Andrew Klavan....Trump was right about everything...

Something nobody said, but OK.
So what's your plan, commie? How many people should be tested?

However many health professionals say we should test. How many do you think should be tested?
Which health professionals? Different professionals say different things.

Start with Fauci. You know, the guys in the Executive branch charged with working on pandemics.

Jesus Christ, how do you function?
The guy appears to be a major leftwing hack.

Apparently he's the guy who said it was OK to allow people with Ebola to come to the United States.

Yeah, I sure trust his advice.

Doesn't look like he's playing politics at all. The American citizens we brought back to save their lives because they were fighting the ebola virus didn't spread it to anyone in the United States. It was absolutely the right call.
So what's your plan, commie? How many people should be tested?

However many health professionals say we should test. How many do you think should be tested?
Which health professionals? Different professionals say different things.

Start with Fauci. You know, the guys in the Executive branch charged with working on pandemics.

Jesus Christ, how do you function?
The guy appears to be a major leftwing hack.

Apparently he's the guy who said it was OK to allow people with Ebola to come to the United States.

Yeah, I sure trust his advice.

Doesn't look like he's playing politics at all. The American citizens we brought back to save their lives because they were fighting the ebola virus didn't spread it to anyone in the United States. It was absolutely the right call.
That was pure luck. Any doctor of immunology who thinks it's safe to introduce the Ebola virus into the United States has demonstrated his incompetence.
If testing doesn't help then why is Trump playing this desperate game of catch up? Has he been duped by the deep state boogeymen?
He's simply catering to dumbasses like you for political reasons.

Really? Prove that motive. I'll wait.

I'm sure you at least agree that those health professionals on the front line should have access to testing if they develop symptoms or find themselves potentially at risk, correct?
I don't have to prove jack shit. They already have access to testing, moron. The question here is how many millions of people do morons like you insist we have to test.

No, not everyone has had access to testing. Why the lies, dude?

Nurse with coronavirus symptoms hits out at 'ridiculous and uneducated' CDC for ‘refusing’ to test her
However many health professionals say we should test. How many do you think should be tested?
Which health professionals? Different professionals say different things.

Start with Fauci. You know, the guys in the Executive branch charged with working on pandemics.

Jesus Christ, how do you function?
The guy appears to be a major leftwing hack.

Apparently he's the guy who said it was OK to allow people with Ebola to come to the United States.

Yeah, I sure trust his advice.

Doesn't look like he's playing politics at all. The American citizens we brought back to save their lives because they were fighting the ebola virus didn't spread it to anyone in the United States. It was absolutely the right call.
That was pure luck. Any doctor of immunology who thinks it's safe to introduce the Ebola virus into the United States has demonstrated his incompetence.

No, it wasn't pure luck. They took precautions, she was quarantined as much as necessary and came out just fine.

On the other hand we have a whistle blower complaint about the haphazard manner those people on the cruise ship were taken back to the states and appears to likely have spread the disease near Ft. Travis.
If testing doesn't help then why is Trump playing this desperate game of catch up? Has he been duped by the deep state boogeymen?
He's simply catering to dumbasses like you for political reasons.

Really? Prove that motive. I'll wait.

I'm sure you at least agree that those health professionals on the front line should have access to testing if they develop symptoms or find themselves potentially at risk, correct?
I don't have to prove jack shit. They already have access to testing, moron. The question here is how many millions of people do morons like you insist we have to test.

No, not everyone has had access to testing. Why the lies, dude?

Nurse with coronavirus symptoms hits out at 'ridiculous and uneducated' CDC for ‘refusing’ to test her
Health professionals do. Whether her employer wants her tested is something else.
Which health professionals? Different professionals say different things.

Start with Fauci. You know, the guys in the Executive branch charged with working on pandemics.

Jesus Christ, how do you function?
The guy appears to be a major leftwing hack.

Apparently he's the guy who said it was OK to allow people with Ebola to come to the United States.

Yeah, I sure trust his advice.

Doesn't look like he's playing politics at all. The American citizens we brought back to save their lives because they were fighting the ebola virus didn't spread it to anyone in the United States. It was absolutely the right call.
That was pure luck. Any doctor of immunology who thinks it's safe to introduce the Ebola virus into the United States has demonstrated his incompetence.

No, it wasn't pure luck. They took precautions, she was quarantined as much as necessary and came out just fine.

On the other hand we have a whistle blower complaint about the haphazard manner those people on the cruise ship were taken back to the states and appears to likely have spread the disease near Ft. Travis.
The only guaranteed precaution is keeping them out of the country. It was positively stupid to bring them here.

