And You Wonder Why People Question Elections In The US

Regardless of the outcome of an election the integrity of the system can only be insured when voter identification can be verified which requires a system validating ones legal right to vote. Until voter identification is adopted and voter rolls audited and accuracy assured the issue of fraud will persist. Simple solution yet it remains the elephant in the room.
U.S. Election Integrity Compares Poorly to Other Democracies

A 2019 report published by the Electoral Integrity Project, an independent project based out of Harvard University, found that U.S. elections from July 2012 through December 2018 rated "lower than any other long-established democracies and affluent societies." Each country in the index was given a score out of 100 based on assessments of the quality of each of its elections – including categories such as electoral laws, voter registration and voting process – one month after polls closed.
The U.S. score of 61 – the same score as Mexico and Panama – is the second-lowest among liberal democracies and much lower than other countries in the Americas region, including Costa Rica, Uruguay and Chile. Denmark, Finland and Norway are among the top-ranked countries in the index, all with scores in the 80s.

Wow, the US ranks right down there with Mexico and Panama, we should be soooo proud.

Your thoughts?

Between the electoral college, gerrymandering and voter suppression the Democratic process is seriously distorted. Things that as it happens is all supported by the GOP and I'm guessing you.

I invite you to read the actual study. And then explain to me how the findings are NOT an indictment about the Trump era?

It's either cynical or dumb to cite an article that not only doesn't support your own premise but actually directly contradicts what the GOP pursues as policy and you undoubtedly supports.

Here's what I actually support dumb ass.

1. Proof of citizenship to register to vote.
2. Photo ID for voting
3. Absentee voting should be rare and require a valid reason, with ID required.
4. Voter rolls should be verified every two years and names not verified should be removed.
5. Mass mail ballots should be outlawed, just like more than two dozen developed countries have done, because of the propensity for fraud.

Now tell the folks what you would object to and why.

Yes plus #6- Declare presidential elections as a national holiday so more workers can vote without losing pay.
U.S. Election Integrity Compares Poorly to Other Democracies

A 2019 report published by the Electoral Integrity Project, an independent project based out of Harvard University, found that U.S. elections from July 2012 through December 2018 rated "lower than any other long-established democracies and affluent societies." Each country in the index was given a score out of 100 based on assessments of the quality of each of its elections – including categories such as electoral laws, voter registration and voting process – one month after polls closed.
The U.S. score of 61 – the same score as Mexico and Panama – is the second-lowest among liberal democracies and much lower than other countries in the Americas region, including Costa Rica, Uruguay and Chile. Denmark, Finland and Norway are among the top-ranked countries in the index, all with scores in the 80s.

Wow, the US ranks right down there with Mexico and Panama, we should be soooo proud.

Your thoughts?

Between the electoral college, gerrymandering and voter suppression the Democratic process is seriously distorted. Things that as it happens is all supported by the GOP and I'm guessing you.

I invite you to read the actual study. And then explain to me how the findings are NOT an indictment about the Trump era?

It's either cynical or dumb to cite an article that not only doesn't support your own premise but actually directly contradicts what the GOP pursues as policy and you undoubtedly supports.

Here's what I actually support dumb ass.

1. Proof of citizenship to register to vote.
2. Photo ID for voting
3. Absentee voting should be rare and require a valid reason, with ID required.
4. Voter rolls should be verified every two years and names not verified should be removed.
5. Mass mail ballots should be outlawed, just like more than two dozen developed countries have done, because of the propensity for fraud.

Now tell the folks what you would object to and why.

Yes plus #6- Declare presidential elections as a national holiday so more workers can vote without losing pay.

I'd have no problem with that, if they eliminate one of the others.

