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Andrew McCabe Admits Top NatSec Officials Plotted Coup Against Trump

If we are "buffaloed," then why are the snowflakes always screaming about Trump?

I don't know, nor care, about 'snowflakes'. But you are deluded. You've been sold down the river and you can't admit it.
Even if that were true, Hillary was the alternative. How would that have been better?

Believe it or not, you don't have to support either one of them.
True, but the sad reality is one of the two of them wins.

But voters don't have to continue supporting them. I can, almost, understand why someone would choose to vote for the "lesser of two evils". But if they elect a candidate who they're acknowledging is evil, to prevent the victory of the greater evil candidate, why would they go on supporting that evil candidate after the election?

I hope I never concede to this logic. But if I do, if I vote for a lesser-evil candidate and they win - the first thing I'll do is organize a campaign to get them impeached.

We've got to stop settling for evil.
Agree but the sad reality is the voters of this nation will pick from just two choices.
The deep state is about to implode. Everyone involved in this plot should be in prison:

Andrew McCabe Admits Top NatSec Officials Plotted Coup Against Trump
Former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe publicly admitted that after the firing of James Comey, national security officials strategized on invoking the 25th amendment to remove President Trump from office.

Uh, guy, there's a reason why we HAVE a 25th Amendment... it's to remove a crazy person who gets into the white house.

Even if they didn't do anything, it's still illegal. Of course, the whole Mueller witch hunt is the end result of their plotting.

It's illegal to have a discussion about whether or not the president is nuts when he acts erratically?
The deep state is about to implode. Everyone involved in this plot should be in prison:

Former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe publicly admitted that after the firing of James Comey, national security officials strategized on invoking the 25th amendment to remove President Trump from office.

“There were meetings at the Justice Department at which it was discussed whether the vice president and a majority of the cabinet could be brought together to remove the president of the United States under the 25th Amendment,” Scott Pelley said he learned in his “60 Minutes” interview with McCabe.

Pelley described the top bureaucrats as “counting noses,” and speculating on where various cabinet members might stand on the question of the president’s removal.

We have the 25th Amendment for a reason.
It's not for taking out a President that deep state traitors don't like.

The Deep State is a figment of your party master's imagination.

quit being such a brain-dead sheep

Hmm. Even if we can agree that our government has to have a way out when we might have a bad president, it doesn't change the fact that the New York Times revealed that the FBI investigation of Trump for alleged treason was little more than retaliation against the president for lawfully firing an incompetent and ethically challenged FBI director.

If thats not the "deep state" I don't know what is.


You are correct, you do not know what is. The FBI did not view their director as incompetent nor ethically challenged
The deep state is about to implode. Everyone involved in this plot should be in prison:

Former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe publicly admitted that after the firing of James Comey, national security officials strategized on invoking the 25th amendment to remove President Trump from office.

“There were meetings at the Justice Department at which it was discussed whether the vice president and a majority of the cabinet could be brought together to remove the president of the United States under the 25th Amendment,” Scott Pelley said he learned in his “60 Minutes” interview with McCabe.

Pelley described the top bureaucrats as “counting noses,” and speculating on where various cabinet members might stand on the question of the president’s removal.

The 25th A is a Constitutional mechanism, period.

How in Hell is discussing utilizing a Constitutional mechanism to replace a POTUS a coup?

You people are extreme & dumber than a pile of rocks.

I see your source is The Federalist which explains you have been fooled by right wing extremist press, basically another mouth piece for The AmeriKKKan Nazi Party.
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It is official, as per documentation and testimony.

The FBI & DOJ discussed attempting a Coup.

The deep state is about to implode. Everyone involved in this plot should be in prison:

Former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe publicly admitted that after the firing of James Comey, national security officials strategized on invoking the 25th amendment to remove President Trump from office.

“There were meetings at the Justice Department at which it was discussed whether the vice president and a majority of the cabinet could be brought together to remove the president of the United States under the 25th Amendment,” Scott Pelley said he learned in his “60 Minutes” interview with McCabe.

Pelley described the top bureaucrats as “counting noses,” and speculating on where various cabinet members might stand on the question of the president’s removal.

We have the 25th Amendment for a reason.
It's not for taking out a President that deep state traitors don't like.

The Deep State is a figment of your party master's imagination.

quit being such a brain-dead sheep

Hmm. Even if we can agree that our government has to have a way out when we might have a bad president, it doesn't change the fact that the New York Times revealed that the FBI investigation of Trump for alleged treason was little more than retaliation against the president for lawfully firing an incompetent and ethically challenged FBI director.

If thats not the "deep state" I don't know what is.


You are correct, you do not know what is. The FBI did not view their director as incompetent nor ethically challenged

That does not matter. He was LEGALLY fired from his job, and the FBI retaliated against the president because of it.

The deep state is about to implode. Everyone involved in this plot should be in prison:

Andrew McCabe Admits Top NatSec Officials Plotted Coup Against Trump
Former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe publicly admitted that after the firing of James Comey, national security officials strategized on invoking the 25th amendment to remove President Trump from office.