Your theory that Trump is responsible for how everyone involved in this hysteria does his job is idiotic.
And here we have the Truth...

KLAVAN: Let This Crisis Go To Waste

In the current WuFlu crisis, the problem for the Trump-is-an-idiot crowd is that when you step back a bit — and when you subtract his clumsy statements and the usual government missteps in any crisis — the guy has been right about almost everything. Uncontrolled migration, globalization, and the Chinese supply chain — everything Trump has tried to rectify — are precisely what make flus like this so dangerous.

So every time you hear a Democrat complain about Trump’s actions, ask yourself this: Do you really want to replace him with the party of open borders and world government? A party that worries we’ll insult our dear Chinese Communist friends by naming the virus improperly? A party that is about to be led by an empty suit who can’t remember the name of God? It would be insane.

Even with Trump at the helm, the Democrats have to be thwarted in this moment at every turn. They are the party of “Never let a crisis go to waste,” which translates into, “Always use people’s fears to extend the power of government.”

So you're actually more concerned with "an empty suit who can't remember the name of God" than with an empty suit who can't remember who David Dooky is, where his own father was born, what Tim Cook's name is, that he already admitted in court to posing as fake press agents, that he mocked up a fake magazine cover, that he bankrupted several businesses, that flight was still not invented in the eighteenth century and that thousands and thousands of people dancing on rooftops was a bullshit fantasy he made up in his own head?

By the way, nice sigline. Let's read it, shall we?


Any vote for any democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment.
18.6 million Americans carry guns. Gun murder in U.S. down 49% since 1990s.
18.6 million Americans carry guns. Gun crime in U.S. down 75% since 1990s.
18.6 million Americans carry guns. Violent crime down 72% since the 1990s.
You uh DO know that Democrats held the White House for sixteen of those years, right?

Yeah...the held the White House and voted in the stupid Assault Weapon ban....and promptly lost control of congress after controlling it for 40 they switched tactics....using the local and state level governments to pass anti-gun laws, and then using anti-gun judges to declare those violations of the 2nd Amendment legal.......

Now you have the alzheimers democrat party candidate putting bob o'rourke in charge of his gun control plan....they guy who said he is willing to go door to door to confiscate legal guns...

You moron.

No party has ever "controlled Congress for 40 years", Cheezewhiz, and the point stands. You yourself just posted stats --- who knows what ass they're pulled from and who wants to ---- claiming "gun murder, gun crime, violent crime" went down, I pointed out Democrats (not "democrats") held the White House 16 of those years, and now you've just given them 40 more in Congress. You took your own sinking rhetorical ship and torpedoed it.


May 10, 2018

The top White House official responsible for leading the U.S. response in the event of a deadly pandemic has left the administration, and the global health security team he oversaw has been disbanded under a reorganization by national security adviser John Bolton.

The abrupt departure of Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer from the National Security Council means no senior administration official is now focused solely on global health security. Ziemer’s departure, along with the breakup of his team, comes at a time when many experts say the country is already underprepared for the increasing risks of a pandemic or bioterrorism attack.


Pandemic preparedness and global health security are issues that require government-wide responses, experts say, as well as the leadership of a high-ranking official within the White House who is assigned only this role.

The personnel changes, which Morrison and others characterize as a downgrading of global health security, are part of Bolton’s previously announced plans to streamline the NSC. Two members of Ziemer's team have been merged into a unit in charge of weapons of mass destruction, and another official's position is now part of a unit responsible for international organizations. White House homeland security adviser
Tom Bossert, who had called for a comprehensive biodefense strategy against pandemics and biological attacks, is out completely. He left the day after Bolton took over last month.

Wow......and to think that the CDC with 10s of thousands of employees had no one else to step in and do that job.........

You guys...your god..."government," isn't should really stop worshiping it.

They lost the expertise. They aren't running a McDonald's where you can just throw the new guy on fry duty. They deprioritized global pandemics while being warned that the world was long over due for a new one.

We are months behind testing. One thing is clear, the countries that test are the ones finding cases.

Wrong......they have experts all over the place.....

They are government, they can't do anything well in the first place. And it will be the private companies stepping up that will make testing effective.....

Yeah, it's been working well so far. :/

Of course private companies will have a role to play but you need a team already put together that had a running plan to work with. Doesn't look like we had that. You need a centralized government to lead in this. Not one that lies about the readiness and capability of websites and one that is focusing on discovering the true number of infected in this country. So far, we don't have that either. The WHO had tests available, we declined.