U.S. Election Integrity Compares Poorly to Other Democracies

A 2019 report published by the Electoral Integrity Project, an independent project based out of Harvard University, found that U.S. elections from July 2012 through December 2018 rated "lower than any other long-established democracies and affluent societies." Each country in the index was given a score out of 100 based on assessments of the quality of each of its elections – including categories such as electoral laws, voter registration and voting process – one month after polls closed.
The U.S. score of 61 – the same score as Mexico and Panama – is the second-lowest among liberal democracies and much lower than other countries in the Americas region, including Costa Rica, Uruguay and Chile. Denmark, Finland and Norway are among the top-ranked countries in the index, all with scores in the 80s.

Wow, the US ranks right down there with Mexico and Panama, we should be soooo proud.

Your thoughts?


You didn't seem to worry too much about election integrity in 2016. Eh bub?

The patchwork silliness of our election apparatus needs to be addressed.

We need a federally mandated official in each state to purge voter rolls, re-registration every five years with photo ID, uniform laws allowing for vote by mail (if you request it at the time of registration), uniform one month of early voting across the nation, and so much more.

You're a liar. I've always supported election integrity efforts. Funny you didn't mention proof of citizenship to register. Also I think 2 weeks of early voting is adequate.

Joe Biden will be sworn in as our next president. However in a list of presidents in a far future history book there will be an asterisk by his name. More irrefutable evidence will emerge in the next few months that the 2020 Presidential election was rigged. There already is plenty of evidence but the liberal media is employing their monkey philosophy when it encounters Democrat malfeasance.

View attachment 435038
The rigged election started when the counting the vote stop, it happen at this precisely moment.

View attachment 441887
If you saw it on Facebook it must be true:cuckoo:.

Of all the conspiracy theories surrounding Trump and the election, my favorite is Spaceship Trump, last seen leaving Earth for the moon, has now reached distant galaxies.
You’re acting in bad faith, have you been watching the entire election? If so, did you see the numbers like me and when the stop counting the votes happen ? After it was puts all in place and the election magically to change for your side? Prove me wrong and then we can talk, okay.
Why are you saying the vote counting stopped? Vote counting stops only when all vote are counted or when there are delays such waiting to receive ballots from the polls or waiting for mail ballot verification. Mail vote verification slowed the process down in this election so it took days instead hours to complete the count.
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U.S. Election Integrity Compares Poorly to Other Democracies

A 2019 report published by the Electoral Integrity Project, an independent project based out of Harvard University, found that U.S. elections from July 2012 through December 2018 rated "lower than any other long-established democracies and affluent societies." Each country in the index was given a score out of 100 based on assessments of the quality of each of its elections – including categories such as electoral laws, voter registration and voting process – one month after polls closed.
The U.S. score of 61 – the same score as Mexico and Panama – is the second-lowest among liberal democracies and much lower than other countries in the Americas region, including Costa Rica, Uruguay and Chile. Denmark, Finland and Norway are among the top-ranked countries in the index, all with scores in the 80s.

Wow, the US ranks right down there with Mexico and Panama, we should be soooo proud.

Your thoughts?


You didn't seem to worry too much about election integrity in 2016. Eh bub?

The patchwork silliness of our election apparatus needs to be addressed.

We need a federally mandated official in each state to purge voter rolls, re-registration every five years with photo ID, uniform laws allowing for vote by mail (if you request it at the time of registration), uniform one month of early voting across the nation, and so much more.

You're a liar. I've always supported election integrity efforts. Funny you didn't mention proof of citizenship to register. Also I think 2 weeks of early voting is adequate.


If you take the time to read the report on the 2020 election, you'll find the black marks against our elections are not election fraud but rather our election laws, district boundaries, voter registration procedures, campaign finance and media coverage. In short, we do not do a good enough job of informing voters of the issues and facts and rely on the campaigns, social media, and news media who misinform voters. Both our laws and district boundaries are politically slanted and our registration and election procedure in many parts of the country discourage minority voting.
U.S. Election Integrity Compares Poorly to Other Democracies

A 2019 report published by the Electoral Integrity Project, an independent project based out of Harvard University, found that U.S. elections from July 2012 through December 2018 rated "lower than any other long-established democracies and affluent societies." Each country in the index was given a score out of 100 based on assessments of the quality of each of its elections – including categories such as electoral laws, voter registration and voting process – one month after polls closed.
The U.S. score of 61 – the same score as Mexico and Panama – is the second-lowest among liberal democracies and much lower than other countries in the Americas region, including Costa Rica, Uruguay and Chile. Denmark, Finland and Norway are among the top-ranked countries in the index, all with scores in the 80s.

