And what is wrong with 22 million americans losing health insurance under Trumpcare?

The Chumps haven't caught on to Trump's schizophrenic nature yet.

Trump has long called out for single payer healthcare. For many, many years. That's what he really wants, and that is what he is going to get.

Trump has led his Chumps to bleev some kind of miracle is going to happen where the GOP will write a bill they haven't managed to come up with in over seven years, and it will make health care better at "a tiny fraction of the cost."

At this late stage of the game, there is only one way where your doctor and insurance bills are going to be a tiny fraction of the cost they are now: Single payer.

We are never, ever going to arrive at the free market solution. Ever. Forget about it. Not going to happen.

You should be buying your health insurance the same way you buy your car insurance. But that just is never going to happen.

Because the GOP sold us all down the river to the Democrats and single payer decades ago.

All the clues are right there in front of your slack little faces. Time to open your eyes, Chumps.
I don't agree with you that we should be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our car insurance. Too many of us can't afford thousands and thousands of dollars a year to pay for medical insurance. It is far too unreasonably priced. The Democrats didn't cause that. I don't know who did, but it wasn't just one party that gave the healthcare industry its head and let it go absolutely wild. Yes, people will pay whatever in order to live. But that's only for people with the money.
I believe we all have the right to reasonable healthcare and it should be paid for from our paychecks via taxes. A lot of us don't have the money to buy it, G. It just isn't there for a lot of people. I'm not whining. It's true.
The reason health insurance is unreasonably priced is precisely because we are not buying it the same way we buy auto insurance!

Despite the cost of cars going up, the cost of auto insurance has been going down.

The reason health insurance keeps going up is because the government is the largest player in the health insurance market, and it gets to write the rules its competitors must follow!

How's that been working for you?

You are a hostage, thanks to the government. You have to take what your employer offers you, or nothing. You have ZERO leverage.

If you could call any insurance company in the country, you would have maximum leverage, just like you do with car insurance.

And YOU would be deciding what you need, not the government.

The government established little fiefdoms for insurance companies. The government provided a federal antitrust waiver so insurance companies could have monopolies in their controlled markets.

We need LESS government, not more.
And even with their little fiefdoms, the insurance companies are still losing billions and pulling out of states? Obamacare didn't work, but it seems to my simple mind that the soaring cost of doctors, drugs and hospital care came about because insurance companies and the government were willing to pay it. So prices kept soaring. Why do doctors need to charge $120 for a ten minute routine office visit? Why does a prescription for a popular antidepressant sold by the billions all over the country need to cost $150 per month? Why does a three hour visit to the ER with nothing but an EKG and blood work cost $1,900?
Prices aren't going to come down until what they're paying for starts being realistic again.
Probably that's too simple, right?
The Chumps haven't caught on to Trump's schizophrenic nature yet.

Trump has long called out for single payer healthcare. For many, many years. That's what he really wants, and that is what he is going to get.

Trump has led his Chumps to bleev some kind of miracle is going to happen where the GOP will write a bill they haven't managed to come up with in over seven years, and it will make health care better at "a tiny fraction of the cost."

At this late stage of the game, there is only one way where your doctor and insurance bills are going to be a tiny fraction of the cost they are now: Single payer.

We are never, ever going to arrive at the free market solution. Ever. Forget about it. Not going to happen.

You should be buying your health insurance the same way you buy your car insurance. But that just is never going to happen.

Because the GOP sold us all down the river to the Democrats and single payer decades ago.

All the clues are right there in front of your slack little faces. Time to open your eyes, Chumps.
I don't agree with you that we should be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our car insurance. Too many of us can't afford thousands and thousands of dollars a year to pay for medical insurance. It is far too unreasonably priced. The Democrats didn't cause that. I don't know who did, but it wasn't just one party that gave the healthcare industry its head and let it go absolutely wild. Yes, people will pay whatever in order to live. But that's only for people with the money.
I believe we all have the right to reasonable healthcare and it should be paid for from our paychecks via taxes. A lot of us don't have the money to buy it, G. It just isn't there for a lot of people. I'm not whining. It's true.
The reason health insurance is unreasonably priced is precisely because we are not buying it the same way we buy auto insurance!

Despite the cost of cars going up, the cost of auto insurance has been going down.

The reason health insurance keeps going up is because the government is the largest player in the health insurance market, and it gets to write the rules its competitors must follow!