What's the plan for increasing hospital beds or when our healthcare system is over run?

The fact is we'll never know how many people are infected, people with mild symptoms will never go to a doctor or get tested. How do you plan to count them? Do you think all 350 million people should be tested whether they show harsher symptoms or not? Come on commie, give us your plan.


Their hatred for Trump and their hunger for power is so intense they will burn down the country....
And here we have the Truth...

KLAVAN: Let This Crisis Go To Waste

In the current WuFlu crisis, the problem for the Trump-is-an-idiot crowd is that when you step back a bit — and when you subtract his clumsy statements and the usual government missteps in any crisis — the guy has been right about almost everything. Uncontrolled migration, globalization, and the Chinese supply chain — everything Trump has tried to rectify — are precisely what make flus like this so dangerous.

So every time you hear a Democrat complain about Trump’s actions, ask yourself this: Do you really want to replace him with the party of open borders and world government? A party that worries we’ll insult our dear Chinese Communist friends by naming the virus improperly? A party that is about to be led by an empty suit who can’t remember the name of God? It would be insane.

Even with Trump at the helm, the Democrats have to be thwarted in this moment at every turn. They are the party of “Never let a crisis go to waste,” which translates into, “Always use people’s fears to extend the power of government.”

So you're actually more concerned with "an empty suit who can't remember the name of God" than with an empty suit who can't remember who David Dooky is, where his own father was born, what Tim Cook's name is, that he already admitted in court to posing as fake press agents, that he mocked up a fake magazine cover, that he bankrupted several businesses, that flight was still not invented in the eighteenth century and that thousands and thousands of people dancing on rooftops was a bullshit fantasy he made up in his own head?

By the way, nice sigline. Let's read it, shall we?


Any vote for any democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment.
18.6 million Americans carry guns. Gun murder in U.S. down 49% since 1990s.
18.6 million Americans carry guns. Gun crime in U.S. down 75% since 1990s.
18.6 million Americans carry guns. Violent crime down 72% since the 1990s.
You uh DO know that Democrats held the White House for sixteen of those years, right?

Yeah...the held the White House and voted in the stupid Assault Weapon ban....and promptly lost control of congress after controlling it for 40 they switched tactics....using the local and state level governments to pass anti-gun laws, and then using anti-gun judges to declare those violations of the 2nd Amendment legal.......

Now you have the alzheimers democrat party candidate putting bob o'rourke in charge of his gun control plan....they guy who said he is willing to go door to door to confiscate legal guns...

You moron.

No party has ever "controlled Congress for 40 years", Cheezewhiz, and the point stands. You yourself just posted stats --- who knows what ass they're pulled from and who wants to ---- claiming "gun murder, gun crime, violent crime" went down, I pointed out Democrats (not "democrats") held the White House 16 of those years, and now you've just given them 40 more in Congress. You took your own sinking rhetorical ship and torpedoed it.


They held the House for 40 years dumb ass....and they lost it due, in a large part, to their gun banning....
Houston has two cases that attended the rodeo BBQ cook off, neither can tell what tents they were at, since the tents weren't numbered. Tell the class how you trace that.

BTW the Houston mayor just announced that drive through test centers will be opened next week.


Because you can't trace every occurrence doesn't mean you don't trace anything.

Remember, Perfection is the enemy of progress. Though it appears you're not able to comprehend that and would rather we as a country just sit here with our thumbs up our asses.

Never said we should do nothing, just pointing out it not as simple as you commies seem to think it is. But you and your ilk seem to think just throwing money at a problem will fix it, history as proven you wrong the vast majority of times. Mother nature will more likely do more to mitigate this than man ever will, the coronavirus doesn't do well in higher temps, humidity and more sunshine. UV rays kill viruses and bacteria.



It's not possible to slow down the rate of infection by testing? Find a real health professional who agrees with you. Sitting in the dark doesn't help anyone.

In reality, NO. Once again, there will be many infected and carrying the virus who will have mild or no symptoms and never be tested. They might be caught through tracing, they might not. That has been confirmed by many medical professions on TV, but you idiots chose to push anything negative about Trump. That just makes you a propagandist.


Please find a source where testing for pandemics is not part of the solution.

They could be caught through tracing, they could request a test if they are known to have been near someone who was infected.

Please find a source that says testing for disease is not part of a solution for getting through a pandemic.

Run along commie, you obviously can't read.

