Andrew Klavan....Trump was right about everything...

May 10, 2018

The top White House official responsible for leading the U.S. response in the event of a deadly pandemic has left the administration, and the global health security team he oversaw has been disbanded under a reorganization by national security adviser John Bolton.

The abrupt departure of Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer from the National Security Council means no senior administration official is now focused solely on global health security. Ziemer’s departure, along with the breakup of his team, comes at a time when many experts say the country is already underprepared for the increasing risks of a pandemic or bioterrorism attack.


Pandemic preparedness and global health security are issues that require government-wide responses, experts say, as well as the leadership of a high-ranking official within the White House who is assigned only this role.

The personnel changes, which Morrison and others characterize as a downgrading of global health security, are part of Bolton’s previously announced plans to streamline the NSC. Two members of Ziemer's team have been merged into a unit in charge of weapons of mass destruction, and another official's position is now part of a unit responsible for international organizations. White House homeland security adviser
Tom Bossert, who had called for a comprehensive biodefense strategy against pandemics and biological attacks, is out completely. He left the day after Bolton took over last month.
The fact that the Trump administration rejecting what Obama created undoubtedly helped the Trump administration perform much better than the incompetent Obama administration.

Nothing in that sentence means anything, it just sounds good to you.

Obama fucked up everything related to health care. Especially Electronic Health Records. Over $30 billion was totally wasted on a system that didn't work as advertised. WTF!?!

Can't stay on topic? Now we have to go with another wingnut screed?

The Obama administration was, by far, the most incompetent in my lifetime. Therefore, to assume that the government response would have been better if Trump did not change the status quo, is just plain stupid.

See my first point.

You 're not bringing much to the table.

Do you have any sort of evidence that Obama's pandemic czar would not have made matters worse rather than better?

If not, then you mindless parroting of the Washington "Jimmy's World" Post is meaningless.

That's also a dumb post.

Can you prove Trump knows how to boil water?
Can you prove you know how to boil water?

May 10, 2018

The top White House official responsible for leading the U.S. response in the event of a deadly pandemic has left the administration, and the global health security team he oversaw has been disbanded under a reorganization by national security adviser John Bolton.

The abrupt departure of Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer from the National Security Council means no senior administration official is now focused solely on global health security. Ziemer’s departure, along with the breakup of his team, comes at a time when many experts say the country is already underprepared for the increasing risks of a pandemic or bioterrorism attack.


Pandemic preparedness and global health security are issues that require government-wide responses, experts say, as well as the leadership of a high-ranking official within the White House who is assigned only this role.

The personnel changes, which Morrison and others characterize as a downgrading of global health security, are part of Bolton’s previously announced plans to streamline the NSC. Two members of Ziemer's team have been merged into a unit in charge of weapons of mass destruction, and another official's position is now part of a unit responsible for international organizations. White House homeland security adviser
Tom Bossert, who had called for a comprehensive biodefense strategy against pandemics and biological attacks, is out completely. He left the day after Bolton took over last month.
The fact that the Trump administration rejecting what Obama created undoubtedly helped the Trump administration perform much better than the incompetent Obama administration.

Nothing in that sentence means anything, it just sounds good to you.

Obama fucked up everything related to health care. Especially Electronic Health Records. Over $30 billion was totally wasted on a system that didn't work as advertised. WTF!?!

Can't stay on topic? Now we have to go with another wingnut screed?

The Obama administration was, by far, the most incompetent in my lifetime. Therefore, to assume that the government response would have been better if Trump did not change the status quo, is just plain stupid.

See my first point.

You 're not bringing much to the table.

Do you have any sort of evidence that Obama's pandemic czar would not have made matters worse rather than better?

If not, then you mindless parroting of the Washington "Jimmy's World" Post is meaningless.

That's also a dumb post.

Can you prove Trump knows how to boil water?
More proof that TDS makes you stupid.

So you can't prove Trump is smart enough to boil water?

I can tell you the guy Trump got rid of has quite a resume.

R. Timothy Ziemer - Wikipedia
I have never seen anything like what we are going through now in my lifetime. We are going to need draconian isolation and a shut down of just about everything for a short time. All sporting events have been canceled. Schools canceled indefinitely and so on. This is a once in a lifetime event we are living through right now.