How's that been working for you?

You are a hostage, thanks to the government. You have to take what your employer offers you, or nothing. You have ZERO leverage.

If you could call any insurance company in the country, you would have maximum leverage, just like you do with car insurance.

And YOU would be deciding what you need, not the government.

The government established little fiefdoms for insurance companies. The government provided a federal antitrust waiver so insurance companies could have monopolies in their controlled markets.

We need LESS government, not more.
And even with their little fiefdoms, the insurance companies are still losing billions and pulling out of states? Obamacare didn't work, but it seems to my simple mind that the soaring cost of doctors, drugs and hospital care came about because insurance companies and the government were willing to pay it. So prices kept soaring. Why do doctors need to charge $120 for a ten minute routine office visit? Why does a prescription for a popular antidepressant sold by the billions all over the country need to cost $150 per month? Why does a three hour visit to the ER with nothing but an EKG and blood work cost $1,900?
Prices aren't going to come down until what they're paying for starts being realistic again.
Probably that's too simple, right?
supply and demand. It is simple.
Why wouldnt costs go up when the govt forces every citizen to get it?
The Chumps haven't caught on to Trump's schizophrenic nature yet.

Trump has long called out for single payer healthcare. For many, many years. That's what he really wants, and that is what he is going to get.

Trump has led his Chumps to bleev some kind of miracle is going to happen where the GOP will write a bill they haven't managed to come up with in over seven years, and it will make health care better at "a tiny fraction of the cost."

At this late stage of the game, there is only one way where your doctor and insurance bills are going to be a tiny fraction of the cost they are now: Single payer.

We are never, ever going to arrive at the free market solution. Ever. Forget about it. Not going to happen.

You should be buying your health insurance the same way you buy your car insurance. But that just is never going to happen.

Because the GOP sold us all down the river to the Democrats and single payer decades ago.

All the clues are right there in front of your slack little faces. Time to open your eyes, Chumps.
I don't agree with you that we should be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our car insurance. Too many of us can't afford thousands and thousands of dollars a year to pay for medical insurance. It is far too unreasonably priced. The Democrats didn't cause that. I don't know who did, but it wasn't just one party that gave the healthcare industry its head and let it go absolutely wild. Yes, people will pay whatever in order to live. But that's only for people with the money.
I believe we all have the right to reasonable healthcare and it should be paid for from our paychecks via taxes. A lot of us don't have the money to buy it, G. It just isn't there for a lot of people. I'm not whining. It's true.
The reason health insurance is unreasonably priced is precisely because we are not buying it the same way we buy auto insurance!

Despite the cost of cars going up, the cost of auto insurance has been going down.

The reason health insurance keeps going up is because the government is the largest player in the health insurance market, and it gets to write the rules its competitors must follow!

How's that been working for you?

You are a hostage, thanks to the government. You have to take what your employer offers you, or nothing. You have ZERO leverage.

If you could call any insurance company in the country, you would have maximum leverage, just like you do with car insurance.

And YOU would be deciding what you need, not the government.

The government established little fiefdoms for insurance companies. The government provided a federal antitrust waiver so insurance companies could have monopolies in their controlled markets.

We need LESS government, not more.
And even with their little fiefdoms, the insurance companies are still losing billions and pulling out of states? Obamacare didn't work, but it seems to my simple mind that the soaring cost of doctors, drugs and hospital care came about because insurance companies and the government were willing to pay it. So prices kept soaring. Why do doctors need to charge $120 for a ten minute routine office visit? Why does a prescription for a popular antidepressant sold by the billions all over the country need to cost $150 per month? Why does a three hour visit to the ER with nothing but an EKG and blood work cost $1,900?
Prices aren't going to come down until what they're paying for starts being realistic again.
Probably that's too simple, right?
supply and demand. It is simple.
Why wouldnt costs go up when the govt forces every citizen to get it?
TN, the costs were going up astronomically BEFORE Obamacare. That's why so many people couldn't afford insurance or doctor's visits. Or medication. Obamacare didn't cause the problem. Maybe like G said, it has caused insurance rates to rocket, but it seems like if they weren't covering the moon, they wouldn't have to charge so much. I do understand that if each insurance company has a monopoly in a state, that's not helping.
The Chumps haven't caught on to Trump's schizophrenic nature yet.

Trump has long called out for single payer healthcare. For many, many years. That's what he really wants, and that is what he is going to get.