And here we have the Truth...

KLAVAN: Let This Crisis Go To Waste

In the current WuFlu crisis, the problem for the Trump-is-an-idiot crowd is that when you step back a bit — and when you subtract his clumsy statements and the usual government missteps in any crisis — the guy has been right about almost everything. Uncontrolled migration, globalization, and the Chinese supply chain — everything Trump has tried to rectify — are precisely what make flus like this so dangerous.

So every time you hear a Democrat complain about Trump’s actions, ask yourself this: Do you really want to replace him with the party of open borders and world government? A party that worries we’ll insult our dear Chinese Communist friends by naming the virus improperly? A party that is about to be led by an empty suit who can’t remember the name of God? It would be insane.

Even with Trump at the helm, the Democrats have to be thwarted in this moment at every turn. They are the party of “Never let a crisis go to waste,” which translates into, “Always use people’s fears to extend the power of government.”

So you're actually more concerned with "an empty suit who can't remember the name of God" than with an empty suit who can't remember who David Dooky is, where his own father was born, what Tim Cook's name is, that he already admitted in court to posing as fake press agents, that he mocked up a fake magazine cover, that he bankrupted several businesses, that flight was still not invented in the eighteenth century and that thousands and thousands of people dancing on rooftops was a bullshit fantasy he made up in his own head?

By the way, nice sigline. Let's read it, shall we?


Any vote for any democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment.
18.6 million Americans carry guns. Gun murder in U.S. down 49% since 1990s.
18.6 million Americans carry guns. Gun crime in U.S. down 75% since 1990s.
18.6 million Americans carry guns. Violent crime down 72% since the 1990s.
You uh DO know that Democrats held the White House for sixteen of those years, right?

Yeah...the held the White House and voted in the stupid Assault Weapon ban....and promptly lost control of congress after controlling it for 40 they switched tactics....using the local and state level governments to pass anti-gun laws, and then using anti-gun judges to declare those violations of the 2nd Amendment legal.......

Now you have the alzheimers democrat party candidate putting bob o'rourke in charge of his gun control plan....they guy who said he is willing to go door to door to confiscate legal guns...

You moron.

No party has ever "controlled Congress for 40 years", Cheezewhiz, and the point stands. You yourself just posted stats --- who knows what ass they're pulled from and who wants to ---- claiming "gun murder, gun crime, violent crime" went down, I pointed out Democrats (not "democrats") held the White House 16 of those years, and now you've just given them 40 more in Congress. You took your own sinking rhetorical ship and torpedoed it.


They held the House for 40 years dumb ass....and they lost it due, in a large part, to their gun banning....

House is not "Congress" DUMBASS. Welcome to our country, now learn about it before you come in here spewing ignorance like a porn money shot.
Dr. Drew Pinki takes on the democrat party journalist trying to drive the country into economic ruin....he doesn't say it is to get Trump, but I will......they will burn the country to the ground to get him and gain power...

That should scare everyone.....

Dr. Drew: I don’t claim to know what’s motivating the media but, my God, their reporting is absolutely reprehensible. They should be ashamed of themselves. They are creating a panic that is far worse than the viral outbreak. The bottom line, everybody, is listen to Dr. Anthony Fauci of the CDC, do what he tells you, and go about your business. That’s the story.

There’s not one doctor I’ve spoken to that disagrees with me. Not one. I ran into an agreement with Dr. Oz last night. He was saying the same thing. We’re all telling you the same thing: Stop listening to journalists. They don’t know what they’re talking about.

Listen to the CDC, listen to Anthony Fauci, and do not listen to anybody else. This is the job of those people. They’re highly trained professionals. They know what they’re doing. Just follow their directions.

You know, I saw a CNN reporter this morning talking to an infectious disease doctor from Vanderbilt, very fine infectious disease doctor but I wanted to scream at him, “Tell these people to stop! Tell the press to stop.

They went, “Oh, my God, what about the testing? We don’t have testing!”

And the doctor just simply, calmly went, “No, no. We have private and public testing. We’re rolling it out. We have the same as other countries.”

“Oh, but we don’t, we don’t!”

Shut up! We do.

And by the way, you don’t test people willy-nilly. The way medical tests are done is you have criteria for the test, doctors determine that criteria, you apply the test.

Testing randomly is called a screening test but then that’s no longer a diagnostic test. You do diagnostic tests when the index of suspicion of the illness is high. Otherwise, you don’t test.

If you have an index of suspicion that is moderate, you tell people to stay home. That’s it.