Wow, the US ranks right down there with Mexico and Panama, we should be soooo proud.

Your thoughts?


You didn't seem to worry too much about election integrity in 2016. Eh bub?

The patchwork silliness of our election apparatus needs to be addressed.

We need a federally mandated official in each state to purge voter rolls, re-registration every five years with photo ID, uniform laws allowing for vote by mail (if you request it at the time of registration), uniform one month of early voting across the nation, and so much more.

You're a liar. I've always supported election integrity efforts. Funny you didn't mention proof of citizenship to register. Also I think 2 weeks of early voting is adequate.


If you take the time to read the report on the 2020 election, you'll find the black marks against our elections are not election fraud but rather our election laws, district boundaries, voter registration procedures, campaign finance and media coverage. In short, we do not do a good enough job of informing voters of the issues and facts and rely on the campaigns, social media, and news media who misinform voters. Both our laws and district boundaries are politically slanted and our registration and election procedure in many parts of the country discourage minority voting.

Bla Bla Bla .. That's been Bebunked. Everyone knows you cheated. Everyone!
U.S. Election Integrity Compares Poorly to Other Democracies

A 2019 report published by the Electoral Integrity Project, an independent project based out of Harvard University, found that U.S. elections from July 2012 through December 2018 rated "lower than any other long-established democracies and affluent societies." Each country in the index was given a score out of 100 based on assessments of the quality of each of its elections – including categories such as electoral laws, voter registration and voting process – one month after polls closed.
The U.S. score of 61 – the same score as Mexico and Panama – is the second-lowest among liberal democracies and much lower than other countries in the Americas region, including Costa Rica, Uruguay and Chile. Denmark, Finland and Norway are among the top-ranked countries in the index, all with scores in the 80s.

Wow, the US ranks right down there with Mexico and Panama, we should be soooo proud.

Your thoughts?


You didn't seem to worry too much about election integrity in 2016. Eh bub?

The patchwork silliness of our election apparatus needs to be addressed.

We need a federally mandated official in each state to purge voter rolls, re-registration every five years with photo ID, uniform laws allowing for vote by mail (if you request it at the time of registration), uniform one month of early voting across the nation, and so much more.

You're a liar. I've always supported election integrity efforts. Funny you didn't mention proof of citizenship to register. Also I think 2 weeks of early voting is adequate.


If you take the time to read the report on the 2020 election, you'll find the black marks against our elections are not election fraud but rather our election laws, district boundaries, voter registration procedures, campaign finance and media coverage. In short, we do not do a good enough job of informing voters of the issues and facts and rely on the campaigns, social media, and news media who misinform voters. Both our laws and district boundaries are politically slanted and our registration and election procedure in many parts of the country discourage minority voting.

Bla Bla Bla .. That's been Bebunked. Everyone knows you cheated. Everyone!

How about doing just a tiny bit of research before you embarrass yourself.
U.S. Election Integrity Compares Poorly to Other Democracies

A 2019 report published by the Electoral Integrity Project, an independent project based out of Harvard University, found that U.S. elections from July 2012 through December 2018 rated "lower than any other long-established democracies and affluent societies." Each country in the index was given a score out of 100 based on assessments of the quality of each of its elections – including categories such as electoral laws, voter registration and voting process – one month after polls closed.
The U.S. score of 61 – the same score as Mexico and Panama – is the second-lowest among liberal democracies and much lower than other countries in the Americas region, including Costa Rica, Uruguay and Chile. Denmark, Finland and Norway are among the top-ranked countries in the index, all with scores in the 80s.

Wow, the US ranks right down there with Mexico and Panama, we should be soooo proud.

