at the VA they outsourced me to a civilian neurologists to do the job, and the VA pays them to do it.
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daveman, this may shock you, but there is no free health care.

Somebody pays for it.

Veterans with service-connected injuries, wounds, and disabilities are entitled, based on that service, to a certain level of cost-abatement.

That's part of the deal.

Do you have a problem with that?

And, yes, many of them do not pay federal income tax, making them part of the 47%.
This is not a huge jump in prices for veterans, it's a switch from tricare prime, to tricare standard.

Which, may, for some, result in some extra out of pocket expenses, which have a very reasonable cap.

It's a gigantic jump in costs for veterans with chronic illnesses.

I did view it and you need to take care of (1) and (2) below, dirtbag, before you smear the GOP again. We don't want your hate associated with it.

You need to apologize for not pointing out (1) this was set up, began, and continued during the Bush years, and (2) and for suggesting the 171,000 will not have care.

You are lying for base purposes.

You need to apologize to the people of America and particularly the good people in the GOP who do not want you to associate your hatred with the party.

You are not worthy to be Republican.

I see you didn't bother to go back and read the post, so fuck off till you do.

I didn't make the post you're talking about, if you failed to read them it's not my fault and I have the options whethe or not I comment on them. Just for a little information I have 26 years of service myself and am 90% service connected disabled. If you actually bothered to read MY post, I haven't advocated reducing any military benefits.

But hey you just keep running around with your head up your ass, with all your bull shit name calling and people will see you for the drity little smell in the air that you seem to be.
I am a party leader in the GOP, a decorated veteran, a businessman of solid success, an employer of many, a good grandfather and father and son and brother, and an honorable individual.

You in no way represent the good portion of the GOP.

Step off, loser, until you clean your hate up.
You're a twenty-year-old kid with a semester of PoliSci 101. :lol:
Do you, OKTexas, believe that I, a veteran of many years active duty, did not earn my VA medical care until the day I die?
You're asking the wrong guy. You should be asking the lefties here.

They will answer "No, you don't deserve it."

But you don't dare criticize a fellow leftist.
You can't handle the truth, so thus so much for you, daveman. :lol:

I am successful, you aren't, yet. Tuff that.

Hope for you, s0n: you just retired a year or so ago and you have 31 years to catch up with me. Go for it.

I am a party leader in the GOP, a decorated veteran, a businessman of solid success, an employer of many, a good grandfather and father and son and brother, and an honorable individual.

You in no way represent the good portion of the GOP.

Step off, loser, until you clean your hate up.
You're a twenty-year-old kid with a semester of PoliSci 101. :lol:
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This is not a huge jump in prices for veterans, it's a switch from tricare prime, to tricare standard.

Which, may, for some, result in some extra out of pocket expenses, which have a very reasonable cap.

It's a gigantic jump in costs for veterans with chronic illnesses.


Worse case being an extra $200 a month roughly. I admit, that is a sizeable jump for someone living on a fixed income.
daveman, this may shock you, but there is no free health care.

Somebody pays for it.
No shit, you moron.

Again, you fail to criticize the left who believe there should be free healthcare.
Veterans with service-connected injuries, wounds, and disabilities are entitled, based on that service, to a certain level of cost-abatement.

That's part of the deal.

Do you have a problem with that?
No, because I'm not a military-hating leftist.
And, yes, many of them do not pay federal income tax, making them part of the 47%.
Do you really think Romney meant veterans?

Leftists think so.
OK, what are the optiions for forgiveness of cost or for a sensible pay out loan with no % as long as the monthly is paid?

This is not a huge jump in prices for veterans, it's a switch from tricare prime, to tricare standard.

Which, may, for some, result in some extra out of pocket expenses, which have a very reasonable cap.

It's a gigantic jump in costs for veterans with chronic illnesses.


Worse case being an extra $200 a month roughly. I admit, that is a sizeable jump for someone living on a fixed income.
You do know, s0n, our GOP developed this program sometime ago with phased-in steps?

You are right, we need to phase it out and blame both parties for making veterans pay for what they incurred on our behalf.

Do you think people are entitled to free healthcare?

Do you think the government is entitled to break its promises to veterans who served our country?

Certainly not, considering I'm a veteran.

The left, however, seems to have no problem with it.
You can't handle the truth, so thus so much for you, daveman. :lol:

I am successful, you aren't, yet. Tuff that.

Hope for you, s0n: you just retired a year or so ago and you have 31 years to catch up with me. Go for it.
You're 80 years old?

I turned 28 in Basic, child. I turn 50 in February. :lol:
I am more than a decade older than you.

So you went to basic late in life, a decade after high school, normally an indication that a person has failed up to that point in a professional occupation.

Good for you. You are going to work extra hard to catch up, but you have done well to this point.

Keep it up, s0n.

You can't handle the truth, so thus so much for you, daveman. :lol:

I am successful, you aren't, yet. Tuff that.

Hope for you, s0n: you just retired a year or so ago and you have 31 years to catch up with me. Go for it.
You're 80 years old?

I turned 28 in Basic, child. I turn 50 in February. :lol:[/QUOTE]

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