Trump has led his Chumps to bleev some kind of miracle is going to happen where the GOP will write a bill they haven't managed to come up with in over seven years, and it will make health care better at "a tiny fraction of the cost."

At this late stage of the game, there is only one way where your doctor and insurance bills are going to be a tiny fraction of the cost they are now: Single payer.

We are never, ever going to arrive at the free market solution. Ever. Forget about it. Not going to happen.

You should be buying your health insurance the same way you buy your car insurance. But that just is never going to happen.

Because the GOP sold us all down the river to the Democrats and single payer decades ago.

All the clues are right there in front of your slack little faces. Time to open your eyes, Chumps.
I don't agree with you that we should be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our car insurance. Too many of us can't afford thousands and thousands of dollars a year to pay for medical insurance. It is far too unreasonably priced. The Democrats didn't cause that. I don't know who did, but it wasn't just one party that gave the healthcare industry its head and let it go absolutely wild. Yes, people will pay whatever in order to live. But that's only for people with the money.
I believe we all have the right to reasonable healthcare and it should be paid for from our paychecks via taxes. A lot of us don't have the money to buy it, G. It just isn't there for a lot of people. I'm not whining. It's true.
The reason health insurance is unreasonably priced is precisely because we are not buying it the same way we buy auto insurance!

Despite the cost of cars going up, the cost of auto insurance has been going down.

The reason health insurance keeps going up is because the government is the largest player in the health insurance market, and it gets to write the rules its competitors must follow!

How's that been working for you?

You are a hostage, thanks to the government. You have to take what your employer offers you, or nothing. You have ZERO leverage.

If you could call any insurance company in the country, you would have maximum leverage, just like you do with car insurance.

And YOU would be deciding what you need, not the government.

The government established little fiefdoms for insurance companies. The government provided a federal antitrust waiver so insurance companies could have monopolies in their controlled markets.

We need LESS government, not more.
And even with their little fiefdoms, the insurance companies are still losing billions and pulling out of states? Obamacare didn't work, but it seems to my simple mind that the soaring cost of doctors, drugs and hospital care came about because insurance companies and the government were willing to pay it. So prices kept soaring. Why do doctors need to charge $120 for a ten minute routine office visit? Why does a prescription for a popular antidepressant sold by the billions all over the country need to cost $150 per month? Why does a three hour visit to the ER with nothing but an EKG and blood work cost $1,900?
Prices aren't going to come down until what they're paying for starts being realistic again.
Probably that's too simple, right?
supply and demand. It is simple.
Why wouldnt costs go up when the govt forces every citizen to get it?
TN, the costs were going up astronomically BEFORE Obamacare. That's why so many people couldn't afford insurance or doctor's visits. Or medication. Obamacare didn't cause the problem. Maybe like G said, it has caused insurance rates to rocket, but it seems like if they weren't covering the moon, they wouldn't have to charge so much. I do understand that if each insurance company has a monopoly in a state, that's not helping.
It was more of a steady uprising since the 80s :p
Are insurance rates not part of healthcare costs?
According to WIKI, that's 6% of hospital etc costs, what about the other 60-100% more our health costs are than anywhere else? Only ACA gives us a chance of bringing them down- certainly not the usual GOP giveaway to the richest...

You start by realizing that costs will naturally be higher in a Capitalist medical system than a Communist one.

We relax regulations forcing insurers to cover unnecessary procedures and products.

We open the insurance industry try up at a national level rather thsn a state level.

We stop trying to extend lives beyond their usefulness simply because we can.

We allow people to choose death as an option rather thsn forcing them to live.

We allow people to choose to pay for things other than their health care as priorities, with the knowledge that it meanz they many not receive care if they need it.

Again, the cost is totally immaterial when the entiure system itself is immoral and disgusting st the core.
According to WIKI, that's 6% of hospital etc costs, what about the other 60-100% more our health costs are than anywhere else? Only ACA gives us a chance of bringing them down- certainly not the usual GOP giveaway to the richest...

You start by realizing that costs will naturally be higher in a Capitalist medical system than a Communist one.

We relax regulations forcing insurers to cover unnecessary procedures and products.

We open the insurance industry try up at a national level rather thsn a state level.

We stop trying to extend lives beyond their usefulness simply because we can.

We allow people to choose death as an option rather thsn forcing them to live.