Your thoughts?

US is not rated highly not because of election fraud but because of suppression of voter rights, gerrymandering, misinformation campaigns, lack of cybersecurity, and undermine confidence in the electoral process.

Confidence in the electoral process should be questioned. When you have the media that are suppose to be holding politicians accountable to the people, becoming advocates for one side and putting out not just misinformation but pure propaganda, there can be no fair elections. Also voter suppression is a freaking myth, record turnouts in all States proves that.


Why not just say the quiet part out loud?: Trump contested majority black districts only. Like him, you don't think those animals should be allowed to vote.
Today, election fraud in US elections is rare.
Do you believe there was no election malfeasance in the 2020 Presidential election?
I seriously doubt that there has every been a national election without irregularities. In the 2020 presidential election there were 155 million voters casting ballots in 21,000 polling places and hundreds of thousands of mailboxes, to be counted at over 3000 vote processing centers in 50 states with over 50,000 employees involved. However the risk reward ratio for electron fraud is incredibly high. There is little to be gained by stealing votes and a lot to lose.
U.S. Election Integrity Compares Poorly to Other Democracies

A 2019 report published by the Electoral Integrity Project, an independent project based out of Harvard University, found that U.S. elections from July 2012 through December 2018 rated "lower than any other long-established democracies and affluent societies." Each country in the index was given a score out of 100 based on assessments of the quality of each of its elections – including categories such as electoral laws, voter registration and voting process – one month after polls closed.
The U.S. score of 61 – the same score as Mexico and Panama – is the second-lowest among liberal democracies and much lower than other countries in the Americas region, including Costa Rica, Uruguay and Chile. Denmark, Finland and Norway are among the top-ranked countries in the index, all with scores in the 80s.

Wow, the US ranks right down there with Mexico and Panama, we should be soooo proud.

Your thoughts?

US is not rated highly not because of election fraud but because of suppression of voter rights, gerrymandering, misinformation campaigns, lack of cybersecurity, and undermine confidence in the electoral process.

Confidence in the electoral process should be questioned. When you have the media that are suppose to be holding politicians accountable to the people, becoming advocates for one side and putting out not just misinformation but pure propaganda, there can be no fair elections. Also voter suppression is a freaking myth, record turnouts in all States proves that.


Why not just say the quiet part out loud?: Trump contested majority black districts only. Like him, you don't think those animals should be allowed to vote.

Those were the areas you commies controlled dumbass, color had nothing to do with it. Your race card is rejected.

U.S. Election Integrity Compares Poorly to Other Democracies

A 2019 report published by the Electoral Integrity Project, an independent project based out of Harvard University, found that U.S. elections from July 2012 through December 2018 rated "lower than any other long-established democracies and affluent societies." Each country in the index was given a score out of 100 based on assessments of the quality of each of its elections – including categories such as electoral laws, voter registration and voting process – one month after polls closed.
The U.S. score of 61 – the same score as Mexico and Panama – is the second-lowest among liberal democracies and much lower than other countries in the Americas region, including Costa Rica, Uruguay and Chile. Denmark, Finland and Norway are among the top-ranked countries in the index, all with scores in the 80s.

Wow, the US ranks right down there with Mexico and Panama, we should be soooo proud.

Your thoughts?

US is not rated highly not because of election fraud but because of suppression of voter rights, gerrymandering, misinformation campaigns, lack of cybersecurity, and undermine confidence in the electoral process.

Confidence in the electoral process should be questioned. When you have the media that are suppose to be holding politicians accountable to the people, becoming advocates for one side and putting out not just misinformation but pure propaganda, there can be no fair elections. Also voter suppression is a freaking myth, record turnouts in all States proves that.


Why not just say the quiet part out loud?: Trump contested majority black districts only. Like him, you don't think those animals should be allowed to vote.

Those were the areas you commies controlled dumbass, color had nothing to do with it. Your race card is rejected.


