Andrew Klavan....Trump was right about everything...

Wrong......they have experts all over the place.....

They are government, they can't do anything well in the first place. And it will be the private companies stepping up that will make testing effective.....

Yeah, it's been working well so far. :/

Of course private companies will have a role to play but you need a team already put together that had a running plan to work with. Doesn't look like we had that. You need a centralized government to lead in this. Not one that lies about the readiness and capability of websites and one that is focusing on discovering the true number of infected in this country. So far, we don't have that either. The WHO had tests available, we declined.

What's the plan for increasing hospital beds or when our healthcare system is over run?

The fact is we'll never know how many people are infected, people with mild symptoms will never go to a doctor or get tested. How do you plan to count them? Do you think all 350 million people should be tested whether they show harsher symptoms or not? Come on commie, give us your plan.


Not only is that ridiculous, of course, but it only would work if all 350 million were tested at the exact same time and then had no contact with anyone until every test result came back.

Yep, you just can't win unless it's all or nothing. Slow down the disease so as to not overly stress our healthcare system? Fuck that, it's just not good enough unless it's 100% perfect.

Have you people ever accomplished anything?

I laugh

Thought so.
I have never seen anything like what we are going through now in my lifetime. We are going to need draconian isolation and a shut down of just about everything for a short time. All sporting events have been canceled. Schools canceled indefinitely and so on. This is a once in a lifetime event we are living through right now.

I was born in the early 1970's and was lucky enough to grow up in the 1980's & 1990's. I used to talk to my father about his life and my grandfathers life. He would point out that World War 1, the 1929 stock market crash, the Great Depression and World War 2 all happened within about a 30 year period. One thing after another.

The 1980s and 1990's were easy cruising for my generation. Since 911, it has been so different. We are now in a different time with so many challenges. It is scary.

We will get through this crisis as we have done before.

Way over dramatic
Yeah, it's been working well so far. :/

Of course private companies will have a role to play but you need a team already put together that had a running plan to work with. Doesn't look like we had that. You need a centralized government to lead in this. Not one that lies about the readiness and capability of websites and one that is focusing on discovering the true number of infected in this country. So far, we don't have that either. The WHO had tests available, we declined.

What's the plan for increasing hospital beds or when our healthcare system is over run?

The fact is we'll never know how many people are infected, people with mild symptoms will never go to a doctor or get tested. How do you plan to count them? Do you think all 350 million people should be tested whether they show harsher symptoms or not? Come on commie, give us your plan.


Not only is that ridiculous, of course, but it only would work if all 350 million were tested at the exact same time and then had no contact with anyone until every test result came back.

Yep, you just can't win unless it's all or nothing. Slow down the disease so as to not overly stress our healthcare system? Fuck that, it's just not good enough unless it's 100% perfect.

Have you people ever accomplished anything?

I laugh

Thought so.

They lost the expertise. They aren't running a McDonald's where you can just throw the new guy on fry duty. They deprioritized global pandemics while being warned that the world was long over due for a new one.

We are months behind testing. One thing is clear, the countries that test are the ones finding cases.

Wrong......they have experts all over the place.....

They are government, they can't do anything well in the first place. And it will be the private companies stepping up that will make testing effective.....

Yeah, it's been working well so far. :/

Of course private companies will have a role to play but you need a team already put together that had a running plan to work with. Doesn't look like we had that. You need a centralized government to lead in this. Not one that lies about the readiness and capability of websites and one that is focusing on discovering the true number of infected in this country. So far, we don't have that either. The WHO had tests available, we declined.

What's the plan for increasing hospital beds or when our healthcare system is over run?

The fact is we'll never know how many people are infected, people with mild symptoms will never go to a doctor or get tested. How do you plan to count them? Do you think all 350 million people should be tested whether they show harsher symptoms or not? Come on commie, give us your plan.


Not only is that ridiculous, of course, but it only would work if all 350 million were tested at the exact same time and then had no contact with anyone until every test result came back.

Yep, you just can't win unless it's all or nothing. Slow down the disease so as to not overly stress our healthcare system? Fuck that, it's just not good enough unless it's 100% perfect.

