Angel mom slams Biden immigration order as 'spitting on the faces of every legal immigrant'


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
It's sad that Dimocrats have no respect for American immigration policies. They certainly used to.

Anges Gibboney's son Ronald da Silva was shot and killed by an illegal immigrant in 2002

Agnes Gibboney, whose son Ronald da Silva was shot and killed by an illegal immigrant in 2002, told "The Ingraham Angle" Thursday that President Biden's order halting all deportations for the next 100 days is "spitting on the faces of every legal immigrant in this country."

According to Gibboney, herself a legal immigrant to the U.S. from Hungary, the practical effect of the order is that "we are no longer citizens. We are second-class citizens, and it's a disgrace."

AGNES GIBBONEY: I feel as a legal immigrant that this government is spitting on the faces of every legal immigrant in this country that contributed to this nation. As of January 20th, [the] United States officially became the socialist United States of America. We are no longer citizens. We are second-class citizens, and it's a disgrace.

Angel mom slams Biden immigration order as 'spitting on the faces of every legal immigrant' | Fox News
She's wrong, of course, and doesn't understand the policy, or has sadly bought into rightwing lies.

The policy is to give people who cheated the system a free pass, while fucking over those who tried to immigrate properly.

Yup. I have a friend who comes from South America. He spent years and thousands of dollars to become an American citizen. This is a kick in the head as far as he is concerned.

Biden screwed every tax paying American on his first day. Lets see if the lefty loons on this board will defend the jack ass.
Remember when Chuck Schumer was against illegal immigration?
Think he would speak like this today?

“Illegal immigration is wrong, plain and simple” Chuck Schumer said during a 2009 speech. This was during Obama’s presidency, mind you. “People who enter the United States without our permission are illegal aliens,” he continued. “When we use phrases like ‘undocumented workers,’ we convey a message to the American people that their government is not serious about combating illegal immigration.”

Schumer lists seven principles for immigration reform that are remarkably sensible coming from him.

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  • Illegal immigration is wrong, and future illegal immigration must be curtailed.
  • Control of borders is needed through increased infrastructure (fences, borders), and security personal at the border
  • We need an employment verification system to guarantee that all workers hired are in the country legally. This must be strictly enforced with penalties for those who don’t comply.
  • For those currently in the country illegally, he proposed requiring them to register with the government and submit to a rigorous process of becoming a legal citizen, or face deportation.
  • Reducing illegal immigration will make more room for legal family immigration.
  • We must encourage the world’s “best and brightest individuals to come to the United States and create the new technologies and businesses that will employ countless American workers. But we must discourage businesses from using our immigration laws as a means to obtain temporary and less expensive foreign labor to replace capable American workers.”
  • In summary: “We must create a system that converts the current flow of primarily low skill illegal immigrants into the United States into a more manageable and controlled flow of legal immigrants who can be absorbed by our economy.”
Chuck Schumer Spoke Out Against Illegal Immigration Under Obama - The Political Insider

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