If you haven't figured out by now that this was about not counting black votes, then I can't help ya - Dumbass
The RWNJs are the only people questioning the validity of the November Election.

You really mean the Right. Lots of Dems suspect it too but won't admit it. Everyone knows it, but the more fervent ones like Cruz are willing to come out to SAY IT. Put another way: AT LEAST HALF THE FUCKING COUNTRY, Moron. Don't try to make us out as if we were some screwball niche off in the corner.
U.S. Election Integrity Compares Poorly to Other Democracies

A 2019 report published by the Electoral Integrity Project, an independent project based out of Harvard University, found that U.S. elections from July 2012 through December 2018 rated "lower than any other long-established democracies and affluent societies." Each country in the index was given a score out of 100 based on assessments of the quality of each of its elections – including categories such as electoral laws, voter registration and voting process – one month after polls closed.
The U.S. score of 61 – the same score as Mexico and Panama – is the second-lowest among liberal democracies and much lower than other countries in the Americas region, including Costa Rica, Uruguay and Chile. Denmark, Finland and Norway are among the top-ranked countries in the index, all with scores in the 80s.

Wow, the US ranks right down there with Mexico and Panama, we should be soooo proud.

Your thoughts?

US is not rated highly not because of election fraud but because of suppression of voter rights, gerrymandering, misinformation campaigns, lack of cybersecurity, and undermine confidence in the electoral process.

Confidence in the electoral process should be questioned. When you have the media that are suppose to be holding politicians accountable to the people, becoming advocates for one side and putting out not just misinformation but pure propaganda, there can be no fair elections. Also voter suppression is a freaking myth, record turnouts in all States proves that.


Why not just say the quiet part out loud?: Trump contested majority black districts only. Like him, you don't think those animals should be allowed to vote.

Those were the areas you commies controlled dumbass, color had nothing to do with it. Your race card is rejected.


If you haven't figured out by now that this was about not counting black votes, then I can't help ya - Dumbass

Poor thing, it's about not counting votes cast contrary to law. Are you saying black folks are more inclined to violate the law?

U.S. Election Integrity Compares Poorly to Other Democracies

A 2019 report published by the Electoral Integrity Project, an independent project based out of Harvard University, found that U.S. elections from July 2012 through December 2018 rated "lower than any other long-established democracies and affluent societies." Each country in the index was given a score out of 100 based on assessments of the quality of each of its elections – including categories such as electoral laws, voter registration and voting process – one month after polls closed.
The U.S. score of 61 – the same score as Mexico and Panama – is the second-lowest among liberal democracies and much lower than other countries in the Americas region, including Costa Rica, Uruguay and Chile. Denmark, Finland and Norway are among the top-ranked countries in the index, all with scores in the 80s.

Wow, the US ranks right down there with Mexico and Panama, we should be soooo proud.

Your thoughts?

US is not rated highly not because of election fraud but because of suppression of voter rights, gerrymandering, misinformation campaigns, lack of cybersecurity, and undermine confidence in the electoral process.

Confidence in the electoral process should be questioned. When you have the media that are suppose to be holding politicians accountable to the people, becoming advocates for one side and putting out not just misinformation but pure propaganda, there can be no fair elections. Also voter suppression is a freaking myth, record turnouts in all States proves that.


Why not just say the quiet part out loud?: Trump contested majority black districts only. Like him, you don't think those animals should be allowed to vote.

Those were the areas you commies controlled dumbass, color had nothing to do with it. Your race card is rejected.


If you haven't figured out by now that this was about not counting black votes, then I can't help ya - Dumbass

Poor thing, it's about not counting votes cast contrary to law. Are you saying black folks are more inclined to violate the law?