Uh, guy, there's a reason why we HAVE a 25th Amendment... it's to remove a crazy person who gets into the white house.

Even if they didn't do anything, it's still illegal. Of course, the whole Mueller witch hunt is the end result of their plotting.

It's illegal to have a discussion about whether or not the president is nuts when he acts erratically?

For Trump to have acted erratically, he would have had to display that he acted differently than he did before he was elected. He was elected while being the same person he had always been.

We have the 25th Amendment for a reason.
It's not for taking out a President that deep state traitors don't like.

The Deep State is a figment of your party master's imagination.

quit being such a brain-dead sheep

Hmm. Even if we can agree that our government has to have a way out when we might have a bad president, it doesn't change the fact that the New York Times revealed that the FBI investigation of Trump for alleged treason was little more than retaliation against the president for lawfully firing an incompetent and ethically challenged FBI director.

If thats not the "deep state" I don't know what is.


You are correct, you do not know what is. The FBI did not view their director as incompetent nor ethically challenged

That does not matter. He was LEGALLY fired from his job, and the FBI retaliated against the president because of it.


They looked into if it were a legal firing and they did not retaliate as they did not attempt to remove him via that 25th.
How in Hell is discussing utilizing a Constitutional mechanism to replace a POTUS a coup?
Offering to wear a wire to take down the President constitutes an act of Treason.

Rosenstein had already acted to set the President up for the Obstruction Investigation by suggesting Comey be fired and even authoring a document justifying it being done. As soon as the President fired Comey Rosenstein suggested an investigation be opened against the President for Obstruction for firing Comey, as HE had recommended.

I know Liberals / snowflakes are Party-1st at this point instead of Country-1st, but it is time to stop playing the 'Stupid' game and to start acknowledging the existing and continuing to unfold evidence.
They looked into if it were a legal firing and they did not retaliate as they did not attempt to remove him via that 25th.
No, they just discussed it then illegally used the Hillary-bought, Russian-Authored fake document delivered by the Trump-Hating FBI-Employed Foreign Spy to commit Fraud and Perjury in a Conspiracy to con the FISA Courts to give illegally obtained warrants to spy on Trump and his team and to con Congress into opening up an investigation of a NON-Crime where there was no evidence to support their accusations in an attempt to take down the President of the United States...because they disagreed with his Foreign Policy, hated he fired Comey, and they were afraid if Hillary won and did not clear her / help take down Trump there would be hell to pay.

All substantiated....all documented...all recorded...all supported by testimony, written statements, texts, e-mails, and documents.

Time to stop playing the Liberal denial / 'Stupid' game and acknowledge what has been proven by mounds of existing evidence.
They looked into if it were a legal firing and they did not retaliate as they did not attempt to remove him via that 25th.
No, they just discussed it then illegally used the Hillary-bought, Russian-Authored fake document delivered by the Trump-Hating FBI-Employed Foreign Spy to commit Fraud and Perjury in a Conspiracy to con the FISA Courts to give illegally obtained warrants to spy on Trump and his team and to con Congress into opening up an investigation of a NON-Crime where there was no evidence to support their accusations in an attempt to take down the President of the United States...because they disagreed with his Foreign Policy, hated he fired Comey, and they were afraid if Hillary won and did not clear her / help take down Trump there would be hell to pay.

All substantiated....all documented...all recorded...all supported by testimony, written statements, texts, e-mails, and documents.

Time to stop playing the Liberal denial / 'Stupid' game and acknowledge what has been proven by mounds of existing evidence.

Let me know as soon as someone is charged with something and goes to court...till then it is just all hot air.
It's Settled Science. Obama, Clinton, The DNC and their cronies in the FBI and DOJ plotted Treason, Plotted a COUP.

The right thing to do is to have them publicly executed on National TV, Live.
“There were meetings at the Justice Department at which it was discussed whether the vice president and a majority of the cabinet could be brought together to remove the president of the United States under the 25th Amendment”


Rosenstein offers to wear a wire.


Evidence shows the FBI & State Dept were discussing a Quid Pro Quo to declassify Hillary e-mails so they would not constitute a crime


Strzok texts reveals the 'Secret Society' that has already met, how they can / will not allow Trump to win...

DOJ Ohr informs DOJ, NIA, CIA, & FBI Steele is unreliable because he hates the President, the Dossier is unreliable because it was written by the Russians & Steele ... The DOJ/NIA/CIA/FBI use it illegally anyway

Collusion / Conspiracy

1. Lynch-Comey: 'Exoneration Letter'

Evidence shows US AG Lynch collaborated with FBI Director James Comey to write Hillary's 'Exoneration' letter well before the investigation ends, before the FBI even interviewed Hillary. (When they do, they do not put her under oath, they do not audio/video record the session, and do not write notes up about it until months later when asked to hand over the notes. Huma Abedin and Sheryl Mills were also allowed to sit in the meeting so everyone has their story straight.)