I was born in the early 1970's and was lucky enough to grow up in the 1980's & 1990's. I used to talk to my father about his life and my grandfathers life. He would point out that World War 1, the 1929 stock market crash, the Great Depression and World War 2 all happened within about a 30 year period. One thing after another.

The 1980s and 1990's were easy cruising for my generation. Since 911, it has been so different. We are now in a different time with so many challenges. It is scary.

We will get through this crisis as we have done before.
We are going through this only because the brain damaged TDS moron want to turn the Wuhan flu into a political issue.
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You can trace people. For example someone gets sick, they ask who they've interacted with and then you test those people. Some showing symptoms, some not. Of those showing symptoms you can clear them if it;s not from coronavirus otherwise you'd have to assume they are infected. Others not showing symptoms would otherwise have continued to spread the disease. This appears to be how most people are infected.

There are a limited number of resources and you don't want to waste your time treating people who aren't sick and preventing others from getting sick in the first place.

It's also good for the economy, those who are not infected can go back to work.

Jesus, you'd think this would be obvious.

Houston has two cases that attended the rodeo BBQ cook off, neither can tell what tents they were at, since the tents weren't numbered. Tell the class how you trace that.

BTW the Houston mayor just announced that drive through test centers will be opened next week.


Because you can't trace every occurrence doesn't mean you don't trace anything.

Remember, Perfection is the enemy of progress. Though it appears you're not able to comprehend that and would rather we as a country just sit here with our thumbs up our asses.

Never said we should do nothing, just pointing out it not as simple as you commies seem to think it is. But you and your ilk seem to think just throwing money at a problem will fix it, history as proven you wrong the vast majority of times. Mother nature will more likely do more to mitigate this than man ever will, the coronavirus doesn't do well in higher temps, humidity and more sunshine. UV rays kill viruses and bacteria.



It's not possible to slow down the rate of infection by testing? Find a real health professional who agrees with you. Sitting in the dark doesn't help anyone.

In reality, NO. Once again, there will be many infected and carrying the virus who will have mild or no symptoms and never be tested. They might be caught through tracing, they might not. That has been confirmed by many medical professions on TV, but you idiots chose to push anything negative about Trump. That just makes you a propagandist.


Please find a source where testing for pandemics is not part of the solution.

They could be caught through tracing, they could request a test if they are known to have been near someone who was infected.

Please find a source that says testing for disease is not part of a solution for getting through a pandemic.
Wrong......they have experts all over the place.....

They are government, they can't do anything well in the first place. And it will be the private companies stepping up that will make testing effective.....

Yeah, it's been working well so far. :/

Of course private companies will have a role to play but you need a team already put together that had a running plan to work with. Doesn't look like we had that. You need a centralized government to lead in this. Not one that lies about the readiness and capability of websites and one that is focusing on discovering the true number of infected in this country. So far, we don't have that either. The WHO had tests available, we declined.

What's the plan for increasing hospital beds or when our healthcare system is over run?

The fact is we'll never know how many people are infected, people with mild symptoms will never go to a doctor or get tested. How do you plan to count them? Do you think all 350 million people should be tested whether they show harsher symptoms or not? Come on commie, give us your plan.

I've heard the test costs $1300, so testing everyone would cost over $400 billion.

Something nobody said, but OK.
So what's your plan, commie? How many people should be tested?

However many health professionals say we should test. How many do you think should be tested?

May 10, 2018

The top White House official responsible for leading the U.S. response in the event of a deadly pandemic has left the administration, and the global health security team he oversaw has been disbanded under a reorganization by national security adviser John Bolton.

The abrupt departure of Rear Adm. Timothy Ziemer from the National Security Council means no senior administration official is now focused solely on global health security. Ziemer’s departure, along with the breakup of his team, comes at a time when many experts say the country is already underprepared for the increasing risks of a pandemic or bioterrorism attack.


Pandemic preparedness and global health security are issues that require government-wide responses, experts say, as well as the leadership of a high-ranking official within the White House who is assigned only this role.

