And who says colleges aren't Liberal/progressive and anti conservative?

  • Liberal commencement speakers will outnumber conservatives by nearly four-to-one at 50 of the nation’s largest colleges this year.
Considering the GOP war on education is rumbling along at top speed, is anybody surprised by this?

That right there is a prime example of the pressing need for quality education. What ARE they teaching in schools these days? I mean, who in their right mind speaks seriously about a GOP war on education? It is to laugh, uproariously.
Yes all the ongoing GOP attempts to gut budgets, demonize teachers, and discourage higher education are just figments of the imagination. Ignore all the GOPers in this thread doing just that, they are your imagination.
Hey you are making the charges so you have to prove it! If they are not happening I can't prove something that's not occurring!
So you can make all your dumb ass charges but unless you provide LINKS, or substantiation for your wild ass claims all YOU ARE PROVING is the ineptness of your education and the people that taught you! Therefore proving the POINT!
Well educated people don't make generalized unsubstantiated statements as you did and by your actions you are PROVING you are an uneducated boob! Get some schooling and prove your statements!
  • Liberal commencement speakers will outnumber conservatives by nearly four-to-one at 50 of the nation’s largest colleges this year.
Considering the GOP war on education is rumbling along at top speed, is anybody surprised by this?

That right there is a prime example of the pressing need for quality education. What ARE they teaching in schools these days? I mean, who in their right mind speaks seriously about a GOP war on education? It is to laugh, uproariously.

You are so right! Talk about proof is in the pudding! What are they teaching these idiots? Make generalized unproven claims? That's what today's teachers are doing?
  • Liberal commencement speakers will outnumber conservatives by nearly four-to-one at 50 of the nation’s largest colleges this year.
Considering the GOP war on education is rumbling along at top speed, is anybody surprised by this?

What war on education exactly?

You mean shutting down class room time to go demonstrate against guns? That kind of war on education?
No. The one where you demonize teachers, demonize the teaching profession, demonize higher education, lust for cuts to teacher salaries and education budgets, etc., etc., etc.

Have you ever heard of the Physicians Labor Union? Or the Dentists Pulling for You Union? Or the Ministers On Strike Union?
I'm sure you haven't as the people with those occupations are called "professionals". Meaning they get paid not by the hour but by an agreement.
Now the problem with your statement is "teaching profession".
Teachers are NOT paid for the hours they work i.e. like doctors, etc.
So why is there a teachers union? Why do teachers go on strike?
Teachers are by the very FACT they can't distinguish between being a profession which is what my generation of teachers considered themselves and today's teachers
that consider themselves as hourly workers who aren't getting paid for the hours they worked.

And so that is one of the reasons even though my family had teachers, my respect is diminished for the teaching occupation...i.e. it is no longer a profession!
No doctor/minister/dentist/etc. consider themselves hourly wage earners hence they work until the job is done. They have to!
I mean seriously you go to a dentist who starts a job on you at 3:00 and at 4:30 the dentist says he has to go as his off hours...leaving you with your mouth full of metal!
Is that professional? But how many teachers have NO problem walking out of the school at 5:00 on the dot. Regardless if there are students wanting to learn more.
Yea that's the teacher occupation today. ONLY thinking of themselves and not like when I had professional teachers in my grade school that waited till the parents showed up.
Or took homework home to work on that the teacher didn't get done at school. Yea... that was then. This is now and the teachers' occupation is an hourly, us against management
mentality and striking is a way of life now.

SO please don't tarnish the memories of "professional" teachers I had by using the term "teaching profession"! Teachers are no longer professionals... labor union members for sure!
View attachment 194700

Funny thing I always thought you had to EARN respect!
^ great example of the war on teachers and their profession right there.