It’s awful that people get sick. I know. I got H1N1. It sucked. I treated people with it. It was awful. And we have another awful virus circulating around now.

And by the way, if you combine corona and influenza this year, it’s still just a moderate flu season. It’s not even a severe flu season.

So all these horror stories about a lack of ventilators and hospital beds being full, that is total B.S. Total B.S.

Do not be alarmed by the word “pandemic.” which the CNN reporter seemed to discover this morning. Let me translate for you the word “pandemic.” “Pandemic” is a, is a technical term that means (a) a new virus; (b) widespread.

Do you think we have that? Yes, we do.

Can you name for me the last pandemic? Well, we had one about ten years ago. It was the H1N1 and, oh my God, did the world come to an end then?

I actually got H1N1. It was brutal. I don’t like the fact that people have to get sick. But we are biological beings and we have these viral outbreaks and we’re in one now. We don’t have treatments. We don’t have vaccines yet, though we will. In the meantime, we have containment and contain it we will. Period.

Wash your hands. Get your flu shot. That should be the story. Wash your hands, get your flu shots. Every sentence should end with that. Because you’re way, orders of magnitude more likely to die of the flu than the coronavirus.

We have 18,000 dead from the flu, 280,000 hospitalized so far in this country. We have 26 dead from coronavirus [now it’s 48]. Which should you be more concerned about? Tell me that. Just do the math.

If you are over the age of 70, maybe the age of 75, particularly if you have any chronic medical conditions and if you are a smoker over 50, you should be behaving differently than the rest of us. You should be, essentially, staying home for a while. You shouldn’t be going to public events. You should do some social distancing. For a couple of weeks, until this thing blows over. And that’s it.

The rest of us? Go about your business. I’m traveling all over the country this week and the planes are full, the airports are full, people are wearing masks, foolishly.

Why is anybody listening to anybody else? This is a medical problem. Did you [the media] hop into the H1N1 epidemic? Were you guys all involved with that? Were you criticizing the CDC and the government during the H1N1 epidemic? That one was worse.

Where were you guys? We couldn’t have done it without you. Oh, wait a minute. We did fine. You don’t even remember it.

Listen, the story should be, “The World Health Organization and the CDC and the equivalent agencies in the various countries across the world should be taking a bow. We should be tipping our hats to them for doing an extraordinary job.

We have a new illness. We identified it. We know the epidemiology. We created a test for it. We don’t yet have a vaccine and a treatment, but it’s underway and, in the meantime, we are containing it. They should take a bow. We should be tipping our hates to them.

Could things have been done faster? Always. Always. That’s the way medicine is. We contemplate. We think. We try to do no harm before we jump in. This is like saying, “The surgeon took too long doing the operation. The surgery worked out great but I wish he’d been, you know, not spent the last two hours thinking about the risks and benefits of that surgery.”

This is insanity. This is a level of insanity that has me angry. This is not, the medical profession is fine with it. Well, yeah, yeah, a little bit faster would’ve been good, a little more private sector involvement would’ve been good. Yeah.

Larry O’Connor: In a few weeks, this is going to phase out. Is that just because there is a flu season and you expect the COVID-19 to, sort of, follow the same timeline as your typical flue season?

Dr. Drew: I don’t expect it. I guarantee it. Viruses have a life. They come on, they grow, they plateau and they go away. There’s a time chorus to the life cycle of every influenza, every viral outbreak. And we are in the uptick right now, we are about to hit the plateau, we will contain, and then it will start to die out. It hates heat, it hates humidity, and it will go away.

If this gets into the homeless population. . . . Well, if the government would like to spend some of that $8 billion, why don’t they go and take care of the most vulnerable population we have in the country, which are people who are immunocompromised, living in concentrated environments, not vaccinated, with no sanitation.

We have 60,000 of them in Los Angeles. If this gets into that population, I will sing a different tune.

Larry O’Connor: But Dr. Drew, I just saw the governor of California take to his Twitter feed and give everyone instructions about how to properly wash their hands. That should solve the problem there in the homeless population, right?

Dr. Drew: Oh, yeah. That’ll be the end of it. We got no problem. There, they, they’re washing their hands in the LA river with all the excrement and urine and blood that pours off our streets. That should be perfect.
And here we have the Truth...

KLAVAN: Let This Crisis Go To Waste

In the current WuFlu crisis, the problem for the Trump-is-an-idiot crowd is that when you step back a bit — and when you subtract his clumsy statements and the usual government missteps in any crisis — the guy has been right about almost everything. Uncontrolled migration, globalization, and the Chinese supply chain — everything Trump has tried to rectify — are precisely what make flus like this so dangerous.

