And what is wrong with 22 million americans losing health insurance under Trumpcare?

That's the new dem talking point and it's BS . Obamacare is WELFARE and we all agree the welfare rolls need to be reduced. The 22 million who will lose their huge subsidies are free to go out and buy health insurance with THEIR money.

I say the number should be much higher. Nobody should be forced to stay in commiecare.

All young single childless people should drop from it and get catastrophic insurance and put rest of the money in HSAs.
And why should they pay for car insurance or home owners insurance if they don't want to, right?
That's the new dem talking point and it's BS . Obamacare is WELFARE and we all agree the welfare rolls need to be reduced. The 22 million who will lose their huge subsidies are free to go out and buy health insurance with THEIR money.

I say the number should be much higher. Nobody should be forced to stay in commiecare.

All young single childless people should drop from it and get catastrophic insurance and put rest of the money in HSAs.
And why should they pay for car insurance or home owners insurance if they don't want to, right?

I agree, no boat owner should pay for car insurance.
And what is wrong with 22 million americans losing health insurance under Trumpcare?


I've seen it all.
That's the new dem talking point and it's BS . Obamacare is WELFARE and we all agree the welfare rolls need to be reduced. The 22 million who will lose their huge subsidies are free to go out and buy health insurance with THEIR money.

I say the number should be much higher. Nobody should be forced to stay in commiecare.

All young single childless people should drop from it and get catastrophic insurance and put rest of the money in HSAs.
And why should they pay for car insurance or home owners insurance if they don't want to, right?

Hey, no one requires that you buy home owners insurance for a home you own.
That's the new dem talking point and it's BS . Obamacare is WELFARE and we all agree the welfare rolls need to be reduced. The 22 million who will lose their huge subsidies are free to go out and buy health insurance with THEIR money.

So dumb!

SMH., it is not doing fine in blue states. I'm in Oregon.

The press has stopped reporting on the failures of obamacare in Oregon.

For example, the fact that OHP tosses applications that are more than a year old, without processing them. And there are a LOT of them.

That sounds like more of a failure of leadership in Oregon than a good representation of the failure of Obamacare.

I thought you people believed in choice and the right for all of us to make our own decisions regarding our bodies.

You don't have a right to be uninsured and live off of the rest of us. If you have means and choose to be uninsured and then go to the hospital, then you should be on the hook for your lack of responsibility., it is not doing fine in blue states. I'm in Oregon.

The press has stopped reporting on the failures of obamacare in Oregon.

For example, the fact that OHP tosses applications that are more than a year old, without processing them. And there are a LOT of them.

That sounds like more of a failure of leadership in Oregon than a good representation of the failure of Obamacare.

I thought you people believed in choice and the right for all of us to make our own decisions regarding our bodies.

You don't have a right to be uninsured and live off of the rest of us. If you have means and choose to be uninsured and then go to the hospital, then you should be on the hook for your lack of responsibility.

What!!! How non-liberal.
Did you know universal healthcare is actually cheaper?

The cost is irrelevant. It's unconstitutional, immoral, and disgusting. There is no need or mandate for the Government to steal money from me to pay for anyone's health care; including mine. It is my responsibility to provide whatever health services my family and I want or need.

Whether you like it, understand it or not, any insurance industry is only profitable if the entire group of insured is successful. That means all stakeholders are inextricably linked.


Come up with a plan that's not insurance based if you want something better., it is not doing fine in blue states. I'm in Oregon.

The press has stopped reporting on the failures of obamacare in Oregon.

For example, the fact that OHP tosses applications that are more than a year old, without processing them. And there are a LOT of them.

That sounds like more of a failure of leadership in Oregon than a good representation of the failure of Obamacare.

I thought you people believed in choice and the right for all of us to make our own decisions regarding our bodies.

You don't have a right to be uninsured and live off of the rest of us. If you have means and choose to be uninsured and then go to the hospital, then you should be on the hook for your lack of responsibility.

What!!! How non-liberal.

Liberals run healthcare, moron.
If we didn't, you'd be still be using leeches.
Did you know universal healthcare is actually cheaper?

The cost is irrelevant. It's unconstitutional, immoral, and disgusting. There is no need or mandate for the Government to steal money from me to pay for anyone's health care; including mine. It is my responsibility to provide whatever health services my family and I want or need.

Whether you like it, understand it or not, any insurance industry is only profitable if the entire group of insured is successful. That means all stakeholders are inextricably linked.


Come up with a plan that's not insurance based if you want something better.

You omitted third factor... and if entire group is paying for it., it is not doing fine in blue states. I'm in Oregon.

The press has stopped reporting on the failures of obamacare in Oregon.

For example, the fact that OHP tosses applications that are more than a year old, without processing them. And there are a LOT of them.

That sounds like more of a failure of leadership in Oregon than a good representation of the failure of Obamacare.