Are you saying that MY correcting the assumption that "teaching is a profession" is tantamount to a "WAR on teachers?
My goodness again. You are proving that these "teachers" are failing to teach you correctly. You don't go around making assumptions about a "war" without proof!
I've given proof that professionals don't work by the hour. Your dentist is proof of that! Think he'd walk away if there was a problem that took longer than 8 hours to fix?
Of course not yet we have teachers declaring themselves "professionals" bitching and moaning about the HOURS they spend away from the school. Sorry I have NO sympathy
for people that work 10 months out of the year. Have 2 weeks off at Christmas/New Years. Week off for other holidays. AND have in most schools SPRING BREAKS!
And these same whiny people complain about working at home? There hours are truly short compared to the average professional i.e. dentist, doctor,etc.!

While state requirements vary on the number of instructional days and/or hours in the school year, the majority of states require 180 days of student instruction.

think of it! with 5 days per week, these teachers must be at school 36 weeks!
The average person works 50 weeks with a two week vacation.

And these teachers bitch and moan about working 36 weeks?????
So next time you hear a bitching and moaning teacher complain about their salary... Remember this:
Most states require 180 days or 36 weeks.

The NCES said that in 2016-17, the estimated average salary for K-12 teachers was $58,064; the National Education Association's chart shows the average K-12 teacher earning was $58,353 in 2016-17.Mar 5, 2018

Working 36 weeks this comes out to nearly $7,000 a month.

Not a bad deal. Work 36 weeks get 14 weeks vacation! NOT BAD!
Now it gets even worse!
How much time do teachers spend teaching?
Public-school teachers teach an average of 1 001 hours per year at the pre-primary level, 782 hours at the primary level, 694 hours at the lower secondary level and 655 hours at the upper secondary level of education.OECD iLibrary | How much time do teachers spend teaching?

At the secondary level 655 hours. Divided by 180 days per year equals less then 4 hours a day in front of students! Teaching! Really?

Oh right preparation time!

OK... Planning and Preparation Time Texas that backward cowboy state:

The law entitles every teacher to planning and preparation time, during which the
district cannot require the teacher to engage in any activity other than parent-teacher conferences, evaluating student work and planning.

Teachers must have at least 450 minutes of planning time every two weeks in increments of not less than 45 minutes within the instructional day.


  • A teacher could have five 90-minute conference periods within a two-week period, rather than a 45-minute conference period each day. A district can provide 50-minute blocks of planning time daily, exceeding the minimum requirement, but it could not provide 50 minutes one day and 40 minutes the next.
  • A district cannot schedule a 7:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. instructional day, and then give teachers 3:15 to 4 p.m. to plan after the students leave.
  • Examples:
    • A teacher could have five 90-minute conference periods within a two-week period, rather than a 45-minute conference period each day. A district can provide 50-minute blocks of planning time daily, exceeding the minimum requirement, but it could not provide 50 minutes one day and 40 minutes the next.
    • A district cannot schedule a 7:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. instructional day, and then give teachers 3:15 to 4 p.m. to plan after the students leave.

    Wow what a WAR on Teachers!!!
Liberal speakers are chosen to speak at functions because they're not blithering idiots.

Au contraire, in most cases it is precisely because they are blithering idiots who match the skewed mental processes of the professors and students..
Conservative propaganda, usually malevolent BS gossip and misinformation, means their speakers are either scumbags or dupes. Their greatest enemies are truth and education. The new BS GOP is a disgrace.
Liberal speakers are chosen to speak at functions because they're not blithering idiots.

Au contraire, in most cases it is precisely because they are blithering idiots who match the skewed mental processes of the professors and students..
Conservative propaganda, usually malevolent BS gossip and misinformation, means their speakers are either scumbags or dupes. Their greatest enemies are truth and education. The new BS GOP is a disgrace.

Where in my above examples WAS THERE ANY MISINFORMATION?
Average salary in America of teacher $58,000
Work 180 days.
have 14 weeks of vacation.
Spend less than 4 hours a day with students.

Tell me... maybe here is where they spend their energy?
Considering the GOP war on education is rumbling along at top speed, is anybody surprised by this?

What war on education exactly?

You mean shutting down class room time to go demonstrate against guns? That kind of war on education?
No. The one where you demonize teachers, demonize the teaching profession, demonize higher education, lust for cuts to teacher salaries and education budgets, etc., etc., etc.