Have you people ever accomplished anything? you agree with Trump shutting down travel from China......and now Europe ....... where as a couple weeks ago you asshats said shutting down travel with China was xenophobic....

How quickly you numb nuts change....
Wow......and to think that the CDC with 10s of thousands of employees had no one else to step in and do that job.........

You guys...your god..."government," isn't should really stop worshiping it.

They lost the expertise. They aren't running a McDonald's where you can just throw the new guy on fry duty. They deprioritized global pandemics while being warned that the world was long over due for a new one.

We are months behind testing. One thing is clear, the countries that test are the ones finding cases.

Wrong......they have experts all over the place.....

They are government, they can't do anything well in the first place. And it will be the private companies stepping up that will make testing effective.....

Yeah, it's been working well so far. :/

Of course private companies will have a role to play but you need a team already put together that had a running plan to work with. Doesn't look like we had that. You need a centralized government to lead in this. Not one that lies about the readiness and capability of websites and one that is focusing on discovering the true number of infected in this country. So far, we don't have that either. The WHO had tests available, we declined.

What's the plan for increasing hospital beds or when our healthcare system is over run?

The fact is we'll never know how many people are infected, people with mild symptoms will never go to a doctor or get tested. How do you plan to count them? Do you think all 350 million people should be tested whether they show harsher symptoms or not? Come on commie, give us your plan.


Not only is that ridiculous, of course, but it only would work if all 350 million were tested at the exact same time and then had no contact with anyone until every test result came back.

Even then, a person could test negative today and in a day or two or seven, they may come down with symptoms and test positive because of the incubation period. Then you'd have to start all over again, it's neither responsible or practical.

Yesterday, I saw Sleepy's plan to deal with Covid-19:

1. Do what Trump said.
2. Do what Trump said.
3. Do what Trump said.
4. Do what Trump said.
5. Do what Trump said.

Looks like a good plan to me. A little light in originality but that's been Plugs MO for the last 50 years.

So what? Maybe Biden agrees with Trump, eh? And that is ok after Trump made ridiculous statements at the beginning of the crisis that no one agreed with. Trump is finally listening to medical professionals after his silly rants.

The blob caused this as every doctor on the planet is urging social distancing.
And here we have the Truth...

KLAVAN: Let This Crisis Go To Waste

In the current WuFlu crisis, the problem for the Trump-is-an-idiot crowd is that when you step back a bit — and when you subtract his clumsy statements and the usual government missteps in any crisis — the guy has been right about almost everything. Uncontrolled migration, globalization, and the Chinese supply chain — everything Trump has tried to rectify — are precisely what make flus like this so dangerous.

So every time you hear a Democrat complain about Trump’s actions, ask yourself this: Do you really want to replace him with the party of open borders and world government? A party that worries we’ll insult our dear Chinese Communist friends by naming the virus improperly? A party that is about to be led by an empty suit who can’t remember the name of God? It would be insane.

Even with Trump at the helm, the Democrats have to be thwarted in this moment at every turn. They are the party of “Never let a crisis go to waste,” which translates into, “Always use people’s fears to extend the power of government.”

Donald Trump has shown himself to be incompetent. Even National Review admits he has screwed this up. They are trump supporters. Crazy Trump supporters like you will defend Trump no matter what. You rely on more Trump cultists to back you up. Ordinary voters are tired of this. That is why more suburban voters are participating in the Democrat primaries.

Moron....National Review is the Never Trump failing news organization replacing The Weekly Standard as the failing Never Trump news organization......

Trump has handled this virus more competently than obama handled H1N1, you dope...

Really? Do you still believe Trump's flapping? Your divisive grifter is jealous of Obama's accomplishments as he has shown time and again in his effort to satisfy his own narcissistic ego.
Trump's H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic Spin - › 2020/03 › trumps-h1n1-swine-flu-pandemic-spin
Claim: “If you go back and look at the swine flu, and what happened with the swine flu ... and how actually nothing was done for such a long period of time, as...
Claimed by: Donald Trump
Fact check by False

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