There was no voter fraud asshole. Not a single state reported more than ten fraudulent votes. Repeating the lie isn't gonna help your Donnie. This was about black voter suppression. 80% of the vote in those districts was going to Biden.
U.S. Election Integrity Compares Poorly to Other Democracies

A 2019 report published by the Electoral Integrity Project, an independent project based out of Harvard University, found that U.S. elections from July 2012 through December 2018 rated "lower than any other long-established democracies and affluent societies." Each country in the index was given a score out of 100 based on assessments of the quality of each of its elections – including categories such as electoral laws, voter registration and voting process – one month after polls closed.
The U.S. score of 61 – the same score as Mexico and Panama – is the second-lowest among liberal democracies and much lower than other countries in the Americas region, including Costa Rica, Uruguay and Chile. Denmark, Finland and Norway are among the top-ranked countries in the index, all with scores in the 80s.

Wow, the US ranks right down there with Mexico and Panama, we should be soooo proud.

Your thoughts?

US is not rated highly not because of election fraud but because of suppression of voter rights, gerrymandering, misinformation campaigns, lack of cybersecurity, and undermine confidence in the electoral process.

Confidence in the electoral process should be questioned. When you have the media that are suppose to be holding politicians accountable to the people, becoming advocates for one side and putting out not just misinformation but pure propaganda, there can be no fair elections. Also voter suppression is a freaking myth, record turnouts in all States proves that.


Why not just say the quiet part out loud?: Trump contested majority black districts only. Like him, you don't think those animals should be allowed to vote.

Those were the areas you commies controlled dumbass, color had nothing to do with it. Your race card is rejected.


If you haven't figured out by now that this was about not counting black votes, then I can't help ya - Dumbass

Poor thing, it's about not counting votes cast contrary to law. Are you saying black folks are more inclined to violate the law?


There was no voter fraud asshole. Not a single state reported more than ten fraudulent votes. Repeating the lie isn't gonna help your Donnie. This was about black voter suppression. 80% of the vote in those districts was going to Biden.

You know your second sentence proved the first a lie, right? Get back to me when you're not spewing crap from both sides of your mouth. LMAO

U.S. Election Integrity Compares Poorly to Other Democracies

A 2019 report published by the Electoral Integrity Project, an independent project based out of Harvard University, found that U.S. elections from July 2012 through December 2018 rated "lower than any other long-established democracies and affluent societies." Each country in the index was given a score out of 100 based on assessments of the quality of each of its elections – including categories such as electoral laws, voter registration and voting process – one month after polls closed.
The U.S. score of 61 – the same score as Mexico and Panama – is the second-lowest among liberal democracies and much lower than other countries in the Americas region, including Costa Rica, Uruguay and Chile. Denmark, Finland and Norway are among the top-ranked countries in the index, all with scores in the 80s.

Wow, the US ranks right down there with Mexico and Panama, we should be soooo proud.

Your thoughts?

US is not rated highly not because of election fraud but because of suppression of voter rights, gerrymandering, misinformation campaigns, lack of cybersecurity, and undermine confidence in the electoral process.

Confidence in the electoral process should be questioned. When you have the media that are suppose to be holding politicians accountable to the people, becoming advocates for one side and putting out not just misinformation but pure propaganda, there can be no fair elections. Also voter suppression is a freaking myth, record turnouts in all States proves that.


Why not just say the quiet part out loud?: Trump contested majority black districts only. Like him, you don't think those animals should be allowed to vote.

Those were the areas you commies controlled dumbass, color had nothing to do with it. Your race card is rejected.


If you haven't figured out by now that this was about not counting black votes, then I can't help ya - Dumbass

Poor thing, it's about not counting votes cast contrary to law. Are you saying black folks are more inclined to violate the law?


There was no voter fraud asshole. Not a single state reported more than ten fraudulent votes. Repeating the lie isn't gonna help your Donnie. This was about black voter suppression. 80% of the vote in those districts was going to Biden.

You know your second sentence proved the first a lie, right? Get back to me when you're not spewing crap from both sides of your mouth. LMAO


Even if it was TEN votes per state (it wasn't) then you can't possibly claim "widespread voter fraud" that would have affected a single state. And keep in mind that the three fraud cases in PA were TRUMP votes. Has the Texas Lt Gov paid up on his offer yet, or will he continue to be a weasel?

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