Have you ever heard of the Physicians Labor Union? Or the Dentists Pulling for You Union? Or the Ministers On Strike Union?
I'm sure you haven't as the people with those occupations are called "professionals". Meaning they get paid not by the hour but by an agreement.
Now the problem with your statement is "teaching profession".
Teachers are NOT paid for the hours they work i.e. like doctors, etc.
So why is there a teachers union? Why do teachers go on strike?
Teachers are by the very FACT they can't distinguish between being a profession which is what my generation of teachers considered themselves and today's teachers
that consider themselves as hourly workers who aren't getting paid for the hours they worked.

And so that is one of the reasons even though my family had teachers, my respect is diminished for the teaching occupation...i.e. it is no longer a profession!
No doctor/minister/dentist/etc. consider themselves hourly wage earners hence they work until the job is done. They have to!
I mean seriously you go to a dentist who starts a job on you at 3:00 and at 4:30 the dentist says he has to go as his off hours...leaving you with your mouth full of metal!
Is that professional? But how many teachers have NO problem walking out of the school at 5:00 on the dot. Regardless if there are students wanting to learn more.
Yea that's the teacher occupation today. ONLY thinking of themselves and not like when I had professional teachers in my grade school that waited till the parents showed up.
Or took homework home to work on that the teacher didn't get done at school. Yea... that was then. This is now and the teachers' occupation is an hourly, us against management
mentality and striking is a way of life now.

SO please don't tarnish the memories of "professional" teachers I had by using the term "teaching profession"! Teachers are no longer professionals... labor union members for sure!
View attachment 194700

Funny thing I always thought you had to EARN respect!
^ great example of the war on teachers and their profession right there.

Are you saying that MY correcting the assumption that "teaching is a profession" is tantamount to a "WAR on teachers?
My goodness again. You are proving that these "teachers" are failing to teach you correctly. You don't go around making assumptions about a "war" without proof!
I've given proof that professionals don't work by the hour. Your dentist is proof of that! Think he'd walk away if there was a problem that took longer than 8 hours to fix?
Of course not yet we have teachers declaring themselves "professionals" bitching and moaning about the HOURS they spend away from the school. Sorry I have NO sympathy
for people that work 10 months out of the year. Have 2 weeks off at Christmas/New Years. Week off for other holidays. AND have in most schools SPRING BREAKS!
And these same whiny people complain about working at home? There hours are truly short compared to the average professional i.e. dentist, doctor,etc.!

While state requirements vary on the number of instructional days and/or hours in the school year, the majority of states require 180 days of student instruction.

think of it! with 5 days per week, these teachers must be at school 36 weeks!
The average person works 50 weeks with a two week vacation.

And these teachers bitch and moan about working 36 weeks?????
Many of their days off are for conferences, seminars, and continuing education in public schools. Try it sometime, they need the time off and so do the students LOL.
What war on education exactly?

You mean shutting down class room time to go demonstrate against guns? That kind of war on education?
No. The one where you demonize teachers, demonize the teaching profession, demonize higher education, lust for cuts to teacher salaries and education budgets, etc., etc., etc.

Have you ever heard of the Physicians Labor Union? Or the Dentists Pulling for You Union? Or the Ministers On Strike Union?
I'm sure you haven't as the people with those occupations are called "professionals". Meaning they get paid not by the hour but by an agreement.
Now the problem with your statement is "teaching profession".
Teachers are NOT paid for the hours they work i.e. like doctors, etc.
So why is there a teachers union? Why do teachers go on strike?
Teachers are by the very FACT they can't distinguish between being a profession which is what my generation of teachers considered themselves and today's teachers
that consider themselves as hourly workers who aren't getting paid for the hours they worked.