2. Lynch-Bill Clinton: 'Un-Scheduled Tarmac Meeting'

Lynch met with Bill Clinton days before decision to exonerate Hillary is made. They both lie about it being a discussion about grandkids but a schedule is released proving the meeting was planned. Federal US AGs speak out, calling the meeting unethican and a 'fire-able' event.

3. FBI-CIA-NIA: Intel Community Assessment (ICA) & Intel Community Report (ICR) Crimes
Evidence and testimony exposed the fact that FBI Counter-Intelligence Expert Strzok collaborated with CIA Director John Brennan to falsify / create a BOGUS ICA on the President and non-existent Russian Collusion using the Dossier as the basis for the Assessment, which by law is required to be verified Intel information only. NIA Director James Clapper then disseminates the Criminal ICA to select know Trump-Hating Intel contacts to control the responses they get back. Strzok and Brennan then authored the ICRs which were taken to the FISA Court by Comey/the FBI and to Congress by Brennan. Once there both Strzok and Brennan individually and very much illegally lied to the respective groups, conning them into opening an investigation of a known non-crime, the appointment of Special Counsel Mueller - who was already working with the FBI/Ohr/Steele on the Dossier, and to obtain illegal warrants.
- Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, & Strzok all lied about this, but exposed evidence and testimony proved they committed Perjury.

4. FBI-State Dept: Quid-Pro-Quo
Evidence and testimony now reveal the FBI and State Department were discussing favors for the FBI if they de-classified individual classified Hillary Documents found so that they would not be considered illegal.

5. Comey-Buddy Leaking Classified:
Evidence shows Comey leaked classified info to his buddy, who in turn released the information to the media.

6. FBI-Media Leaking:
Strzok's texts revealed a 'Leaking Strategy' (one of the components of Counter-Intelligence). Comey leaked. McCabe leaked. McCabe was recommended for indictment by the US IG...

...and this is still nowhere near the half of it....


This so-called "plot". Did anyone actually do anything, or was it just a lot of "What if the President is really . . ."?
Did they do anything??
You're kidding right?
Senators and Congress critters were actively working with top FBI officials to try and invent a case for artivle 25 impeachment. By definition that is a coup.
Did they do anything... c'mon :rolleyes:
If The Left cared at all about this country, they would be outraged by what Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Rosenstein et al attempted to do. Mueller too btw. Instead, all they care about is the 2020 election and cramming their Leftist Socialist Agenda of Perversion down America's throats.
I don't know, nor care, about 'snowflakes'. But you are deluded. You've been sold down the river and you can't admit it.
Even if that were true, Hillary was the alternative. How would that have been better?

Believe it or not, you don't have to support either one of them.
True, but the sad reality is one of the two of them wins.

But voters don't have to continue supporting them. I can, almost, understand why someone would choose to vote for the "lesser of two evils". But if they elect a candidate who they're acknowledging is evil, to prevent the victory of the greater evil candidate, why would they go on supporting that evil candidate after the election?

I hope I never concede to this logic. But if I do, if I vote for a lesser-evil candidate and they win - the first thing I'll do is organize a campaign to get them impeached.

We've got to stop settling for evil.
Agree but the sad reality is the voters of this nation will pick from just two choices.

You seem to have missed the point of my post.
Even if that were true, Hillary was the alternative. How would that have been better?

Believe it or not, you don't have to support either one of them.
True, but the sad reality is one of the two of them wins.

But voters don't have to continue supporting them. I can, almost, understand why someone would choose to vote for the "lesser of two evils". But if they elect a candidate who they're acknowledging is evil, to prevent the victory of the greater evil candidate, why would they go on supporting that evil candidate after the election?

I hope I never concede to this logic. But if I do, if I vote for a lesser-evil candidate and they win - the first thing I'll do is organize a campaign to get them impeached.

We've got to stop settling for evil.
Agree but the sad reality is the voters of this nation will pick from just two choices.

You seem to have missed the point of my post.
No I get it. It would be great if Americans stopped voting for the two major “criminal “ parties, but you are terribly naive if you think that is going to happen anytime soon.
The deep state is about to implode. Everyone involved in this plot should be in prison:

Former acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe publicly admitted that after the firing of James Comey, national security officials strategized on invoking the 25th amendment to remove President Trump from office.

“There were meetings at the Justice Department at which it was discussed whether the vice president and a majority of the cabinet could be brought together to remove the president of the United States under the 25th Amendment,” Scott Pelley said he learned in his “60 Minutes” interview with McCabe.

Pelley described the top bureaucrats as “counting noses,” and speculating on where various cabinet members might stand on the question of the president’s removal.

Hitler found out about military plots to overthrow or kill him...

there were a number of actual attempts on his life! (15? 16? something)

ALL of which FAILED because the christian god favored and protected hitler.

LOTS of military personnel who opposed hitler were executed.....

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