Andrew Breitbart is Dead

Because Breitbart said nasty things about Kennedy, a public figure since his LONNNNNG time in the Senate, is that any reason to write that you would have killed Breitbart? Brietbart had an audience he wanted to continue following him. That was his job. I've heard worse from other entertainers.

you're not an "entertainer" when your job is to effect policy.

this is not an "entertainer" with an opinion...
Breitbart's job was to effect policy? How so?

what do you think his job was?

he wasn't a journalist.

he set up fake scenarios to entrap people he disagreed with. to put them out of business or get them out of office.
he wrote a barrage of rhetoric designed for a specific purpose.

what was his job?
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"Why do you grant a BULLY special status upon his death?"~ Breitbart, on Kennedy's death.
Because Breitbart said nasty things about Kennedy, a public figure since his LONNNNNG time in the Senate, is that any reason to write that you would have killed Breitbart? Brietbart had an audience he wanted to continue following him. That was his job. I've heard worse from other entertainers.
I didn't say that.
Sallow wrote it:

Brietbart was a sleaze and a propagandist.

I wish that it were legal to kill his type. Because I would of in a heartbeat.
you're not an "entertainer" when your job is to effect policy.

this is not an "entertainer" with an opinion...
Breitbart's job was to effect policy? How so?

what do you think his job was?

he wasn't a journalist.

he set up fake scenarios to entrap people he disagreed with. to put them out of business or get them out of office.
he wrote a barrage of rhetoric designed for a specific purpose.

what was his job?
As you wrote, what some consider trash, others consider entertainment, or even COMMENTARY.
Some are making a Kennedy comparison, which seems like a stretch. Kennedy was an old man, dying for years, had no small children he was leaving behind, and did some pretty awful things that he got away with (manslaughter) during his lifetime.

His last act was Obamacare.

That he wasn't mourned isn't surprising. He died an old man. It wasn't tragic.

Breitbart has four young children, and died young.

That is tragic.

I would like to see where any conservatives celebrated Tim Russert's death. I felt a loss with his passing.

But, this thread is enlightening.

I will never take anything Sallow or Synthaholic post seriously ever again.

They have proven that they are the stereotypical ugly partisan liberal.

That is all.
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He has looked pretty rough lately, Probably booze.

Yeah I would guess that or drugs for being so young.
He was a fucking lunatic.Maybe he offed himself ?
[ame=]Andrew Breitbart Loses It At Occupy Protesters - YouTube[/ame]

can we expect you to do that soon? sure Costa Ricans everywhere would be jumping for joy....

DEAR READER: In the first decade of the DRUDGEREPORT Andrew Breitbart was a constant source of energy, passion and commitment. We shared a love of headlines, a love of the news, an excitement about what's happening. I don't think there was a single day during that time when we did not flash each other or laugh with each other, or challenge each other. I still see him in my mind's eye in Venice Beach, the sunny day I met him. He was in his mid 20's. It was all there. He had a wonderful, loving family and we all feel great sadness for them today... MDRUDGE
Met at Venice Beach eh? :eusa_whistle:

What with gay inuendos? Not all people in Venice Beach are Gay, Just because that's where you hunt. I remeber BD's like you when I was in the Navy, First young female E-1 to show up, your types were on her like stink on shit. Do you still have your mullett and pick up truck?
you're not an "entertainer" when your job is to effect policy.

this is not an "entertainer" with an opinion...
Breitbart's job was to effect policy? How so?

what do you think his job was?

he wasn't a journalist.

he set up fake scenarios to entrap people he disagreed with. to put them out of business or get them out of office.
he wrote a barrage of rhetoric designed for a specific purpose.

what was his job?

do tell... who put him up to these activities, pray tell???
Let me beat all the "internet people" to the punch.

That Kenyan Muslim Socialist in the WH killed him! :cuckoo:
Really? You make up shit that you think he and others said and you call him crazy.


I heard it was heart trouble, but don't let that get in the way of your own special reality.

Awwww. You're sensitive. I'm sorry sweetheart, let me clarify: I didn't say the OP said that. I implied that there will be "internet people" who will say or imply that. Wanna bet as to whether I'm right?

Oh wait! I just looked on the first couple pages... LOL! Looks like I didn't beat them to the punch after all!

of course not. took 5 posts
what do you think his job was?

he wasn't a journalist.

he set up fake scenarios to entrap people he disagreed with. to put them out of business or get them out of office.
he wrote a barrage of rhetoric designed for a specific purpose.

what was his job?

Jesus you are a mindless one, even as partisan fucks go.

Breitbart is part of the emerging "Ninja press" that includes Jon Stewart, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, as well as Savage, Breitbart, etc.

Because you are a hack, you hold differing standards based on political party. Breitbart exposed leftist groups like Acorn, for this you hate him, beside, he's an infidel.

This goes beyond hypocrisy, of course you're a hypocrite, but this reaches further, into the radical left's demand that any opposition be silenced. Yes, before you react, I realize you didn't call for prohibiting Breitbart from speaking, instead you used the tactic of claiming he was "entrapping" and "putting out of business." Both claims are false, as you know, but the key here is to silence the opposition without directly calling for censorship of ideas which your party - thus you - oppose.