And so that is one of the reasons even though my family had teachers, my respect is diminished for the teaching occupation...i.e. it is no longer a profession!
No doctor/minister/dentist/etc. consider themselves hourly wage earners hence they work until the job is done. They have to!
I mean seriously you go to a dentist who starts a job on you at 3:00 and at 4:30 the dentist says he has to go as his off hours...leaving you with your mouth full of metal!
Is that professional? But how many teachers have NO problem walking out of the school at 5:00 on the dot. Regardless if there are students wanting to learn more.
Yea that's the teacher occupation today. ONLY thinking of themselves and not like when I had professional teachers in my grade school that waited till the parents showed up.
Or took homework home to work on that the teacher didn't get done at school. Yea... that was then. This is now and the teachers' occupation is an hourly, us against management
mentality and striking is a way of life now.

SO please don't tarnish the memories of "professional" teachers I had by using the term "teaching profession"! Teachers are no longer professionals... labor union members for sure!
View attachment 194700

Funny thing I always thought you had to EARN respect!
^ great example of the war on teachers and their profession right there.

Are you saying that MY correcting the assumption that "teaching is a profession" is tantamount to a "WAR on teachers?
My goodness again. You are proving that these "teachers" are failing to teach you correctly. You don't go around making assumptions about a "war" without proof!
I've given proof that professionals don't work by the hour. Your dentist is proof of that! Think he'd walk away if there was a problem that took longer than 8 hours to fix?
Of course not yet we have teachers declaring themselves "professionals" bitching and moaning about the HOURS they spend away from the school. Sorry I have NO sympathy
for people that work 10 months out of the year. Have 2 weeks off at Christmas/New Years. Week off for other holidays. AND have in most schools SPRING BREAKS!
And these same whiny people complain about working at home? There hours are truly short compared to the average professional i.e. dentist, doctor,etc.!

While state requirements vary on the number of instructional days and/or hours in the school year, the majority of states require 180 days of student instruction.

think of it! with 5 days per week, these teachers must be at school 36 weeks!
The average person works 50 weeks with a two week vacation.

And these teachers bitch and moan about working 36 weeks?????
Many of their days off are for conferences, seminars, and continuing education in public schools. Try it sometime, they need the time off and so do the students LOL.

How many days????

“Most teachers do need the extra money and they do work in the summer,” says Richard Ingersoll, a professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s graduate education school whose research focuses on the teaching force; he cites data suggesting the majority of them even get actual summer jobs. According to Ingersoll, the average teacher’s earnings (including any money earned through summer work) are still lower than that of other professionals even when accounting for time off. And several studies have shown that low salaries are a top reason teachers leave the profession.
How Do Teachers Really Spend Their Summers?

So they are getting $58,000 a year and have summer jobs to boot!
Great gig! War on teachers???

Again that BACKWARD cowboy state of Texas!

8. How many staff development days are required for teachers in Texas? Are there any rules regarding scheduling staff development days? Are there any rules regarding planned activities during this preparation time?
Under Section 21.401 of the Texas Education Code, teacher contracts must be for a minimum of 187 days of service. Under Section 25.081, a school district must provide 180 days of instruction for students. How many of the remaining seven days are used for staff development is determined locally. There are not any state laws or rules regarding the days on which staff development is scheduled. The schedule is determined locally. There are certain requirements and guidelines for the content and delivery of staff development in TEC Section 21.451.
General Inquiry Teacher FAQ
Colleges are pro-fact and evidence based. Conservatism for the most part is anti those things.

You want to go against all of science and believe you know more without evidence? Well, colleges are going to laugh at you and not take you seriously.
Liberal speakers are chosen to speak at functions because they're not blithering idiots.

Au contraire, in most cases it is precisely because they are blithering idiots who match the skewed mental processes of the professors and students..
Conservative propaganda, usually malevolent BS gossip and misinformation, means their speakers are either scumbags or dupes. Their greatest enemies are truth and education. The new BS GOP is a disgrace.

I see you were schooled by blithering idiots.
Colleges are pro-fact and evidence based. Conservatism for the most part is anti those things.

You want to go against all of science and believe you know more without evidence? Well, colleges are going to laugh at you and not take you seriously.

Science? Well, it's not the conservatives who postulate that a man can become a woman via drugs and surgery.
Liberal speakers are chosen to speak at functions because they're not blithering idiots.