We allow people to choose to pay for things other than their health care as priorities, with the knowledge that it meanz they many not receive care if they need it.

Again, the cost is totally immaterial when the entiure system itself is immoral and disgusting st the core.
Some of that is nuts, but your good ideas should be added to ACA- that's what it's there for...OK, one thing, add it to a national exchange. Go after greed and waste, that's about 30% of of the few places it's true.
The Chumps haven't caught on to Trump's schizophrenic nature yet.

Trump has long called out for single payer healthcare. For many, many years. That's what he really wants, and that is what he is going to get.

Trump has led his Chumps to bleev some kind of miracle is going to happen where the GOP will write a bill they haven't managed to come up with in over seven years, and it will make health care better at "a tiny fraction of the cost."

At this late stage of the game, there is only one way where your doctor and insurance bills are going to be a tiny fraction of the cost they are now: Single payer.

We are never, ever going to arrive at the free market solution. Ever. Forget about it. Not going to happen.

You should be buying your health insurance the same way you buy your car insurance. But that just is never going to happen.

Because the GOP sold us all down the river to the Democrats and single payer decades ago.

All the clues are right there in front of your slack little faces. Time to open your eyes, Chumps.
I don't agree with you that we should be buying our health insurance the same way we buy our car insurance. Too many of us can't afford thousands and thousands of dollars a year to pay for medical insurance. It is far too unreasonably priced. The Democrats didn't cause that. I don't know who did, but it wasn't just one party that gave the healthcare industry its head and let it go absolutely wild. Yes, people will pay whatever in order to live. But that's only for people with the money.
I believe we all have the right to reasonable healthcare and it should be paid for from our paychecks via taxes. A lot of us don't have the money to buy it, G. It just isn't there for a lot of people. I'm not whining. It's true.
The reason health insurance is unreasonably priced is precisely because we are not buying it the same way we buy auto insurance!

Despite the cost of cars going up, the cost of auto insurance has been going down.

The reason health insurance keeps going up is because the government is the largest player in the health insurance market, and it gets to write the rules its competitors must follow!

How's that been working for you?

You are a hostage, thanks to the government. You have to take what your employer offers you, or nothing. You have ZERO leverage.

If you could call any insurance company in the country, you would have maximum leverage, just like you do with car insurance.

And YOU would be deciding what you need, not the government.

The government established little fiefdoms for insurance companies. The government provided a federal antitrust waiver so insurance companies could have monopolies in their controlled markets.

We need LESS government, not more.
And even with their little fiefdoms, the insurance companies are still losing billions and pulling out of states? Obamacare didn't work, but it seems to my simple mind that the soaring cost of doctors, drugs and hospital care came about because insurance companies and the government were willing to pay it. So prices kept soaring. Why do doctors need to charge $120 for a ten minute routine office visit? Why does a prescription for a popular antidepressant sold by the billions all over the country need to cost $150 per month? Why does a three hour visit to the ER with nothing but an EKG and blood work cost $1,900?
Prices aren't going to come down until what they're paying for starts being realistic again.
Probably that's too simple, right?
supply and demand. It is simple.
Why wouldnt costs go up when the govt forces every citizen to get it?
Costs went up because ACA makes us recognize the actual costs of the health care that 50 years of GOP/crony insurer Big health give us if you don't allow cut offs/crap coverage SCAMS like before ACA.

NOW we need to go after the outrageous costs, and perhaps raise subsidies while that's being done, and whatever other ideas there are out there. ACA was never advertised as a finished product and final solution, except on the GOP propaganda machine for the dupes....Repeal and going back to no solutions is DUMB- for GOP scumbags and the dupes ONLY.
Some of that is nuts, but your good ideas should be added to ACA- that's what it's there for...OK, one thing, add it to a national exchange. Go after greed and waste, that's about 30% of of the few places it's true.

It's only nuts if you somehow think the Government, or you, are a better decision maker for MY health needs than I am.

Greed and waste are unfortunate but realistic parts of a Capitalist system. They're far better thsn the alternatives in a Socialist system.
According to WIKI, that's 6% of hospital etc costs, what about the other 60-100% more our health costs are than anywhere else? Only ACA gives us a chance of bringing them down- certainly not the usual GOP giveaway to the richest...

You start by realizing that costs will naturally be higher in a Capitalist medical system than a Communist one.

We relax regulations forcing insurers to cover unnecessary procedures and products.