The personnel changes, which Morrison and others characterize as a downgrading of global health security, are part of Bolton’s previously announced plans to streamline the NSC. Two members of Ziemer's team have been merged into a unit in charge of weapons of mass destruction, and another official's position is now part of a unit responsible for international organizations. White House homeland security adviser
Tom Bossert, who had called for a comprehensive biodefense strategy against pandemics and biological attacks, is out completely. He left the day after Bolton took over last month.
The fact that the Trump administration rejecting what Obama created undoubtedly helped the Trump administration perform much better than the incompetent Obama administration.

Nothing in that sentence means anything, it just sounds good to you.

Obama fucked up everything related to health care. Especially Electronic Health Records. Over $30 billion was totally wasted on a system that didn't work as advertised. WTF!?!

Can't stay on topic? Now we have to go with another wingnut screed?

The Obama administration was, by far, the most incompetent in my lifetime. Therefore, to assume that the government response would have been better if Trump did not change the status quo, is just plain stupid.

See my first point.

You 're not bringing much to the table.

Do you have any sort of evidence that Obama's pandemic czar would not have made matters worse rather than better?

If not, then you mindless parroting of the Washington "Jimmy's World" Post is meaningless.

That's also a dumb post.

Can you prove Trump knows how to boil water?
Can you prove you know how to boil water?

That's kind of the point, idiot. Asking questions that can't be proven.
The fact that the Trump administration rejecting what Obama created undoubtedly helped the Trump administration perform much better than the incompetent Obama administration.

Nothing in that sentence means anything, it just sounds good to you.

Obama fucked up everything related to health care. Especially Electronic Health Records. Over $30 billion was totally wasted on a system that didn't work as advertised. WTF!?!

Can't stay on topic? Now we have to go with another wingnut screed?

The Obama administration was, by far, the most incompetent in my lifetime. Therefore, to assume that the government response would have been better if Trump did not change the status quo, is just plain stupid.

See my first point.

You 're not bringing much to the table.

Do you have any sort of evidence that Obama's pandemic czar would not have made matters worse rather than better?

If not, then you mindless parroting of the Washington "Jimmy's World" Post is meaningless.

That's also a dumb post.

Can you prove Trump knows how to boil water?
More proof that TDS makes you stupid.

So you can't prove Trump is smart enough to boil water?

I can tell you the guy Trump got rid of has quite a resume.

R. Timothy Ziemer - Wikipedia
Managing pandemics is not the function of the NSC. Obama put the guy in there solely so he could infest the organization with as many of his moles as possible.
Nothing in that sentence means anything, it just sounds good to you.

Can't stay on topic? Now we have to go with another wingnut screed?

See my first point.

You 're not bringing much to the table.

Do you have any sort of evidence that Obama's pandemic czar would not have made matters worse rather than better?

If not, then you mindless parroting of the Washington "Jimmy's World" Post is meaningless.

That's also a dumb post.

Can you prove Trump knows how to boil water?
More proof that TDS makes you stupid.

So you can't prove Trump is smart enough to boil water?

I can tell you the guy Trump got rid of has quite a resume.

R. Timothy Ziemer - Wikipedia
Managing pandemics is not the function of the NSC. Obama put the guy in there solely so he could infest the organization with as many of his moles as possible.

If testing doesn't help then why is Trump playing this desperate game of catch up? Has he been duped by the deep state boogeymen?
Yeah, it's been working well so far. :/

Of course private companies will have a role to play but you need a team already put together that had a running plan to work with. Doesn't look like we had that. You need a centralized government to lead in this. Not one that lies about the readiness and capability of websites and one that is focusing on discovering the true number of infected in this country. So far, we don't have that either. The WHO had tests available, we declined.

What's the plan for increasing hospital beds or when our healthcare system is over run?

The fact is we'll never know how many people are infected, people with mild symptoms will never go to a doctor or get tested. How do you plan to count them? Do you think all 350 million people should be tested whether they show harsher symptoms or not? Come on commie, give us your plan.

I've heard the test costs $1300, so testing everyone would cost over $400 billion.

Something nobody said, but OK.
So what's your plan, commie? How many people should be tested?

However many health professionals say we should test. How many do you think should be tested?
Which health professionals? Different professionals say different things.

Do you have any sort of evidence that Obama's pandemic czar would not have made matters worse rather than better?

If not, then you mindless parroting of the Washington "Jimmy's World" Post is meaningless.

That's also a dumb post.

Can you prove Trump knows how to boil water?
More proof that TDS makes you stupid.