Brietbart was no different than Aryanna Huffington - just that he is on the other side.
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you're not an "entertainer" when your job is to effect policy.

this is not an "entertainer" with an opinion...
Breitbart's job was to effect policy? How so?

what do you think his job was?

he wasn't a journalist.

he set up fake scenarios to entrap people he disagreed with. to put them out of business or get them out of office.
he wrote a barrage of rhetoric designed for a specific purpose.

what was his job?

Isn't that what an investigative jornalist does??
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what do you think his job was?

he wasn't a journalist.

he set up fake scenarios to entrap people he disagreed with. to put them out of business or get them out of office.
he wrote a barrage of rhetoric designed for a specific purpose.

what was his job?

Jesus you are a mindless one, even as partisan fucks go.

Breitbart is part of the emerging "Ninja press" that includes Jon Stewart, Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow, as well as Savage, Breitbart, etc.

Because you are a hack, you hold differing standards based on political party. Breitbart exposed leftist groups like Acorn, for this you hate him, beside, he's an infidel.

This goes beyond hypocrisy, of course you're a hypocrite, but this reaches further, into the radical left's demand that any opposition silence. Yes, before you react, I realize you didn't call for prohibiting Breitbart from speaking, instead you used the tactic of claiming he was "entrapping" and "putting out of business." Both claims are false, as you know, but the key here is to silence the opposition without directly calling for censorship of ideas which your party - thus you - oppose.

Brietbart was no different than Aryanna Huffington - just that he is on the other side.

kettle logic meets fruit loops

DEAR READER: In the first decade of the DRUDGEREPORT Andrew Breitbart was a constant source of energy, passion and commitment. We shared a love of headlines, a love of the news, an excitement about what's happening. I don't think there was a single day during that time when we did not flash each other or laugh with each other, or challenge each other. I still see him in my mind's eye in Venice Beach, the sunny day I met him. He was in his mid 20's. It was all there. He had a wonderful, loving family and we all feel great sadness for them today... MDRUDGE
Met at Venice Beach eh? :eusa_whistle:

What with gay inuendos? Not all people in Venice Beach are Gay, Just because that's where you hunt. I remeber BD's like you when I was in the Navy, First young female E-1 to show up, your types were on her like stink on shit. Do you still have your mullett and pick up truck?
"What with gay inuendos? Not all people in Venice Beach are Gay, Just because that's where you hunt. I remeber BD's like you when I was in the Navy, First young female E-1 to show up, your types were on her like stink on shit. Do you still have your mullett and pick up truck?
THIS is what is wrong in America. Who ya gonna hate NEXT?
I bet Anthony Weiner is not crying about Briebarts death.

Anthony Weiner sexting scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On May 27, 2011, using his public Twitter account, Weiner sent a link to a photo on yfrog[9][16] of his erect penis concealed by boxer briefs to Gennette Cordova, a 21-year-old female college student from Seattle, Washington, who was "following" his posts on the social media website.[17] Though the link was quickly removed from Weiner's Twitter account, screen shots of Weiner’s original message and of the photo were captured by a user identified as "Dan Wolfe" on Twitter and subsequently sent to conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart who published them on his BigJournalism website the following day.[18]
Because Breitbart said nasty things about Kennedy, a public figure since his LONNNNNG time in the Senate, is that any reason to write that you would have killed Breitbart? Brietbart had an audience he wanted to continue following him. That was his job. I've heard worse from other entertainers.
I didn't say that.
Sallow wrote it:

Brietbart was a sleaze and a propagandist.

I wish that it were legal to kill his type. Because I would of in a heartbeat.
You are really quite ignorant, aren't you? Would you have also killed James Carville? How about Randi Rhodes? Nancy Pelosi, perhaps?
Brietbart was a sleaze and a propagandist.

I wish that it were legal to kill his type. Because I would of in a heartbeat.

Fuck Brietbart.

I'm his 'type'... do you wish you could kill me???

Swallow once posted his desire for a right winger to assassinate Obama, just so he could be right about his hatred of the right. Of course, the post was removed.... and he denies ever having said it. But it is what it is... and he said it.

Oh, he also once stated that I wanted to shoot him in the head... which says more about him than me... since that thought has never crossed my mind.... he tends to make a lot of shit up.

Hey you sanded vagina'ed nazi XXXXXX...I posted no such thing..and you and your friends couldn't find such a you guys had to drum up an "untruth" that I did..and erased it. :lol:

But fuck swallow. I don't go for girls who line up dockworkers and drunken sailors to swallow their jiz. Last in line? Screw that.

And yah..I think you and your ilk would love to cap some noggins'. But you are such a lying'd never fess up to it.

Nazi Bitch.
He wasn't MY enemy! He was Dubya's patsy.
Kennedy got no respect from the wingnuts on this site.

Bullshit. Liar.

Meister, just for one, posted nothing but respect about Kennedy. And, the reason I know that is because someone JUST quoted it.


Ahh, but Meister is not a wingnut! He's a level-headed conservative poster, like Harry Dresden and Toro.

See, I can also play your word-parsing games, si modo. And I'm better at it.

toro is level headed, but that's so they can both watch the hockey game...

ohhh... why couldn't it have been rachel maddow or odonald ??
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