Au contraire, in most cases it is precisely because they are blithering idiots who match the skewed mental processes of the professors and students..
Conservative propaganda, usually malevolent BS gossip and misinformation, means their speakers are either scumbags or dupes. Their greatest enemies are truth and education. The new BS GOP is a disgrace.

I see you were schooled by blithering idiots.
Funny how only the BS GOP propaganda machine has its own facts and nothing reaches the real world, isn't it, super duper? How are the Hillary Obama Holder etc etc etc etc etc prosecutions coming along, dingbat?
Liberal speakers are chosen to speak at functions because they're not blithering idiots.

Au contraire, in most cases it is precisely because they are blithering idiots who match the skewed mental processes of the professors and students..
Conservative propaganda, usually malevolent BS gossip and misinformation, means their speakers are either scumbags or dupes. Their greatest enemies are truth and education. The new BS GOP is a disgrace.

I see you were schooled by blithering idiots.
Funny how only the BS GOP propaganda machine has its own facts and nothing reaches the real world, isn't it, super duper? How are the Hillary Obama Holder etc etc etc etc etc prosecutions coming along, dingbat?

Patience. They are protected by certain leaders of those very same agencies that are even now being themselves investigated.

You may well see certain buried inquiries revisited.
  • Liberal commencement speakers will outnumber conservatives by nearly four-to-one at 50 of the nation’s largest colleges this year.
  • The list of liberals includes several major names, including Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, and Cory Booker. The conservative speakers, meanwhile, are mainly state-level elected officials.
Campus Reform catalogued the commencement speakers selected by 50 of the largest public and private four-year colleges in the nation, excluding community colleges and online institutions, and researched the political views of each speaker.

Including schools with multiple speakers, Campus Reform identified 37 speakers with demonstrably liberal leanings, compared to just 10 verified conservatives. Only four speakers could be classified as political moderates, two of whom—Charles Kelley and Dave Haywood of the country music group Lady Antebellum—were invited to speak at the same ceremony.
Liberals hold 4:1 edge among 2018 commencement speakers

Liberal professors outnumber conservatives nearly 12 to 1, study finds
Published in Econ Journal Watch last month, the study looks at faculty voter registration at 40 leading universities and finds that, out of 7,243 professors, Democrats outnumber Republicans 3,623 to 314, or by a ratio of 11 1/2 to 1.
Liberal professors outnumber conservatives 12 to 1: Study

So is it any wonder than that the parents of college age children are discouraging their children from going to these schools?

Universities and colleges struggle to stem big drops in enrollment
Universities and colleges struggle to stem big drops in enrollment - The Hechinger Report
So? Have considered thst academia as a profession tends to attract more liberals then conservatives. I am willing to bet business and the energy sector are heavily conservative. Is that a problem?

There is a VAST difference!
The term "educator" comes from the Latin word "Educare" meaning to lead.
Is it OK for a educator to tell your children that all the values, the efforts, and the sacrifices you made as an American parent were crap?
Because that's what these "educators" are doing. Telling children NOT to believe what their parents believe...that hard work, perseverance will provide a better life.
Instead these "educators" are telling your kids that socialism is the only way. That Lenin,Stalin,Mao,Castro are "for the people".
Yet between those four "for the people" they've murdered nearly 100 million people. Is that OK?
Colleges are pro-fact and evidence based. Conservatism for the most part is anti those things.

You want to go against all of science and believe you know more without evidence? Well, colleges are going to laugh at you and not take you seriously.

Well I am 100% confident with your statement YOU are providing the "evidence" that you then are not college educated and pro-fact because you have made a statement
without ANY validation! With NO evidence. As a consequence YOU are the "evidence" that subjective, emotional, illogical and totally gossip driven statements are your bailiwick.
Liberal speakers are chosen to speak at functions because they're not blithering idiots.

Au contraire, in most cases it is precisely because they are blithering idiots who match the skewed mental processes of the professors and students..
Conservative propaganda, usually malevolent BS gossip and misinformation, means their speakers are either scumbags or dupes. Their greatest enemies are truth and education. The new BS GOP is a disgrace.