So you can't prove Trump is smart enough to boil water?

I can tell you the guy Trump got rid of has quite a resume.

R. Timothy Ziemer - Wikipedia
Managing pandemics is not the function of the NSC. Obama put the guy in there solely so he could infest the organization with as many of his moles as possible.

How is that "dumb?" It's Obama's modus operandi.
The fact is we'll never know how many people are infected, people with mild symptoms will never go to a doctor or get tested. How do you plan to count them? Do you think all 350 million people should be tested whether they show harsher symptoms or not? Come on commie, give us your plan.

I've heard the test costs $1300, so testing everyone would cost over $400 billion.

Something nobody said, but OK.
So what's your plan, commie? How many people should be tested?

However many health professionals say we should test. How many do you think should be tested?
Which health professionals? Different professionals say different things.

Start with Fauci. You know, the guys in the Executive branch charged with working on pandemics.

Jesus Christ, how do you function?
The fact that the Trump administration rejecting what Obama created undoubtedly helped the Trump administration perform much better than the incompetent Obama administration.

Nothing in that sentence means anything, it just sounds good to you.

Obama fucked up everything related to health care. Especially Electronic Health Records. Over $30 billion was totally wasted on a system that didn't work as advertised. WTF!?!

Can't stay on topic? Now we have to go with another wingnut screed?

The Obama administration was, by far, the most incompetent in my lifetime. Therefore, to assume that the government response would have been better if Trump did not change the status quo, is just plain stupid.

See my first point.

You 're not bringing much to the table.

Do you have any sort of evidence that Obama's pandemic czar would not have made matters worse rather than better?

If not, then you mindless parroting of the Washington "Jimmy's World" Post is meaningless.

That's also a dumb post.

Can you prove Trump knows how to boil water?
Can you prove you know how to boil water?

That's kind of the point, idiot. Asking questions that can't be proven.
Yes, that is what you're doing.
If testing doesn't help then why is Trump playing this desperate game of catch up? Has he been duped by the deep state boogeymen?
He's simply catering to dumbasses like you for political reasons.

Really? Prove that motive. I'll wait.

I'm sure you at least agree that those health professionals on the front line should have access to testing if they develop symptoms or find themselves potentially at risk, correct?
If testing doesn't help then why is Trump playing this desperate game of catch up? Has he been duped by the deep state boogeymen?

Maybe more people should try being supportive and helpful to the man while he is trying to manage this crisis? Couldn't hurt.
I've heard the test costs $1300, so testing everyone would cost over $400 billion.

Something nobody said, but OK.
So what's your plan, commie? How many people should be tested?

However many health professionals say we should test. How many do you think should be tested?
Which health professionals? Different professionals say different things.

Start with Fauci. You know, the guys in the Executive branch charged with working on pandemics.

Jesus Christ, how do you function?
The guy appears to be a major leftwing hack.

Apparently he's the guy who said it was OK to allow people with Ebola to come to the United States.

Yeah, I sure trust his advice.
If testing doesn't help then why is Trump playing this desperate game of catch up? Has he been duped by the deep state boogeymen?

Maybe more people should try being supportive and helpful to the man while he is trying to manage this crisis? Couldn't hurt.

You mean like how BriPat accused the person who is really managing it while President Clusterfuck keeps screwing up? I believe BriPat already just said he was playing politics. So, maybe talk to that poster about being nice to the guy in charge.
If testing doesn't help then why is Trump playing this desperate game of catch up? Has he been duped by the deep state boogeymen?
He's simply catering to dumbasses like you for political reasons.

Really? Prove that motive. I'll wait.

I'm sure you at least agree that those health professionals on the front line should have access to testing if they develop symptoms or find themselves potentially at risk, correct?
I don't have to prove jack shit. They already have access to testing, moron. The question here is how many millions of people do morons like you insist we have to test.
If testing doesn't help then why is Trump playing this desperate game of catch up? Has he been duped by the deep state boogeymen?

Maybe more people should try being supportive and helpful to the man while he is trying to manage this crisis? Couldn't hurt.

You mean like how BriPat accused the person who is really managing it while President Clusterfuck keeps screwing up? I believe BriPat already just said he was playing politics. So, maybe talk to that poster about being nice to the guy in charge.
How do you know he is managing it?

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