I thought you people believed in choice and the right for all of us to make our own decisions regarding our bodies.

You don't have a right to be uninsured and live off of the rest of us. If you have means and choose to be uninsured and then go to the hospital, then you should be on the hook for your lack of responsibility.

What!!! How non-liberal.

Liberals run healthcare, moron.
If we didn't, you'd be still be using leeches.

No we wouldn't, since you leftists are the leeches.
That's the new dem talking point and it's BS . Obamacare is WELFARE and we all agree the welfare rolls need to be reduced. The 22 million who will lose their huge subsidies are free to go out and buy health insurance with THEIR money.

I agree. They need to get a job and pay for their own HC.

I'm not interested in paying for anything for anyone else.

You can't cure freeloading.
That's the new dem talking point and it's BS . Obamacare is WELFARE and we all agree the welfare rolls need to be reduced. The 22 million who will lose their huge subsidies are free to go out and buy health insurance with THEIR money.

It's always fun to hear from the medieval wing of the Republican Party.
That's the new dem talking point and it's BS . Obamacare is WELFARE and we all agree the welfare rolls need to be reduced. The 22 million who will lose their huge subsidies are free to go out and buy health insurance with THEIR money.

The OP and those agreeing with him are, seriously, the kind of people who want America to look like this:

The new Republican Party: "Proudly transforming Bedford Falls into Pottersville, one impoverished, politically powerless child at a time."
The GOP will find out what's wrong with it they do it,

in the 2018 and 2020 elections.
You have a sick notion of what is immoral, disgusting and unconstitutional. Seems that your idea is that anything that doesn't benefit you personally is "immoral, disgusting and unconstitutional". Which means that only you are immoral and disgusting.

The general welfare of the NATION, no t individual citizens. If an action requires harming one group of citizens to benefit another, it does not meet the ideal of "general welfare." As, Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA AND The AHCA ALL harm some to herlp others. Thzt makes them ALL unconstitutional.

It is grossly immoral to help those who will noit help themselves, especially when it requires using the Government to steal from those who can and do help themselves to do it.

We are a nation of citizens, so the general welfare of the nation means the general welfare of it's citizens. The government exists to serve the people, not the people existing to serve the government or the nation, nor does the government exist to serve itself. National Healthcare programs are in the interest of the 'General Welfare' and are not only Constitutional, but mandated by the Constitution.

Taxation is not 'stealing'. If you do not like paying taxes, then do not accept U.S. federal dollars.
You have a sick notion of what is immoral, disgusting and unconstitutional. Seems that your idea is that anything that doesn't benefit you personally is "immoral, disgusting and unconstitutional". Which means that only you are immoral and disgusting.

The general welfare of the NATION, no t individual citizens. If an action requires harming one group of citizens to benefit another, it does not meet the ideal of "general welfare." As, Medicare, Medicaid, the ACA AND The AHCA ALL harm some to herlp others. Thzt makes them ALL unconstitutional.

It is grossly immoral to help those who will noit help themselves, especially when it requires using the Government to steal from those who can and do help themselves to do it.
Yep, it seems some individuals cannot distinguish between GENERAL and SPECIFIC when the term "welfare" gets thrown in, oddly enough those same people never seem to give a flying fuck about the people that get screwed over (aka a degradation of the victims welfare) while all this "promoting of the general welfare" is going on. :rolleyes:

The welfare of of more than 23 million Americans is far from 'specific'.

And no, we don't give a flying fuck about the super wealthy who have benefited so well under our system of economics that has been created by the government, and built by American workers.
Did you know universal healthcare is actually cheaper? Once you remove predatory insurance companies from the picture and people aren't scared of going to the doctor because of cost, the effect of preventative care really shines. People start going to the doctor and getting fixed when they notice a problem instead of waiting until it's a catastrophe and 500 times more expensive to fix.

That's BS. The idea that you have to run to a doctor for every little thing. Most problems clear up on their own and if not you can doctor yourself. Going to a doctor should be the last thing you do. You have been brainwashed.

Doctors are biggest bandits in the country.
We are a nation of citizens, so the general welfare of the nation means the general welfare of it's citizens. The government exists to serve the people, not the people existing to serve the government or the nation, nor does the government exist to serve itself. National Healthcare programs are in the interest of the 'General Welfare' and are not only Constitutional, but mandated by the Constitution.

Taxation is not 'stealing'. If you do not like paying taxes, then do not accept U.S. federal dollars.

You're wrong. The Constitution is very clea r in its language. The authors went out of their way to use phrases like The People when talking about the Rights of the citizenry. Such language does not exist in Article I, Section 8. If it did, I would be entitled to a soldier to personally defend me on a daily basis.

Taxation is theft when the monies are used for illegal, immoral and unconstitutional expenditures.

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