And this is why all you morons who love to suck fox dick are demented perverts


You are so fucking stupid, that even your memes are grammatically incorrect. Idiot.


Yeah but it wasn't even funny so it loses on both counts.
I'm sorry, that was probably rude of me. Let me rephrase that....

Here is an example of Fox News' absurdly low quality of journalism. So much so, in fact, that no rational human being can attribute it to the accident of incompetence. This situation speaks directly to the form and mode of the network's product and delivery.

Fox News is very much like those fraudulent posers who enjoy a little coffee with their gallon of creamer and two pounds of sugar. At about 10%-15% of actual news content, they're not really a news outlet, regardless of what they call themselves, and regardless of what mode they utilize to deliver their product. The Colbert Show was fashioned like a news broadcast, but it wasn't news. And neither is Fox News actually news. They are, in fact, the single greatest source in modern American broadcasting of mindless drivel entertainment. And in this capacity, they are worse than such examples as Keeping up with the Kardashians, Jersey Shore, or what have you. At least those shows present as nothing more than mindless drivel entertainment. But Fox News presents itself as news. And it feeds on people falling for the mistaken impression that they are news. Even the WWE has long abandoned its false image of portending to be a real sport; they embraced the "entertainment" moniker many years ago.

Case in point: How could a real, true, legitimate news outlet so utterly fail to background check someone who alleged to be a long term CIA operative? Of course, those of you who are obsessed with Fox [Mulder, I want to believe] News will never acknowledge how much this highlight's their deceptive day to day existence. You've long lost the ability to differentiate what you want to be true and what is true. But either way, the sickness is upon you. You stain and sully everything you touch. You've help to ruin the once good name of the Grand Ole Party and the Republican brand. You have lusted after the likes of Donald Trump, and have wandered so astray you now see madness as wisdom, and wisdom as madness. For all of you who fit into this category, this is on you.
What does Fox have to do with this faker's claims? Your maudlin commentary reeks of steaming turds.

Pssst* They didnt vet him. He said he was a former CIA guy and he said everything they like. That apparently is enough.

Keep that in mind the next time they have an investigation story

Can you say the New York Times and Jayson Blair?

I'm sorry, that was probably rude of me. Let me rephrase that....

Here is an example of Fox News' absurdly low quality of journalism. So much so, in fact, that no rational human being can attribute it to the accident of incompetence. This situation speaks directly to the form and mode of the network's product and delivery.

Fox News is very much like those fraudulent posers who enjoy a little coffee with their gallon of creamer and two pounds of sugar. At about 10%-15% of actual news content, they're not really a news outlet, regardless of what they call themselves, and regardless of what mode they utilize to deliver their product. The Colbert Show was fashioned like a news broadcast, but it wasn't news. And neither is Fox News actually news. They are, in fact, the single greatest source in modern American broadcasting of mindless drivel entertainment. And in this capacity, they are worse than such examples as Keeping up with the Kardashians, Jersey Shore, or what have you. At least those shows present as nothing more than mindless drivel entertainment. But Fox News presents itself as news. And it feeds on people falling for the mistaken impression that they are news. Even the WWE has long abandoned its false image of portending to be a real sport; they embraced the "entertainment" moniker many years ago.

Case in point: How could a real, true, legitimate news outlet so utterly fail to background check someone who alleged to be a long term CIA operative? Of course, those of you who are obsessed with Fox [Mulder, I want to believe] News will never acknowledge how much this highlight's their deceptive day to day existence. You've long lost the ability to differentiate what you want to be true and what is true. But either way, the sickness is upon you. You stain and sully everything you touch. You've help to ruin the once good name of the Grand Ole Party and the Republican brand. You have lusted after the likes of Donald Trump, and have wandered so astray you now see madness as wisdom, and wisdom as madness. For all of you who fit into this category, this is on you.

Why am I not surprised. Fox's zeal for anti-Obama commentary knows no bounds They'll never be bound by a minor detail like the truth. And as long as the words fit the phony narratives they've learned to love Fox fans couldn't care less.
Who was forced into retirement for REPEATEDLY lying?
Hint: it was an actual NEWS ANCHOR but he didn't work for Fox.

All of them have their agendas. Singling out Fox is just stupid.
Individuals who commit fraud should be prosecuted. It's really that simple. Some fraudsters are better than others and normal vetting won't catch them.
All of them have their agendas. Singling out Fox is just stupid.

It's true that they all have their agendas. But the problem with Fox News isn't that they have an agenda, per se. It's that they aren't actually a news outlet. They peddle entertainment and call it news.
All of them have their agendas. Singling out Fox is just stupid.

It's true that they all have their agendas. But the problem with Fox News isn't that they have an agenda, per se. It's that they aren't actually a news outlet. They peddle entertainment and call it news.
And the others dont? Gtfo with this amatuer bs
And the others dont? Gtfo with this amatuer bs

No, they don't. There is a difference between the bias that takes place when one or the other type of story is selectively covered, and the patent falsehood that takes place when Fox broadcasts fake experts and shrill commentary and slaps a "news" label on it.
And the others dont? Gtfo with this amatuer bs

No, they don't. There is a difference between the bias that takes place when one or the other type of story is selectively covered, and the patent falsehood that takes place when Fox broadcasts fake experts and shrill commentary and slaps a "news" label on it.
My bad

I took you for reasonable.
Wow, so many rude words and so little time. The big question is why the hell the radical left is so worried about Fox when they have ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN CBS and PBS. Stop whining little angry people, it makes you look like the people we want to keep from obtaining firearms.

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