So every time you hear a Democrat complain about Trump’s actions, ask yourself this: Do you really want to replace him with the party of open borders and world government? A party that worries we’ll insult our dear Chinese Communist friends by naming the virus improperly? A party that is about to be led by an empty suit who can’t remember the name of God? It would be insane.

Even with Trump at the helm, the Democrats have to be thwarted in this moment at every turn. They are the party of “Never let a crisis go to waste,” which translates into, “Always use people’s fears to extend the power of government.”

So you're actually more concerned with "an empty suit who can't remember the name of God" than with an empty suit who can't remember who David Dooky is, where his own father was born, what Tim Cook's name is, that he already admitted in court to posing as fake press agents, that he mocked up a fake magazine cover, that he bankrupted several businesses, that flight was still not invented in the eighteenth century and that thousands and thousands of people dancing on rooftops was a bullshit fantasy he made up in his own head?

By the way, nice sigline. Let's read it, shall we?


Any vote for any democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment.
18.6 million Americans carry guns. Gun murder in U.S. down 49% since 1990s.
18.6 million Americans carry guns. Gun crime in U.S. down 75% since 1990s.
18.6 million Americans carry guns. Violent crime down 72% since the 1990s.
You uh DO know that Democrats held the White House for sixteen of those years, right?

Yeah...the held the White House and voted in the stupid Assault Weapon ban....and promptly lost control of congress after controlling it for 40 they switched tactics....using the local and state level governments to pass anti-gun laws, and then using anti-gun judges to declare those violations of the 2nd Amendment legal.......

Now you have the alzheimers democrat party candidate putting bob o'rourke in charge of his gun control plan....they guy who said he is willing to go door to door to confiscate legal guns...

You moron.

No party has ever "controlled Congress for 40 years", Cheezewhiz, and the point stands. You yourself just posted stats --- who knows what ass they're pulled from and who wants to ---- claiming "gun murder, gun crime, violent crime" went down, I pointed out Democrats (not "democrats") held the White House 16 of those years, and now you've just given them 40 more in Congress. You took your own sinking rhetorical ship and torpedoed it.


They held the House for 40 years dumb ass....and they lost it due, in a large part, to their gun banning....

House is not "Congress" DUMBASS. Welcome to our country, now learn about it before you come in here spewing ignorance like a porn money shot.

Hey, shitstain......I corrected it, you moron......and they lost the House because of their gun control insanity........
So you're actually more concerned with "an empty suit who can't remember the name of God" than with an empty suit who can't remember who David Dooky is, where his own father was born, what Tim Cook's name is, that he already admitted in court to posing as fake press agents, that he mocked up a fake magazine cover, that he bankrupted several businesses, that flight was still not invented in the eighteenth century and that thousands and thousands of people dancing on rooftops was a bullshit fantasy he made up in his own head?

By the way, nice sigline. Let's read it, shall we?


Any vote for any democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment.
18.6 million Americans carry guns. Gun murder in U.S. down 49% since 1990s.
18.6 million Americans carry guns. Gun crime in U.S. down 75% since 1990s.
18.6 million Americans carry guns. Violent crime down 72% since the 1990s.
You uh DO know that Democrats held the White House for sixteen of those years, right?

Yeah...the held the White House and voted in the stupid Assault Weapon ban....and promptly lost control of congress after controlling it for 40 they switched tactics....using the local and state level governments to pass anti-gun laws, and then using anti-gun judges to declare those violations of the 2nd Amendment legal.......

Now you have the alzheimers democrat party candidate putting bob o'rourke in charge of his gun control plan....they guy who said he is willing to go door to door to confiscate legal guns...

You moron.

No party has ever "controlled Congress for 40 years", Cheezewhiz, and the point stands. You yourself just posted stats --- who knows what ass they're pulled from and who wants to ---- claiming "gun murder, gun crime, violent crime" went down, I pointed out Democrats (not "democrats") held the White House 16 of those years, and now you've just given them 40 more in Congress. You took your own sinking rhetorical ship and torpedoed it.


They held the House for 40 years dumb ass....and they lost it due, in a large part, to their gun banning....

House is not "Congress" DUMBASS. Welcome to our country, now learn about it before you come in here spewing ignorance like a porn money shot.

Hey, shitstain......I corrected it, you moron......and they lost the House because of their gun control insanity........