We open the insurance industry try up at a national level rather thsn a state level.

We stop trying to extend lives beyond their usefulness simply because we can.

We allow people to choose death as an option rather thsn forcing them to live.

We allow people to choose to pay for things other than their health care as priorities, with the knowledge that it meanz they many not receive care if they need it.

Again, the cost is totally immaterial when the entiure system itself is immoral and disgusting st the core.
It's also kind of an immoral and disgusting principle to let someone die at the door of the hospital because they don't have insurance. I don't know if doctors would do that. I mean, I guess they let the inventor of plasma die because he was black and the ambulance took him to a white hospital that refused to let him in, but these days? I don't know if hospital employees would have the stomach for it, or the first responders. You come across a car crash. People are broken and bleeding. Do you dig through their wallet for their insurance card? How exactly would it work, Anathema? I think it would be pretty disgusting to see, actually.
According to WIKI, that's 6% of hospital etc costs, what about the other 60-100% more our health costs are than anywhere else? Only ACA gives us a chance of bringing them down- certainly not the usual GOP giveaway to the richest...

You start by realizing that costs will naturally be higher in a Capitalist medical system than a Communist one.

We relax regulations forcing insurers to cover unnecessary procedures and products.

We open the insurance industry try up at a national level rather thsn a state level.

We stop trying to extend lives beyond their usefulness simply because we can.

We allow people to choose death as an option rather thsn forcing them to live.

We allow people to choose to pay for things other than their health care as priorities, with the knowledge that it meanz they many not receive care if they need it.

Again, the cost is totally immaterial when the entiure system itself is immoral and disgusting st the core.
The pure capitalist system had its chance and did what pure capitalism always does--it takes advantage and gets as rich as possible on the backs of the people. It needs restraints.
According to WIKI, that's 6% of hospital etc costs, what about the other 60-100% more our health costs are than anywhere else? Only ACA gives us a chance of bringing them down- certainly not the usual GOP giveaway to the richest...

You start by realizing that costs will naturally be higher in a Capitalist medical system than a Communist one.

We relax regulations forcing insurers to cover unnecessary procedures and products.

We open the insurance industry try up at a national level rather thsn a state level.

We stop trying to extend lives beyond their usefulness simply because we can.

We allow people to choose death as an option rather thsn forcing them to live.

We allow people to choose to pay for things other than their health care as priorities, with the knowledge that it meanz they many not receive care if they need it.

Again, the cost is totally immaterial when the entiure system itself is immoral and disgusting st the core.
It's also kind of an immoral and disgusting principle to let someone die at the door of the hospital because they don't have insurance. I don't know if doctors would do that. I mean, I guess they let the inventor of plasma die because he was black and the ambulance took him to a white hospital that refused to let him in, but these days? I don't know if hospital employees would have the stomach for it, or the first responders. You come across a car crash. People are broken and bleeding. Do you dig through their wallet for their insurance card? How exactly would it work, Anathema? I think it would be pretty disgusting to see, actually.
I agree with that entire post. But there is one problem. The govt forcing them to While forcing you and me To pay for it
It is unconstitutional and force is never the long term answer.
According to WIKI, that's 6% of hospital etc costs, what about the other 60-100% more our health costs are than anywhere else? Only ACA gives us a chance of bringing them down- certainly not the usual GOP giveaway to the richest...

You start by realizing that costs will naturally be higher in a Capitalist medical system than a Communist one.

We relax regulations forcing insurers to cover unnecessary procedures and products.

We open the insurance industry try up at a national level rather thsn a state level.

We stop trying to extend lives beyond their usefulness simply because we can.

We allow people to choose death as an option rather thsn forcing them to live.

We allow people to choose to pay for things other than their health care as priorities, with the knowledge that it meanz they many not receive care if they need it.