I see you were schooled by blithering idiots.
Funny how only the BS GOP propaganda machine has its own facts and nothing reaches the real world, isn't it, super duper? How are the Hillary Obama Holder etc etc etc etc etc prosecutions coming along, dingbat?

Patience. They are protected by certain leaders of those very same agencies that are even now being themselves investigated.

You may well see certain buried inquiries revisited.
Hilarious. What do you think, it's it's a conspiracy of our whole us justice system? And our media for that matter?It's just brainwash.
Colleges are pro-fact and evidence based. Conservatism for the most part is anti those things.

You want to go against all of science and believe you know more without evidence? Well, colleges are going to laugh at you and not take you seriously.

Well I am 100% confident with your statement YOU are providing the "evidence" that you then are not college educated and pro-fact because you have made a statement
without ANY validation! With NO evidence. As a consequence YOU are the "evidence" that subjective, emotional, illogical and totally gossip driven statements are your bailiwick.
Doesn't change the fact that you're brainwashers are totally full of s***, super duper. The scumbag GOP and you silly dupes are a disgrace.
  • Liberal commencement speakers will outnumber conservatives by nearly four-to-one at 50 of the nation’s largest colleges this year.
  • The list of liberals includes several major names, including Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, Hillary Clinton, and Cory Booker. The conservative speakers, meanwhile, are mainly state-level elected officials.
Campus Reform catalogued the commencement speakers selected by 50 of the largest public and private four-year colleges in the nation, excluding community colleges and online institutions, and researched the political views of each speaker.

Including schools with multiple speakers, Campus Reform identified 37 speakers with demonstrably liberal leanings, compared to just 10 verified conservatives. Only four speakers could be classified as political moderates, two of whom—Charles Kelley and Dave Haywood of the country music group Lady Antebellum—were invited to speak at the same ceremony.
Liberals hold 4:1 edge among 2018 commencement speakers

Liberal professors outnumber conservatives nearly 12 to 1, study finds
Published in Econ Journal Watch last month, the study looks at faculty voter registration at 40 leading universities and finds that, out of 7,243 professors, Democrats outnumber Republicans 3,623 to 314, or by a ratio of 11 1/2 to 1.
Liberal professors outnumber conservatives 12 to 1: Study

So is it any wonder than that the parents of college age children are discouraging their children from going to these schools?

Universities and colleges struggle to stem big drops in enrollment
Universities and colleges struggle to stem big drops in enrollment - The Hechinger Report
So? Have considered thst academia as a profession tends to attract more liberals then conservatives. I am willing to bet business and the energy sector are heavily conservative. Is that a problem?

There is a VAST difference!
The term "educator" comes from the Latin word "Educare" meaning to lead.
Is it OK for a educator to tell your children that all the values, the efforts, and the sacrifices you made as an American parent were crap?
Because that's what these "educators" are doing. Telling children NOT to believe what their parents believe...that hard work, perseverance will provide a better life.
Instead these "educators" are telling your kids that socialism is the only way. That Lenin,Stalin,Mao,Castro are "for the people".
Yet between those four "for the people" they've murdered nearly 100 million people. Is that OK?
That is so stupid period in America you think another damn conspiracy for dupes only.
Colleges are pro-fact and evidence based. Conservatism for the most part is anti those things.

You want to go against all of science and believe you know more without evidence? Well, colleges are going to laugh at you and not take you seriously.

Well I am 100% confident with your statement YOU are providing the "evidence" that you then are not college educated and pro-fact because you have made a statement
without ANY validation! With NO evidence. As a consequence YOU are the "evidence" that subjective, emotional, illogical and totally gossip driven statements are your bailiwick.
Doesn't change the fact that you're brainwashers are totally full of s***, super duper. The scumbag GOP and you silly dupes are a disgrace.
Please continue with the ONLY response you have shown you are capable of doing as it simply reinforces the fact that people of your ilk can't retort with facts but name calling.
Keep it up because your comments are proving people like you are really shallow and irrational people.

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