----------- Linkie?
Yeah...the held the White House and voted in the stupid Assault Weapon ban....and promptly lost control of congress after controlling it for 40 they switched tactics....using the local and state level governments to pass anti-gun laws, and then using anti-gun judges to declare those violations of the 2nd Amendment legal.......

Now you have the alzheimers democrat party candidate putting bob o'rourke in charge of his gun control plan....they guy who said he is willing to go door to door to confiscate legal guns...

You moron.

No party has ever "controlled Congress for 40 years", Cheezewhiz, and the point stands. You yourself just posted stats --- who knows what ass they're pulled from and who wants to ---- claiming "gun murder, gun crime, violent crime" went down, I pointed out Democrats (not "democrats") held the White House 16 of those years, and now you've just given them 40 more in Congress. You took your own sinking rhetorical ship and torpedoed it.


They held the House for 40 years dumb ass....and they lost it due, in a large part, to their gun banning....

House is not "Congress" DUMBASS. Welcome to our country, now learn about it before you come in here spewing ignorance like a porn money shot.

Hey, shitstain......I corrected it, you moron......and they lost the House because of their gun control insanity........


----------- Linkie?


Why Democrats are not afraid of gun control anymore - CNNPolitics

In the 1994 midterm elections, two months after Congress approved the assault weapons ban, Republicans surged to control of both the House and Senate, and particularly devastated Democrats across the South. Though the Republican wave swept out even many House Democrats who opposed Clinton's gun control agenda, those losses discouraged the party from pressing further gun control initiatives. And when Democrat Al Gore narrowly lost the 2000 presidential election, in part because he failed in heavily blue-collar states where the National Rifle Association campaigned fiercely against him (including New Hampshire and his home state of Tennessee), the conviction hardened among most Democrats that gun control had become a losing issue for the party
Yeah...the held the White House and voted in the stupid Assault Weapon ban....and promptly lost control of congress after controlling it for 40 they switched tactics....using the local and state level governments to pass anti-gun laws, and then using anti-gun judges to declare those violations of the 2nd Amendment legal.......

Now you have the alzheimers democrat party candidate putting bob o'rourke in charge of his gun control plan....they guy who said he is willing to go door to door to confiscate legal guns...

You moron.

No party has ever "controlled Congress for 40 years", Cheezewhiz, and the point stands. You yourself just posted stats --- who knows what ass they're pulled from and who wants to ---- claiming "gun murder, gun crime, violent crime" went down, I pointed out Democrats (not "democrats") held the White House 16 of those years, and now you've just given them 40 more in Congress. You took your own sinking rhetorical ship and torpedoed it.


They held the House for 40 years dumb ass....and they lost it due, in a large part, to their gun banning....

House is not "Congress" DUMBASS. Welcome to our country, now learn about it before you come in here spewing ignorance like a porn money shot.

Hey, shitstain......I corrected it, you moron......and they lost the House because of their gun control insanity........


----------- Linkie?


A look back at gun control history

In 1994, the Republicans reclaimed the House of Representatives for the first time in 40 years. The key factor in the major Democratic loss pointed to the federal assault weapons ban that was passed by Congress on September 13, 1994. A part of the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, the assault weapons ban banned semiautomatic weapons from having two or more military features, and placed a ten-year ban on the sale of assault weapons and large ammunition magazines. The ‘94 election was significant because gun control became a deciding factor in the election and wedged two ideologically distant parties further apart.

May 10, 2018

The top White House official responsible for leading the U.S. response in the event of a deadly pandemic has left the administration, and the global health security team he oversaw has been disbanded under a reorganization by national security adviser John Bolton.

The abrupt departure of Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer from the National Security Council means no senior administration official is now focused solely on global health security. Ziemer’s departure, along with the breakup of his team, comes at a time when many experts say the country is already underprepared for the increasing risks of a pandemic or bioterrorism attack.


Pandemic preparedness and global health security are issues that require government-wide responses, experts say, as well as the leadership of a high-ranking official within the White House who is assigned only this role.

The personnel changes, which Morrison and others characterize as a downgrading of global health security, are part of Bolton’s previously announced plans to streamline the NSC. Two members of Ziemer's team have been merged into a unit in charge of weapons of mass destruction, and another official's position is now part of a unit responsible for international organizations. White House homeland security adviser
Tom Bossert, who had called for a comprehensive biodefense strategy against pandemics and biological attacks, is out completely. He left the day after Bolton took over last month.