Again, the cost is totally immaterial when the entiure system itself is immoral and disgusting st the core.
It's also kind of an immoral and disgusting principle to let someone die at the door of the hospital because they don't have insurance. I don't know if doctors would do that. I mean, I guess they let the inventor of plasma die because he was black and the ambulance took him to a white hospital that refused to let him in, but these days? I don't know if hospital employees would have the stomach for it, or the first responders. You come across a car crash. People are broken and bleeding. Do you dig through their wallet for their insurance card? How exactly would it work, Anathema? I think it would be pretty disgusting to see, actually.
I agree with that entire post. But there is one problem. The govt forcing them to While forcing you and me To pay for it
It is unconstitutional and force is never the long term answer.
You're dallying with anarchism, TN. I never liked Obamacare, if that's what you're bitching about, but I think what you're basically going to have as a result is exactly what Anathema is proposing. If we ALL don't chip in, as we're fairly able, to fund basic healthcare services for everyone, there won't be enough money or there will be people who can't afford it. Reality.
How sad that Americans(and Europeans) think that insurance is CARE. Waiting two weeks for an appointment, or two years for joint replacement surgery, is not CARE, where I live!
Can you imagine that I can walk into a top rated hospital, without an appointment, see a Doctor within 30 minutes, get the Medications I need, and pay cash! If I want a specific Doc. I make an appointment .
Medical care in USA is deplorable for a rich country, and it is because of GOVERNMENT regulations and control. If Obama care collapses, and a Republican replacement fails to be instituted, that will be the best thing that ever happened to USA Health Care.

P.S. I was talking to a young guy from London, who came here for Knee replacement surgery, because he was on a waiting list and couldn't stand the pain any longer. The procedure here cost $1,100 USD plus $800 RT airfare.
How sad that Americans(and Europeans) think that insurance is CARE. Waiting two weeks for an appointment, or two years for joint replacement surgery, is not CARE, where I live!
Can you imagine that I can walk into a top rated hospital, without an appointment, see a Doctor within 30 minutes, get the Medications I need, and pay cash! If I want a specific Doc. I make an appointment .
Medical care in USA is deplorable for a rich country, and it is because of GOVERNMENT regulations and control. If Obama care collapses, and a Republican replacement fails to be instituted, that will be the best thing that ever happened to USA Health Care.

P.S. I was talking to a young guy from London, who came here for Knee replacement surgery, because he was on a waiting list and couldn't stand the pain any longer. The procedure here cost $1,100 USD plus $800 RT airfare.
It helps when most Thais can't afford care...
If we ALL don't chip in, as we're fairly able, to fund basic healthcare services for everyone, there won't be enough money or there will be people who can't afford it. Reality.

Exactly as it should be.
It's also kind of an immoral and disgusting principle to let someone die at the door of the hospital because they don't have insurance. I don't know if doctors would do that. I mean, I guess they let the inventor of plasma die because he was black and the ambulance took him to a white hospital that refused to let him in, but these days? I don't know if hospital employees would have the stomach for it, or the first responders. You come across a car crash. People are broken and bleeding. Do you dig through their wallet for their insurance card? How exactly would it work, Anathema? I think it would be pretty disgusting to see, actually.

There's a very simple concept here... If you can't pay for a service, don't expect to receive the service.

Since I'm not an EMT or a firefighter, I stand aside and do nothing. The emergency services personnel would provide minimal services and transport to medical facilities. Until the status of the patient's ability to pay can be determined, only basic services would be offered.
At the very least we need to end all taxpayer-funded health care for illegals. Also mental health treatment should not be offered under any plan.
That's the new dem talking point and it's BS . Obamacare is WELFARE and we all agree the welfare rolls need to be reduced. The 22 million who will lose their huge subsidies are free to go out and buy health insurance with THEIR money.
When someone 60 years old who is paying 6 grand suddenly finds out they need to pay 20 grand they are effectively being denied healthcare.

So the number will be much higher than 22 million. 22 million is the baseline where they are starting from.

Besides, how would Republicans expect to continue to win if they let so many in their base die?
That's the new dem talking point and it's BS . Obamacare is WELFARE and we all agree the welfare rolls need to be reduced. The 22 million who will lose their huge subsidies are free to go out and buy health insurance with THEIR money.

I say the number should be much higher. Nobody should be forced to stay in commiecare.

All young single childless people should drop from it and get catastrophic insurance and put rest of the money in HSAs.
Did you know universal healthcare is actually cheaper? Once you remove predatory insurance companies from the picture and people aren't scared of going to the doctor because of cost, the effect of preventative care really shines. People start going to the doctor and getting fixed when they notice a problem instead of waiting until it's a catastrophe and 500 times more expensive to fix. I saw the taxes of a friend from England once. He showed me where they deduct for his healthcare. The amount he paid was a small fraction of the cost of my health insurance.
Sure, everything run by the government is always cheaper.

What's stopping people to get preventative care now?

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