Wow......and to think that the CDC with 10s of thousands of employees had no one else to step in and do that job.........

You guys...your god..."government," isn't should really stop worshiping it.

They lost the expertise. They aren't running a McDonald's where you can just throw the new guy on fry duty. They deprioritized global pandemics while being warned that the world was long over due for a new one.

We are months behind testing. One thing is clear, the countries that test are the ones finding cases.

Wrong......they have experts all over the place.....

They are government, they can't do anything well in the first place. And it will be the private companies stepping up that will make testing effective.....

Yeah, it's been working well so far. :/

Of course private companies will have a role to play but you need a team already put together that had a running plan to work with. Doesn't look like we had that. You need a centralized government to lead in this. Not one that lies about the readiness and capability of websites and one that is focusing on discovering the true number of infected in this country. So far, we don't have that either. The WHO had tests available, we declined.

What's the plan for increasing hospital beds or when our healthcare system is over run?

The fact is we'll never know how many people are infected, people with mild symptoms will never go to a doctor or get tested. How do you plan to count them? Do you think all 350 million people should be tested whether they show harsher symptoms or not? Come on commie, give us your plan.


Not only is that ridiculous, of course, but it only would work if all 350 million were tested at the exact same time and then had no contact with anyone until every test result came back.
The test is only a snap shot in time. Someone could get infected at any time if they are in public places. The test provides no immunity to future infection.

Everything will need to be shut down. And social distancing and self quarantines are needed whether you are infected or not. That will level off the spread and keep the medical resources from crashing. If you have flu like symptoms, self quarantine whether it is the Corona or another flu. We will need to ride this one out the hard way.

Mostly agree
The sick stay home part should be a no brainer.
Wow......and to think that the CDC with 10s of thousands of employees had no one else to step in and do that job.........

You guys...your god..."government," isn't should really stop worshiping it.

They lost the expertise. They aren't running a McDonald's where you can just throw the new guy on fry duty. They deprioritized global pandemics while being warned that the world was long over due for a new one.

We are months behind testing. One thing is clear, the countries that test are the ones finding cases.

Wrong......they have experts all over the place.....

They are government, they can't do anything well in the first place. And it will be the private companies stepping up that will make testing effective.....

Yeah, it's been working well so far. :/

Of course private companies will have a role to play but you need a team already put together that had a running plan to work with. Doesn't look like we had that. You need a centralized government to lead in this. Not one that lies about the readiness and capability of websites and one that is focusing on discovering the true number of infected in this country. So far, we don't have that either. The WHO had tests available, we declined.

What's the plan for increasing hospital beds or when our healthcare system is over run?

The fact is we'll never know how many people are infected, people with mild symptoms will never go to a doctor or get tested. How do you plan to count them? Do you think all 350 million people should be tested whether they show harsher symptoms or not? Come on commie, give us your plan.


Not only is that ridiculous, of course, but it only would work if all 350 million were tested at the exact same time and then had no contact with anyone until every test result came back.

Yep, you just can't win unless it's all or nothing. Slow down the disease so as to not overly stress our healthcare system? Fuck that, it's just not good enough unless it's 100% perfect.

Have you people ever accomplished anything?
They lost the expertise. They aren't running a McDonald's where you can just throw the new guy on fry duty. They deprioritized global pandemics while being warned that the world was long over due for a new one.

We are months behind testing. One thing is clear, the countries that test are the ones finding cases.

Wrong......they have experts all over the place.....

They are government, they can't do anything well in the first place. And it will be the private companies stepping up that will make testing effective.....

Yeah, it's been working well so far. :/

Of course private companies will have a role to play but you need a team already put together that had a running plan to work with. Doesn't look like we had that. You need a centralized government to lead in this. Not one that lies about the readiness and capability of websites and one that is focusing on discovering the true number of infected in this country. So far, we don't have that either. The WHO had tests available, we declined.

What's the plan for increasing hospital beds or when our healthcare system is over run?

The fact is we'll never know how many people are infected, people with mild symptoms will never go to a doctor or get tested. How do you plan to count them? Do you think all 350 million people should be tested whether they show harsher symptoms or not? Come on commie, give us your plan.


Not only is that ridiculous, of course, but it only would work if all 350 million were tested at the exact same time and then had no contact with anyone until every test result came back.

Yep, you just can't win unless it's all or nothing. Slow down the disease so as to not overly stress our healthcare system? Fuck that, it's just not good enough unless it's 100% perfect.

Have you people ever accomplished anything?

I laugh

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